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  • Odg: MOTO GP

    I sezona je zvanicno pocelaaaa wohooooo :fc-[ :fc-[ :fc-[ :fc-[ :fc-[ :fc-[ :fc-[ :fc-[ :fc-[


    • Odg: MOTO GP

      tooooooooooooooooooooo &*%R* &*%R* &*%R* &*%R* &*%R* /6%^JH /6%^JH /6%^JH /6%^JH %QWT&W %QWT&W
      FORZA DANI PEDROSA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!sigpicFORZA BAYERN MUNCHEN


      • Odg: MOTO GP

        mali predah.bravo pol!!! h5g6k8 @R&}* @R&}* @R&}*
        FORZA DANI PEDROSA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!sigpicFORZA BAYERN MUNCHEN


        • Odg: MOTO GP

          u jbt kakva glupost


          • Odg: MOTO GP

            125 cc derbi dominacija haos


            • Odg: MOTO GP


              Znam da vam se ne svidja---ni meni, takodje

              Od pre 17 min.


              • Odg: MOTO GP

                stoner odlican,to mi se ne svidja $JS}| $JS}| &*(@W6 &*(@W6.pedrosa mora da se popravi.njegova vremena veoma spora.
                FORZA DANI PEDROSA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!sigpicFORZA BAYERN MUNCHEN


                • Odg: MOTO GP

                  Don't like it &*(@W6 &*(@W6 &*(@W6!!!!Velika je razlika $JS}| $JS}| $JS}|.Mada,mislim da ce Rossi i Jeremy smisliti i pronaci "ono nesto" (%fsd%&j.
                  I tu se pojavi i sivonja Lorenzo &*(@W6.
                  Dobar Hayden,odlican Spies.


                  • Odg: MOTO GP

                    [quote author=L. Lawliet link=topic=1368.msg121798#msg121798 date=1270836549]
                    u jbt kakva glupost

                    Baš to, najsavršenija trkačka mašina do sada &8@^J Sreća naša pa ne mogu da je vrate u 2012 jer je ograničenje na 4 cilindra, inače bi bilo opasno po konkurenciju

                    Vidim da se pominje odlazak na trke, ja sam apsolutno zainteresovan samo postoji jedan, jedini i najveći problem - prokleti keš *%@(D!RY- Ako mi uleti neki posao (koji čekam već jebenih 6 meseci) onda bih mogao da iskombinujem jedan trkački vikend tamo na leto, ali sve je to teorija i moja želja, ne mogu sigurno da garantujem ,videćemo...

                    A sad na ono mnogo bitnije - prvi FP1 u sezoni. Petak veče, ja reših da ne izađem večeras, nego da ostanem kući i ispratim početak sezone, kad ono bolje da sam izaš'o i naroljao se negde sa društvom. Šta je bre ovo? $JS}| &*(@W6 $JS}| &*(@W6 $JS}| &*(@W6 Lorenco na 90% brži od Rosija na 110% (koji je dominirao testovima). Jeste da je to bukvalno za dlaku ali rovit Horhe (jeste bio na limitu i poljubio asfalt krug posle, ali) je isparirao ritam Rosija koji startuje sezonu sa najboljim rezultatima na testovima? &*(@W6 &*(@W6 &*(@W6 I taj III sektor, kako može tu da se izgubi 0.5s, ne znam nije mi jasno &Q45q@% &Q45q@% &Q45q@%

                    Šta tek da kažem za Stonera? Briljantno, dečko je pokidao sve živo, onako laganica, imam pola sekunde prednosti i još par desetinki u rukavu, čisto ako me neko ugrozi da odgovorim. Gledaćemo mi leđa tog Dukatija mnooogo često ove sezone, znači stvorili su najmoćniju zverku do sada. Pritom je taj bajk i mnogo nežniji sa zadnjom gumom, mnogo je manje troši, a ove sezone je i Bridžston malo tvrđi, znači gledaćemo Stonera kako pri kraju trke obara vremena još više - uz njegov fantastično brz ritam od starta trke - pobediti ga ove sezone biće jako, jako teško.

                    A ovi šampioni iz žutog dela Yamahine garaže, da sada uzmu i debelo analiziraju sve što je moguće i što nije moguće i zapitaju se kako kasne čitavih pola sekunde za Stonerom (%fsd%&j (%fsd%&j (%fsd%&j Jeste da je ovo tek prvi trening i možda ja preterujem sa gunđanjem, ali mi se ne sviđa ovo što vidim (&$E# (&$E# (&$E# Šta kad Stoneru još malo nasviraju Dukati i skine još koju desetinku? $JS}| $JS}| $JS}|

                    Ostali očekivano, sad je svima jasno ko su i zašto su ''Vanzemaljci'', kraj priče. Pohvalio bih Hejdena, dečko deluje kao da je konačno našao nešto više - u pravom trenutku je pronašao ritam.
                    The most important thing is to stay truthful to who you really are, and be down to earth.
                    As soon as you believe you are the best, you are not the best any more.
                    From that stage there is no progress.


                    • Odg: MOTO GP

                      Polako ljudi,ovo je tek FP1,Stoner je po obicaju kreno ostro i postigao malo sporije vrijeme od onog na testiranju,ima odlican ritam,Rossi dosta sporiji od vremena postavljenog na testiranju,ima on jos dosta rezerve,Lorenzo po obicaju ljubi asfalt,Pedrosa ima pune ruke posla.


                      • Odg: MOTO GP

                        [quote author=ferrari1 link=topic=1368.msg121831#msg121831 date=1270848735]
                        Polako ljudi,ovo je tek FP1,Stoner je po obicaju kreno ostro i postigao malo sporije vrijeme od onog na testiranju,ima odlican ritam,Rossi dosta sporiji od vremena postavljenog na testiranju,ima on jos dosta rezerve,Lorenzo po obicaju ljubi asfalt,Pedrosa ima pune ruke posla.

                        Daj Bože da je neka taktika u pitanju. Kad se sve sabere, prihvatam zaostatak za Stonerom do 0.3s - sve preko toga je dupla nula. Jedino takav scenario može da nam garantuje trku, inače biće ovo replay od prošle godine *%@(D!RY-

                        Prelistavam malo forume, postoji jedna caka koja može malo da razjasni stvari - Yamahe su najsporije na pravcu. Da nisu možda zavrnuli malo snagu i tako sačuvali motore, a da ih pred kvalifikacije i trku odvrnu k'o što treba? (%fsd%&j (%fsd%&j (%fsd%&j Može biti, ili je to, ili su to motori koji će biti isključivo za treninge, a novi svež agregat čeka kvalifikacije i trku?
                        Mis'im, n'moj se ljutite!
                        The most important thing is to stay truthful to who you really are, and be down to earth.
                        As soon as you believe you are the best, you are not the best any more.
                        From that stage there is no progress.


                        • Odg: MOTO GP

                          Rossi maximum daje tek na trci, tako da videćemo, biće veselo, ali naćiće on dobitnu formulu &*%R*


                          • Odg: MOTO GP

                            kao prvo kao sto je sam doktor rekao, testovi nemaju veze sa trkama...
                            Ipak, ovo je tek prvi practice, treba isprobati razne kombinacije, da bi putem eliminacije odbacio losije setup-ove i dosao do onog pravog sutra uvece...
                            Sa ogranicenim brojem motora mozda treba napraviti samo jedan ili dva brza kruga u subotu i cuvati taj agregat za sledece practice-e i kvalifikacije. A do tada skupljati sve moguce informacije...
                            Na kraju krajeva, zaista postoji sansa da je Ducati i ove sezone brzi na ovoj stazi ali ja cisto sumnjam u to... *#AI&D ^%@7f


                            • Odg: MOTO GP

                              YAMAHA FREE PRACTICE REPORT 09/04/2010
                              Lorenzo and Rossi second and third on opening night

                              Five months on from the final race of last season the Fiat Yamaha pair of Jorge Lorenzo and Valentino Rossi were back in action in Qatar tonight for the opening free practice of 2010, finishing the session second and third behind Casey Stoner. Last season's in-house rivalry looks set to continue with the Spaniard having the edge over the Italian tonight by just 0.002 seconds, the former emerging unscathed after touching a white line and sliding off his M1 near the end of the session.

                              Lorenzo, last season's runner-up, was on great form for most of the hour despite not being back to full fitness after his recent hand injury. The 22-year-old was looking comfortable and confident on his bike and was able to ride without any additional hand protection inside his glove. After sitting third in the times for most of the session a late improvement saw him better his team-mate's time by just two thousandths of a second, before making a mistake at turn 14 the next time around and going down into the gravel trap. He was luckily unhurt and is confident that he can make further improvements tomorrow.

                              Reigning World Champion Rossi meanwhile was a little disappointed with his opening performance and admitted he was expecting to be faster after his strong showing here in testing. The 31-year-old found he was lacking grip on the dusty track and he and his team will be looking to improve their setting tomorrow in order to get the most out of the Bridgestone tyres and close the gap to Stoner.

                              Jorge Lorenzo
                              - Position: 2ndTime: 1'56.026Laps: 20
                              "I'm quite happy about tonight and about my hand; I tried riding for the first time without the extra hand protection and I was okay. I felt good on the bike and my thumb didn't really hurt, it was a lot better than at the test. We still have a few things on the bike that we need to work on but we have made a good start. It was a pity to crash, I was pushing hard at the time and I just made a small mistake, touching the white line; these things happen and luckily I didn't hurt myself. Tomorrow we'll continue our work and try to improve more."

                              Valentino Rossi
                              - Position: 3rdTime: 1'56.028Laps: 23
                              "Honestly I expected to be faster today - the lap time is not bad but it could be better. The conditions are much better than during the test, it's warmer and a lot less humid so I'm happy about that, but we don't have enough grip and I was sliding quite a lot so we need to try to find a way to improve this. Stoner is always very fast here and I hope we can close the gap to him by making some small changes to our suspension. If we can stop the bike sliding then we will be a lot faster."

                              Wilco Zeelenberg - Team Manager
                              "Apart from the crash we're very satisfied with this first official session of the year. Jorge was on a quick lap when he touched the white line and went down, this is just one of those things that happens to every rider now and again and luckily he wasn't hurt. It was encouraging to see Jorge's level after missing some testing and we can see that he is already competitive. The bike is good and the speed is there; there are just a few small details to work on but we've made a good start."

                              Davide Brivio - Team Manager
                              "Tonight we checked the different Bridgestone tyres and also made some small adjustments to the balance of the bike, but we still need to improve our setting. At the moment we're not getting the full potential of our tyres and this is slowing us down. We are not too far off but we can be better so we'll work hard tomorrow to make a step forward."


                              • Odg: MOTO GP

                                Primjetio sam da mu motor slideuje kad su ga pratili krug oko staze. Jednostavno nije bio siguran na njemu koliko Casey, vidjelo se da ga zadrzava i kontrolise koliko moze, to je novitet za Yamahu al nista sto se ne moze rijesiti. Jedino shto me brine je lakoca sa kojom Casey postize njegova vremena.

