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    Da, tek tada dolazi do izrazaja pravo umece


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      Da, tek tada dolazi do izrazaja pravo umece


      • Odg: MOTO GP

        Hvala momci na potvrdi...
        Samo jos nesto da dodam u vezi sa trkom u Maleziji... Sam Rossi kaze da mu je zao sto je pala kisa "jer bi bila zanimljivija borba" Po vremenima u kvalifikacijama mislim da mozemo da budemo prezadovoljni kisom jer bi ih Doktor "odrao" po suvom... Dobili bi Mizano, gde bi im Rossi pobegao a ostalo i ne bi bilo toliko bitno s obzom da se ipak radilo o tituli!
        U sledecoj trci cemo imati 19 motora na gridu ako se spanci budu pojavili sa novom ekipom, iskreno se nadam da hoce...
        Jel sme neko da prognozira Spies-ov ucinak u Valensiji? :o I ne samo njegov vec i Espargarov pred domacom publikom?
        Pre nego sto dam svoju prognozu moram da napomenem da ce Ben voziti na krilima osvojene titule u SBK-u, sa ogromnom zeljom da se dokaze kao ozbiljan rival sledece godine... Sa druge strane sve je reseno medju prvih 4, ustvari nije... Pedrosa ca se boriti da zavrsi kao treci u generalnom plasmanu i to pred svojom publikom, dok Stoner ima sansu da zavrsi na drugom ako Lorenzo padne a Casey ponovo pobedi, sto je skoro nemoguce... tu je takodje borba za peto i OGROMNA borba za sedmo mesto! :o
        Sesto mesto bi bio ooogroman uspeh za Spies-a, sve preko toga bi znacilo da cemo sledece godine sigurno imati veliku petorku a ne cetvorku! ;) (u najmanju ruku) Naravno tu je mogucnost da se ponovi nesto kao DeAngelis u Misanu... Bice verovatno nekoliko vrucih glava, zeljni da se dokazu u poslednjoj trci za biti ili ne biti...
        Svaki put kada pomislim na sledecu sezonu uzbudim se... ;) ;D Samo cu reci sledece: MELANDRI, SIMONCELI I SPIES... Naravno tu su jos i AOYAMA, a zatim i Bautista i Barbera... :o ;) ;D Definitivno zelim da vidim DeAngelisa sledece sezone, pa cak i Eliasa ali mu napraviti klauzulu da moze da vozi samo ako se dobro pokaze na prethodnoj trci ;) ;D


        • Odg: MOTO GP

          [quote author=ferrari1 link=topic=1368.msg100843#msg100843 date=1256566955]


          Mislim da ne postoji ikakva sansa da Lorenzo i Rossi ostanu u Yamahi i u 2011 godini.Jedan ce morati da ode(Lorenzo) i to ce verovatno biti na Rossijevo insistiranje.Ako Yamaha zeli da zadrzi Rossija Jarvis ce morati da se odrekne wunderkinda.
          Ako je tacno ono sto se suska,da u Ducatiju dolazi do promena i da ce Suppa zameniti Guareschi onda ce Yamaha sledece sezone morati Rossiju da pruzi i vise od kraljevskog tretmana.
          Rossi i F1?!Ma,nema sanse.Nije on neko ko moze da se pomiri sa tim da ne bude prvi i najbolji



            ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
            The most important thing is to stay truthful to who you really are, and be down to earth.
            As soon as you believe you are the best, you are not the best any more.
            From that stage there is no progress.



              ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

              Hahahaha kralj



                ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
                Car je lik


                • Comment

                  • Odg: MOTO GP

                    On Tuesday in Valencia we will try the new model and I am looking forward to working on the new M1,added Rossi.


                    • Odg: MOTO GP

                      Cool stranica ;)


                      • Odg: MOTO GP

                        [quote author=ferrari1 link=topic=1368.msg101174#msg101174 date=1256648653]
                        +1 ;)


                        • Odg: MOTO GP

                          [quote author=ferrari1 link=topic=1368.msg101174#msg101174 date=1256648653]
                          Ovde je ceo crew yamahe fali samo Horhe ehehhe


                          • Odg: MOTO GP

                            OPA BATO !!! PO?ELO JE PO?ELO ....

                            Yamaha's dilemma was illustrated by both a comment Masao Furusawa made, and the response from Jorge Lorenzo's manager Marcos Hirsch. Speaking about Rossi's place with Yamaha, Furusawa told the press conference "Valentino is a very, very important rider for Yamaha, and also Jorge is, but especially Valentino." On Wednesday, Hirsch hit back in the Spanish press, telling the leading Spanish sports daily "I find it hard to believe that Furusawa said that, as he hasn't said them to me. That is something he can do next year, when we discuss Lorenzo's contract renewal."

                            Hirsch's thinly-veiled threat is a reference to the prolonged and difficult negotiations that preceded Lorenzo's contract extension for the 2010 season. "This year, in Donington, [Furusawa] cleared up some statements he made at Laguna Seca," Hirsch told But Lorenzo's manager also pinpointed the problem facing Yamaha quite clearly: "[Furusawa] made it clear that he knows that they have a problem. Lorenzo is the future for Yamaha, but they have been overtaken by the future."

                            The statements by both Yamaha and Marcos Hirsch are the very first shots in a long war of attrition likely to be fought over the 2011 contracts. Yamaha faces an impossible balancing act: keeping hold of the man who has sold and will continue to sell thousands upon thousands of Yamaha motorcycles without losing the man likely to replace him. In the end, they will almost certainly be forced to choose between one or the other. Valentino Rossi has already proved that he is a candidate for the greatest motorcycle rider of all time, while Jorge Lorenzo has some way to go to achieve that, despite showing every sign of being capable of it. It's going to be a very long and very ugly Silly Season for 2011, and the absurd thing is that it's already started.


                            • Odg: MOTO GP

                              [quote author=N_Trooper link=topic=1368.msg101309#msg101309 date=1256744748]
                              OPA BATO !!! PO?ELO JE PO?ELO ....

                              Yamaha's dilemma was illustrated by both a comment Masao Furusawa made, and the response from Jorge Lorenzo's manager Marcos Hirsch. Speaking about Rossi's place with Yamaha, Furusawa told the press conference "Valentino is a very, very important rider for Yamaha, and also Jorge is, but especially Valentino." On Wednesday, Hirsch hit back in the Spanish press, telling the leading Spanish sports daily "I find it hard to believe that Furusawa said that, as he hasn't said them to me. That is something he can do next year, when we discuss Lorenzo's contract renewal."

                              Hirsch's thinly-veiled threat is a reference to the prolonged and difficult negotiations that preceded Lorenzo's contract extension for the 2010 season. "This year, in Donington, [Furusawa] cleared up some statements he made at Laguna Seca," Hirsch told But Lorenzo's manager also pinpointed the problem facing Yamaha quite clearly: "[Furusawa] made it clear that he knows that they have a problem. Lorenzo is the future for Yamaha, but they have been overtaken by the future."

                              The statements by both Yamaha and Marcos Hirsch are the very first shots in a long war of attrition likely to be fought over the 2011 contracts. Yamaha faces an impossible balancing act: keeping hold of the man who has sold and will continue to sell thousands upon thousands of Yamaha motorcycles without losing the man likely to replace him. In the end, they will almost certainly be forced to choose between one or the other. Valentino Rossi has already proved that he is a candidate for the greatest motorcycle rider of all time, while Jorge Lorenzo has some way to go to achieve that, despite showing every sign of being capable of it. It's going to be a very long and very ugly Silly Season for 2011, and the absurd thing is that it's already started.
                              [/quote]Rano su poceli,sta ce tek da bude,to samo dragi Bog zna.


                              • Odg: MOTO GP

                                Mali je postao i glumac; nek se zabavlja i treba uvek tako, ima tu sre?u da u?i od Velikog Majstora (i veoma brzo kapira sve stvari za razliku od ostalih Doktorovih pacijenata...)


                                ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
                                The most important thing is to stay truthful to who you really are, and be down to earth.
                                As soon as you believe you are the best, you are not the best any more.
                                From that stage there is no progress.

