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  • Slozio bih se sa Nashom,nije Suarez bio najbolji,imao je i on onu priliku da zabije,ali je udario prejako umjesto precizno i promasio a go je bio prazan,jeste igrao dobro ali nije bio najbolji

    Jose Enrique je bio odlican i naprijed i nazad,a i asistirao je za go mislim,a pritom je imao i najmanje gresaka na terenu
    Zeljko Malnar-Nocna mora <3

    #the return


    • Tebi je uvek Suarez kad nema Dzerarda.

      Iako je dao gol, nije ni on bio na svom nivou, kao i svi ostali osim Enrikea.

      Henderson mora u sredini da igra, jednostavno ne ide mu desno, mada je i tu prosle godine igrao i moze i tu bolje ali on je AMC. Protiv Boltona je dosta vremena proveo u sredini i stvarao je odlicne prilike.


      • I opet Henderson igra desno, meni stvarno nije jasno cemu to...Po meni danas veoma bleda partija celog tima, imali smo lepih sansi al i dalje nemamo igru. P oni su kontrolisali sredinu terena skoro ceo mec. A u odbrani panika, svaki centarsut je bila sansa za njih. Dauning igra odbranu gore od Jovanovica prosle sezone, uopste se ne vraca da pomogne i zatvori svog igraca, jako je duvala promaja po toj levoj strani.

        Ne znam, meni se uopste ne svidja ovakva postavka igre. Ne moze sam Adam da drzi celu sredinu, Lucas je potpuno beskoristan u napadu, mora nesto pod hitno da se menja ako ocemo da igramo LS sledece sezone.

        I da ne bude da samo kritikujem, igra Kerola je danas bila za svaku pohvalu, stvarno se trudio i bio je mnogo korisniji nego na prethodnim utakmicama


        • Originally posted by lenjivac View Post
          I opet Henderson igra desno, meni stvarno nije jasno cemu to...Po meni danas veoma bleda partija celog tima, imali smo lepih sansi al i dalje nemamo igru. P oni su kontrolisali sredinu terena skoro ceo mec. A u odbrani panika, svaki centarsut je bila sansa za njih. Dauning igra odbranu gore od Jovanovica prosle sezone, uopste se ne vraca da pomogne i zatvori svog igraca, jako je duvala promaja po toj levoj strani.

          Ne znam, meni se uopste ne svidja ovakva postavka igre. Ne moze sam Adam da drzi celu sredinu, Lucas je potpuno beskoristan u napadu, mora nesto pod hitno da se menja ako ocemo da igramo LS sledece sezone.

          I da ne bude da samo kritikujem, igra Kerola je danas bila za svaku pohvalu, stvarno se trudio i bio je mnogo korisniji nego na prethodnim utakmicama
          Uglavnom se slažem.
          Nemamo igru u sredini a odbrana nam je nesigurna, ima šanse da prođemo ko arsenal 15. oktobra.
          Carroll je (ajde da budem fin) imao najbolju utakmicu ove sezone.
          Suarez je bio dobar a on i Enrique najbolji igrači.
          Svaka čast Wolvesime, nisu igrali toliko loše ali mi smo bili previše nervozni. Mislim da nismo spremni za derbi. Objektivno.
          Gerrardu će trebati oko mesec dana da se ponovo uigra.


          • Originally posted by pretorian View Post
            Uglavnom se slažem.
            Nemamo igru u sredini a odbrana nam je nesigurna, ima šanse da prođemo ko arsenal 15. oktobra.
            Carroll je (ajde da budem fin) imao najbolju utakmicu ove sezone.
            Suarez je bio dobar a on i Enrique najbolji igrači.
            Svaka čast Wolvesime, nisu igrali toliko loše ali mi smo bili previše nervozni. Mislim da nismo spremni za derbi. Objektivno.
            Gerrardu će trebati oko mesec dana da se ponovo uigra.
            Ma nema teorije, pa mi derbije kuci najbolje igramo od svega, bice do tada bolje, verujem da to dobijamo. Sad smo dobili i to je najvaznije. Ostaje da treniraju, uigravaju se, samopouzdanje bi trebalo da skoci posle ovoga, videcemo vec protiv Evertona sta i kako. Verujem u sigurniji mec.


            • Originally posted by S-Nash View Post
              Ma nema teorije, pa mi derbije kuci najbolje igramo od svega, bice do tada bolje, verujem da to dobijamo. Sad smo dobili i to je najvaznije. Ostaje da treniraju, uigravaju se, samopouzdanje bi trebalo da skoci posle ovoga, videcemo vec protiv Evertona sta i kako. Verujem u sigurniji mec.
              Pazi, sedim ovde sa majicom na kojoj piše:
              "You'll never walk alone"
              ...ali garantujem ti da utakmica protiv Evertona može da ode u oba pravca i da sve zavisi od toga da li ćemo prvo da postignemo go ili ne.


              • Originally posted by pretorian View Post
                Pazi, sedim ovde sa majicom na kojoj piše:
                "You'll never walk alone"
                ...ali garantujem ti da utakmica protiv Evertona može da ode u oba pravca i da sve zavisi od toga da li ćemo prvo da postignemo go ili ne.
                Normalno da moze uvek da ode u oba pravca ali videcemo sve. Ja mislim da cemo dobiti Mancester kuci a na Old Trafordu izgubiti, nezavisno od forme. A za ove videcemo, Keni ce valjda da ih spremi kako treba. Samo da im se samopouzdanje vrati.


                • Ne brinem se ja toliko za Mancester, bilo da pobedimo ili izgubimo(nadam se ovom prvom) tu se moze reci da imaju jaci tim i da su bolji. Ja se brinem za ove ''male'' utakmice jer se strasno mucimo sa Wolves-ima, Sanderlendom, sa Evertonom ce opet biti mucenje, jedina dobra tekma je bila protiv Boltona. Mi ne znamo rutinski da dobijemo utakmicu i ono sto je jos gore to je da se slabije ekipe ne plase Liverpula, svi dolaze ne Enfild i igraju presing i umeju da kontrolisu utakmicu, a mi se izgleda pripremamo za utakmicu sa ocekivanjem da ce doci da igraju bunker i pokusavaju nesto na kontru. Ja hocu da samo od nas i nase igre zavisi kako ce se odvijati stvari na terenu, bar kad igramo kuci sa slabijim ekipama


                  • Originally posted by lenjivac View Post
                    Ne brinem se ja toliko za Mancester, bilo da pobedimo ili izgubimo(nadam se ovom prvom) tu se moze reci da imaju jaci tim i da su bolji. Ja se brinem za ove ''male'' utakmice jer se strasno mucimo sa Wolves-ima, Sanderlendom, sa Evertonom ce opet biti mucenje, jedina dobra tekma je bila protiv Boltona. Mi ne znamo rutinski da dobijemo utakmicu i ono sto je jos gore to je da se slabije ekipe ne plase Liverpula, svi dolaze ne Enfild i igraju presing i umeju da kontrolisu utakmicu, a mi se izgleda pripremamo za utakmicu sa ocekivanjem da ce doci da igraju bunker i pokusavaju nesto na kontru. Ja hocu da samo od nas i nase igre zavisi kako ce se odvijati stvari na terenu, bar kad igramo kuci sa slabijim ekipama
                    Izgubilo se to tokom godina pa moramo da povratimo. Vec prosle sezone smo to vratili, sad smo malo pali ali polako samo. Idemo u pravom smeru. Bili smo tim bez sistema igre sa 5-6 igraca koji vrede a sad imamo i dosta dobru klupu. Plan je da se vrati sistem igre i da igramo isti fudbal, nebitno kojih 11 je na terenu. Ide se u pravom smeru. Sa novim timom i novom igrom oscilacije su neminovne. Treba mnogo strpljenja ali cemo se sa triom FSG-Komoli-Keni 100% vratiti na staro u narednim sezonama, najjaci su.


                    • Enrike veruje da je samo pitanje vremena kad ce Endi da krene da trese mreze.

                      A evo jednog teksta sa oficijalnog kop bloga vezanog za Kerola:

                      Can anyone remember back to December 2010 when we travelled to St James Park and ended up losing 3-1? It was a bleak day for the Reds, with the Hodgson reign becoming increasingly depressing. Whilst we were in turmoil last December the thing that stands out for me from that day was the performance of one Andy Carroll.

                      I remember watching the game and admiring how the big man tore us to pieces. He was dominant in the air, didn’t give either of our Centre Back’s a minutes peace, and capped off a fine performance with a fantastic goal. As soon as the game had finished I wanted him at Liverpool, in comparison to Torres who was lethargic and dis-interested he looked exactly the type of player we needed.

                      Given that he had been the best Centre Forward in the league for the first half of the season I felt we had little chance of snaring him, especially with Chelsea and Arsenal interested. I was delighted that we managed to sign him in January, even if it was for the handsome sum of £35m. I truly believe that he will represent great value over the course of his career with us.

                      Unfortunately for Carroll he signed for us carrying a niggling injury. That injury hampered his progress and also meant we didn’t really see the real Carroll; aside from the City game where we had a taster at just how good this lad can be. Playing when not fully fit should be commended, but in Carroll’s case it has created an unnecessary pressure. It has meant people have made an immediate judgement on his impact, when he played last season at around 60% fitness.

                      He has also had to deal with the whispers about his lifestyle. It is well documented that at Newcastle he got into the odd scrape, but since he has been with us his attitude has been great. It can’t be easy for him, every move he makes is photographed; the media are desperate for him to make a mistake. Capello also hasn’t helped him, for such an experienced manager his public observations of Carroll’s lifestyle are poor, in my opinion I actually thing they are a disgrace.

                      For the reasons above I believe that there is a huge and unfair amount of pressure on Carroll’s shoulders, and of course let us not forget the £35m price tag, that is in no way his fault. There are many that are desperate for him to fail, and there are many that are writing him off already, sadly even within our own fan base. We all know that he doesn’t represent value at this stage; but you have to look at the circumstance of effectively bringing in Carroll and Suarez for Torres.

                      I think the biggest problem with Carroll at the moment is that he has lost a bit of confidence and he is trying too hard to affect play, trying to show the world he is a top class footballer. In doing so he has abandoned his natural game, the game that destroyed Arsenal at the Emirates and Liverpool at St James Park last season.

                      Carroll has to be the focal point of our attack. He is a Centre Forward, not a second striker. We need Suarez, Gerrard, and Downing playing behind Carroll, not in front of him. We have got some fantastic crossers of the ball in the squad – but they are redundant if Suarez is in the box and Carroll is in midfield. Our formation is a tweak or two away from getting the best out of Andy Carroll.

                      The best way for him to affect a game is to dominate the Centre Backs like he did to us last December. When he rediscovers his natural game, and regains the confidence that will go with that, he will look like £35m well spent.


                      • Sve to napisano stoji, i da nije Kerol kriv za to sto je placen 35m i da svi samo cekaju na njegovu gresku pa da krene prozivanje, ali jedna velika razlika koja izdvaja velike igrace od ostalih je da umeju da se nose sa pritiskom! Na taj pritisak su u klubu morali da racunaju kad su ga dovodili za tu svotu novca, a sam Kerol se ocigledno izgubio u svemu tome i ako uskoro ne nadje nacing da se vrati u formu u kojoj je bio pre nego sto je doveden, onda ce pritisak postajati sve veci i veci, a mlad igrac kao sto je on nece moci da se izbori sa svim tim, i onda ce to i zvanicno biti promasena investicija.

                        E sad, ja se iskreno nadam u taj scenario da ce on konacno proraditi i da ce potvrditi da spada u sam vrh svetskih napadaca. Takodje mislim da igra Luverpula treba njemu da se podredi, tj. kao sto je napisano u tom tekstu da Dauning, Suarez i Dzerard budu iza i probijaju, a Kerol da stoji u spicu i ceka lopte (nesto kao Krauc u Totinhemu prosle sezone), a ne da se bezveze izvlaci na krilo i ide od gola kao sto je to bio slucaj u prethodnim utakmicama.


                        • Ma nije se mnogo izvlacio na stranu, samo ponekad, protiv Totenhema malo vise zbog igraca manje.

                          Videcemo na kraju sezone sta i kako. U Njukastlu je pokazao da je pravi spic za PL, ovde treba da napreduje i da to potvrdi. Mene je mnogo protiv Vulvsa obradovalo trcanje, zalaganje i poprilican broj odigravanja iz prve. Najvise ona stikla u drugom poluvremenu. Iznerviralo me je petljanje u par situacija, posebno kod one poslednje i mora vise vazdusnih duela da dobija. Moze jos mnogo bolje ali napredak u odnosu na dosadasnje meceve se itekako vidi.

                          Sto se pritiska tice, neki ranije nauce sa tim da se nose, neki kasnije a ima jos vremena za njega. Ja licno verujem u njega i nadam se da je Enrike u pravu.


                          • Nadam se da si u pravu. Iskreno, sa nestrpljenjem ocekujem naredne meceve da vidim kako ce sad sve to funkcionisati kad se Dzerard uigra sa ekipom i mislim da nam on moze donetu tu prevagu na sredini i da malo rastereti Adama


                            • jel bilo ovo?


                              • Evo dva odlicna teksta.

                                U prvom je citiran legendarni Bil Senkli, fenomenalnih stvari ima. Drugi je vezan za trening i njegovu organizaciju od strane Stiva Klarka i Kevina Kina.

                                I da dodam, pocivaj u miru Bile legendo. 30 godina je danas.

                                Bill Shankly in his own words

                                Thirty years on from his passing, we celebrate some words of wisdom from our most iconic manager.

                                'Some people believe football is a matter of life and death, I am very disappointed with that attitude. I can assure you it is much, much more important than that.'


                                'If you are first you are first. If you are second you are nothing.'


                                'Liverpool was made for me and I was made for Liverpool.'


                                'The trouble with referees is that they know the rules, but they don't know the game.'


                                'Son, you'll do well here as long as you remember two things. Don't over-eat and don't lose your accent.' - to Ian St John when he signed for Liverpool.


                                To a journalist who suggested Liverpool were struggling - 'Ay, here we are with problems at the top of the league.'


                                Talking to a reporter about Roger Hunt - 'Yes Roger Hunt misses a few, but he gets in the right place to miss them.'


                                Explaining to Kevin Keegan what's expected of him at Anfield - 'Just go out and drop a few hand grenades all over the place son!'


                                'I know this is a sad occasion, but I think that Dixie would be amazed to know that even in death he could draw a bigger crowd to Goodison than Everton on a Saturday afternoon.' - speaking at the funeral of Everton legend Dixie Dean.


                                'If Everton were playing at the bottom of the garden, I'd pull the curtains.'


                                'Sickness would not have kept me away from this one. If I'd been dead, I would have had them bring the casket to the ground, prop it up in the stands, and cut a hole in the lid.' - after beating Everton in the 1971 FA Cup semi-final.


                                Addressing the Liverpool fans who turned up in their thousands to welcome the team home despite losing to Arsenal in the 1971 FA Cup final - 'Chairman Mao has never seen a greater show of red strength.'


                                After signing Ron Yeats - 'With him in defence, we could play Arthur Askey in goal.'


                                To Alan Ball after he'd signed for Everton - 'Never mind Alan, at least you'll be able to play next to a great team.'


                                To Tommy Smith after he'd turned up for training with a bandaged knee - 'Take that poof bandage off, and what do you mean YOUR knee, it's LIVERPOOL'S knee!'


                                To the players after failing to sign Lou Macari - 'I only wanted him for the reserves anyway.'


                                To Ian St John - 'If you're not sure what to do with the ball, just pop it in the net and we'll discuss your options afterwards.'


                                'In my time at Anfield we always said we had the best two teams on Merseyside - Liverpool and Liverpool Reserves.'


                                About the 'This is Anfield' plaque - 'This is to remind our lads who they're playing for, and to remind the opposition who they're playing against.'


                                'Of course I didn't take my wife to see Rochdale as an anniversary present. It was her birthday and would I have got married during the football season? Anyway, it was Rochdale Reserves.'


                                Shankly to the Brussels hotel clerk who queried his signing 'Anfield' as his address on the hotel register - 'But that's where I live.'


                                Shankly explaining rotation to a reporter - 'Laddie, I never drop players, I only make changes.'


                                Comparing the Anfield pitch to other grounds - 'It's great grass at Anfield, professional grass!'


                                'The difference between Everton and the Queen Mary is that Everton carry more passengers!'


                                To a local barber, who in 1968 had asked 'Anything off the top? Shanks retorted - 'Aye, Everton!'


                                On awaiting Everton's arrival for a derby game at Anfield, Shankly gave a box of toilet rolls to the doorman and said - 'Give them these when they arrive - they'll need them!'


                                'I always look in the Sunday paper to see where Everton are in the league - starting, of course, from the bottom up.'


                                To Chris Lawler during a training session at Melwood - 'Was it a goal? Was I offside?' Lawler replied - 'You were boss.' Shanks then quipped - 'Christ, son, you've been here four years, hardly said a word and, when you do, it's a bloody lie!'


                                To Tommy Smith during training - 'You son, could start a riot in a graveyard.'


                                'There's Man Utd and Man City at the bottom of Division One, and by God they'll take some shifting.'


                                'It's a 90 minute game for sure. In fact I used to train for a 190 minute game so that when the whistle blew at the end of the match I could have played another 90 minutes.'


                                On a wartime Scotland v England match - 'We absolutely annihilated England. It was a massacre. We beat them 5-4.'


                                After losing to Ajax in the 1967 European Cup - 'We cannae play these defensive continental sides!'


                                Shanks and Tommy Docherty were at a game. There was a player every other club coveted on view. Docherty said to Shanks - '100,000 wouldn't buy him.' Shanks retorted - 'Yeah, and I'm one of the 100,000!'


                                What Shanks disliked about football - 'The end of the season.'


                                Radio Merseyside reporter to Shankly - 'Mr Shankly, why is it that your team's unbeaten run has suddenly ended?' Shanks replied: 'Why don't you go and jump in the lake?'


                                On hearing a rival manager was unwell - 'I know what's wrong - he's got a bad side!'


                                To reporters after a 3-0 defeat - 'They're nothing but rubbish. Three breakaways, that's all they got.'


                                Talking about Tommy Smith - 'If he isn't named Footballer of the Year, football should be stopped and the men who picked any other player should be sent to the Kremlin.'


                                To a translator, when being surrounded by gesticulating Italian journalists - 'Just tell them I completely disagree with everything they say!'


                                After winning the FA Cup in 1974 Shankly goes into a fish and chip shop and orders a fish supper. The woman at the counter asks - 'Mr Shankly, shouldn't they be having steak suppers?' Shanks replied - 'No lass, they'll get steak suppers when they win the double!'


                                To the Anfield PA during a match - 'Jesus Christ, son, can ye no' talk into that microphone when the players are in the penalty box. You're putting them off, you're doing more damage than the opposition.'


                                Shankly on boardroom meetings - 'At a football club, there's a holy trinity - the players, the manager and the supporters. Directors don't come into it. They are only there to sign the cheques.'


                                Talking about the Liverpool fans - 'I'm just one of the people who stands on the kop. They think the same as I do, and I think the same as they do. It's a kind of marriage of people who like each other.'


                                Explaining on what the off-side rule should be - 'If a player is not interfering with play or seeking to gain an advantage, then he should be.'


                                'I was only in the game for the love of football - and I wanted to bring back happiness to the people of Liverpool.'


                                '"If you can't make decisions in life, you're a bloody menace. You'd be better becoming an MP!'


                                When told he had never experienced playing in a derby - 'Nonsense! I've kicked every ball, headed out every cross. I once scored a hat-trick; one was lucky, but the others were great goals.'


                                After a 0-0 draw at Anfield - 'What can you do playing against 11 goalposts!'


                                Waxing lyrical about Ian Callaghan - 'He typifies everything that is good in football, and he has never changed. You could stake your life on Ian.'


                                'Fire in your belly comes from pride and passion in wearing the red shirt. We don't need to motivate players because each of them is responsible for the performance of the team as a whole. The status of Liverpool's players keeps them motivated.'


                                'Football is a simple game based on the giving and taking of passes, of controlling the ball and of making yourself available to receive a pass. It is terribly simple.'


                                On the leaving of Liverpool - 'It was the most difficult thing in the world, when I went to tell the chairman. It was like walking to the electric chair. That's the way it felt.'
                                Steve Clarke's training insight

                                We spoke to first-team coach Steve Clarke this week and asked him for an insight into his daily work, what Kevin Keen has added to the club and who stays late after training...

                                First of all, Steve, talk us through a typical day for you and Kevin Keen and the other senior coaching staff?

                                We normally get in here about 8.30am, which is two hours before the players come in. I'll have half an idea in my head, or sometimes a full idea, of what we're going to do. If it's half an idea, we'll sit and discuss with Kevin how we can organise the session. We sit and chat for maybe 45 minutes, bedding down the session. Then the medical staff will come in and waste the whole thing by saying we don't have this player or that player! You have to adapt it, then we talk with Kenny, explain the session and ask him if there's anything he'd like to see in it. Then we work with the players.

                                How does a session normally go?

                                The breakdown changes from day to day but on a typical day you're looking at 20 minutes to warm the players up, then we'll do another 20 minutes more technical - maybe a passing drill or finishing. Different bits. Then we have the possession element. That can be an open possession, just working on the touch or ability to control the ball in tight areas, then at different stages of the week you shape together a formation you think might be useful at the weekend. Then normally at the end of every session we'll have a game with the goalkeepers.

                                Are you monitoring how much the players work in training?

                                I don't monitor them - I monitor them with my eyes. What we have is a fantastic back-up team who have the heart-rate monitors, the Pro-zone, the fitness stats. Kenny, Kevin and myself are quite old fashioned in that we look at it with our eyes, and it's nice if they come in after and show us the data and it ties in with what we thought.

                                You hear the players talking about how much they enjoy training - that must be pleasing to you?

                                Yes. That's part of our job. The one thing to remember is they can be happy with their training but they have to understand there are times when you have to work and bed down philosophies. It can't always be enjoyable. Training is all about preparing for the next match. If they're enjoying how we work then great because if anyone's happy in their work they are always going to give a bit more.

                                What kind of bunch do we have here? Are they good trainers? Are they wanting to stay behind afterwards?

                                The biggest problem we have sometimes is getting them to come off the training pitch. There are always five or six - different people on different days - who you're having to go up to and say 'We've done a really hard session and we need you to go in and rest.' Sometimes they have to realise that the rest period is also a very important part of training.

                                I know you don't like picking out individuals but who is the best, or worst if you like, for staying behind?

                                I can't pick out individuals but to be fair to Jordan (Henderson) since he came here, he's always hanging around with a ball at his feet. He wants to do some crosses or shooting. He's not alone in that, though.

                                Kevin Keen arrived as a coach in the summer. What kind of character is he and what's he added?

                                I knew Kevin from my time at West Ham, we worked together there. He's very level-headed, he's calm, and his philosophy on football is similar to mine and Kenny's. He fits in well and the players respect him - he has a good manner about him. I feel he's been a good addition to the staff.

                                What is that philosophy you share?

                                The philosophy is to pass the ball. To pass the ball, to move and find different positions, and also to work hard as a team. It's not something that's unique to us as a management group. A lot of people have it but there's a way to put it across and at the moment we seem to be doing a decent job - hopefully we can continue that into the future.
                                Last edited by Casiraghi; 29-09-11, 12:16.

