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  • Moze jer je odradio suspenziju protiv Brightona kao i Skrtel.

    "There are only two sides in Liverpool. Liverpool and Liverpool reserves." - Bill Shankly



    • Mozda i moze,jer je pauzirao u Kupu.
      Anaheim Ducks,Philadelphia Eagles,Orlando Magic,Crvena Zvezda,Liverpool,Valencija,Torino,KFC


      • Veliki as King Kenny Dalglish!

        Kenny: Let's all stick together

        On the eve of our clash with Wolves, the boss speaks to us about the importance of everyone connected with Liverpool FC playing their part in our quest for success.

        Kenny it's your first home game in nearly a month when Wolves come to Anfield - great to be playing back in front of your own fans again?

        It is good to be back at Anfield and it's a 3pm kick-off as well which makes it back to the old fashioned days which was always 3pm on a Saturday. Obviously with the advent of television and I think the game has moved on fantastically because of that, there's that many games played over the weekend at various times. Some are even moved to Monday but we've got happy memories of our last game at Anfield which was an excellent performance against Bolton.

        If we want to take anything out of this game on Saturday then we'll have to repeat that level of performance because Wolves came here last year and beat us 1-0. The personnel in both sides will be changed from that day but they will come here with confidence and belief, so it's going to be a difficult game for us.

        There's a lot of players who have come in and it's their first season with the club and the support they have had from the fans has been unbelievable, and I think even more so at Tottenham where it was a bit of an adversity for us really. They got behind them and I'm sure that gave everybody a lift because the easiest thing for people to do is jump on top of them. There will be times in the games where some people are better than others but people tend to find it very easy to pick on the ones that haven't been as good and be more critical than objective.

        But I think we are lucky in that our supporters know the importance of the role they play in giving the young ones confidence, and as long as they are seen to be giving what they have to give to the football club then I'll think they'll help them on the way. They'll suffer and accept more readily a mistake as long as somebody is wholehearted about it and I don't think there's anybody that's come in who has not given us a wholehearted performance at any time they have ever walked on to the pitch.

        It's easier to support your football club when you play as well as you did against Bolton but the real support is when you go to Tottenham and you play badly and they are still there, still supportive. We then go to Brighton midweek and it's sold out. The supporters turned up and they appreciated the effort the players put in, the football that we played and the result that we got. So I think there is a great relationship between players and supporters. I don't think anybody should be allowed to drive any divisions through there and any part of the football club.

        We said it last year and we will say it again; we are much, much stronger if everybody sticks together, and if we've done something wrong then we'll try our best to correct it. We never walked away after the Tottenham game and thought 'hold on, that didn't hurt me'. It was sore and it should have been sore and the disappointment should have been there for everybody and it was there. That was quite a pleasing aspect for us as well, so they know that the players are trying their best, will try their best. We never sweep a bad result under the carpet, but similarly we don't go overboard when we play like we did against Bolton.

        We don't accept that's it, that's the season finished. They have set the standard for the level they can play and how they can play at and they want to maintain it. And I'm sure that everybody who is involved with Liverpool enjoyed the Bolton game much more than they did the Tottenham game, and that includes staff, players and everyone else.

        So for us it's really important that we stick together. I think the people have put a trust in us to look after the club for the moment, both managerially, coaching and playing wise. I think they've got a fair amount of trust in us and I think they know that there's no way that we are going to go backwards for a lack of effort. We are going to be fully committed and if they are on our side then that makes it that little bit easier for us as well.

        We need to be unified and we need to be collective. We have been since we came in. Don't let other people drive wedges between us because we don't want that. We don't want to undermine the important fact the supporters play and the factors they contribute towards our performances. We need them on our side, we want them on our side and we've got to earn the right to get them on our side and we'll try our best to do that. We are looking forward to the game against Wolves and are determined to do what we have to do and that is to get three points from it.

        As you have said Kenny it's a squad game these days so with one or two familiar faces coming back it must be fantastic for you as a manager to have these selection dilemmas?

        Obviously Glen Johson and Daniel Agger are injured but apart from those two everybody else is training, so it is a difficult task in many ways but it's one that everybody wants. You don't want to see players injured, the players don't want to be injured, they are footballers who want to play so at this moment in time the injury list isn't too bad.

        You had some great battles in your playing days with Mick McCarthy - do the way his teams play epitomise how he was as a player?

        You are not going to get any team that Mick has got to come and lie down. They are going to make it difficult for us, we know that, and they have got the benefit of wining here last season so that will be fresh in their minds. It's up to us to play.


        • Nije toliko problem u tome sto treba istrpeti igrace. Za Carrolla se slazem da treba istrpeti i da ce biti dobar, iako se nikad necu pomiriti sa cinjenicom da je placen 35 miliona, a vredi polovinu od toga. Ali Henderson nije za bocnog igraca sto trenutno igra. On moze biti bitna karika u veznom redu kad se uigra, al on nije prodoran igrac i potpuno je beskoristan na desnoj strani, nema tu sta da se istrpi kad on nema, niti ce imati, ni brzinu ni tehniku za bocnog igraca. Ja sam pre misljenja da investicija od 20 miliona mora da igra u prvoj postavi, bez obzira kako igra.

          I kolko god da su dobrog uradili za poslednja dva prelazna roka, tolko su sve upropastili sa prodajom Meirelesa. Covek je ipak pravio razliku na terenu


          • Originally posted by lenjivac View Post
            Nije toliko problem u tome sto treba istrpeti igrace. Za Carrolla se slazem da treba istrpeti i da ce biti dobar, iako se nikad necu pomiriti sa cinjenicom da je placen 35 miliona, a vredi polovinu od toga. Ali Henderson nije za bocnog igraca sto trenutno igra. On moze biti bitna karika u veznom redu kad se uigra, al on nije prodoran igrac i potpuno je beskoristan na desnoj strani, nema tu sta da se istrpi kad on nema, niti ce imati, ni brzinu ni tehniku za bocnog igraca. Ja sam pre misljenja da investicija od 20 miliona mora da igra u prvoj postavi, bez obzira kako igra.

            I kolko god da su dobrog uradili za poslednja dva prelazna roka, tolko su sve upropastili sa prodajom Meirelesa. Covek je ipak pravio razliku na terenu
            Igrace Henderson vise u sredini, tako je i bilo zadnja 2 meca samo sto smo losije odigrali. Rotirace se u toku samog meca svi i to dosta.

            Meireles je hteo da ide i trebalo ga je pustiti, sta da igra nezadovoljan. Dovesce se neko drugi vrlo moguce vec u januaru ko ce hteti sveti dres.


            • Nadam se da ce i Kenny tako postupiti sa Hendersonom, al cisto sumnjam da ce se dovoditi zamena za Meirelesa jer su ipak potrebniji desni bek, desno krilo i napadac. Mozda Gerrard moze zameniti Meirelesa, al sa njim se nikad ne zna zato sto je sklon povredama


              • Originally posted by lenjivac View Post
                Nadam se da ce i Kenny tako postupiti sa Hendersonom, al cisto sumnjam da ce se dovoditi zamena za Meirelesa jer su ipak potrebniji desni bek, desno krilo i napadac. Mozda Gerrard moze zameniti Meirelesa, al sa njim se nikad ne zna zato sto je sklon povredama
                Nije on sklon povredama nego je problem taj sto se jednom povredio i od tada cesto igrao povredjen, krpio tudje rupe zbog ocajne rotacije i na kraju je to doslo dokle je doslo. Da smo imali rotaciju, bila bi druga prica. On se preforsirao.

                Napadac cemo videti da li je potreban, ako Kerol udje u proslogodisnju formu iz Njukastla ne treba nam. Desni bek nije prekopotreban pored Dzonsona i Kelija, jedino ako prvi nastavi da se povredjuje a to cemo videti. Krilo ok, tu je pik Hazard koji bi se onda non-stop rotirao sa Dauningom.

                Inace, Meireles je otisao zbog toga sto mu plata nije povecana. Nasi jesu hteli da mu povecaju ali on je ucenjivao i trazio previse, da bude u rangu Dzerarda. Pa vi razmislite treba li nam ucenjivac.


                • Nisam znao to za Meirelesa, znao sam da trazi povecanje plate, al sam mislio da mu uprava uopste nije ponudila bilo sta. Ako je stvarno trazio platu ko Gerrard, onda nek je otisao. Za desnog beka kazem upravo zbog toga sto je Dzonson non-stop povredjen. Al krila su definitivno prekopotrebna, jer sa Dauningom i Kajtom(bez izmena) se ne moze nista ozbiljnije uraditi od cetvrtog-petog mesta u PL. A sta ako se povredi Carroll, napadaca rezervnog nemamo!


                  • Originally posted by lenjivac View Post
                    Nisam znao to za Meirelesa, znao sam da trazi povecanje plate, al sam mislio da mu uprava uopste nije ponudila bilo sta. Ako je stvarno trazio platu ko Gerrard, onda nek je otisao. Za desnog beka kazem upravo zbog toga sto je Dzonson non-stop povredjen. Al krila su definitivno prekopotrebna, jer sa Dauningom i Kajtom(bez izmena) se ne moze nista ozbiljnije uraditi od cetvrtog-petog mesta u PL. A sta ako se povredi Carroll, napadaca rezervnog nemamo!
                    Kajt i Belami su odlicni backup spicevi, druga je stvar sto je Dirk spletom okolnosti njorio na krilu. A uz pravu postavku igre, krila nisu prekopotrebna da bi igrali, mada je ovo ipak Engleska. Doci ce jos koje krilo u naredna 2 prelazna roka sigurno. Hazarda zele kao veliko pojacanje i prvotimca i jos jednog za klupu. Gaston Ramirez se sad pominje ali u januaru i narednog leta cemo videti koliko je i sta ozbiljno.


                    • Idemo na Stouk u Karling Kupu, gostovanje, bice pretesko.


                      • Da bice jako tesko,ali ovo je i sansa za mini osvetu.
                        Anaheim Ducks,Philadelphia Eagles,Orlando Magic,Crvena Zvezda,Liverpool,Valencija,Torino,KFC


                        • The Reds team in full is: Reina, Kelly, Enrique, Carragher, Skrtel, Downing, Henderson, Lucas, Adam, Carroll, Suarez. Subs: Doni, Gerrard, Bellamy, Coates, Flanagan, Kuyt, Spearing.
                          Ovo je sastav, idemo!


                          • Ako mozemo zakomplikovati utakmicu mi cemo to i uraditi

                            Imamo vodstvo 2-0,dobro igramo i umjesto da privedemo to rutinski kraju zakomplikujemo situaciju maksimalno.Prvo poluvrijeme vrlo dobro,u drugom smo mozda odigrali 10 minuta kako treba.Realizacija se mora popraviti.Nakon primljenog gola prvo Suarez pa zatim Downing promasuju zicer a onda Carroll pogadja stativu,srecom to nas nije kostalo.Odbrana nam i dalje skripi i falit ce Agger dosta,a nadam se da ce se Johnson uskoro vratiti.

                            Suarez ponovo najbolji na terenu,prekrasan go,ali mu ona reakcija nije trebala kad je zamjenjen.Jasno mi je da zeli igrati 90 minuta i da je mozda Kenny pogrijesio sto ga je izveo jer je bio najbolji na terenu,ali trenerova odluka se mora postovati i njegova je zadnja.

                            "There are only two sides in Liverpool. Liverpool and Liverpool reserves." - Bill Shankly

                            LFC:18+5=THE GREATEST


                            • Nije Suarez bio najbolji nego Enrike, covek bez ijedne greske igra.


                              • Meni je Suarez,uradio je sve sto se ocekuje od njega,zabio go,borio se maksimalno i nije puno grijesio.

                                Dobra stvar je sto Carroll grize nenormalno,falio je pogodak da krunise odlicnu partiju ali nema veze.I njemu je postalo jasno da ce morati maksimum davati ako zeli da igra u prvih 11.

                                "There are only two sides in Liverpool. Liverpool and Liverpool reserves." - Bill Shankly

                                LFC:18+5=THE GREATEST

