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NBA Offseason 2011 (opste diskusije, vesti, tracevi, draft i jos mnogo toga...)

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  • rajli se sjetio tek sad a u sezoni 2007-2008 nije se javljao
    "When I was young, I never wanted to leave the court until I got things exactly correct. My dream was to become a pro."-Larry Bird

    "Da budale svijetle ja bi bio zvjezda danica".


    • Originally posted by miki1 View Post
      richardson je prosle sezone razocarao u orlandu kao i arenas,dosta ce ocekivalo od njih dvoje

      rajli hoce da bude novi trener miamija,haha pa da kada je odlicna ekipa svako hoce a kada su u krizi sto tada nisi dosao da ih vodis,muka mi je od ovakvih proseratora

      Nemojte da mlatite ako nije provereno...


      • Jos jedna potvrda za Pat Riley-a sa

        Btw. obratite paznju na to sta Riley misli o istoriji sporta na Juznoj Floridi i posle svega o James-u kao igracu.

        - 4xMVP -


        • Originally posted by stefan12 View Post
          rajli se sjetio tek sad a u sezoni 2007-2008 nije se javljao
          sto kaze Zeljko Samardzic
          lako je pobeci od svega tesko je biti tu kad treba

          tako i rajli kada je bilo najteze miamiju nije se javljao a gle ga sada on bi da ih vodi,muka mi od takvih osoba


          Rubio među "Vukovima"

          Riki Rubio, doskorašnji plej Barselone, predstavljen je medijima u Minesoti. Rubio je zadužio broj 9, a od njega se očekuje da u narednom periodu povede Timbervulvse do plej-ofa NBA lige.
          Dosadašnji prvotimac španskog košarkaškog prvaka Barselone Riki Rubio predstavljen je u Minesoti, gde će nositi dres Timbervulvsa u narednom periodu.

          Rubio je u seniorskoj konkurenciji u elitnom rangu španskog takmičenja debitovao sa samo 14 godina, a Minesota ga je draftovala 2009. godine.
          Poslednje dve godine proveo je u Barseloni, sa kojom je najveći uspeh ostvario u prošloj sezoni, kada su Katalonci osvojili titulu šampiona Evrope.
          Mladi 21-godišnji bek član je državnog tima Španije od Olimpijskih igara 2008 u Pekingu.

          evo procitajte sta je rekao nowizki gde ce nastavciti karijeru u slucaju lock outa

          MVP finalne serije NBA Dirk Novicki u slučaju lok-auta verovatno će radno iskoristiti pauzu. Ukoliko najjača liga na svetu ne bude startovala početkom novembra (velike šanse da neće) najbolji nemački igrač svih vremena mogao bi da se vrati u Bundesligu. Tiražni Bild piše da su potencijalne opcije Novickog Bajern, Alba i šampion Bamberg.

          - Ako dođe u Nemačku najbolje bi mu bilo da igra u mestu koje je najbliže rodnom Vurcburgu. Uskoro ću popiti pivo sa Dirkovim menadžerom - rekao je direktor Bamberga Volfgang Hajder.

          Novicki je ranije izjavio da ne želi da pravi pauzu zbog lok auta. Zanimljivo, za nastavak karijere naveo je samo egzotične košarkaške zemlje.

          - Možda ću otići u Kinu ili Južnu Ameriku i igrati tamo - istakao je Novicki.
          Last edited by D-Wade; 21-06-11, 22:40.


          • morao sam novi post nece da stane

            evo zanimljivosti mada cisto sumnjam da se se desiti

            Najskuplja ekipa NBA karavana vredna više od 91 miliona dolara možda bi mogla da ostane bez jedne zvezde. U nedostatku "jakih" imena igrača sa epitetom "slobodnog agenta" mediji u SAD smišljaju svašta kako bi "prodali" svoj proizvod. Poslednji koji je izašao iz jedne od "radionica" je trejd između Lejkersa i Minesote, razmena u kojoj bi Gasol otišao u hladni Mineapolis, dok bi u suprotnom pravcu jedan od najperspektivnijih visokih igrača - Kevin Lav.

            Ovo bi bila klasična "jedan-na-jedan" razmena, ali je malo verovatno da će se i ostvariti. Međutim, sam Gasol je pre neki dan izjavio da "nema kontrolu nad željom da ostane u LA, ali je decidiran da ne želi da napušta Lejkerse, jer se nije zasitio brojem titula".

            Neš za Bilapsa?

            Želja čelnika Niksa, NBA ekipe iz Njujorka, da ponovo postane šampion nije nešto o čemu bi trebalo da se raspravlja, ali je 90 miliona dolara (drugi najskuplji tim Lige) godišnje, koliko se izdvaja za plate "očajno" mnogo u poređenju sa rezultatom. Posle mnogo zvezda koje nisu uspele da "razdrmaju Medison" na putu za "veliku jabuku" mogla bi da se nađe najveća - Stiv Neš.

            Plejmejker Feniksa je u planu, a kao deo razmene, u toplu Arizonu bi, prema pisanju medija iz Amerike, otišao Čonsi Bilaps. Da li je ovo pametan potez ili bi autoritet sjajnog plejmejkera "smirio" usijane glave predvođene Karmelom Antonijem?

            Milvoki "prodaje" Australijanca

            Menadžment dve NBA ekipe razgovarao je o opciji "prodaje" jednog od najboljih australisjkih košarkaša. Čelnici Milvokija "pričali" su sa prijateljima iz Minesote o "zdravlju" Endrjua Boguta jer bi ga vlasnici Vulvsa rado angažovali, ali pod uslovon da je zdrav i spreman. Ovu informaciju prvi je preneo portal ESPN, a u "razradi" spominje da bi Milvoki uz Boguta dao i pravo izbora na draftu pod uslovom da je on ispod desetog mesta. Za uzvrat, čelnici Baksa traže "samo" finansijsku kompenzaciju.

            Podsetimo, Bogut je u poslednje dve sezone, zbog raznih povreda, propustio 76 mečeva, a njegova plata (nešto više od 12 miliona dolara za sledeću sezonu, uz ugovor do 2014. godine) i te kako opterećuje "selari-kep" tima.

            Boston hoće Tajsona

            "Ključni čovek iz senke" Dalasa, Tajson Čendler, nalazi se na meti Bostona. Centar Maveriksa mogao bi da pređe u redove Seltiksa koji su ostali bez Šekila O'Nila (penzija) i Nenada Krstića (CSKA). Ovoga leta Čendler će postati slobodan agent, ali je zainteresovan da produži ugovor sa NBA šampionom.
            Last edited by miki1; 21-06-11, 22:36.


            • Liga veceras ponudila cap od 62 miliona, ali nisam siguran da li je soft ili hard!
              Ovo je prvi veliki pomak u prethodne dve godine!
              Igraci imaju sastanak medju sobom u cetvrtak, a odgovorice u petak na mozda i poslednjem sastanku pre 1. jula sa vlasnicima.

              Cim saznam jos novosti sa danasnjeg sastanka javljam.

              "The last time I was intimidated was when I was 6 years old in karate class. I was an orange belt and the instructor ordered me to fight a black belt who was a couple years older and a lot bigger. I was scared s---less. I mean, I was terrified and he kicked my ass. But then I realized he didn’t kick my ass as bad as I thought he was going to and that there was nothing really to be afraid of. That was around the time I realized that intimidation didn’t really exist if you’re in the right frame of mind." - Kobe Bryant


              • Evo poslednje vesti sa u vezi novog CBA:


                veliki pomak u pregovorima na bolje ali se jos uvek radi o vrsti Hard Cap-a koji su oni krstili u "flex cap". To je ono o cemu smo pisali nedavno: "prosireni Hard".

                - 4xMVP -


                • Ajde neka gurnu to jos malo do recimo 65 miliona, zveknu soft cap i svi srecni i zadovoljni.

                  "The last time I was intimidated was when I was 6 years old in karate class. I was an orange belt and the instructor ordered me to fight a black belt who was a couple years older and a lot bigger. I was scared s---less. I mean, I was terrified and he kicked my ass. But then I realized he didn’t kick my ass as bad as I thought he was going to and that there was nothing really to be afraid of. That was around the time I realized that intimidation didn’t really exist if you’re in the right frame of mind." - Kobe Bryant


                  • Diaw-o iskoristio opciju i produzio ugovor na jos godinu dana. Ugovor vredan 9 miliona$.

                    Btw, evo klipa sa poslednjeg sastanka unije igraca i lige...

                    "Moja generacija je zivela na ulici. Mi smo imali tu srecu da smo imali pripadnost kraju,
                    odnosno cosku. Tu smo se obrazovali, tu smo postali ljudi, tu smo postali lopovi,
                    fudbaleri... A ulica je kao sto znate jedan veliki univerzitet."


                    • Originally posted by T-Mac View Post
                      Ajde neka gurnu to jos malo do recimo 65 miliona, zveknu soft cap i svi srecni i zadovoljni.
                      Vidi, sto se mene tice igraci bi sada trebali dobro da se zamisle jer suma od 62 miliona $ vise nije za "zezanje". Sa takvim budzetom se ipak moze dosta uraditi. Bilo bi najbolje da to predje u Salary ali ako liga ostane na ovome i prihvati uslove igraca oko novih ugovora, mislim da bi igraci trebali da pristanu.

                      LEBRON "KING" JAMES - GLOBALNI FENOMEN. G.O.A.T.!
                      - 4xMVP -


                      • Znam, ali opet je rizik jbg, mnogo me plasi ovaj hard cap, bas mnogo...
                        Medjutim, slazem se, 62 miliona je mnogo lepa cifra.

                        "The last time I was intimidated was when I was 6 years old in karate class. I was an orange belt and the instructor ordered me to fight a black belt who was a couple years older and a lot bigger. I was scared s---less. I mean, I was terrified and he kicked my ass. But then I realized he didn’t kick my ass as bad as I thought he was going to and that there was nothing really to be afraid of. That was around the time I realized that intimidation didn’t really exist if you’re in the right frame of mind." - Kobe Bryant


                        • Originally posted by T-Mac View Post
                          Znam, ali opet je rizik jbg, mnogo me plasi ovaj hard cap, bas mnogo...
                          Medjutim, slazem se, 62 miliona je mnogo lepa cifra.
                          sasvim solidno 62 miliona, mada ko zna sta ce se sve izdesavati u narednom periodu, ko nesto sazna odma neka kazi na forum
                          PS jedva cekam draft
                          t-mac i ostali moderatori molim Vas da postavite linkove gde mogu da gledam jer necu biti kod kuce,unapred zahvalan;)

                          Best scorers in NBA history who did not attend college

                          By Joe Dorish, Yahoo! Contributor Network Jun 17, 1:15 pm EDT

                          These are the best scorers in NBA history who did not play basketball for a college team. This list is highly impressive, and all but one of these players is still active in the NBA today. All players with career averages of 19.0 points per game or higher are listed.
                          For New Jersey Nets fans, like myself, the list also makes us sit and wonder. In 1996, the Nets were going to take Kobe Bryant with their first round draft pick. But the Nets new head coach, John Calipari, talked GM John Nash into taking Kerry Kittles instead. Thanks a bunch Cal.
                          Best Scorers in NBA History Who Did Not Attend College
                          <A HREF=" ;TargetID=64412&Segments=2168,2743,13094,13096 ,13097,13099,13304,13309,17251,18886,18903,18906,1 8909,20031,20226,23722,25504,25507,25511,25517,255 31,25537,25540,25543,32735,32922,35880,36460,36463 ,36482,36483,40223,42804,45604,46163,46694,46944,4 8618,48619,48787,49715,49727,49737,50091,50172,505 83,50778,50779,50807,50808,50825,50975,51060,51067 ,51175,51253,51355,51536&Targets=1515,64412&am p;Values=60,82,100,150,682,683,685,686,687,1289,15 75,1598,1599,1600,4446,47456,52263,52896,56058,568 72,57005,57348,57477,57583,57896,58570,58702,58806 ,58825,59988,60138,61089,61265,61563,61894,61908,6 1913,63461,63527&RawValues=NGUSERID%2Ca3d001c-11248-1267860131-2%2CTID%2C1308690657784441%2CTIL%2C130869065778444 1&Redirect=" target="_blank"><IMG SRC="" WIDTH=160 HEIGHT=600 BORDER=0></A>

                          1. LeBron James(notes) - 27.69
                          LeBron James went right from Saint Vincent-Saint Mary's High School in Akron, Ohio into the NBA. He was the first overall pick in the 2003 NBA Draft by the Cleveland Cavaliers. LeBron is currently the third highest scorer in NBA history, with a career average of 27.69 points per game.
                          What happened to LeBron James in the 2011 NBA Finals? I still don't understand why he wasn't driving to the basket constantly and trying to score and draw fouls like Michael Jordan and other NBA greats would do in the playoffs. He played like he was afraid to lose. I like LeBron, but you're not the King of anything when you play like that on the biggest stage.
                          2. Kobe Bryant(notes) - 25.27
                          Kobe Bryant went right from Lower Merion High School in Ardmore, Pennsylvania to the NBA. He was the 13th overall pick in the 1996 NBA Draft by the Charlotte Hornets, who quickly traded him to the Los Angeles Lakers. Kobe is currently the 11th highest scorer in NBA history, with a career average of 25.27.
                          After winning back-to-back titles in 2009 and 2010, Kobe and the Lakers where swept out of the 2011 playoffs by the eventual 2011 NBA Champion Dallas Mavericks.
                          Barring an injury, Kobe Bryant has an excellent chance to become the all-time leader in points scored in NBA history. He is currently 32 years old, and trails all-time leader Kareem Abdul-Jabbar by 10,519 points.
                          3. Dirk Nowitzki(notes) - 22.95
                          Dirk Nowitzki went from playing at Rontgen Gymnasium in Warzburg, Germany and the DJK Warzburg German club team to the NBA. He did not attend college, though Charles Barkley, after seeing Nowitzki play in a 1997 Nike sponsored exhibition game, offered to pay Dirk's expenses if he went to Barkley's Alma mater, Auburn University.
                          The Milwaukee Bucks took Nowitzki with the ninth overall pick in the 1998 NBA Draft, and immediately traded him to the Dallas Mavericks for Robert Traylor in one of the most lopsided trades in NBA history. Nowitzki is currently the 23rd highest scorer in NBA history, with a 22.95 average.
                          After coming up short many times in the playoffs, the Mavericks purposely rested their star players like Dirk Nowitzki and Jason Kidd(notes) at the end of the regular season in 2011 to keep them fresh for the playoffs. The tactic worked, and Dirk Nowitzki, Jason Kidd and the Dallas Mavericks captured their first NBA Championship in 2011.
                          4. Amare Stoudemire(notes) - 21.90
                          Amare Stoudemire went right from Cypress Creek High School in Orlando, Florida into the NBA. He was the ninth overall pick in the 2002 NBA Draft by the Phoenix Suns. Amare is currently the 31st highest scorer in NBA history, with a 21.90 average.
                          After signing a huge free agent contract with the New York Knicks in 2010, Amare delivered with a 25.3 per game average in 2010-11. Combined with teammate Carmelo Anthony(notes), Amare Stoudemire gives the Knicks one of the best one-two combos in the NBA. With a couple of decent moves, the Knicks can contend for a title in 2012.
                          5. Moses Malone - 20.62
                          Moses Malone played at Petersburg High School in Petersburg, Virginia. He then went right into the ABA, where he played for two seasons before he started playing in the NBA. Moses played for 19 years in the NBA, and retired with a career scoring average of 20.62, 44th best all-time.
                          Moses Malone won a championship with the Philadelphia 76ers in 1983, and was the NBA Finals MVP that year. He also won three NBA MVP Awards (1979, 1982 and 1983), and was inducted into the Basketball Hall of Fame in 2001.
                          6. Tracy McGrady(notes) - 20.44
                          Tracy McGrady went right from Mount Zion Christian Academy in Durham, North Carolina into the NBA. He was the ninth overall pick in the 1997 NBA Draft by the Toronto Raptors. McGrady has won two scoring titles in his career (2003 and 2004). His career average of 20.44 points per game is currently the 46th best in NBA history.
                          7. Kevin Garnett(notes) - 19.52
                          Kevin Garnett went right from Farragut Career Academy in Chicago, Illinois into the NBA. He was the fifth overall pick in the 1995 NBA Draft by the Minnesota Timberwolves. Garnett has won four rebounding titles in his career (2004 through 2007), was NBA MVP in 2004, and he won one championship in 2008 with the Boston Celtics. His career scoring average of 19.52 points per game is currently 63rd best all-time.
                          Last edited by miki1; 21-06-11, 23:12.


                          • Originally posted by T-Mac View Post
                            Znam, ali opet je rizik jbg, mnogo me plasi ovaj hard cap, bas mnogo...
                            Medjutim, slazem se, 62 miliona je mnogo lepa cifra.
                            Ma "suvi" Hard od 45 miliona je "samoubistvo" za velike i jake fransize. 'Ajde neka ovo sto su predlozili i krste u neki "flex" koji ce sa sobom nositi jos niz klauzula kako ce se koristiti ali je opet predlozena realna cifra od 62 miliona. Neka igraci "izboksuju" da im se ugovori ne smanjuju i da ne budu neobavezujuci i "Bog da ih vidi". Ako ne pristanu, ode sve u....
                            Ocigledno je neko resio da popusti i da prepusti odredjene fransize slobodnom trzistu sto je i normalan nacin poslovanja.
                            Imas brate 30 kompanija na trzistu i berzi. Neke posluju odlicno, neke dobro, a neke su totalno neprofitabilne. Zna se sta se desava sa onima koje su neprofitabilne. Proglasava se bankrot pa ako ih neko kupi i rekonstruise - super, a ako ne - nikom nista.
                            Nikome nije palo na pamet da liga nije uvek brojala 30 timova i da ne mora ni sada da broji 30 timova. Ako se tako postave stvari odmah se dodje do pozitivnog poslovanja!

                            LEBRON "KING" JAMES - GLOBALNI FENOMEN. G.O.A.T.!
                            - 4xMVP -


                              How do you know you've found Lebron James' cell phone?

                              It vibrates and receives calls, but doesn't have a ring!

                              :dw::lol1: :pp:


                              • Koliko sam ja shvatio,Fisher opet nije zadovoljan

                                Ja mislim da ovo mora da se prihvati,da bolje od ovog nece dobiti...

