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Premier League & SkyBet Championship 2016/17

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  • Ja veze nemam sta ce Celziju Kante sa boljim pasom.


    • Sledeće sezone će biti mnogo više fudbala na Stamford bridzu, a Konte je pametan lik i verovatno pravi dubinu. Mislim, kad imaš Kante-a i ne treba ti dubina ali opet...


      • Originally posted by z0La View Post
        Mislim, kad imaš Kante-a i ne treba ti dubina ali opet...
        Kad imas Kantea ne treba ti vise od 9 igraca na terenu
        Originally posted by Dekinjo
        Šta mislite da su Livepulu poništili dva čista gola, a Sitiju nisu. Koliki bi bio rezultat? Pa 3:3
        Originally posted by La Jugoslavia
        Crvena zvezda je naša, iako je oteta, ona je naša, iako je okupirana. A da je oteta i okupirana, to stoji i to jeste, apsolutno se slažem.


        • Ipak, mislim da će veće pitanje biti ko će imati najviše utakmica protiv "davljenika". Oni će da pruže žestok otpor, pogotovo kako se sezona bude bližila kraju.
          I LOVE HOUSE MUSIC!!


          • Zanimljivo

            On Thursday, we covered an interview with Giani Di Biasi in Gazzetta dello Sport where the current Albania manager explained that Chelsea’s Conte did not have a ‘direct relationship’ with Roman Abramovich.

            This corroborated previous claims from the Italian media that Antonio Conte wasn’t exactly thrilled with the support from the Russian oligarch, never getting the money in January he wanted to bolster his squad for the second half of the season, leading to ‘broken promises’ and such.

            And if Friday’s Tuttosport claims are true, then the relationship between the two Chelsea men isn’t getting any better, with their visions about how the Blues should proceed in the next transfer market being miles apart.

            The Italian newspaper claim that, after the 2-1 away win against Stoke, Roman Abramovich decided to meet Antonio Conte for dinner to make him a rather attractive proposition: “I’ll give you Neymar as a present”.

            Chelsea had apparently managed to reach a ‘verbal agreement’ with Barcelona that would see the Brazilian forward move to Stamford Bridge for a world record €180m (£156m), but Conte said ‘no’.

            Instead of having the Brazil international as a member of his squad next season, the former Juventus manager instead asked for that money to be spent on 3-4 players who he believed would benefit his team more than one single superstar.

            The reason behind this meeting and surprise by Abramovich is said to be due to Inter Milan’s desire to see Antonio Conte on their bench next season, with the Chelsea owner hoping the promise of Neymar would convince him to stay.

            owever, Tuttosport say that while the transfer situation was discussed, the Italian manager asked for talks about his future to be postponed for the time being.

            Inter’s new owner, Zhang Jindong, has apparently already contacted Chelsea and Abramovich about their manager, yet whatever decision is taken about Conte’s future, it will be the 47-year-old who will have the final word.

            Tuttosport then go over the relationship between Conte and his club’s owner since the start of the season, with tempers already flaring when the Juan Cuadrado situation was unfolding, with the Italian wanting to keep him rather than see him go to Juventus.

            We all know how that ended…

            Furthermore, the Italian newspaper claim that none of this summer’s transfers were the ones that Conte asked for.

            With the Premier League practically already at Stamford Bridge, the club’s next aim is to win the Champions League again.

            Will next season’s attempt at doing so be with Conte at the helm? Tuttosport just end with “Conte isn’t one to forget”.

            While a lot of these claims appear to be rather bold, this story of an Abramovich-Conte conflict within Chelsea just doesn’t seem to want to go away.

            This is the third source reporting a rift between the two, and the more report it, the likelier it is there’s some truth to it.

            We’ll have to wait until the end of the season, but our gut feeling is that Conte will stay, but if Abramovich doesn’t back him according to his plans, the Italian manager could easily make a surprising exit, just like he did at Juventus a few years ago.
            Posto Colo ostaje u Atletiku mozda ce Inter po Kontea?

            Sva prica da je Konte nezadovoljan, da ima los odnos sa Romanom i sl. dolazi od italijanskih novinara. Znaci nema govora o destabilizaciji sa ostrva, ocigledno da Konte ili neko blizu njega hrani italijanske novinare. Dok spanski misle da ce Zidan ici po Azara na ljeto.


            • Била је прича да је Конте незадовољан јер је одвојен од породице. Интер има пара. Све је могуће, видећемо, али искрено сумњам да ће отићи.


              • Ireland boss Martin O’Neill has confirmed post-Wales game that Seamus Coleman has badly broken his leg and has been taken to hospital.
                Baš je gadno delovalo. Nisu prikazali ni usporeni snimak, ali onaj zvuk pucanja koji sam čuo...naježih se jbte...
                I LOVE HOUSE MUSIC!!


                • sigpic


                  • Nikakav problem za jedno 80 miliona. Mada izvor i nije neki.

                    “We have to change, from doubters, to believers, now.”
                    -Jürgen Klopp


                    • Pa 60-70 miliona bi bilo sigurno, a ne bi se slozio da nema mesta u prvoj postavi, izgleda mi kao zamena za Iniestu. Stim da je sve to trenutno na dugackom stapu.



                      • Tesko da on moze biti zamjena za Inijestu, ofanzivniji je i mnogo manje odbraca paznju na defanzivu. Inijesta kako god da stoji na terenu obavi tonu posla i pozadi, cak i sad kad je teski veteran.


                        • Samo Verratti moze da bude zamjena za Iniestu.


                          • Iniestu, u svom vrhuncu, niko ne moze zameniti adekvatno, a Coutinho uopste ne ulazi u pricu. Iako bi verovatno imao slicnu rolu ako bi dosao. Mada ja i dalje ni 5% ne verujem u ovu pricu, jer je svako leto ista prica, pogotovo u ovoj fazi kada ide reprezentativna pauza, pa se on pokaze u Brazilu, pa Neymar da neki komentar i eto ga, odmah agent talks i sta ti ja znam.

                            “We have to change, from doubters, to believers, now.”
                            -Jürgen Klopp


                            • Originally posted by Rossonero View Post
                              Samo Verratti moze da bude zamjena za Iniestu.
                              Ne moze ni on, nisu isti tip igraca.

                              Slicnog Andresu i priblizno kvalitetnog je u ovom momentu nemoguce naci. Od odlaska Zidana ne postoji kompletniji vezni igrac. Pas, pozicioniranje, fizicka sprema, dribling, citanje situacije, sut, nesebicnost, mentalna snaga, kretnja bez lopte, smirenost, resavanje velikih utakmica, lopta kod njega kao u sefu... Definicija fudbalera za mene, sve odradjuje skolski i tehnicki precizno a opet unikatno. Oni koji moralisu i bave se fer-plejom i privatnim zivotom vise nego fudbalom ne mogu nijedan ispad da mu nadju, bilo kakvu nebuloznu izjavu, provokaciju, kurcenje. Profesionalac 100%.

                              Volim Kutinja ali je daleko od Dona. Moguce da ga zele zato sto ima taj pas u prostor i lako stvara visak, bas kao i Andres ali jos uvek je nekonstantan do bola.


                              • Originally posted by Rossonero View Post
                                Samo Verratti moze da bude zamjena za Iniestu.
                                Ni blizu.

                                Ja sam uvek govorio da je Iniesta bolji i od Mesija i od Ronalda. On je za mene bio najbolji igrac planete tamo negde od 2008 pa do danas.

                                Moze Kutinjo da zameni Iniestu, poziciono. Igracki? Ni blizu.
                                Originally posted by Dekinjo
                                Šta mislite da su Livepulu poništili dva čista gola, a Sitiju nisu. Koliki bi bio rezultat? Pa 3:3
                                Originally posted by La Jugoslavia
                                Crvena zvezda je naša, iako je oteta, ona je naša, iako je okupirana. A da je oteta i okupirana, to stoji i to jeste, apsolutno se slažem.

