Originally posted by apacrow
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Barclays Premier League & Championship 2012/13 - Diskusija i komentarisanje utakmica
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Originally posted by Nespo View PostSmjesni ste ljudiTakođe, ovde se uvodi i jedan divan kriterijum pomoću koga prosuđujemo je li žurka prestižna, dakle ona je “obično prestižna ako se neko od poznatih pojavi bar na pet minuta”. Zahvaljujući upravo ovom genijalnom kriterijumu, ako na primer na žurku upadne Manda, uđe u klonju, iskenja se i ode kući (pod pretpostavkom da mu za to treba više od 5 minuta), može se zaključiti da je ta žurka prestižna. Lepo je znati.
Originally posted by vladream View Post[ATTACH=CONFIG]8068[/ATTACH]A jos gore je da se povredio.
To me pomalo podseca na onu situaciju u LS kada je Kaka krenuo ka golu a dva United-ova igraca se sudarila! Jedan je bio Evra, drugog se bas ne secam.
Originally posted by Sir Giggsy View PostProsto neverovatno... Ovde Agger izgleda kao npr jedan Mertesacker!A jos gore je da se povredio.
To me pomalo podseca na onu situaciju u LS kada je Kaka krenuo ka golu a dva United-ova igraca se sudarila! Jedan je bio Evra, drugog se bas ne secam.
Liverpool have confirmed the 22-year-old requires surgery and will be sidelined "for a significant period of time" with the defender unlikely to resume training until March.
The Liverpool captain said: "I think even when Luis gets blatant penalties now he is never going to get them. It is down to referees to not judge him. They have got to make their decisions based on what they see. If it is not a penalty, they don't give him one. But if it is clear, give him it. It's only fair. He was booked last week at Sunderland and the one against United was a penalty."
Johnson, who conceded the penalty that gave United victory with a challenge on Antonio Valencia, added: "I almost guarantee that, if you flipped the situation, if Luis was in the position of Valencia, he wouldn't get a penalty. We all know that. Reputations go in front of people at times and, because Valencia is not someone who is known as a diver, he gets the decision. It wasn't a penalty. I didn't touch him. I collided with Pepe [Reina]. I didn't touch Valencia at all.
"I know it is difficult for the referee, when we are sprinting as fast as we can, but in the big games they are the differences. We expect the referees to make the right decisions because we are working so hard every day in training. To have it taken away like that, you can't really explain it."
Originally posted by Sir Giggsy View PostVidim izaslo je glasanje za igraca 5og kola... zasto nema Rafaela medju najboljim mladim igracima?!?!Originally posted by maliajnstajnArsenal ako uzme narednih 5 tekmi, uzima i titulu, nema previse tu filozofije.
Sinoc odgledah na SK onu emisiju PL News... imaju i neku rubriku gde sa gostima razgovaraju o spornim sudijskim odlukama iz prethodnog kola. Bio je Alan Wiley, i jos neki bivsi menadzer QPR-a, Hull-a,... I svi su se slozili da je Halsey dobro postupio u svim situacijama.
A taman sam video i onaj start Luiz-a... lik je luuud!!!