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    [quote author=3006 link=topic=2928.msg181841#msg181841 date=1287498924]
    Logično je da 2t odlaze u istoriju. Meni se u Moto 2 ne dopada to što nema fabričkog rivaliteta i to što je Honda pokazala koliko je moćna i preuzela primat, ali to je duga priča. Takođe, ne dopada mi se prevelik broj vozača na stazi, ali i tu se ponavljam. Kategorija 125 gubi iz dana u dan, pogotovo od kako je krenula priča o Moto 3. Vidljivo je da je treba menjati. 250 4t će biti nešto novo, nešto što bi trebalo da valja.
    Po meni jedina mana sto se Moto2 tice je prevelik broj vozaca.Inace mislim da je ova kategorija pun pogodak.Svi isti motor,pa nek najbolji pobedi,uostalom i pobedio je.



      [quote author=caniggia7 link=topic=2928.msg181874#msg181874 date=1287509089]

      Po meni jedina mana sto se Moto2 tice je prevelik broj vozaca.Inace mislim da je ova kategorija pun pogodak.Svi isti motor,pa nek najbolji pobedi,uostalom i pobedio je.
      Meni je bas super sto ih ima toliko,steta sto ih u najacoj klasi nema toliko puno. +-*^%*



        [quote author=Djuka99gp link=topic=2928.msg181878#msg181878 date=1287509773]
        Meni je bas super sto ih ima toliko,steta sto ih u najacoj klasi nema toliko puno. +-*^%*
        40 je vec previse,po meni je 25 najbolja cifra za bilo koju kategoriju.Ali opet bolje 40 nego 17. &+I}\



          Mislim da je broj od nekih 25 vozaca vise nego dovoljno na stazi.
          Sve preko toga samo pravi guzvu i ne pokazuje pravo stanje. A da ne govorim o mnogo vecim mogucnostima za padove i teske povrede.

          Jedna zanimljivost. Na pitanje novinara, upuceno menadzeru tima Dukatija, o agregatu za sledecu sezonu, njegov odgovor je:

          "The 2011 bike won't be much different from this year's. I haven't tried it, but Franco Battaini run it at Mugello last week and did well. How much has it improved? Let's just say that there's been an important progress. Our philosophy always aims at speed performance, a bit like Honda.

          "Both Rossi and Hayden, as we did last year with the GP10, will have the chance of choosing the engine they prefer. We have prepared different versions of our engine. How many? Let's say two... well, they are actually three.

          Mislim da ce LL najbolje znati da ovo malo obrazlozi, naravno ako ima vremena.



            [quote author=vesna8.11 link=topic=2928.msg181882#msg181882 date=1287510109]
            Mislim da je broj od nekih 25 vozaca vise nego dovoljno na stazi.
            Sve preko toga samo pravi guzvu i ne pokazuje pravo stanje. A da ne govorim o mnogo vecim mogucnostima za padove i teske povrede.

            Jedna zanimljivost. Na pitanje novinara, upuceno menadzeru tima Dukatija, o agregatu za sledecu sezonu, njegov odgovor je:

            "The 2011 bike won't be much different from this year's. I haven't tried it, but Franco Battaini run it at Mugello last week and did well. How much has it improved? Let's just say that there's been an important progress. Our philosophy always aims at speed performance, a bit like Honda.

            "Both Rossi and Hayden, as we did last year with the GP10, will have the chance of choosing the engine they prefer. We have prepared different versions of our engine. How many? Let's say two... well, they are actually three.

            Mislim da ce LL najbolje znati da ovo malo obrazlozi, naravno ako ima vremena.

            Zanjimljivo.Jedva cekam sledecu sezonu,joj ko ce izdrzati zimu bez trka.


            • Odg: IVECO AUSTRALIAN GRAND PRIX 2010

              [quote author=Djuka99gp link=topic=2928.msg181884#msg181884 date=1287510317]
              Zanjimljivo.Jedva cekam sledecu sezonu,joj ko ce izdrzati zimu bez trka.
              Ja cu za vreme zime gledati trke od ranijih sezona koje skidam s neta.Jedva cekam 2011 jos odavno,od Muggela prakticno.


              • Odg: IVECO AUSTRALIAN GRAND PRIX 2010

                [quote author=vesna8.11 link=topic=2928.msg181882#msg181882 date=1287510109]
                Mislim da ce LL najbolje znati da ovo malo obrazlozi, naravno ako ima vremena.

                Ne kapiram tj trenutno mi ne pada na pamet (s obizrom a sam budan od 5 nije chudno) sto moze biti tri? Da je iduca 2012 mislio bih da covjek misli na kubikazu i verziju Screamer ili Big Bang jedino ako oni nisu nasli neku 3cu novu tehnologiju za motor ili neke promjene unutar vec postojecih verzija. Bas i mene zanima shto je mislio pod 3 verzije motora. ONo sto zasigurno znam da ce Rossi imati da bira bas sve viljuske, shasije, kocnice, suspenzore i to na pretek, sav materijal koji po izjava iz Ducatia Stoner nije testirao a na chem oni misle da bi mogli imati znacajan napredak. Sto se tice motora nigdje nisam procitao da planiraju da naprave neku novu verziju ili da je doslo do neke nove tehnologije. Moguce da kriju neshto novo.


                • Odg: IVECO AUSTRALIAN GRAND PRIX 2010

                  Writing in his online blog, Gardner says: 'The future for their (Yamaha's) current engine desihn doesn't look good at this stage. Now, Ducati have a strong engine once again with significant input from Ferrari, while Honda have recruited all their former F1 engineers to the MotoGP cause and are spending a lot if money on bike development.'

                  The 1987 500cc World Champion concludes by saying:

                  'I think it's perfect timing for Valentino to go. If the engne's strong, it won't take him and Jerry long to sort out the chassis issues. I expect him to be right at the front and winning next year.'



                  • Odg: IVECO AUSTRALIAN GRAND PRIX 2010

                    Ducati Gears Up for Rossi as Yamaha say Yes to Valencia Test

                    Even as we waited for the official decision from Yamaha on whether Valentino Rossi would be allowed to test the Ducati Desmosedici MotoGP racer immediately following the season ending Valencia race next month, Ducati pushed ahead and plan to bring both a big bang and screamer engine for the GOAT to test.
                    After switching to a big bang format this season which appeared to pay dividends for Nicky Hayden, Ducati are once again evaluating which firing order format will be best in 2011 when Rossi join the factory squad. Ducati team manager and formidable rider himself, Vito Guareschi, has been studying Rossi’s riding style in order to determine which bike to send Rossi out on first.
                    The key issue had been when Rossi would get to ride the Ducati for the first time. Yamaha had remained tight lipped on whether they would release him to test (the contract expires December 31st), however it wasn’t hard to get opinions on the subject. Rossi, Casey Stoner and even the retiring Yamaha boss have weighed in on the subject.
                    One of the issues is that sponsors typically extract further marketing out of riders once the season is over. Yamaha had to balance the true benefit (to them) of denying Valentino seat time on the Ducati in 2010 versus the backlash from fans and the Italian media if they do so. It seems the potential for backlash prevailed as during the Phillip Island round of the championship, Yamaha finally let Rossi know that he could test at Valencia.


                    • Odg: IVECO AUSTRALIAN GRAND PRIX 2010

                      [quote author=L. Lawliet link=topic=2928.msg181890#msg181890 date=1287511127]
                      Writing in his online blog, Gardner says: 'The future for their (Yamaha's) current engine desihn doesn't look good at this stage. Now, Ducati have a strong engine once again with significant input from Ferrari, while Honda have recruited all their former F1 engineers to the MotoGP cause and are spending a lot if money on bike development.'

                      The 1987 500cc World Champion concludes by saying:

                      'I think it's perfect timing for Valentino to go. If the engne's strong, it won't take him and Jerry long to sort out the chassis issues. I expect him to be right at the front and winning next year.'
                      I u vremenima kad vise nije toliko dominantan i kad bi se moglo desiti da ga drugi pobede,razmislja i pravi najbolji moguci potez za sebe.Sto se glave tice tu je apsolutno dominantan.Ovim dokazuje da je jedan jedini i neponovljivi.Naravno,jos nije sve izgubljeno za ostale.Honda ima jak motor,a Yamaha ce imati jos dogodine bar konkurentan i 2 sjajna i uporna vozaca.Valjda ce onaj kreten Jarvis uspeti da privuce sponzore.Odlazak Furosawe je veliki problem. &+I}\


                      • Odg: IVECO AUSTRALIAN GRAND PRIX 2010

                        [quote author=caniggia7 link=topic=2928.msg181886#msg181886 date=1287510543]
                        [quote author=Djuka99gp link=topic=2928.msg181884#msg181884 date=1287510317]
                        Zanjimljivo.Jedva cekam sledecu sezonu,joj ko ce izdrzati zimu bez trka.
                        Ja cu za vreme zime gledati trke od ranijih sezona koje skidam s neta.Jedva cekam 2011 jos odavno,od Muggela prakticno.
                        Daj mi link gde skidas
                        JUST PUNK

                        NO NATIONS
                        NO RELIGION
                        NO AUTHORITY

                        And most of all PEACE



                        • Odg: IVECO AUSTRALIAN GRAND PRIX 2010

                          [quote author=Lorenzo-fan link=topic=2928.msg182068#msg182068 date=1287588119]
                          Daj mi link gde skidas
                          Pa ukucas preko torrenta koju oces trku i ako ima skines,a ja ne znam za drugacije.


                          • Odg: IVECO AUSTRALIAN GRAND PRIX 2010

                            Misljenje Dzeremija B. o znacaju prednjeg kraja motora.

                            Burgess believes the front end is the first thing to go when a rider's pushing. "If you don't have the feeling that you're losing the front, you have no opportunity to recover it," Burgess said. "So, without Valentino riding the bike and setting it the way he likes, where he may gain more feel, or if we do come across some sort of issue in this area, then clearly it has to be resolved. And that's by having the engineering group on standby being prepared to react immediately to whatever is our biggest problem."

                            One of the reasons Stoner left Ducati was the lack of updates. Stoner and Hayden have both said that what they start the season with is pretty much what they end it with. There aren't a lot of major updates, which isn't surprising for a small company. Many believe that one of the major reasons Ducati closed down their World Superbike program was to devote those resources to MotoGP. Burgess thinks that Rossi will have a close relationship with Ducati engineering whiz Filippo Preziosi and that "Valentino will be picking the phone up fairly regularly, if not every night, and I'm sure that's what Filippo would like to hear.

                            "And you're dealing with Valentino Rossi. You're not dealing with somebody you're not sure of. What I said to Yamaha when I came here, I said, 'I can't fix your bike, but if you listen to Valentino Rossi, we'll go forward. Ignore him at your peril.' And it's the same deal here at Ducati. They spent the money to get him. If you don't want to listen to him, well why did you spend the money?"


                            • Odg: IVECO AUSTRALIAN GRAND PRIX 2010

                              [quote author=caniggia7 link=topic=2928.msg181886#msg181886 date=1287510543]
                              [quote author=Djuka99gp link=topic=2928.msg181884#msg181884 date=1287510317]
                              Zanjimljivo.Jedva cekam sledecu sezonu,joj ko ce izdrzati zimu bez trka.
                              Ja cu za vreme zime gledati trke od ranijih sezona koje skidam s neta.Jedva cekam 2011 jos odavno,od Muggela prakticno.

                              Pogledaj ako vec nisi (ili se poseti ako vec jesi @(*6sd$%) trke iz Assena , sezona 2007. Jedna od Rosijevih legendarnih voznji, na koju je doduse senku bacila Dukatijeva dominacija te godine pa je pala u zaborav.


                              • Odg: IVECO AUSTRALIAN GRAND PRIX 2010

                                [quote author=bronza link=topic=2928.msg182566#msg182566 date=1287689044]
                                Pogledaj ako vec nisi (ili se poseti ako vec jesi @(*6sd$%) trke iz Assena , sezona 2007. Jedna od Rosijevih legendarnih voznji, na koju je doduse senku bacila Dukatijeva dominacija te godine pa je pala u zaborav.
                                To je ono kad je s 13. mesta pobedio?

