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  • Originally posted by maliajnstajn View Post
    Prvi koga treba otjerat jest trener golmana. To je ubjedljivo najgori covjek u klubu, Ceh je postao karina kod nas.

    A povrede su postale bolje u posljednje vrijeme, u odnosu na prije 3-4 godine.
    Zna se dobro ko je najgori covek u klubu ako objektivno sagledamo cinjenicno stanje . Ako dalje nastavis da sagledavas videces da apsolutno svi igraci nazaduju osim Kosa i Sanceza. Ispravi me ako gresim


    • Ox-a se ja ne bih odricao, taj ce pokidati ako ode u Liverpul npr. ili kod Murinja, tako da bolje ga zadrzati. Ozila,Sancheza i Remziku zadrzati, oni ostali mogu i kao slobodni igraci naredne nedelje.

      Ne pamtim kad mi je ovoliko dobro dosla ova reprezentativna pauza, bukvalno sam se odmorio od razocarenja koja mi je Arsenal priredjivao u prethodnih mesec dana.
      Originally posted by maliajnstajn
      Arsenal ako uzme narednih 5 tekmi, uzima i titulu, nema previse tu filozofije.


      • According to @HoussemLou and @nicolas_vilas, Arsenal are interested in Sporting keeper Rui Patrício and will lodge a €15m bid in the summer.
        Sasvim dobar golman, ali ne i bolji od ove dvojice sto imate.


        • World class!
          Originally posted by maliajnstajn
          Arsenal ako uzme narednih 5 tekmi, uzima i titulu, nema previse tu filozofije.


          • Dje ste Arsenalovci, dje ste braco napacena?

            Ima li kakvih novosti vezane za povrede igraca?


              Arsene Wenger and the Arsenal board have been handed a vote of no confidence by the club’s Supporters’ Trust as the Frenchman prepares what could be the most crucial month of his career.

              A survey carried out by the Arsenal Supporters’ Trust has revealed that 78 per cent of their members do not want Wenger to sign a new contract and 86 per cent believe the board are not acting in the best interests of the club.

              Wenger has claimed he has made a decision on his future, which he is yet to reveal, but the AST have now called for the Arsenal board to withdraw the offer of a new two-year deal.

              A statement from the AST, which has a membership of just under 1000, said: “In light of these survey results the AST now calls on Arsenal’s board not to renew Arsène Wenger’s contract at the end of the 2016-17 season.

              "A substantial majority of our members believe he is no longer the right person to take the club forward. We are confident this is an accurate reflection of the wider fanbase.

              “The AST will be writing to and meeting with members of the Arsenal board to convey these results and our position that they should now withdraw the offer of a new contract.

              "We believe the board’s role now is to successfully manage the transition to a new manager, an eventuality for which they have had plenty of warning and time to prepare.

              “The AST has long believed that change is needed in the Arsenal boardroom. The fact that only nine per cent of our members believe the Arsenal board have handled this issue well reinforces our view that a fresh approach is urgently needed.

              "The board needs more dynamic and independent members with skillsets that reflect the challenges Arsenal face, including the need to grow commercial revenues and to rebuild a football management structure that increasingly looks out of date.

              “In adding our voice to calls for Arsène Wenger to leave Arsenal after 21 years we would like to reiterate the importance of this debate taking place in a civil and responsible way.

              "We respect the right of every fan to have a view and for that view to be respected and heard. For this reason, we have reported every opinion our members offered, but we are compelled to go with the majority.

              “We also recognise and pay tribute to the tremendous contribution that Arsène Wenger has made to Arsenal. Regardless of the current debate around his contract we believe that he deserves huge respect and admiration for his long-term contribution to our club, including delivering some of the best football ever witnessed not just by Arsenal fans but all of those who follow the English game.”

              This is not the first time the AST have conducted surveys on the role of Wenger. In the summer of 2015, 84 per cent of members agreed that he was ‘the right person to manage Arsenal’, with only 10 per cent disagreeing.

              According to the latest AST survey, the main reasons given for 78 per cent of fans now wanting Wenger to go are ‘the time has come’, ‘a need for fresh ideas or a new approach’, ‘a paucity of leadership and direction’ and ‘a lack of ambition’.


              • Evo baš će da ih poslušaju sve noge lome

                #PRAVDA ZA BRAĆU


                • Mala je to grupica ,kap u okeanu,prosto zabole upravu i za njih,videcemo,sve gledam kakav tajming cekaju da objave da Wenger ostaje,ako postoji uopste pravi,eto mozda posle razbijanja citija u nedelju


                  • Eto Viere u trenersku ekipu.


                    • I ja sma pročitao to za Vieru , boga mi ne znam ne pratim kakav je kao trener ali kada bi preneo svoj mentalitet kakav je imao kao igrač rado bih prihvatio da zameni Wengera.Viera trener , Anri asistent

                      #PRAVDA ZA BRAĆU


                      • Originally posted by Lord Gangara View Post
                        I ja sma pročitao to za Vieru , boga mi ne znam ne pratim kakav je kao trener ali kada bi preneo svoj mentalitet kakav je imao kao igrač rado bih prihvatio da zameni Wengera.Viera trener , Anri asistent
                        Nisu mu rezultati najsrecniji al sam cuo da je sjajan trener sto se tice odnosa sa igracima, vodjenja ekipe, jacanja mentaliteta... Plus, nisam nikad gledao mls, ali statisticki igra najatraktivniji fudbal tamo.

                        Ako Viera dodje, ubedjen sam da Venger ostaje i Viera preuzima za par godina. Bila je ta prica aktuelna i kad je otisao u Ameriku
                        Originally posted by Dekinjo
                        Šta mislite da su Livepulu poništili dva čista gola, a Sitiju nisu. Koliki bi bio rezultat? Pa 3:3
                        Originally posted by La Jugoslavia
                        Crvena zvezda je naša, iako je oteta, ona je naša, iako je okupirana. A da je oteta i okupirana, to stoji i to jeste, apsolutno se slažem.


                        • Poprilicno sam siguran da je sljedeca varijanta u Wengerovoj glavi.

                          Godina dana ugovora da sredi pomocne trenere, strukturu u akademiji i da pripremi upravu za svoj odlazak.

                          Lik je legenda i ako misli da je potrebno jos godina dana da pripremi klub da ne bude krize poslije njegovog odlaska, nikakav problem, naravno ako mu je to cilj, a vjerujem da jeste.
                          "IF YOU CAN MEET WITH TRIUMPH AND DISASTER


                          • Nije ih sredio za 20godina, sad ce za godinu dana sve da sredi.
                            Inace ako ovi trenutno ne rade svoj posao, zasto su bili tu svih ovih godina, i sta je cekao??

                            Ja Arsenal smatram velikim klubom, koji je trenutno u krizi. 10+ godina bez titule je kriza za 1 veliki klub.
                            Ili je pak trenutna situacija u klubu odlicna Aki?
                            Last edited by Brian McShtull; 01-04-17, 23:25.
                            "A lot of football success is in the mind. You must believe you are the best and then make sure that you are."


                            • Sve covek sredio u klubu, jos samo te pomocne trenere i kafe kuvarice i moze mirno da ide


                              • Mora one jadnike u upravi da pripremi.

                                Pires i Viera su imena koja se vrte.
                                "IF YOU CAN MEET WITH TRIUMPH AND DISASTER
                                AND TREAT THOSE TWO IMPOSTORS JUST THE SAME"

