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  • Odg: MOTO GP

    Sto se tice voznje ovih zveri ja priznajem da ne bi smeo ni da sednem, a koliko su teski odmah bih pao verovatno a sesti i voziti takve zveri 50 60 na sat je glupo, bolje onda ni ne sedati, a da vozim pri nekim ludackim brzinama neka hvala....pridruzicu se gagi i reci da samo volim da gledam te lepotane, i divim se ljudima kao sto su Rossi, Lorenzo i Stoner i njima slicni kako imaju hrabrosti da sednu i da rizikuju zivot bukvalno....

    Lorenzo ima m..da to priznajem ali ove fore kao Rossi je sad na potezu, kao on mora da juri i da se bori, ja kao vozim bez pritiska, to su glupsti, kao on sad tera Rossija takvim izjavama na neku ludacku voznju i neku eventualnu gresku, sto Vale sa svojim ogromnim iskustvom, sebi nece i ne sme dopustiti.....voleo bih vise nego ista da ga ovu trku oduva i da mu malo zacepi usta......


    • Odg: MOTO GP

      Savjet Icemanu, koliko mi god Vlado Perovic bio smijesan ko pozoriste poceo sam da gledam trke preko neta kad nema pokrivenosti na Sport Klub.
      Iz Prostog razloga shto ne mogu da podnesem 15 min price o stazi i njenoj konfiguraciji, pa jos 15 min o tome kako su svi genijalci, 10 min reklama i ode trka.
      Prije je cak bilo 5 do 10 min o kacigama i dje mogu da se kupe. Radje brate bez komentatora gledat ili sa spanskim komentatorom ne razumijem ga
      nista pod milim bogom ni da je makedonac a pride jasnije se cuju motori i brujanje nego na ijedan nash prenos. Kvalitet slike nije fantazija al bolje i to
      nego da propustam uzivo trku ili slusam neshto shto me apsolutno ne zanima.

      Btw ljudi koja vam je najbolja kaciga koju ste vidjeli u moto gp?



      • Odg: MOTO GP

        Ma sta cu taj put sam bio osudjen na TV Atlas ali sam poludeo od ja mislim da od Rossijevih kaciga nisam bolje video.....


        • Comment

          • Odg: MOTO GP

            [quote author=L. Lawliet link=topic=1368.msg98157#msg98157 date=1255641567]
            Savjet Icemanu, koliko mi god Vlado Perovic bio smijesan ko pozoriste poceo sam da gledam trke preko neta kad nema pokrivenosti na Sport Klub.
            Iz Prostog razloga shto ne mogu da podnesem 15 min price o stazi i njenoj konfiguraciji, pa jos 15 min o tome kako su svi genijalci, 10 min reklama i ode trka.
            Prije je cak bilo 5 do 10 min o kacigama i dje mogu da se kupe. Radje brate bez komentatora gledat ili sa spanskim komentatorom ne razumijem ga
            nista pod milim bogom ni da je makedonac a pride jasnije se cuju motori i brujanje nego na ijedan nash prenos. Kvalitet slike nije fantazija al bolje i to
            nego da propustam uzivo trku ili slusam neshto shto me apsolutno ne zanima.

            Btw ljudi koja vam je najbolja kaciga koju ste vidjeli u moto gp?

            NEDELJA 18.10.


            • [/quote]

              Ali ono sa magarcem je bilo genijalno, to samo Rossi moze da odradi tako dobro......


              • The most important thing is to stay truthful to who you really are, and be down to earth.
                As soon as you believe you are the best, you are not the best any more.
                From that stage there is no progress.


                • The most important thing is to stay truthful to who you really are, and be down to earth.
                  As soon as you believe you are the best, you are not the best any more.
                  From that stage there is no progress.



                    Prevod sa

                    Rossi-Ducati, the wedding is approaching
                    Coming further confirmation on the negotiations that should lead to Yamaha's Valentino from the Borgo Panigale. There is already a pre-agreement, the world champion would be the only driver of a sort of satellite team of Conrad ZUNINO

                    ROME - Valentino Rossi is leaving Yamaha, and Yamaha knows. Valentino Rossi is arriving at Ducati, and Yamaha will greet him with the fourth title win together. The MotoGP World Championship 2009. Valentino if he is playing, nervous, oddly inaccurate in the three races that will come and with just 18 points ahead of Jorge Lorenzo, team mate in comeback, because of his farewell. The appointment comes third last Friday, to love Phillip Island, in South Australia.

                    On September 9 "Republic. Com" spread the news about the all-Italian treaty, "Ducati and Rossi are drawing up an agreement by May." Now the "Reformist" adds detail: on 14 September at 18.30, an Audi S6 with tinted rear glass, Uccio Saletti and driving, the close friend of Rossi and Jeremy Burgess at his side, the mechanism of large victories in 500 and MotoGP, entered the gates of Via Cavalieri Ducati Borgo Panigale. And 'the seat of the Italian motorsport. That there was in the back seat of the Aude eight-time world champion is a supposition credible.

                    Already, there is a pre-agreement with Ducati Motor. We are behind two powerful sponsors such as Fiat and Marlboro, both eager to get space and time that more Italian by the athlete moves the imagination of children and, therefore, it conveys the purchases. Marlboro, indeed, has a pressing need to combine his "brand" to a face more attractive than those so far encountered: Felipe Massa in Formula One, Casey Stoner at the championship. And Rossi in the recent past has already shown that it exceeded the youth self-censorship: "There never will sponsor a package of cigarettes."

                    The central point is always the same: the mood of the pilot. His mood took him to divorce dall'invincibile Honda autumn 2003: "It seemed me to win because I had a bike than I wanted to show that here there are still the driver." Valentino Rossi today is no longer at ease in the factory Yamaha, which has governed for so long as an outbuilding. No longer feels unique. The rider from Pesaro understood that with the renewal of the contract with Jorge Lorenzo the Japanese company had made a choice for the future. And he, at 30 years, he could not accept. Said friends in the summer of Tavullia, those with which discusses everything, all his choice: "I enjoy it more." And so he started talking with the technical tour of the trust.

                    Ross Porter in Ducati Davide Brivio, the man who went fishing in Ibiza to convince him to leave Honda and embrace the defeated opponent repeatedly, Yamaha, notes: "Only you can make us win." Course will bring Jeremy Burgess and the boys of the workshop. "Someone like Valentino you happen once in a lifetime," likes to say the chief mechanic in Australia before the final offer was on the verge of retirement. Rossi wants to team up with Ducati's, a sort of satellite team served, of course, with the material of choice of house team. In the "Ducati-one were confirmed Casey Stoner, just come and referee the next race at Phillip Island, and American Nicky Hayden. The "Ducati two" will have one rider: Valentino Rossi, engaged in the fourth bet of life.

                    The likely exodus of Rossi fourth in fifteen-year career - from April to Honda to Yamaha, and now Ducati - opens a rainbow of possible alliances and new enmities for the final season. Are already at work the sappers Yamaha, the Brivio the Favero, and the legal staff of the sample. You work with two perspectives: to ensure that the final season is as clear as the MotoGP Japanese company deserves and ensure a farewell without regrets, do not open a long and unwelcome "polemic" on the image damage that the breach of contract - Rossi is expected to remain with the Japanese Institute until 2010 - could create.

                    15 ottobre 2009
                    The most important thing is to stay truthful to who you really are, and be down to earth.
                    As soon as you believe you are the best, you are not the best any more.
                    From that stage there is no progress.


                    • Odg: MOTO GP

                      THE KING IS BACK ;)

                      Nevjerovatan ritam Rossija na prvom treningu,covjek nije silazio sa motora,tri settinga je mjenjao i za sada je onaj prvi najbolji,dok je u druga dva settinga imao zaostatak u zadnjem sektoru,a Lorenzo dozivio pad,a i sam ritam mu je los,ali jos ima vremena,mada mislim da ce se glavna borba voditi izmedju Rossija-Stonera,pa cak mislim da bi Rossi mogao imati i run away mode ;)


                      • Odg: MOTO GP

                        WOW!!!! Uh ovo je bolelo... ;) Drzimo se fair play-a, pa se suzdrzimo udaraca dok je covek na kolenima, bolje receno na zemlji... ;) Na papiru nije imao sta da izgubi ali je zaboravio da ima mnogo toga i van papira... ili nije ni u najgorem kosmaru sanjao ovakav ishod.... Na svu srecu po Lorenza, tek je petak...
                        Bravo Rossi, i vise nego bravo... Takodje i za Stonera i za DeAngelis-a i samo jedno bravo za Pedrosu i Edwards-a ;)
                        Odoh na jos mozda dva sata sna a onda se vracam da procitam sta nam je vredni Sale lepo spremio, namerno ostavljam za kasnije... pretpostavljam da su uzbudljive intrige... ;) ;D


                        • Odg: MOTO GP

                          Bravo Vale, ovo se ocekivalo od njega. Ako je vec jak u petak i to prvi sigurni smo da je Estoril samo losa uspomena .

                          Btw moja omiljena kaciga Valentina je sa zimskih testiranja 2006 kad je nosio Excalibur na crnoj kacigi i motoru. Simbol da ima jos snage da se bori
                          i to shto je izgubio titulu ne znaci nista. A onda je postojao transparent na svim stazama za test.
                          The Return of the King


                          • The Italian completed 31 laps, more than any other rider, and finished over one second clear of Lorenzo.

                            Takvu motivaciju ho?u da vidim, to je pravi Valentino Rosi i to je jedini na?in da se poraze ovi mladi konkurenti. Respekt...
                            The most important thing is to stay truthful to who you really are, and be down to earth.
                            As soon as you believe you are the best, you are not the best any more.
                            From that stage there is no progress.


                            • [/quote]

                              Da, sam protiv svih, izgleda da je to njemu najbolja motivacija.....a i volim sto kad je tesko on stisne zube i pokaze svima ko je DOCTOR!!!!


                              • [/quote]

                                Ja isto obozavam copere i Harlija naravno to je za mene NAJBOLJI motor......sednes lepo zavalis se i obidjes svet to je zivot....

                                A ovaj motor sto si opisao mogu samo da zamislim kako izgleda i kako zvuci, voleo bih da ga vidim uzivo ali ako ti nije problem okaci koju sliku....hvala ;)

                                Sto se Tatulovih i njiove emisije tice, obozavam da ih gledam i one lepotane koje prave, svaki put se sve vise odusevim......

