Amerikanac, pronaci cu njegovo ime, ovu recenicu cuvam vec tri dana....
Evo sta Rosi kaze, na molbu Yamahe da malo vise pazi kako vozi h5g6k8
Rossi confirmed he’d been spoken to by Yamaha senior race boss Masao Furusawa but shrugged off the warning when he added: “Yamaha came to me and said keep attention in the next races but they were not very angry.
"They understand the situation. All the people from Yamaha come to me and make congratulations after the podium. They said it was a great battle and they enjoyed it a lot.
"I said to Yamaha, what do you expect from me, to arrive behind? If I know this I will stay at home.”
So would he change his tactics if he found himself in a similar situation over the course of the last four races?
“I’ll race to win with attention, “said Rossi with a wry smile.
Amerikanac, pronaci cu njegovo ime, ovu recenicu cuvam vec tri dana....
Evo sta Rosi kaze, na molbu Yamahe da malo vise pazi kako vozi h5g6k8
Rossi confirmed he’d been spoken to by Yamaha senior race boss Masao Furusawa but shrugged off the warning when he added: “Yamaha came to me and said keep attention in the next races but they were not very angry.
"They understand the situation. All the people from Yamaha come to me and make congratulations after the podium. They said it was a great battle and they enjoyed it a lot.
"I said to Yamaha, what do you expect from me, to arrive behind? If I know this I will stay at home.”
So would he change his tactics if he found himself in a similar situation over the course of the last four races?
“I’ll race to win with attention, “said Rossi with a wry smile.