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2012 NBA Playoffs

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  • Ovi sa ESPN-a uključili NBA 2k12 i pustili da komp odigra celo finale. 7 utakmica se igralo, evo kako im ispalo:

    GAME 1
    Heat 101, Thunder 80
    Miami came out on fire, with the Big Three establishing themselves early. LeBron James (43 points, 4 assists, 9 rebounds) dominated, and he got help from Dwayne Wade (27 points) and Chris Bosh (18 points). The Thunder saw Kevin Durant (26 points, 10 rebounds) and Russell Westbrook (14 points, 5 rebounds, 4 assists) struggle throughout most of the night. The 31-point, fourth-quarter explosion by Miami sent a big message to Oklahoma City, turning the tables on its home-court advantage.

    GAME 2
    Thunder 108, Heat 97
    Durant and Westbrook took the Game 1 loss to heart and came out with a message of their own in Game 2, as they each scored 37 points in the OKC victory. Miami’s play was the complete opposite of their Game 1 brilliance. James struggled from the field, shooting only 7-of-22 (19 points, 5 rebounds, 5 assists), and Wade’s scoring was one-sided, with 18 of his 20 points coming in the first half. Bosh (27 points, 8 rebounds) had a solid output, but the lack of bench production and depth contributed to the Heat loss.

    GAME 3
    Thunder 112, Heat 94
    Game 3 was met with much anticipation as the series shifted to South Beach. Heat fans were ready to get a 2-1 jump on the Thunder, but Durant had different plans in mind. Durant scored 43 points and grabbed 11 rebounds, knocking down shot after shot. Westbrook added 29 points and James Harden contributed 15 more as the Thunder won 112-94. James (35 points, 8 rebounds, 5 assists), Wade (31 points, 6 assists) and Bosh (18 points, 7 rebounds) came to play, but Miami’s bench continued to struggle in Game 3. OKC’s big win gave the Thunder a 2-1 lead and the type of confidence a team can only get from winning on the road in the NBA Finals.

    GAME 4
    Heat 99, Thunder 94
    Hearts were surely racing in the tense last moments of Game 4. James (36 points, 10 rebounds, 7 assists) and D-Wade (33 points, 5 rebounds, 6 assists) led the Heat to the victory, tying the series at 2-2. Bosh (10 points, 13 rebounds) was solid as he led a herculean defensive effort by Miami. Westbrook (30 points, 7 assists, 4 steals) led OKC in scoring and Durant had a bit of an off night, shooting 11-of-29 from the field for 27 points. Shane Battier’s stellar defense on Harden proved to be extremely effective, while the Thunder’s bench production wasn’t effective. Miami’s bench came through in big ways to tie this series; the stars might have dominated the first three games, but Game 4 was won by the Miami bench.

    GAME 5
    Thunder 108, Heat 105
    Over the span of this series, we’ve seen many of these tightly contested playoff games come down to who hits the big shots. Perhaps no shot was bigger than Derek Fisher’s go ahead 3-pointer at the buzzer to clinch a Game 5 victory for the Thunder. Calm, collected and cold-blooded, Fisher added to his long list of clutch shots in the postseason. Coming off a Durant screen from an inbounds pass with just 2.1 seconds left, Fisher curled around the screen, caught the wide-open inbounds pass, and let the 3-pointer fly as the time expired. He may be 37, but the ice water running through his veins is as cool as ever. The buzzer-beater gave OKC the 3-2 series lead despite the efforts of James (36 points, 10 rebounds, 7 assists) and Wade (27 points, 7 rebounds). Durant (35 points, 12 rebounds) and Harden (27 points) led the way for OKC before the heroic shot by Fisher (7 points) sealed the game for Oklahoma City.

    GAME 6
    Heat 113, Thunder 103
    With the NBA title at stake, the best players in the world took over. In an unreal shootout, Miami’s late run led by LeBron James (40 points, 7 rebounds, 7 assists) and Dwayne Wade (30 points, 5 assists) frustrated the Thunder. LeBron -- who went to the free throw line 10 times in the fourth, compared to twice in the first three quarters -- was determined to force a Game 7. He leaned his head down and drove hard to the bucket play after play late in the fourth. Durant (44 points, 8 rebounds) and Westbrook (30 points, 5 assists) dominated offensively, but Harden had his lowest scoring output of the series (six points). The Heat and Thunder were tied with three minutes to go, but LeBron’s will to get to the rim edged Miami over OKC and forced Game 7.

    GAME 7
    Thunder 107, Heat 101
    In one of the greatest NBA Finals in history, it was only fitting these two teams would cap off their amazing play in an epic Game 7. Despite 85 combined points from Miami’s big three, the Thunder’s stars led their team to the NBA championship. Westbrook scored a game-high 32 points, and Durant (28 points, 7 rebounds) was huge with 20 second-half points. Harden (28 points, 7 rebounds) kept the pressure on as well. Bosh led the way for Miami, with 31 points and 8 rebounds, and went out strong with his highest scoring output of the series. Wade also contributed with 31 points, but LeBron James took only 12 shots in the entire game, adding 23 points and 11 assists. Tied after three quarters, the Thunder put on the defensive clamps and slowed Miami down. Kevin Durant was named NBA Finals MVP, and Derek Fisher earned his sixth NBA championship ring. This series was one for the ages.


    • Originally posted by NebojsaNS View Post
      Jbt kako se ljudima vise ne smuci da prate svaki LeBronov korak u 4/4. Ima li kraja? Samo 7? Wow, tragedija... Na nivou utakmice bi to bilo koliko, 28? Kako ga nije sramota. Da se razumemo, ja prvi hateujem Jamesa najzesce, ali ovo vec prevazilazi sve granice dobrog ukusa i normalnosti. Kao da hoce coveku jos vise da nabiju kompleks prelomnih momenata. Nervira vise u svakom slucaju.
      I NbaIsMyLife, nije upuceno tebi vec americkim novinarima koji ubise sa ovom temom. Sto ne pisu daje kvalitet kosarke nikad losiji? To nije vredno analize?

      Al' fora je sto se sada u stvari svi slazu da je odigrao kao sisa, nema podeljenih strana.

      Evo je repriza, pogledajte samo koliko puta je imao missmatch i dodavao, koliko puta je u izolaciji bacao Chalmersu u korner koji cak nije ni bio sam, koliko puta je u polukontri mogao da cepi pullup, a on je zastao, koliko puta se oslanjao na druge kada je on trebao da preuzima stvari.


      • “The buzz around Kevin Durant verses LeBron James meeting up in the 2012 NBA Finals resonated with fans, and in doing so, hit ratings gold for ABC who is televising it. The NBA Finals Game 1 on ABC – which saw the Oklahoma City Thunder defeat the Miami Heat 105-94 behind Kevin Durant who scored 17 of his 36 points in the fourth quarter, pushed the Thunder to take a 1-0 series lead – generated a record 11.8 overnight rating, the highest ever for a Game 1 on the network, according to Nielsen.” – Maury Brown,
        Stern knows what Americans want

        Posto se bavim malo tom tematikom, imati rating od 11.8 u prime time u Americi je nehumana gledanost, ne verujem da ijedan sportski dogadjaj sem Super Bowla moze u Americi da slicno prikuca. Poredjenja radi, kada igra fudbalska reprezentacija Srbije na velikim takmicenjima, rating je ovde oko 18, 19. E sada to prebacite u sferu mnogo veceg trzista, broja gledalaca, ali i mnogo vec ponude, pa vidite o kakvim ciframa se tu radi.
        Last edited by Nebojsa; 14-06-12, 14:36.
        Na celom svetu samo Crvena zvezda


        • Originally posted by NebojsaNS View Post
          Stern knows what Americans want

          Posto se bavim malo tom tematikom, imati rating od 11.8 u prime time u Americi je nehumana gledanost, ne verujem da ijedan sportski dogadjaj sem Super Bowla moze u Americi da slicno prikuca. Poredjenja radi, kada igra fudbalska reprezentacija Srbije na velikim takmicenjima, rating je ovde oko 18, 19. E sada to prebacite u sferu mnogo veceg trzista, broja gledalaca, ali i mnogo vec ponude, pa vidite o kakvim ciframa se tu radi.
          Sto se tice share-a na TV kad je sport u pitanju, mislim da je
          jos uvek neprejebiva Nancy Kerrigan iz '94 godine i Zimskih
          Olimpijskih igara.

          Naravno govorim o sportskim eventima koji izuzimaju Super Bowl.

          Mislim da je tad preko 50% Amerike gledalo prenos kratkog programa
          zenskog umetnickog klizanja, a u share-u taj broj se penjao i od
          neverovatnih 65%. A sve zbog onog napada na nju. Amerika voli taj
          "zivot pise drame" momenat.

          Svakako ovih 11.8% je veliki uspeh za NBA, pogotovo jer je rec o
          tek prvoj utakmici u seriji.

          Sad vec legendarno finale iz 2010. izmedju Lakersa i Celticsa je
          u sedmoj utakmici imalo 15.6% udela, tako da nema sumnje da ce
          serija OKC-ja i Majamija prestici tu cifru.

          Primera radi, proslogodisnje finale je u poslednjoj utamici serije
          imalo 13,3%, dok je prosek citave serije bio na oko 9%.

          NBA korporacija zna kako se radi posao.
          It is not the violence that sets a man apart.
          It's the distance he's prepared to go.


          • sijetl briljira, again.
            It is not the violence that sets a man apart.
            It's the distance he's prepared to go.


            • Sto vise navija protiv njih, toliko sam ja srecniji ako pobede.


              • Taj rad Nek me mrze svi,pobedi cu im u imat
                Evo jedan trac sto se tice J.Hardena:
                Charlotte looking to deal No. 2 pick, Interested in James Harden?
                The Charlotte Bobcats are eyeing the possibility of dealing the No. 2 overall pick in a trade that would bring a more established player, multiple sources told
                Cisto sumnjam u to,sta vi(bolji strucnjaci kosarke)mislite o ovome?
                Last edited by NbaIsMyLife; 14-06-12, 22:24.
                "Nikad ne odustaj od necega sto volis"
                Legends never die. Mamba will be back!
                HOUSE ALL NIGHT LONG


                • Ja mislim da je Jordan lud pre svega...

                  Cisto sumnjam da bi se OKC odrekla tako bitnog igraca u timu, gradili su ovaj tim godinama, i na kraju izgradili tim koji igra u velikom finalu. Ma nikako ne vidim da Harden odlazi u narednim godinama iz OKC, pogotov ako oni osvoje titulu. Bolje je Jordanu da na draftu pokupe dobrog i talentovanog igraca, pa da se oko njega gradi neka ekipa za buducnost, ali isto tako sumnjam, glup je on za to...

                  “We have to change, from doubters, to believers, now.”
                  -Jürgen Klopp


                  • Da, da krene stopama OKC-a
                    Originally posted by Brajkula
                    Veruj meni, radi kako hoćeš

                    Brajkula, 2014. N.E


                    • Nisam gledao ... i bolje ... Pročitah da je Vestbrukova igra u prvom poluvremenu prokomentarisana kao najgora u istroji nekog organizatora ..


                      • Originally posted by NbaIsMyLife View Post
                        Taj rad Nek me mrze svi,pobedi cu im u imat
                        Evo jedan trac sto se tice J.Hardena:

                        Cisto sumnjam u to,sta vi(bolji strucnjaci kosarke)mislite o ovome?

                        Ocekuj neocekivano.
                        Za dve godine Oklahoma ce ostati ili bez Ibake ili bez Hardena, a mozda i pre toga zato sto je Vestbruk pocetkom godine potpisao petogodisnji ugovor vredan 80 miliona dolara i nece biti mesta za jednog od te dvojice, a sigurno ce traziti vise.Ne verujem da ce Oklahoma to prihvatiti, jer ako daju Hardena morace bekove da jure a pitanje je da li iko od njih moze dostici nivo Hardena i presisati ga.


                        • Ma nece Harden otici nece Benet to dozvoliti, pre bih voleo da se taj debilni ugovor sa Westbrickom nije ni potpisao ali dobro...
                          Zao bi mi bilo iako bi Serge otisao ali lakse bih to podneo...
                          There's something wrong with me chemically
                          Something wrong with me inherently
                          The wrong mix in the wrong genes
                          I reached the wrong ends by the wrong means
                          It was the wrong plan
                          In the wrong hands
                          With the wrong theory for the wrong man
                          The wrong lies, on the wrong vibes
                          The wrong questions with the wrong replies


                          • Sinoc je bilo kidanje zivaca ali je na kraju ispalo sve dobro
                            "Nikad ne odustaj od necega sto volis"
                            Legends never die. Mamba will be back!
                            HOUSE ALL NIGHT LONG


                            • Zadrzao bi Ibaku pre Hardenu u bilo koje doba dana.

                              Neprocenjiv defanzivni potencijal.
                              It is not the violence that sets a man apart.
                              It's the distance he's prepared to go.


                              • Koliko god Ibaka bio odlican defanzivac (najvise iz rotacije kao help defender, 1 na 1 nije nista specijalno), Harden je buduci superstar, mozda cak Hall of Famer, uvek bih njega pre.
                                Last edited by ЕлБиЏеј; 15-06-12, 17:40.

