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  • The most important thing is to stay truthful to who you really are, and be down to earth.
    As soon as you believe you are the best, you are not the best any more.
    From that stage there is no progress.


      The most important thing is to stay truthful to who you really are, and be down to earth.
      As soon as you believe you are the best, you are not the best any more.
      From that stage there is no progress.


      • Odg: MOTO GP

        Naravno da su u warm up-u pronasli nesto.Stalno to rade,trebalo bi da vec naviknemo na to.Odlicna trka.Samo da ih Elias nije usporio na pocetku bilo bi jos bolje.Ovako je samo Pedrosa uspeo da pobegne.Ipak on zna da vozi kada je sam,bilo bi mnogo drugacije da je za vratom imao Rossija i Lorenza.Mada,divna stvar-opet Rossi nadigrao Lorenza.Da,da,mali ce da poludi.
        Videcemo sta ce biti sledece godine.Cinjenica je da ce na Rossiju biti tesko da odbrani titulu ali opet se uzdam u to da on odlicno funkcionise pod pritiskom i da je psihicki najjaci od svih vozaca.
        Rossi i Ducati?Koliko god to zvucalo zanimljivo i interesantno ja bih volela da ostane u Yamahi.
        Da,super sto je Edwards osvojio 5.mesto na kraju!!!!


        • Odg: MOTO GP

          I evo ga famozni intervju sa bbc-a:

          Rossi hands ultimatum to Yamaha

          World champion Valentino Rossi has hinted he will leave Yamaha if they do not drop Jorge Lorenzo in 2011.
          Italian Rossi, who won his ninth world crown this year, has also revealed he could switch allegiance to Ducati.
          Lorenzo recently signed a new one-year deal with the Japanese firm but Rossi does not think there is room for the two riders in the same team.
          "Yamaha have to decide between me and Jorge for 2011," Rossi told BBC Two. "I have a great option to join Ducati."
          The pair have fought some incredible battles on the track this season, with the 30-year-old Rossi coming out on top and clinching the title with one race of the season to spare, while Lorenzo, 22, as runner-up.
          But Lorenzo has said that he has not always felt appreciated at Yamaha and revealed he had received offers from other manufacturers before signing his new deal.
          Now Rossi, who signed a two-year deal with Yamaha in August 2008, has made it clear he could make a switch.
          "I am not sure 100% if I will stay with Yamaha," said Rossi. "It depends on what happens next year. It depends on my performance and the fight with Jorge Lorenzo and the decision of Yamaha for 2011.
          "I could change bike, ride for Ducati and try to win the world championship with an Italian bike. That would be a great motivation.
          "But I prefer at this moment to stay with Yamaha because the love between me and Yamaha, our relationship, is something special.
          "To change bike would feel unfaithful. So for Yamaha it is important that I finish my career with them and for me it is also important. "
          :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o


          • Classic Rossi, always thinking ahead. With this statement he has already started the defense of his title!

            Jorge now will already be thinking about this till the start of next season, so it will not be a peaceful break for him. And, of course, this puts the pressure on Yamaha to work overtime on a better package to "win over" Vale and, come contract time, I'm sure a healthy increase in salary will be in order to "appease" him.

            I think a very calculated statement from Rossi, as usual.

            Neverovatno kako je mogu?e da Yamaha dozvoli sebi da ponovo upadne u zamku u kojoj se zaglavila Honda. Aman ljudi, alo Japanci, shvatite ove re?i:

            It's not the machine. It's The Doctor.
            ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
            The most important thing is to stay truthful to who you really are, and be down to earth.
            As soon as you believe you are the best, you are not the best any more.
            From that stage there is no progress.


            • Odg: MOTO GP

              The most important thing is to stay truthful to who you really are, and be down to earth.
              As soon as you believe you are the best, you are not the best any more.
              From that stage there is no progress.


              • Odg: MOTO GP

                [quote author=Sale 46 link=topic=1368.msg104459#msg104459 date=1257717740]

                E sad ko se sjeca, sjeca al ide ona izjava od KC-a u Brno prosle godine. Da oni gume koje su vec napravile par krugova po stazi koriste za trku i da ih ugriju prije trke.
                I zato je pao KC U Brnu prosle godine. Ma sjecam se nje kao da je juche bilo a sad odjednom koriste hladne gume dvije godine. U Catalunji 2007 vjetar mu je duvao
                prejako zato nije mogao da vozi dobro. Svake godine KC ima po jednu ovakvu genijalnu izjavu. Evo ni ove godine nismo ostali bez toga


                • Odg: MOTO GP

                  Jbg,juce forum nesto srao,nisam mogo nikako da udjem ,ali evo sad je sve ok.Sto se tice trke u klasi od 800cc,bila je solidna,drago mi je za Rossija koji je osvojio drugo mjesto i na taj nacin skino kletvu sa ove staze,mozda se je cak mogao i boriti za pobjedu da ga nije na samom pocetku kocio Elias,bitno je,da je opet iza sebe ostavio Lorenza.Sta reci za Stonera? Covjek je legenda,obruko se,samo tako,a opet su krive hladne gume,ali nikad covjek da vidi sebe,tipa,da li sam ja mozda doprinjeo tome,ali ne, to kod ovog ne postoji,uvijek je neko i nesto krivo,ali nikad on.Cestitke Pedrosi koji je bio odlican,a posebno cestitke Spisu,koji je bio odlican i koji je ujedno donio onaj jedan bod Colinu koji mu je falio da bude najbolji peti vozac,a takodjer cestitam Colinu na odlicnoj voznji,kao i Haydenu.


                  • Odg: MOTO GP

                    Sve cestitke Colinu, covjek je majstor. 5 na Privatnoj masini u ovakvoj konkurenciji. Stvarno zasluzuje fabricku da dobije i da je razvija sa ovakvim voznjama.
                    Siguran sam da bi se borio u vrhu s njima bar koliko Pedrosa.

                    Nego jel ima neko snimak dje da sse odgleda, zanima me par detalja Valentinove voznje


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                      • The most important thing is to stay truthful to who you really are, and be down to earth.
                        As soon as you believe you are the best, you are not the best any more.
                        From that stage there is no progress.


                        • [/quote]


                          • The most important thing is to stay truthful to who you really are, and be down to earth.
                            As soon as you believe you are the best, you are not the best any more.
                            From that stage there is no progress.


                            • [/quote]


                              • Comment
