Da repliciram sam sebi pošto izgleda nema zainteresovanih Elem, pročitao sam "Olujni bedem" i lični utisak mi je da je bolja od "Duge noći i crne zastave" i to poprilično. Mana je što se čita za jedno popodne. Nešto malo manje od 300 strana ima knjiga ali je baš razvučeno. Svake dve tri strane novo poglavlje a čita se u jednom dahu što bi se reklo. Prepoznatiljiv stil pisanja Stojiljkovića koji vuče čitaoca da okrene još jednu stranu, pa još jednu stranu,...Može se čitati kao zasebna knjiga ali ima detalja u kojima se spominju događaji iz "Duge noći i crne zastave" tako da je moja preporuka da se krene redom. Dobra vest je i da će ova priča, najverovatnije, biti trilogija ako se zaustavi na sledećoj knjizi. Naredna, pretpostavljam i poslednja, knjiga serijala će se zvati "Učitelj mačevanja". To je najavio sam Stojiljković u pogovoru na kraju knjige.
No announcement yet.
Poezija, knjige, poslovice itd...
This is a sticky topic.
This is the beginning of your day
Life is more intricate than it seems
Always be yourself along the way
Living through the spirit of your dreams
Originally posted by talicni View PostNisam znao gjde da objavim pa sam napravio svoj sajt gdje sam postavio sve pjesme koje sam htjeo da objavim negdje. Radi se u stvari o kritici vlasti i stanja u drustvu (u srbiji) i to u stihu i karikaturi (sam crtao sam pisao). ko ne voli takvu poeziju (politicka satira je u pitanju) neka ne gleda. ako neko voli neka pogleda i zahvalan sam na komentarima. i ako neko zna gdje se moze takvo sta objaviti neka javi. (ustvari prvo sam napravio jednu knjigu, pa sam onda od nje napravio sajt, a moze da se skine i cijela knjiga u PDF formatu na glavnoj strani sajta).
http://rijalitisrbija.simplesite.com"We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far". H.P. Lovecraft
Leonard Cohen poems to be published in final book
Entitled The Flame, the volume will include Cohen's unpublished poems as well as his prose pieces and illustrations and lyrics to his three final albums
The final poems of Leonard Cohen, completed days before the legendary songwriter died, will be published in an anthology next year, his estate announced late on Friday.
Entitled The Flame, the volume will include Cohen's unpublished poems as well as his prose pieces and illustrations and lyrics to his three final albums.
Explaining the metaphor in the title, Robert Kory, who was Cohen's manager, said that the Montreal-born artist had finished The Flame days before his death and it "reveals to all the intensity of his inner fire."
"During the final months of his life, Leonard had a singular focus - completing this book taken largely from his unpublished poems and selections from his notebooks," Kory said in a statement. "The flame and how our culture threatened its extinction was a central concern," he said.
The book, which has US, Canadian and British publishers, will come out in October 2018.
Cohen died in November 2016 at age 82, just weeks after he released his last album, You Want It Darker, whose lyrics reflect heavily on death, spirituality and his place in the universe.
While he became best known for meditative tunes such as Hallelujah and So Long, Marianne - as well as the quirkier First We Take Manhattan - Cohen turned to music relatively late, in his 30s, after establishing a literary career.
Cohen published poetry collections including Flowers for Hitler and two novels -- the latter of which, 1966's Beautiful Losers, incorporated indigenous mythology and became a classic of Canadian counterculture.
The book announcement comes ahead of a memorial concert planned next month in Montreal for the anniversary of his death.
Artists including Elvis Costello and Sting are set to perform at the November 6 tribute, which will be attended by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.
"I love to speak with Leonard
He’s a sportsman and a shepherd
He’s a lazy bastard
Living in a suit ."
Leonard Cohen
Trebala si već da naučiš
Kragujevac insistira na tebi
Da ga izmasiraš koracima
Baš kad nikog nema
Na ulici da poskakuješ
Da se svemiru zavrti u glavi
Odmoriš od pitanja "dal imaš nekog?
Ti koja grliš svet držeći ruke u džepovima
Trebala si da očekuješ
Moje reči
Nespremne snove za tolike detalje o tebi
Iznenadne odlaske na more
I prve razglednice
"znaš, smeštaj nije loš ali mi je udobnije
U tvojoj glavi"
Daljine koje provociramo koristeći uvek
Jedan jastuk
Da dišem kroz tebe, govorila si,
sa tobom se odmaram,
Preuveličavam razloge zbog kojih mi nedostaješ
Ogovaram sve one ljubavi na prvi pogled
Koje smo voleli I zatvorenih očiju
Trebala si da počneš ispočetka
Da sastavljaš ovu stvarnost
Da je rasklopiš
Na nas
Na svako "biće bolje drugi put"
Dovoljno lepa, da se leto više nigde i nikad
Ne pojavljuje bez tebe.
Svasta nesto od tebe u mojoj glavi
Provaljujes mi na sve spratove misli
Pospemas danima
Renoviras poglede na svet
Izbacujes teske krhotine tuge
Zakljucavas pogresne ljude, da ne mogu dalje po meni
Preuredjujes mi savrsene haose
Pakujes neke beznacajne trenutke
Mislis da pamtimo previse
Znas, zaboraviti je nesto najbolje sto mozemo uraditi za sebe
Provetravas ustajale snove
Uvece se okupimo oko zajednicke proslosti
Svakom fali ona svoja
Ne zelim da te dodirnem
Dok sanjivo posmatras duge ulice stvarnosti
Predugo se smucas po rutinama zivota
Jos koliko nedostajanja do tebe..
Sometimes fate is like a small sandstorm that keeps changing directions. You change direction but the sandstorm chases you. You turn again, but the storm adjusts. Over and over you play this out, like some ominous dance with death just before dawn. Why? Because this storm isn't something that blew in from far away, something that has nothing to do with you. This storm is you. Something inside of you. So all you can do is give in to it, step right inside the storm, closing your eyes and plugging up your ears so the sand doesn't get in, and walk through it, step by step. There's no sun there, no moon, no direction, no sense of time. Just fine white sand swirling up into the sky like pulverized bones.There's something wrong with me chemically
Something wrong with me inherently
The wrong mix in the wrong genes
I reached the wrong ends by the wrong means
It was the wrong plan
In the wrong hands
With the wrong theory for the wrong man
The wrong lies, on the wrong vibes
The wrong questions with the wrong replies
Kafka na obali mora
Inace strasne avatare imas prethodnih mesec, dvaThere's something wrong with me chemically
Something wrong with me inherently
The wrong mix in the wrong genes
I reached the wrong ends by the wrong means
It was the wrong plan
In the wrong hands
With the wrong theory for the wrong man
The wrong lies, on the wrong vibes
The wrong questions with the wrong replies
"It took me a long time and most of the world to learn what I know about love and fate and the choices we make, but the heart of it came to me in an instant, while I was chained to a wall and being tortured. I realised, somehow, through the screaming in my mind, that even in that shackled, bloody helplessness, I was still free: free to hate the men who were torturing me, or to forgive them. It doesn't sound like much, I know. But in the flinch and bite of the chain, when it's all you've got, that freedom is a universe of possibility. And the choice you make, between hating and forgiving, can become the story of your life."
Početak izuzetne knjige G.D. Robertsa, "Shantaram".
Послато са PSP7551DUO уз помоћ Тапатока
US 3 - The Darkside
Come take a trip through the eye of a black man
Lookin' out at life like he really doesn't give a damn
Feel the hate and anger of a punk gang banger
Mad gun slinger, better yet a worthless nigga
See the ills of life for what they are
Feel yourself pitched back from the world real far
Life is grimmer than it ever was
As your blood simmers you feel your brain buzz
People look at you like you're up to somethin'
You look right back like it ain't nuthin'
Ya don't give a fuck, life is a dream
If you die tomorrow then you won't be a fiend for the green any more
'Cos that's what keeps ya tickin'
And that's what keeps ya stickin' if not for that ya might be chillin'
You live in a hell-hole, you wanna get out
But the only thing you're seein' is doubt
On the darkside
As you walk down the street your mind is in a frenzy
You look out at the world like everybody's your enemy
'Cos where you come from a friendly face is a bad sign
That person's even not evil just fuckin' with your mind
So as you walk along you frown your face
Steppin' with the ghetto strut at a rhythmic pace
On a mission to nowhere, yet your walk determined
The devil's got your soul and your heart is burnin'
You couldn't give a damn about another man's life
That's how it is, you're livin' trife
You've seen enough blood spilt to fill up the Hudson
So the "peace dude" shit ain't sayin' nothin'
'Cos you couldn't give a damn if your own mama died
But if you had a child, then you would cry
It's like the 3 9's flipped to the 666
All praise is due to the upside down crucifix
The darkside
A day comes when you see the light
Your thoughts become clear and you're feelin' bright
You're happy like a kid again, it must be a dream
Is it a dream? So real it seems
You're on top of the world and you've reached the other side
Floatin' through the sky on the clouds you ride
You thought you'd escaped but it didn't last
'Cos now you're addicted to the sleepin' gas
On the darkside
"Poets have tried to describe Ankh-Morpork. They have failed. Perhaps it's the sheer zestful vitality of the place, or maybe it's just that a city with a million inhabitants and no sewers is rather robust for poets, who prefer daffodils and no wonder. So let's just say that Ankh-Morpork is as full of life as an old cheese on a hot day, as loud as a curse in a cathedral, as bright as an oil slick, as colourful as a bruise and as full of activity, industry, bustle and sheer exuberant busyness as a dead dog on a termite mound.”
― Terry Pratchett, Mort
U međuvremenu
Na svu sreću, ja ti ne mogu pomoći
i umoran sam od trazenja rešenja,
koje je uvek na dohvatu naših kratkih ruku.
I prolazi vreme, ruke nam jačaju,
ali ne rastu.
A da zakoračiš?
Ne, ne smeš prva,
a ja ne mogu biti ispred tebe.
Da krenemo skupa?
Ko bi se toga setio?
Ne kradi mi međuvreme,
ako vec ne osećaš svoje.
Postaću hladan i promeniću se,
ali kad-tad ću eksplodirati.
Ko će da skuplja parčiće? Ti?
Pa ti ne možeš da me skupiš ni sastavljenog.
Ne kradi mi međuvreme.
Ono nije naše.
Ono je moje.
I nije između nas.
Ono je između mene i mene.
Ne kradi mi međuvreme,
bojim se – upašćeš u njega.
Ne kradi mi sebe od mene,
budalo glupa.
Postaćeš međuvreme
i ostaćeš zauvek sa mnom bez mene
Nikola Vranjkovic
Noćas su me pohodili mrtvi.
Nova groblja i vekovi stari;
Prilazili k meni kao žrtvi,
Kao boji prolaznosti stvari.
Noćas su me pohodila mora,
Sva usahla, bez vala i pene,
Mrtav vetar duvao je s gora,
Trudio se svemir da pokrene.
Noćas me je pohodila sreća
Mrtvih duša, i san mrtve ruže,
Noćas bila sva mrtva proleća:
I mirisi mrtvi svuda kruže.
Noćas ljubav dolazila k meni,
Mrtva ljubav iz sviju vremena,
Zaljubljeni, smrću zagrljeni,
Pod poljupcem mrtvih uspomena.
I sve što je postojalo ikad,
Svoju senku sve što imađaše,
Sve što više javiti se nikad,
Nikad neće - k meni dohođaše.
Tu su bili umrli oblaci,
Mrtvo vreme s istorijom dana,
Tu su bili poginuli zraci:
Svu selenu pritisnu nirvana.
I nirvana imala je tada
Pogled koji nema ljudsko oko:
Bez oblika, bez sreće, bez jada,
Pogled mrtav i prazan duboko.
I taj pogled, k'o kam da je neki,
Padao je na mene i snove,
Na budućnost, na prostor daleki,
Na ideje, i sve misli nove.
Noćas su me pohodili mrtvi,
Nova groblja i vekovi stari;
Prilazili k meni kao žrtvi,
Kao boji prolaznosti stvari.sigpic
Imam jedan haiku, samo ću ga staviti ovde:
"Ajde teraj se u kurac!"
- gornji post ponovljen nakon brisanja.
"AJmo sada zandari,reakcija.
Brzo!" Jimi22 & Ganac“La vostra fama è come il fiore, che nasce e muore, e si secca allo stesso sole che gli ha dato vita dall'acerba terra"