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Poezija, knjige, poslovice itd...

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  • Preporuka
    Tom, your music is the best drinking partner I've ever had.


    • Ko voli epsku fantastiku, ovo mora da procita.Noc demona je prvenac, a pustinsko koplje je nastavak.Cekam da se pojavi 3. deo u biblioteci.Ko pocne da cita ovo, nece se pokajati.Ovo mi spada u top3 za EF sigurno...

      p.s Sad tek vidim da sam ovo vec postovao... ali nema veze...
      Last edited by z0La; 13-11-14, 15:27.


      • knjiga 'Hiljadu cudesnih sunaca' -Haled Hoseini

        Bjezmo Grumfe,njih je dvojica a mi smo sami!


        • Od Filipa K. Dika "Ubik" simpaticna prica.
          Od Asimova "Bogovi licno" Fantasticna deskripcija i ideja generalno.
          Od Kinga "Uporiste" mnostvo raznolikih likova i prica, dobra ideja.

          Ju Nesbe Fantom, The snowman.
          There's something wrong with me chemically
          Something wrong with me inherently
          The wrong mix in the wrong genes
          I reached the wrong ends by the wrong means
          It was the wrong plan
          In the wrong hands
          With the wrong theory for the wrong man
          The wrong lies, on the wrong vibes
          The wrong questions with the wrong replies


          • Originally posted by Indigo View Post
            Ju Nesbe Fantom, The snowman.
            Od Nesbe-a sve, nema greske. Odmazda, Crvendac, Solomonovo slovo...sta god....

            p.s. Hari Hule najveca legenda
            I LOVE HOUSE MUSIC!!


            • Originally posted by z0La View Post
              Od Nesbe-a sve, nema greske. Odmazda, Crvendac, Solomonovo slovo...sta god....

              p.s. Hari Hule najveca legenda
              Detective Hari Hole
              There's something wrong with me chemically
              Something wrong with me inherently
              The wrong mix in the wrong genes
              I reached the wrong ends by the wrong means
              It was the wrong plan
              In the wrong hands
              With the wrong theory for the wrong man
              The wrong lies, on the wrong vibes
              The wrong questions with the wrong replies


              • Od tih krimica gotivim i Donata Karizija.Zanimljiv, sa dosta preokreta.Meni je bas prijao...

                I LOVE HOUSE MUSIC!!


                • Ja sam ti vise zaljubjenik u sci fi i horor, moze i drama. Sa vremena na vreme procitam poneki krimic.
                  Asimov, Herbert, Dik, Rejnolds, Nevil, Simons, Bova, Klark...
                  There's something wrong with me chemically
                  Something wrong with me inherently
                  The wrong mix in the wrong genes
                  I reached the wrong ends by the wrong means
                  It was the wrong plan
                  In the wrong hands
                  With the wrong theory for the wrong man
                  The wrong lies, on the wrong vibes
                  The wrong questions with the wrong replies


                  • Ja obozavam sci fi, horore nekako manje citam.Poslednje od horora sto sam procitao bilo je Tamna Materija od Misel Pejver...
                    Inace, u poslednje vreme me najvise odusevio "Budjenje nemani", mada je drugi deo jos bolji....
                    I LOVE HOUSE MUSIC!!


                    • Hiperion je na vrhu, to je vrhunac genijalnosti. Kada svaku knjigu koju procitas poredis sa Hierionom tesko moze dobiti visoku ocenu.
                      Osmica od Nevilove nije losa aii je opet daleko. Rejnolds je takodje izuzetan majstor, ideja za Obast otkrovenja briljantna.
                      There's something wrong with me chemically
                      Something wrong with me inherently
                      The wrong mix in the wrong genes
                      I reached the wrong ends by the wrong means
                      It was the wrong plan
                      In the wrong hands
                      With the wrong theory for the wrong man
                      The wrong lies, on the wrong vibes
                      The wrong questions with the wrong replies


                      • Kakav je ovo život, kakav svijet, u kojem činim zlo i kad mislim najbolje!
                        A činim zlo i kad ništa ne činim, ostavljajući i dobro i zlo na miru. Činim zlo i kad govorim, jer ne kažem ono što bi trebalo. Činim zlo i kad ćutim, jer živim kao da me i nema.
                        Činim zlo zato što živim, jer ne znam kako da živim.
                        Slučajno prisustvujem životu, i sve što učinim, nije moje.
                        Tvrđava. M. Selimovic

                        Bjezmo Grumfe,njih je dvojica a mi smo sami!


                        • Ima li neko preporuku za neku SciFi knjigu? Naravno ne one najpoznatijie tipa Hyperion ili tako nesto...nego onako neku manje poznatu, a dobru...
                          Upravo sam zavrsio sa nekim krimicem, a cita mi se neka fantastika.Da ne tumaram sutra po biblioteci 2 sata bezv...
                          I LOVE HOUSE MUSIC!!


                          • Od Asimova "Bogovi licno" "Kraj vecnosti" "Foundation" i od Rejnoldsa "Oblast otkrovenja"
                            NEki moji favoriti.
                            There's something wrong with me chemically
                            Something wrong with me inherently
                            The wrong mix in the wrong genes
                            I reached the wrong ends by the wrong means
                            It was the wrong plan
                            In the wrong hands
                            With the wrong theory for the wrong man
                            The wrong lies, on the wrong vibes
                            The wrong questions with the wrong replies


                            • "Grad" Kliford Simak

                              "Kantikulum za Lajbovica" Volter Miler

                              "I have no mouth and i must scream" Harlan Elison (kratka prica, vrv jedna od najboljih ikada, cak i van okvira zanra)

                              "Cetvrto medjuledeno doba" Abe Kobo

                              "Potpopljeni svet" Dz. G. Balard

                              itd itd... zavisi i kakav te SF zanima. Spejs opera, sajber pank, militari SF, hard SF...

                              Ali mislim da je ovo ok za pocetak.


                              • Sto se tice SF-a, sve moze da prodje. To mi je omiljeni zanr...

                                Vidim ovde par kandidata za sutrasnju posetu biblioteci.Valjda ce imati nesto od ovoga. Hvala obojici, nasao sam knjige za naredni period...
                                I LOVE HOUSE MUSIC!!

