Nazad na pricu i Jerezu: Pedrosa je operisao ruku i sad nastaje orba da se vrati fit u Estoril. Ne znam koliko mu je komplikovana operacija bila al nadam se da ce se vratiti Fit u Estoril ona borba na pocetku izmedju 5-6 vozaca u jerezu mi se svidjela
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Ali ok, da se vratimo na trku i dešavanja posle trke. Dakle Rosi je još jednom pokazao svoje pravo lice, tj. nije ga pokazao pošto se sakrio iza kacige, nije čak ni rukavice skinuo kada je Stoneru pružio ruku ( Za pohvalu je što se izvinio ali mi se čini da je to više isforsiran potez uz obilatu podršku medija. E ovako se to radi, pogledajte od 8 minuta ( Trka je bila za pamćenje, najveće pohvale za Abrahama i Kračlova jer su preživeli pakao i onakve uslove na stazi, svaka čast! Lorenco pametno do kraja, Pedro odličan, Niki - nema srećnijeg od njega, BS izfrustriran Lorencom ceo vikend, Hopa super, Hiro samo tako i dalje, Rosi, taktički loše odvezena trka bez obzira što je u početku imao odličan tempo. Još jednom nije uspeo da se iskontroliše, vidi se da ima preveliku želju ali jurca bezglavo kao i Simončeli i postaje sve nervozniji, evo sada je predložio i
Dig up the ghost of combined weight in MotoGP
Valentino Rossi suggested the idea in the Security Commission
Today it has revived talk of the idea of imposing a combined weight of motorcycle-rider in MotoGP. Valentino Rossi put it yesterday in the Security Commission and the Italian press sought the opinion of Dani Pedrosa.
The press conference after practice has become particularly interesting when a couple of journalists have recovered the old and controversial story about the theoretical advantages of the pilot light in the top flight, directing the question specifically to Dani Pedrosa. Earlier in the meeting with Valentino Rossi, he had commented that the meeting of the Security Committee yesterday raised the introduction of legislation on combined weight of motorcycle-rider in MotoGP, which currently only applies in the 125 - ensuring Rossi lighter pilots have an advantage: "With tanks of 21 liters heavier riders on the grid are penalized. On the one hand, despite the fact most, which is seen in the accelerations, "said Rossi.
The problem is not just Pedrosa, although the issue has focused on him, "In Qatar, Simoncelli much as I would lose three or four tenths only out of the last corner. My data were compared with those of Stoner and well. On the other hand, it also hurts us because we have to conserve more engines because, even more, it also consumes more and we run the risk of running out of petrol. For now it is an idea that has been suggested to the Security Commission by pilots as Hayden, Simoncelli, Loris Capirossi and myself, "said Rossi, who measured 1.82 meters and weigh between 67 and says 68 kilos.
Pedrosa, who weighs 52 kilos (Tobi Mudi juče rekao na ES 49kg), was upset: "It seems you do not like you're ahead," he lamented, not wanting to point fingers. "When I jumped in MotoGP, many journalists and fans said they could not carry this bike because it was small. When you're great at times prefer to be small, and sometimes the reverse. Always seems more beautiful the neighbor's yard yours. Do not know how many times I wanted to measure four inches more to go well on the bike. Those with long arms can be taken two positions at once, while I or go forward or in the middle or back. At the end will do what they please, "he said.
Casey Stoner, meanwhile, acknowledged that the issue of underweight has its pros and cons: "This is an interesting question, but to be honest we must recognize that in certain situation does not support the weight. It says you accelerate more to have less weight, but you have better traction, however weigh more or be bigger gives you other advantages, such as traction, "said Stoner. The funny thing is that if we take as a reference Pedrosa on the theoretical advantages of a pilot light in MotoGP since Pedrosa MotoGP reached in 2006 has added less than half of victories that the pilot has won more races that period of time in the category, which measures 1.82 meters long and weighs 67-68 kilos ... Valentino Rossi.
The combined weight is a solution that exists only in 125. Neither Moto2 or MotoGP, Superbike and no speed or other categories incorporate this policy. Its introduction was performed at 125 to avoid the significant inequalities that exist with the weight on these bikes, lighter and less powerful, where young drivers, low size and weight, had a clear advantage over other larger. Yes there are other ways, such as that used in SBK, so that bikes do not have specific settings advantages over another. This year's bikes and four-cylinder two start with the same minimum weight, while last year had a greater weight twin cylinder, five kilos more, but this was revised twice under the regulations, and ended with the same weight than the four cylinders.Last edited by YAMAHAY; 06-04-11, 19:55.
U vezi Yamahinog posta da se nadovezem. To sam hteo da dodam jos ranije, ali nisam hteo jer ne bi bilo nikakvog efekta. Mislio sam da pustim ove Rosijevce da se izlaju do kraja u nadi da ce im dosaditi, ali nema nista od toga. Kada je Yamaha, ranije, davao "lose" komentare o Rosiju sve je bilo argumentovano, pa je brisano. A ovde se je toliko puta ispljuvao Stoner da je to prosto neverovatno. Neka pljuju, nema veze, ali kad se vec brisu uvrede neka se brisu i o Stoneru i o svakom drugom, a ne samo o Rosiju...
da se izlajemo??hehehe..evo jos jednom..pu stoneru pu!!Last edited by Rossini; 06-04-11, 18:27.sigpic
Originally posted by Waja View PostMislim da bi trebali da se prisetimo kako je "mocni" Lorenco dosao do tih pobeda! Dosao je do pobeda tako sto je SAM sastavio, popravio motor? dosao je do pobeda tako sto je SAM uveo neke promene u samoj voznji? dosao je do pobeda tako sto nije imao od koga da uci vec se sve SAM obucavao?Dosao je do fanova tako sto im priredjuje zabave na kraju trke koje je prvi izmislio? ...toliko toga on nije...tako da nemam zelju da ga dizem u nebesa! sta on ima...ima ludu glavu kao i svaki vozac motora, voli miris motora, zvuk motora....Lorenco je samo to sve ostalo je copy paste Rossia...ali on nikada nece biti Rossi! jer Rossi je jedan, taj se rodi samo jednom!
Odlican txt o kilazi i motoru. Isprva sam mislio da Rossi tu nema sto da trazi. On je manji ali ima i manje snage da upravlja motorom tacno kako on zeli, zbog njega moraju da spustaju motor i prave razlicite kompromise sa njegovom visinom. Dakle nije sve toliko jednostavno. Onda stvarno pogledas Marca koji kad sjedne na motor u toku trke trosi vise goriva zbog njegove tezine, jeste ima bolju trakciju ali mu se takodje i gume brze trose. I dok Marco na 21l goriva mora da cuva gorivo da izdrzi do kraja trke i da nasteluje Pedrosa ima leteci start kojim nadonadjuje po 10 pozicija, ima brze izlaze iz krivine, i ima vise goriva sto znaci vise snage u motor i u nekom direktnom duelu to je jako lose jer on moze brze da izadje iz krivine dok neko tezi ne moze.
To pravilo postoji i u drugim sportovima, al trenutno samo Pedrosa koliko ja znam ima mnogo koristi od toga. Ne znam drugog vozaca, mozda Aoyama?[pic][/pic]
nadam se da ce po tom pitanju pravila ostati ista.cak i ako ima najvecu prednost,dani to slabo koristi,pa ne vidim zasto bi nekome njegova tezina smetala.ima jos sto stvari koje uticu na to kako ce neko odvesti trku i na kom mestu ce je zavrsiti,i u svakoj od njih neko je u prednosti,a neko ima hendikep.tako da bi svakome osim tezine moglo da smeta jos dosta stvari.kad se sve sabere i oduzme,svi su oni tu negde u istom polozajudon't be scared homiesigpic
Originally posted by Valentino Rossi #46 View Postu Ove 2 trke rossi startuje prejako isto ko da gledam pedrosu xD ( ne baš pedrosu ) al bolje nego prošle sezone ...
Ma bolje nego sve sezone od kako je usao u GP. Covjek nije dobar starter tradicionalno, al vidis ove dvije trke snaga Ducatia samo ga posalje naprijed.[pic][/pic]
Following the collision between Rossi and Stoner during the MotoGP race of the Spanish Grand Prix on 3 April in Jerez, the Race Direction has decided to organize a hearing with the Clerk of the Course and the Chief Marshal in order to review the incident and to hear the explanation of the officials in charge.
Due to the fact that the final decision of the Race Direction will not affect the result of the race, the hearing will be organized on Thursday 28 April in Estoril, Portugal.sigpic