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  • Odg: MOTO GP

    [quote author=Sale 46 link=topic=1368.msg87835#msg87835 date=1251894800]
    ali bih zavrsio sa veoma pametnom konstatacijom jednog vozaca (kojeg postujem iskljucivo i jedino zbog voznje na stazi), kojeg je ona kostala cak i psihickog zdravlja, ''That's racing...''
    V.R: That's racing Casey...
    CS: That's racing ? Ok, we will see...
    I zaista videsmo, naro?ito na slede?e 2 trke .


    • Odg: MOTO GP

      [quote author=N_Trooper link=topic=1368.msg87939#msg87939 date=1251970872]
      [quote author=Sale 46 link=topic=1368.msg87835#msg87835 date=1251894800]
      ali bih zavrsio sa veoma pametnom konstatacijom jednog vozaca (kojeg postujem iskljucivo i jedino zbog voznje na stazi), kojeg je ona kostala cak i psihickog zdravlja, ''That's racing...''
      V.R: That's racing Casey...
      CS: That's racing ? Ok, we will see...
      I zaista videsmo, naro?ito na slede?e 2 trke
      [/quote] ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


      • Odg: MOTO GP

        [quote author=ferrari1 link=topic=1368.msg87940#msg87940 date=1251972233]
        [quote author=N_Trooper link=topic=1368.msg87939#msg87939 date=1251970872]
        [quote author=Sale 46 link=topic=1368.msg87835#msg87835 date=1251894800]
        ali bih zavrsio sa veoma pametnom konstatacijom jednog vozaca (kojeg postujem iskljucivo i jedino zbog voznje na stazi), kojeg je ona kostala cak i psihickog zdravlja, ''That's racing...''
        V.R: That's racing Casey...
        CS: That's racing ? Ok, we will see...
        NEPROCENJIVO !!!
        I zaista videsmo, naro?ito na slede?e 2 trke
        [/quote] ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


        • Odg: MOTO GP

          [quote author=N_Trooper link=topic=1368.msg87931#msg87931 date=1251962378]
          [quote author=vezara link=topic=1368.msg87850#msg87850 date=1251907903]
          Pedrosa izgleda da po malo igra istu igru kao i Lorenzo,flertuje sa dukatijem da bi izvukao bolji ugovor, mada je u pravu. Honda ima neku cudnu politiku, cine se kao da im je mnogo bitniji razvoj nego sami rezultati. Videli smo i sa Rosijem. Do duse i njima bi bilo lakse da se Dani nije prosuo pred pocetak sezone... na pocetku mi se Pedrosa cinio ka nevidjeni mrgud ali izgleda da je neka dobrica samo je pod negativim uticajem mnedzera/mentora pa ne ume da se nasmeje i raduje.
          Kada sam vec spomenuo mentora, jeste li culi da je izgleda izasla neka knjiga o Lorenzu, gde prica kako je, dok je bio u krizi, isao kod raznih psihologa i mentora koji su ga ucili kako da promeni stav prema trkanju i kako da promeni stav gledaoca prema njemu i da ga zavole, cini mi se da je interesantna...
          Toliko od mene za sada, i previse, ali sam morao da nadoknadim dnevnu dozu... ;)



          • Odg: MOTO GP


            • Odg: MOTO GP

              Kako je sve pocelo

              Evo ispricacu vam kako sam ja prvi put cuo za Rosija:

              Sredinom '90-tih kupovao sam jedan domaci casopis o automobilizmu, ''Auto-Moto''. Bio sam prilicno redovan, i krajem '96-te posle njegove prve pobede u Brnu, u redovnim izvestajima o automotosportu u svetu, bio je jedan tekst u kome Rosija predstavljaju kao neverovatnog talenta za voznju i kako poseduje ogroman sampionski potencijal. Sledece sezone usledila je dominacija, bas u vreme kada je Bjadji dominirao u 250cc, i od tada krece rivalstvo sa Bjadjijem i borba za prestiz. Svi su govorili o Rosiju, sto naravno Maks nije podnosio, i onda sam u jednom od sledecih brojeva procitao sjajnu stvar:

              Negde u Italiji, na nekoj zabavi ili u restoranu, ne mogu tacno da se setim, sreli su se Rosi i Bjadji, a bas u vreme kada je stampa bila prepuna tekstovima o njima, naravno dizajuci prasinu oko svega, i prilikom tog susreta Bjadji je rekao Rosiju samo ovo: ''Mali, ja sam jos uvek br.1'' A jel se secate kako je Rosi proslavio titulu '97-me? Sa OGROMNIM brojem 1 od stiropora na ledjima, sto je svakako i jedino bio odgovor Bjadjiju. Naravno tu je bila i lutka Klaudija Sifer, i odgovor Bjadjiju koji je navodno bio pozvao Naomi Kempbel u svoj box, kao goscu pred trku, a naravno ona se nije pojavila, i Rosi je to odmah iskoristio. Meni sada to rivalstvo deluje prosto neverovatno, zamislite sada da vidite takva prepucavanja izmedju nekih vozaca, ali iz razlicitih klasa? Toga nikad nije bilo, i mislim da ce to biti jedini slucaj u istoriji Moto GP-a. I tako je sve krenulo, citajuci sve te stvari, gledajuci rezultate koje je Valentino postizao (11 od 15) prosto sam bio fasciniran njime, jer je na stazi bio neuhvatljiv, a posle trke neverovatni saljivdzija, priredjujuci predstavu svaki put. Od tada sam kupovao casopis iskljucivo zbog tekstova i rezultata o njemu, i nesto mi je govorilo da u ovom decku ima neceg posebnog, da je sposoban za velika dela, i sam njegov put do kraljevske klase govori bas to, prva sezona ''rookie'' sezone, pa titula, pa prelaz u 250cc ''rookie'' sezone pa titula, pa prelaz u 500cc, ''rookie'' sezone, pa titula, jos jedna...

              Arogantno deriste

              Medjutim, prvenstveno zelim malo da prokomentarisem Lorenca. Decko mi je odmah zapao za oko iz 250cc i videlo se da poseduje sampionski kov, da voli borbu na stazi, ali mi je delovao jako odbojno, jer je bio jedno arogantno, sebicno i egoisticno deriste. Ja licno ne volim takve osobe, i odmah sam imao neku averziju prema njemu, npr. tada sam navijao za Dovija, koji se borio sa njim, i to jako dobro na Hondi, ne toliko speriornoj kao Aprilija. I prelazak u najjacu klasu je doneo isto, posle one 3 vezane pol pozicije, cinilo se kao da Jorge leti u nebo, sa Chupa-Chupsom u ustima, jos vise duvajuci svoj ego, i meni je izgledalo kao da je on sam u tom trenutku verovao da je Bog, da sve staje i da od tada postoji samo Lorenco, i da ce harati doveka. Medjutim, od tada krece i druga strana medalje, krecu padovi i povratak u realnost. E to je trenutak u kome me je neko prvi put podsetio na Valentina, i njegovu prvu sezonu u 500cc. Dosli su kao sampioni iz 250, obojica veoma brzi, sa ogromnim egom, borbenog duha, ali su te sezone obelezili padovi, cak su zavrsili sa slicnim rezultatom na kraju.

              Covek sa misijom

              Ono sto mi se svidja je da je Lorenco shvatio da ga takav stav nece odvesti nigde, da mora da promeni pristup, jer je on covek sa misijom i jasnim ciljem: Titula svetskog sampiona i da zeli da bude zapamcen u Moto GP-u. Srdjanov link za tekst je sjajan, tacno se vidi koliko je on sam spreman da se menja, da uci i uci, kako bi postigao zacrtano, a i kako bi dobio simpatije publike, i cemu je sve to rezultiralo? Polako pocinju da se vijore crne zastave, tu su proslave posle trke, tu je neophodna promocija van staze, posebne kacige... Impresivno je i to da je on to shvatio jako mlad, da je jos kao klinac spreman da unapredi svoj stil, imidz. Takodje, i komentari su postali primereni; zna da ne sme da udje u otvoreni medijski rat sa Rosijem, vec da polako stice njegovo postovanje tako sto ce ga pobedjivati; da mora da postuje Rosija, da ne dozvoljava da ga emocija preuzme, kao npr. Kejsija, setite se posle Barselone, posle onakvog poraza, na konferenciji je bio apsolutno primeren, ali sta je rekao prvo: ''Most important thing is that we are regular...'' to znaci da je potpuno svestan da ako hoce da zadobije Rosijevo postovanje, koje vec ima, i to veliko, mora da ga dobije na stazi, u borbi, i nikako drugacije, to je jedini nacin da ostvari svoj cilj.

              Covek za postovanje

              Zbog svega ovog, pridobio je i mene, i promenio sam misljenje koje sam imao o njemu. Lorencu odajem veliki respekt, jer se vidi da se razvija u pravog sampiona, pritom je neverovatno brz, cak mislim i da je trenutno brzi od Valentina, ali evo njegovih reci

              Navijao sam da ostane u Yamahi, iz jednog razloga, Lorenco u Yamahi je dovoljan razlog da Valentino ostane u Moto GP-u, ne samo da ostane, nego da ostane na maksimumu, jer samo tako moze da dobije Jorgea, a kada je Valentino maksimalno posvecen, maksimalno odlucan i skoncentrisan, znamo da nas ceka prava predstava i uzbudjenje, a to je sama sustina ovog sporta, barem za nas gledaoce.

              Upravo nas to ceka za vikend, sjajna borba u najavi, pritisak vec uveliko raste, zelim samo da bude lepo i suncano vreme kako bi uzivali u pravoj snazi i taktici ove dvojice, pa nek bolji, pre svega pametniji, pobedi, iako cu ja biti na strani matorog, lukavog lisca.
              The most important thing is to stay truthful to who you really are, and be down to earth.
              As soon as you believe you are the best, you are not the best any more.
              From that stage there is no progress.


              • Lorenzo tried to play things cool and look at the wider picture,Rossi, meanwhile, was perhaps playing some similar mind games by talking up the chances of Lorenzo and Dani Pedrosa this weekend.
                The most important thing is to stay truthful to who you really are, and be down to earth.
                As soon as you believe you are the best, you are not the best any more.
                From that stage there is no progress.


                • Odg: MOTO GP

                  Igre jesu pocele,ali kad je u pitanju ova staza,MASTER se vec zna ;)


                  • Odg: MOTO GP

                    [quote author=N_Trooper link=topic=1368.msg87944#msg87944 date=1251977341]
                    [quote author=ferrari1 link=topic=1368.msg87940#msg87940 date=1251972233]
                    [quote author=N_Trooper link=topic=1368.msg87939#msg87939 date=1251970872]
                    [quote author=Sale 46 link=topic=1368.msg87835#msg87835 date=1251894800]
                    ali bih zavrsio sa veoma pametnom konstatacijom jednog vozaca (kojeg postujem iskljucivo i jedino zbog voznje na stazi), kojeg je ona kostala cak i psihickog zdravlja, ''That's racing...''
                    V.R: That's racing Casey...
                    CS: That's racing ? Ok, we will see...
                    NEPROCENJIVO !!!
                    I zaista videsmo, naro?ito na slede?e 2 trke
                    [/quote] ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


                    uvijek molim boga da neki pametnjakovic kaze neshto ovako pametno Valentinu. Odmah znate da ce poslije toga da ga prospe kao malo dijete


                    • Odg: MOTO GP

                      Reports coming out of Spain earlier today - published by the sports daily and reported by the Catalonian radio station Catalunya Informacio - indicate that Dani Pedrosa has already decided to sign a new contract with the Repsol Honda squad, and will make an official announcement this weekend at Misano. According to the reports, Pedrosa will sign a contract for at least one year, but no word has been forthcoming on the role of Pedrosa's manager Puig.

                      The announcement of Hayden's signing with Ducati make Pedrosa signing with Honda almost a formality. The factory seats at Yamaha, Ducati and Suzuki are all filled, and though theoretically both Yamaha and Ducati could field an extra full factory bike for Pedrosa in a satellite squad, Pedrosa neither needs nor wants to accept a role so far removed from bike development. Pedrosa's only option in a factory team is right back where he is, in the Repsol Honda squad. The announcement that he is staying is now merely a matter of time.


                      • Odg: MOTO GP

                        Fiat Yamaha Simultaneously the most desirable and the least desirable team on the grid. The Yamaha M1 is clearly the best bike of the lot in the 2009 season, and looking to continue so for next year. But anyone signing for the factory Yamaha team gets to share a garage with Valentino Rossi, and is assured of their status as the second rider of the team.
                        Valentino Rossi 2010 Rossi has a contract until the end of 2010, after which he will decide on whether to stay racing for a couple more years, or retire and go to race in the World Rally Championship, depending on his standing in the record books. The fans and the promotors would love Rossi to stay. The riders would probably prefer for him to leave.
                        Jorge Lorenzo 2010 After a brief flirtation with Honda, and an intense period after Brno, where Lorenzo was offered a huge amount of money to go to Ducati, Lorenzo finally signed on the dotted line for Yamaha on the Monday before the Indianapolis GP. He did so after receiving commitments about equal treatment, and he only did so for a year. The whole circus is likely to start up again in July of 2010.

                        Marlboro Ducati The factory Ducati team is in a pickle. The bike is clearly fast - Casey Stoner has amply demonstrated that - but also nigh on impossible to ride - Nicky Hayden, Toni Elias, Marco Melandri and a cast of thousands have also confirmed this again and again. Ducati needs a backup plan for if Stoner decides to leave.
                        Casey Stoner 2010 Casey Stoner is still angry at both Honda and Yamaha for having denied him a factory ride at the end of the 2006 season, and that has been the saving of Ducati. Stoner will be staying at Ducati for another year, but keeping his options open after that. His biggest concern is his health, with his fractured scaphoid still not healing properly, and his undiagnosed illness still resisting treatment.
                        Nicky Hayden 2010 Nicky Hayden has slowly be getting better on the Ducati, but only very slowly. The American had an option with Ducati for 2010, but it was up to Ducati to exercise it. Hayden wanted to stay, and after Dani Pedrosa reportedly turned down the ride at Ducati, the Bologna factory jumped on Hayden, especially after his podium at Indianapolis. With another year on the Ducati, we might start to see whether Hayden can close the gap to the Fantastic Four.

                        Repsol Honda The Repsol Honda team is the other prime destination for ambitious young riders. After two and a half years of struggling, the Honda RC212V is finally starting to come good, and should be competitive for 2011. But any new contracts will have to wait on what Dani Pedrosa and Jorge Lorenzo decide. Once their destination is known, then we can fill in the gaps here.
                        Dani Pedrosa 2011 At Brno, HRC President Tetsuo Suzuki announced that the factory Honda team had reached a "basic agreement" with its current two riders. This was immediately denied by Alberto Puig and Dani Pedrosa, but after Nicky Hayden signed with Ducati, Pedrosa had nowhere left to go. However, it is not beyond the bounds of reason that the reason that Ducati signed Hayden was because Pedrosa had already turned them down and renewed with Honda.
                        Andrea Dovizioso 2011 Dovi's win at Donington did his prospects a world of good, and he has apparently been rewarded with a new two-year deal.

                        Rizla Suzuki The Suzuki GSV-R continues to struggle to be competitive, despite dire warnings from both Loris Capirossi and Chris Vermeulen. The lack of results means that questions remain over Suzuki's commitment to the series. The factory nearly pulled out at the end of the 2008 season, and could still decide to do so before the 2010 season begins. At least they have immunity from the Rookie Rule, which allows them to sign rising young stars straight from the 250cc class (or even World Superbikes) such as current hot favorite for a ride, Alvaro Bautisa.
                        Loris Capirossi 2010 After obtaining guarantees that the bike will get more development for 2010, Capirex bit the bullet and announced he would be staying with Suzuki at Indianapolis.
                        Alvaro Bautista 2011 Finally announced officially at Brno after the race. Bautista declined to move up to MotoGP with Aspar, preferring instead to go straight to a factory ride, instead of taking a satellite ride on the promise of promotion to the factory team in 2011. Whether Bautista can do better than Chris Vermeulen on perhaps the weakest bike on the grid remains to be seen

                        Aspar Ducati Jorge 'Aspar' Martinez has been given Sete Gibernau's old bike, after his GFH team pulled out halfway through the season. The Aspar team is a top-flight operation, but they have a problem: They will be running a Ducati, and the Desmosedici is a far from attractive prospect for young riders. What is certain is that the Aspar bike will have a Spanish - or probably even Valencian - sponsor, and a Spanish - or probably even Valencian - rider.
                        Hector Barbera 2010 Hector Barbera signed for Aspar at Brno, after Alvaro Bautista went to Suzuki. Barbera was telling anyone at Brno who would listen that he would be riding the Aspar bike, but curiously, Aspar until a few days after Brno to make the official announcement. Barbera was clearly second choice.

                        Gresini Honda
                        The Gresini team used to be the very best of the satellite squads, but the withdrawal of Telefonica sponsorship and the failure of the Honda RC212V have hit the team hard. It is still among the best, and with one factory-spec bike on offer, an attractive prospect.
                        So attractive, indeed, that they have managed to attract what Fausto Gresini described as an "Italian Dream Team" of Marco Melandri and Marco Simoncelli. The signing is a coup both for Gresini and for their sponsor, Italian snack producer San Carlo, as both Marcos will be huge marketing assets in their home market.
                        The question of the factory-spec RC212V was settled in Melandri's favor, experience triumphing over youth, but HRC have promised that next year, the satellite bikes will be very close - just a couple of races behind - the factory bikes.
                        Marco Simoncelli 2010, option with HRC for 2011 Marco Simoncelli was the first of the signings to be announced officially as early as the end of June at Assen. The young Italian was keenly pursued by a number of teams and factories, including Aprilia, who wanted him in World Superbikes. But Simoncelli, who is both highly talented and highly marketable, settled instead for a deal with HRC, which will see him join the Gresini Honda squad in 2010, with options for a factory seat in 2011.
                        At Brno, HRC President Tetsuo Suzuki denied that Simoncelli had a contract with HRC, stating that his contract was directly with Gresini. Whether Marco Simoncelli sees it that way is a different matter
                        Marco Melandri 2010 As widely expected, Marco Melandri finally announced he would be joining the Gresini Honda team at Brno. He had been linked with the squad since Simoncelli signed his contract at Assen, but had denied a deal was on the cards. It was, as ever, a smokescreen.
                        Melandri will have the Gresini team's factory-spec Honda RC212V, though Simoncelli's bike is supposed to be very close to the factory spec anyway. His awful year at Ducati, and then at Hayate / Kawasaki have matured Melandri a lot. He now has the mental toughness to compete, as well as the physical talent. If Honda get it right - which is likely - Melandri could be in with a shout of the title next year.

                        LCR Honda Lucio Cecchinello continues to punch above his weight with his team funded using a clever mixture of sponsors and running a rider spotted using the Italian's excellent nose for talent. Whether Randy de Puniet stays with the team depends on Cecchinello's ability to secure better equipment, but even if he goes, LCR should have no problems finding a quality replacement. LCR could be the destination for a top rookie.

                        Pramac Ducati The Pramac Ducati team continues to function as Ducati's Junior team, the place the Bologna factory puts young riders to test their ability to ride the Desmosedici. The Finnish rookie Mika Kallio has done very well so far, despite being rather erratic, and is likely to keep his place. Current team mate Niccolo Canepa, on the other hand, looks certain to go.
                        Mika Kallio Kallio has done well, and is almost certain to remain. Livio Suppo has spoken highly of the Finn.

                        Scot Honda The Scot Honda team is in a strange situation this year. One of their 250 riders, Hiroshi Aoyama, is leading the 250 World Championship and is in with a strong chance of the title. Meanwhile, the MotoGP team has already had to drop Yuki Takahashi, the man Aoyama replaced, over a lack of funds. His replacement, Gabor Talmacsi, is still getting to grips with the MotoGP bike, but he brings a substantial amount of funding from the Hungarian oil company MOL. Expect Talmacsi to stay here in 2010, but don't expect an early announcement.

                        Tech 3 Yamaha The Tech 3 team is in limbo, the prime victim of Jorge Lorenzo's dalliance with Honda. Once Lorenzo makes up his mind, then Tech 3's places will fall into place. If Lorenzo goes, then Colin Edwards' seat - paid for by Yamaha in Japan - will be given to Ben Spies, for the Texan to sit out his rookie year as he waits for promotion to the factory Yamaha squad. If Lorenzo stays, then Edwards will most likely do the same. The other seat at the team is the hottest property in MotoGP at the moment, with a string of riders in contention to take James Toseland's place - including James Toseland. It will most likely come down to money, and who can provide it.


                        • Odg: MOTO GP

                          Izgleda da nas ceka prava predstava, jer bi trebalo da imamo savrseno suncano vreme za vikend u Mizanu.

                          Jedva cekam sutrasnji practise, ovaj put niko nece stedeti motor, nego ce nagaziti od samog starta
                          The most important thing is to stay truthful to who you really are, and be down to earth.
                          As soon as you believe you are the best, you are not the best any more.
                          From that stage there is no progress.


                          • Odg: MOTO GP

                            Za kvalifikacije se ocekuje


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