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  • Odg: MOTO GP

    .6 u dva sektora je Vale izgubio. On i Jerry treba da sjednu i razmisle nocas.


    • Odg: MOTO GP

      [quote author=L. Lawliet link=topic=1368.msg122012#msg122012 date=1270933278]
      .6 u dva sektora je Vale izgubio. On i Jerry treba da sjednu i razmisle nocas.

      Mnoooogo i duuuugo treba da razmisljaju.Ali,ima dobar ritam za trku @(*6sd$%!!


      • Odg: MOTO GP

        Sutra ce se voditi velika borba između Rossija i Stonera,a vrlo je moguce da se tu prikljuci i Lorenzo.Rossi mora da je nacinio neku gresku,jer je nerealno da izgubi onoliku prednost .Randy je ostvario fenomenalan rezultat,kao i Capirex.A sta reci za redatelja ovog prenosa $JS}| $JS}| $JS}| Jedva cekam trku #$&+|r


        • Odg: MOTO GP

          Sta reci za moto2,nego da je u svom pocetku,vec fenomenalna klasa,kvalifikacije su bile izuzetno zanimljive,vozaci su se smjenivali na celu,bezbroj puta,drago mi je da je Elias zauzeo pol poziciju,a prijatna iznenadjena su Simon i Bradl.Prvih 14 vozaca u jednoj sekundi #$&+|r ,a 30 vozaca u dvije sekunde +*@WT*48* .


          • Odg: MOTO GP

            [quote author=ferrari1 link=topic=1368.msg122017#msg122017 date=1270934814]
            Sutra ce se voditi velika borba između Rossija i Stonera,a vrlo je moguce da se tu prikljuci i Lorenzo.Rossi mora da je nacinio neku gresku,jer je nerealno da izgubi onoliku prednost .Randy je ostvario fenomenalan rezultat,kao i Capirex.A sta reci za redatelja ovog prenosa $JS}| $JS}| $JS}| Jedva cekam trku #$&+|r

            Dobro je, morao je da obilazi neke vozace kako kaze. Jedino shto me brine jeste lakoca sa kojom Casey skida 0.4 sa svog vremena u dva kruga i vrati se u garazu. Neshto mi govori da u taj motor ima jos.


            • Odg: MOTO GP

              YAMAHA QUALIFYING 1 REPORT 10/04/2010

              Rossi and Lorenzo on front row for Qatar season opener

              The first MotoGP qualifying session of 2010 saw Fiat Yamaha Team riders Valentino Rossi and Jorge Lorenzo in strong form, taking the second and third spots on the grid behind Casey Stoner to set up an exact rematch of last year's Qatar race.

              World Champion Rossi had struggled a little yesterday but was much happier on his bike today after some set-up changes this morning, finding better rear grip and an improved race pace as a result. Mid-way through the session he moved into the lead for a short while before Stoner bettered his time and edged him back into second. With the hour gone the Italian was up on the clock on his final flying lap but he dropped a few tenths when passing two riders on the fourth sector and had to settle for second, 0.355 off Stoner's time.

              After his confidence-inspiring opening day yesterday, Lorenzo took a small step back this evening and found he had less feeling in the rear than previously. He was nonetheless able to put up a spirited fight for grid positions and was happy to qualify third, considering his recently broken hand and lack of testing. The 23-year-old admits that he still has some pain when braking but is more concerned in tweaking his set-up tonight to put him in the best possible shape for tomorrow night's race, which starts at 2300 local time (2200 CET).

              Valentino Rossi - Position: 2ndTime: 1'55.362Laps: 25
              "I'm really happy about the work we've done today on our set up and now we have a good race pace with the hard Bridgestone tyres. With the soft one the rear is still sliding a little bit too much, but I think for the race we are okay. My final flying lap was very fast but then I had to pass a couple of riders in the final sector and I lost some time, but anyway we have a good grid position so I am happy. A strong start is going to be very important and we will have to push hard on the first lap to try to stay close to Stoner, who is always very strong here. Honestly I think it will be tough to beat him but we will try our best!"
              Jorge Lorenzo

              Jorge Lorenzo - Position: 3rdTime: 1'55.520Laps: 24
              "Considering my situation I am really happy about my grid position and I think we can be proud of our work. Unfortunately today though we have lost some feeling on the rear and it was difficult to go as fast as yesterday. My hand isn't perfect and I still have some pain in braking but I am less worried about that than about the bike. We will use the warm-up to try to make some improvements and then I will just do my best in the race and try for the podium."

              Davide Brivio - Team Manager
              "We've done an okay job in this practice! We made some adjustments to the bike and it's a lot better than yesterday so Valentino's pace is much stronger now. The starting position is good and tomorrow we'll just try from the start to stay with Stoner and see how the race develops. It will be interesting!"

              Wilco Zeelenberg - Team Manager
              "We're happy to be on the front row after Jorge's injury, it's a great achievement by him to be so close to Rossi and Stoner at this stage. We're not 100% happy with the bike set-up and we can still improve it for the race, even though it's going to be a tough challenge to match the leaders. Anyway we will make the most of the remaining time and try to be there."


              • Odg: MOTO GP

                Ne znam ljudi, podeljen sam, verujem da Valentino ima nešto u džepu, ali isto tako verujem i da Kejsi ima još više. Kad god se Rosi približio, Stoner je izašao iz garaže i BAM, još 3,4 desetinke brži - i pored ovog vremena verujem da ima u šaci još nešto. Nego u onom poslednjem krugu posle dva sektora - 0.3, a na kraju +0.3 - izgubio je 0.6s u dva sektora, to je ogroman gubitak &*(@W6 &*(@W6 &*(@W6 Ne znam šta je u pitanju, ali je to ogroman deficit u samo dva sektora - juče je rekao da u samo 3 krivine (to su valjda one 3 vezane desne srednje brze krivine) gubi 0.3s. Da l' je slajdovanje, da l' je nedostatak snage u motoru, jbm li ga, ali taj problem još uvek nisu rešili kako valja.

                Jedini recept koji Doktor može da prepiše je Laguna 08. Znači mora da dosbro startuje, i da u prva dva sektora iskoristi i pretekne Stonera, i tako ga zadrži barem u prvom krugu. Kad ga ovaj obiđe na pravcu, da ponovi isto to, i tako ga smiri u prva 2,3 kruga. A kad se gume već zagreju kako valja, onda da usledi lavovska borba za svaki pedalj staze - to je jedini način da se zaustavi pobesneli Stoner u Losailu.

                De Punije je fantastičan, svaka čast, prva Honda! Takođe i Kapirosi, uz malo trikova koje je pokupio iza Valeta, eto ga na 5. Mislim da će se tu u sredini za 4,5 mesto voditi velika borba, jer je 6,7 vozača samo u nekoliko desetinki sa gumama za trku - to je sjajno, imaćemo lepu borbu.
                The most important thing is to stay truthful to who you really are, and be down to earth.
                As soon as you believe you are the best, you are not the best any more.
                From that stage there is no progress.


                • Odg: MOTO GP

                  Ma ne uzbudjujte se uopste---nije sve onako kako izgleda, Videli ste Rossija na konferenciji, ima on jos nesto--resenost, neverovatnu.

                  POBEDICE!!!!!!!! #$&+|r


                  • Odg: MOTO GP

                    Ja tipujem na Stonera.Bice tesko,ali ako dobro startuje mislim da ce ih ostaviti dosta iza.Znamo svi koliko precizne krugove zna da okrene Stoner.


                    • Odg: MOTO GP

                      &*(@W6 &*(@W6 &*(@W6 &*(@W6 &*(@W6 &*(@W6 &*(@W6 &*(@W6glupi mec,pustite 125cc majmuni jedni!!! &*(@W6 &*(@W6 &*(@W6 &*(@W6 $JS}| $JS}| $JS}| $JS}| &+I}\ &+I}\ &+I}\ /#*^D /#*^D *%@(D!RY- *%@(D!RY-
                      FORZA DANI PEDROSA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!sigpicFORZA BAYERN MUNCHEN


                      • Odg: MOTO GP

                        [quote author=MLADOSTLE link=topic=1368.msg122288#msg122288 date=1271005892]
                        &*(@W6 &*(@W6 &*(@W6 &*(@W6 &*(@W6 &*(@W6 &*(@W6 &*(@W6glupi mec,pustite 125cc majmuni jedni!!! &*(@W6 &*(@W6 &*(@W6 &*(@W6 $JS}| $JS}| $JS}| $JS}| &+I}\ &+I}\ &+I}\ /#*^D /#*^D *%@(D!RY- *%@(D!RY-


                        • Odg: MOTO GP

                          &*(@W6 &*(@W6 &*(@W6 &*(@W6 &*(@W6 &*(@W6


                          • Odg: MOTO GP

                            [quote author=C.Stoner link=topic=1368.msg122286#msg122286 date=1271005642]
                            Ja tipujem na Stonera.Bice tesko,ali ako dobro startuje mislim da ce ih ostaviti dosta iza.Znamo svi koliko precizne krugove zna da okrene Stoner.
                            [/quote]Dobrodosao na forum.


                            • Odg: MOTO GP

                              Ne mogu da verujem!!! Prva trka godine i ne mogu da je gledam zbog jebenog fudbala... Pa zar nemate kanal na kome samo fudbal pustate???


                              • Odg: MOTO GP

                                koji acces code?
                                FORZA DANI PEDROSA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!sigpicFORZA BAYERN MUNCHEN

