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Newcastle United

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    Newcastle United je svoju turneju po Severnoj Americi započeo porazom. U Milwaukee-u Svrake su izgubile od Meksičke ekipe Club Atlas na stadionu za bejzbol Miller Park-u, rezultatom 2:1.

    Igrač Atlasa Gonzalo Bergessio je postigao dva gola za svoju ekipu. Prvi u 10. minutu sa bele tačke, doj je drugi postigao u 16. minutu prekrasnim lob udarcem. Tako je Atlas već u 16. minutu vodio rezultatom 2:0.

    Gonzalo Bergessio je mogao i do trećeg gola kada je pogodio prečku Krul-ovog gola.

    Konačan rezultat 2:1 postigao je Moussa Sissoko na asistenciju Cisse-a lepim udarcem sa desetak metara.

    Drugo poluvreme je bilo totalno nezanimljivo usled velikog broja izmena na obe strane.

    Konačan rezultat: 2 : 1

    NUFC: Krul (Darlow 46), Janmaat (Bigirimana 72), Williamson, Lascelles, Haidara (Ferguson 72), Anita, Colback, Sissoko (Obertan 72), De Jong (Perez 72), Gouffran (Aarons 72), Cisse (Armstrong 72)
    Sub n/u: Woodman

    Atlas: Pinto, Tabó (Barragan 79), Medina (Hernandez 72), Pineda, Kannemann (Arreola 70), Valenzuela (Baloy 82), Zárate (Telles 82), Leao (Salinas 77), Loboa (Godinez 82), Bergessio (Caballero 70), Arizala (Vigon 55)
    Subs n/u: Fraga, Lopez

    Sudija: Kevin Terry Jr

    Gledalaca: 21,246

    "What is a club in any case? Not the buildings or the directors or the people who are paid to represent it. It’s not the television contracts, get-out clauses, marketing departments or executive boxes. It’s the noise, the passion, the feeling of belonging, the pride in your city. It’s a small boy clambering up stadium steps for the very first time, gripping his father’s hand, gawping at that hallowed stretch of turf beneath him and, without being able to do a thing about it, falling in love." - Sir Bobby Robson




      Newcastle United je autogolom James Kiffe-a u 48. minutu utakmice pobedio ekipu Sacramento Republic rezultatom 1:0.

      U prvom poluvremenu na golu Newcastle United-a istakao se Tim Krul, koji je u dva navrata spasio svoj gol maestralnim odbranama.

      U nastavku igre, već u prvom napadu, sa levog boka u šesnaesterac domaćih centrirao je Haidara, prevo na nogu Kiffe-u, koji sa desetak metara loptu nogom zakucava u sopstvenu mrežu za 0:1.

      Nešto kasnije domaćima je poništen gol zbog ofsajda.

      Takođe i rezervni golman Newcastle-a Freddie Woodman se istakao prelepim odbranama.

      Mrlju na pobedu bacio je Haidara koji je potpuno nepotrebno dobio crveni karton zbog preoštrog starta na jednog igrača Sacrament-a.

      U dresu Necwastle United-a debitovao je Wijnaldum.

      Konačan rezultat: 0 : 1

      NUFC: Krul (Woodman 46), Janmaat, Haidara, Lascelles (Taylor 46), Williamson, Colback, Sissoko, Anita, Cisse (Perez 69), De Jong (Wijnaldum 69), Obertan (Aarons 69)
      Subs n/u: Darlow, Ferguson, Satka, Bigirimana, Abeid, Gouffran.

      SRFC: McLain, Klimenta, Daly, Vukovic, Kiffe, Alvarez (Rivas 83), Barrera, Mirkovic, Lopez, Estrada (Guzman 55), Stewart (Iwasa 73).
      Subs n/u: Jakubek, Foran, Bonvehi, Cazarez, Gissie, Gabeljic, Kaleemullah, Taublieb, Gonzalez, Motagalvan

      Sudija: Chipalo Street

      Gledalaca: 11,442

      "What is a club in any case? Not the buildings or the directors or the people who are paid to represent it. It’s not the television contracts, get-out clauses, marketing departments or executive boxes. It’s the noise, the passion, the feeling of belonging, the pride in your city. It’s a small boy clambering up stadium steps for the very first time, gripping his father’s hand, gawping at that hallowed stretch of turf beneath him and, without being able to do a thing about it, falling in love." - Sir Bobby Robson



        Sada već bivši napadač Anderlecht-a i Partizana, Aleksandar Mitrović potpisao je petogodišnji ugovor sa Newcastle United-om.

        Visina transfera za dvadesetogodišnjeg Mitrovića iznosi oko 13 miliona funti, dok će Mitrović u Newcastle United-u zarađivati oko 2 miliona funti godišnje.

        "What is a club in any case? Not the buildings or the directors or the people who are paid to represent it. It’s not the television contracts, get-out clauses, marketing departments or executive boxes. It’s the noise, the passion, the feeling of belonging, the pride in your city. It’s a small boy clambering up stadium steps for the very first time, gripping his father’s hand, gawping at that hallowed stretch of turf beneath him and, without being able to do a thing about it, falling in love." - Sir Bobby Robson




          Turneja po Severnoameričkom kontinentu završila se farsom po Newcastle United. Naime, Svrake su izgubile od rezervnog tima Portland Timbers-a rezultatom 4:3.

          Poveo je Newcastle United u 7. minutu prvim golom u crno-belom dresu Georginio Wijnaldum-a sa desetak metara. Asistenciju upisuje fenomenalni Rolando Aarons, koji je poslao upotrebljivu loptu u šesnaesterac domaćih sa levog boka.

          Od tog momenta sve je polazilo za nogom domaćim igračima. U vremenskom razmaku od 13. do 30. minuta Portland je postigao tri gola. Izjednačio je u 13. minutu igrač sa prezimenom Safiu, da bi na 2:1 povisio Manning u 23. minutu. Na 3:1 u 30. minutu povisio je Peay.

          U nastavku igre na 4:1 povisio je Besler u 70. minutu igre.

          Danas odlični Rolando Aarons u 75. minutu makazicima smanjuje na 4:2, da bi isti igrač samo minut kasnije prelepim udarcem sa dvadesetak metara uz pomoć prečke, postavio konačan rezultat 4:3.

          Ova utakmica je danas pokazala sve mane Svraka. Odbrana kao da nije ni postojala.

          Konačan rezultat: 4 : 3

          NUFC: Darlow (Woodman 46), Bigirimana, Aarons, Ferguson, Satka, Abeid (Anita 65), Sissoko (Obertan 46), Gouffran (De Jong 75), Cisse (Armstrong 46), Wijnaldum (Janmaat 46), Perez.
          Subs n/u: none

          PTFC: Gleeson (Luthy 49), Peay, Clarke, Manning, Thoma, Besler, Fochive, Jeanderson, Nanchoff, Safiu (Gavin 64), Belmar (Winchester 64)
          Subs n/u: Evans, Delbridge, Payne, Casiple, Biglieri

          Sudija: Levi Rippy

          Gledalaca: Oko 22.000

          "What is a club in any case? Not the buildings or the directors or the people who are paid to represent it. It’s not the television contracts, get-out clauses, marketing departments or executive boxes. It’s the noise, the passion, the feeling of belonging, the pride in your city. It’s a small boy clambering up stadium steps for the very first time, gripping his father’s hand, gawping at that hallowed stretch of turf beneath him and, without being able to do a thing about it, falling in love." - Sir Bobby Robson




            Newcastle United je na Bramall Lane-u dva puta vodio, dok je Sheffield United dva puta stizao prednost svraka, tako da se meč završio rezultatom 2:2.

            Poveo je Newcastle United na 0:1 u 40. minutu utakmice, preko Georginio Wijnaldum-a, koji je sa petnaestak metara pogodio praznu mrežu domaćih. Velike zasluge za gol pripadaju Cisse-u, koji je izvršio pritisak na zadnju liniju odbrane domaćih.

            Čim je krenulo drugo poluvreme, Sheffield United stiže do 1:1. Gol za domaće postigao je Mark McNulty.

            U 79. minutu utakmice, posle kornera kojeg je izveo Colback, na daljoj stativi sam je ostao Siem de Jong, kojem nije bilo teško da svoj tim ponovo dovede u vođstvo od 1:2.

            Međutim, Kieron Freeman je u 86. minutu sa gotovo trideset metara savladao Krul-a za konačnih 2:2.

            Konačan rezultat: 2 : 2

            NUFC Krul, Janmaat, Williamson, Taylor (Lascelles 69), Haidara, Anita (Obertan 59), Colback, (Gouffran 88), Sissoko (Abeid 79), Wijnaldum (De Jong 73), Perez (Aarons 46), Cisse (Armstrong 79).
            Subs: Darlow, Satka.

            SUFC: Long, Freeman, Collins, McEveley, McFadzean, Woolford (Campbell-Ryce 46), Basham, Baxter, Murphy, McNulty, Adams.
            Subs: Willis, Wallace, Wallace, Reed, Scougall, Di Girolamo, Calvert-Lewin, Done, Sammon, Morgan.

            Gledalaca: 12,002 oko 2,000 Toon Army

            Sudija: Madley.

            "What is a club in any case? Not the buildings or the directors or the people who are paid to represent it. It’s not the television contracts, get-out clauses, marketing departments or executive boxes. It’s the noise, the passion, the feeling of belonging, the pride in your city. It’s a small boy clambering up stadium steps for the very first time, gripping his father’s hand, gawping at that hallowed stretch of turf beneath him and, without being able to do a thing about it, falling in love." - Sir Bobby Robson



              YORK CITY - NEWCASTLE UNITED 2 : 1

              Aleksandar Mitrović je konačno debitovao za Newcastle United. Međutim, debi i nije bio toliko uspešan, jer su Svrake izgubile od York City-a rezultatom 2:1 a sam Mitrović je propustio nekoliko prilika da se upiše u strelce. Mitrović je na leđima nosio broj 45.

              Prvu priliku na meču imao je Siem de Jong ali mu je golman domaćih Flinders odbranio udarac. Aleksandar Mitrović je nešto kasnije glavom uputio udarac preko prečke gola domaćih.

              Zatim sledi dobra igra domaćih koji su iz dva napada postigli dva pogotka.

              U 16. minutu Anthony Straker je na daljoj stativi butinom nekako prebacio Darlow-a, lopta je pala na gol liniju u Straker-u nije bilo teško da sa pet santimetara loptu ubaci u praznu mrežu za 1:0.

              U 20. minutu igre, igrač koji je na probi u York-u Reece Thompson je sa dvadesetak metara iskosa sa desne strane levom nogom pogodio sam donji desni ugao gola Darlow-a za 2:0.

              Do kraja poluvremena Newcastle je imao četiri prilike da smanji rezultat. Dve je imao Aarons koji je u prvoj pokušao makazicama da postigne gol, dok je u drugoj glavom pogodio prečku. Po jednu priliku propustili su Gouffran i Perez.

              U nastavku igre prvu priliku je imao Gouffran ali golman York-a Flinders je večeras imao svoje veče.

              Upravo je Scott Flinders sprečio Mitrovića da se upiše u strelce jer mu je odbranio još dva udarca, dok je posle jednog sata igre Flinders odbranio udarac i Gouffran-u.

              Aleksandar Mitrović je zamenjen u 70. minutu igre. Dobije je gromoglasan aplauz od preko 2.000 navijača Newcastle United-a.

              Konačno u 75. minutu Scott Flinders je kapitulirao. Gol za Newcastle United je postigao Ayoze Perez, smanjivši rezultat na 2:1.

              Poslednju priliku za izjednačenje imao je Siem de Jong koji je uputio udarac sa preko 25 metara.

              Konačan rezultat: 2 : 1

              YCFC: Scott Flinders; Marvin McCoy (Femi Ilesanmi 67) , Keith Lowe (Eddie Nolan 67), David Winfield (Josh Carson 67), John McCombe (George Swan 67), Anthony Straker (Trialist B 67); James Berrett (Lindon Meikle 67), Luke Summerfield (Callum Rzonca 67), Russell Penn (c) (Tom Platt 55); Vadaine Oliver (Ben Godfrey 67), Reece Thompson.
              Sub not used: Michael Ingham

              NUFC: Karl Darlow (Rob Elliot 46); Gael Bigirimana, Lubomir Satka, Jamaal Lascelles, Shane Ferguson; Mehdi Abeid, Yoan Gouffran; Rolando Aarons (Olivier Kemen 58), Siem de Jong (c), Ayoze Perez; Aleksandar Mitrovic (Lewis Suddick 70)
              Subs not used: Rob Elliot, Louis Johnson

              Sudija: Scott Duncan

              Gledalaca: 5,406 (2,048 Toon Army)

              "What is a club in any case? Not the buildings or the directors or the people who are paid to represent it. It’s not the television contracts, get-out clauses, marketing departments or executive boxes. It’s the noise, the passion, the feeling of belonging, the pride in your city. It’s a small boy clambering up stadium steps for the very first time, gripping his father’s hand, gawping at that hallowed stretch of turf beneath him and, without being able to do a thing about it, falling in love." - Sir Bobby Robson


              • Mags vidim da se ne oglašavaš , kakav ti je utisam oko Mitrovića i cele njegove priče ?

                #PRAVDA ZA BRAĆU


                • Juče je Mitar imao tri-četiri dobre prilike i nije se upisao u strelce. Rano je još govoriti o Mitru. Imao je samo jedan trening sa ekipom i odmah je bačen u vatru. Žarko je želeo da se upiše u strelce ali nije uspeo. Navijači od njega očekuju puno. Ipak je on plaćen 13 miliona funti bez obzira što ima svega 20 godina.
                  "What is a club in any case? Not the buildings or the directors or the people who are paid to represent it. It’s not the television contracts, get-out clauses, marketing departments or executive boxes. It’s the noise, the passion, the feeling of belonging, the pride in your city. It’s a small boy clambering up stadium steps for the very first time, gripping his father’s hand, gawping at that hallowed stretch of turf beneath him and, without being able to do a thing about it, falling in love." - Sir Bobby Robson


                  • NOVI DRES ZA GOSTOVANjA

                    "What is a club in any case? Not the buildings or the directors or the people who are paid to represent it. It’s not the television contracts, get-out clauses, marketing departments or executive boxes. It’s the noise, the passion, the feeling of belonging, the pride in your city. It’s a small boy clambering up stadium steps for the very first time, gripping his father’s hand, gawping at that hallowed stretch of turf beneath him and, without being able to do a thing about it, falling in love." - Sir Bobby Robson



                      Sada već bivši defanzivac Anderlecht-a Chancel Mbemba potpisao je petogodišnji ugovor sa Newcastle United-om. Mbemba ima 20 godina a visina transfera je oko 7 miliona funti.

                      Mbemba neće biti u kombinaciji za tim, za meč protiv Borusije iz Menhengladbaha u subotu, jer čeka da mu se sredi viza. Danas je od FA Engleske dobio radnu dozvolu.

                      "What is a club in any case? Not the buildings or the directors or the people who are paid to represent it. It’s not the television contracts, get-out clauses, marketing departments or executive boxes. It’s the noise, the passion, the feeling of belonging, the pride in your city. It’s a small boy clambering up stadium steps for the very first time, gripping his father’s hand, gawping at that hallowed stretch of turf beneath him and, without being able to do a thing about it, falling in love." - Sir Bobby Robson


                      • Mags, mene je najviše strah trenera kod Newcastle-a. Solidna se ekipa složila, al ''umbrella'' mi je tu s najviše sumnji. Nebi volio da opet bude grčevito kao prošle sezone.


                        • Newcastle bi trebao da dovede još jednog defanzivca, još jednog veznog igrača, i možda još jednog napadača, pa tek onda možemo pričati da je ekipa solidna.

                          Mislim da je McClaren mnogo bolji trener od Pardew-a. Međutim, najveći problem će imati kako trgnuti ekipu iz letargije i usaditi im pobednički mentalitet. Problem je što je ista ova ekipa u poslednje dve sezone opstanak izborila bukvalno u poslednjem kolu i igrači su upali u neku kolotečinu.

                          Videćemo. Danas igramo protiv Borussia Mönchengladbach na St James' Park-u.
                          "What is a club in any case? Not the buildings or the directors or the people who are paid to represent it. It’s not the television contracts, get-out clauses, marketing departments or executive boxes. It’s the noise, the passion, the feeling of belonging, the pride in your city. It’s a small boy clambering up stadium steps for the very first time, gripping his father’s hand, gawping at that hallowed stretch of turf beneath him and, without being able to do a thing about it, falling in love." - Sir Bobby Robson



                            NEWCASTLE UNITED - BORUSSIA MONCHENGLADBACH 0 : 1

                            Borussia Mönchengladbach je pobedila Newcastle United na sred St James' Park-a rezultatom 0:1. Jedini pogodak na meču postigao je Thorgan Hazard u 65. minutu igre, prekrasnim udarcem sa osamnaest metara. Thorgan je rođeni brat Edena Hazard-a, koji igra za Chelsea.

                            Sve je moglo biti drugačije da Moussa Sissoko nije pogodio prečku a Aleksandar Mitrović stativu, u situacijama kada je bilo teže promašiti, nego postići gol. Za Svrake je debitovao Chancel Mbemba.

                            Konačan rezultat: 0 : 1

                            NUFC: Tim Krul (c); Daryl Janmaat (Chancel Mbemba 62), Mike Williamson, Steven Taylor, Massadio Haidara; Vurnon Anita (Siem de Jong 75), Jack Colback; Moussa Sissoko (Ayoze Perez 81), Georginio Wijnaldum, Gabriel Obertan (Rolando Aarons 62); Papiss Cisse (Aleksandar Mitrovic 62)

                            Subs not used: Karl Darlow, Shane Ferguson, Jamaal Lascelles, Gael Bigirimana, Olivier Kemen, Mehdi Abeid, Yoan Gouffran

                            BMG: Yann Sommer; Tony Jantschke (c) (Roel Brouwers 76), Andreas Christensen, Marvin Schulz (Havard Nordtveit 76), Oscar Wendt (Alvaro Dominguez 61); Ibrahima Traore (Marlon Ritter 84), Granit Xhaka (Julian Korb 76), Mahmoud Dahoud (Fabian Johnson 61), Patrick Herrmann (Josip Drmic 61); Lars Stindl, Raffael (Thorgan Hazard 61)

                            Subs not used: Tobias Sippel, Branimir Hrgota

                            Sudija: Jon Moss

                            Gledalaca: 21,088

                            "What is a club in any case? Not the buildings or the directors or the people who are paid to represent it. It’s not the television contracts, get-out clauses, marketing departments or executive boxes. It’s the noise, the passion, the feeling of belonging, the pride in your city. It’s a small boy clambering up stadium steps for the very first time, gripping his father’s hand, gawping at that hallowed stretch of turf beneath him and, without being able to do a thing about it, falling in love." - Sir Bobby Robson


                            • IVAN TONEY STIGAO MEĐU SVRAKE

                              Mladi napadač Northampton Town-a Ivan Toney potpisao je višegodišnji ugovor sa Newcastle United-om. Visina transfera iznosi negde oko 500.000 funti.

                              "What is a club in any case? Not the buildings or the directors or the people who are paid to represent it. It’s not the television contracts, get-out clauses, marketing departments or executive boxes. It’s the noise, the passion, the feeling of belonging, the pride in your city. It’s a small boy clambering up stadium steps for the very first time, gripping his father’s hand, gawping at that hallowed stretch of turf beneath him and, without being able to do a thing about it, falling in love." - Sir Bobby Robson


                              • FABRICIO COLOCCINI PRODUŽIO UGOVOR

                                Kapiten Newcastle United-a Fabricio Coloccini produžio je ugovor sa Newcastle United-om na još godinu dana, sa opcijom produženja na još godinu dana.

                                Samim tim, priče o njegovom prelasku u Crystal Palace su završene.

                                "What is a club in any case? Not the buildings or the directors or the people who are paid to represent it. It’s not the television contracts, get-out clauses, marketing departments or executive boxes. It’s the noise, the passion, the feeling of belonging, the pride in your city. It’s a small boy clambering up stadium steps for the very first time, gripping his father’s hand, gawping at that hallowed stretch of turf beneath him and, without being able to do a thing about it, falling in love." - Sir Bobby Robson

