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Nole, idi u peršun!

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  • Evo još jedne



    • He, he.. kakva ekipa. Ali nema Dušana?
      Pa da šta će mu, kada ne trenira
      Šalim se.

      Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
      But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.


      • hahahahahah bravo ))))


        • One of the best pasta plates in the world. Traditionally served :-) Restaurant is "Taverna Trilussa"
          Novak najavio zanimljivo gostovanje kod Džimi Kimela
          Now I'm gonna do some lip singing "I will always love you"

          Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
          But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.


          • Sto se krkralo, krkalo se, na meniju je prvo prasina RG-a , a potom se valja prisetiti ukusa travice Vimbldona.
            Posle te vodim na i najbolju riblju corbu na svetu



            • I ja bih i Rim, ali kako to ne mogu sada, onda bar na tu riblju čorbu.

              Uzivam u prelepom pogledu na Rim posle celog dana napornih treninga... Jedva cekam da pocne turnir!

              Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
              But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.


              • Moli se neki kazandzija da opravi neki kazan od par stotina litara.
                Posle RG-a valja skuvati corbulajk vredan upisa u Ginisa.;)


                • Nole na twitteru
                  Look who came to surprise me tonight! i'm a lucky man cc @JelenaRisticNDF #pierre
                  Last edited by MiljanVR; 11-05-13, 21:34.


                  • Cim su stigli Jelena i Pjer znam da ce biti sve Ok.
                    Imam osecaj da je Madrid fulao, jer mu tu nije bila Jeca.


                    • Mozda nije mogao da se skoncentrise a i ona publika . Vala ja bih odma puko da sam na njegovom mestu...

                      Mislim ne trazim izgovore... Zaista je lose igrao nego obicno ali i publika je uticala na raspolozenje tokom meca...

                      Rim ce nadam se biti drugaciji. .

                      A RG pogotovo.. To se ceka.

                      Joking around is part of my personality, just who I am. Novak Djokovic

                      Yesterday i was clever, so i wanted to change the world. Today i`m wise, so i`m changing myself.

                      Without error there can be no brilliancy.


                      • sigpicFokus Nole i ne zaboravi- u pertle... idemo Noleeeeeeeeeee

                        ''Na jedno uho ne čujem ništa, a na drugo sve. Zato slušam samo one koji mi priđu sa prave strane...


                        • INTERVIEW
                          NOVAK DJOKOVIC 12 MAY 2013
                          by ATP Staff |
                          Q: Can you tell us how you organised your days between Madrid and now or do you have a couple of days off?
                          N. Djokovic: Its no different from any other preparation for the other tournaments and so I have had training days because I didn't get much practice after Montecarlo and so I need to spend more time on the court and this is it. The programme was respected and done by the team and so far its going well.
                          Q: How are you physically and do you feel better?
                          N. Djokovic: Yes I feel better and the ankle is not bothering me and I'm getting ready and I love the support and lots of kid screaming my name and it’s a positive think and I speak Italian and I so feel like a local and winning here twice will help me have a great time.

                          Q: It this the important tournament in terms of the build up for the French Open
                          N. Djokovic: Well, for me every tournament is important in this category and I want to perform the best and Montecarlo was the best clay season start and Madrid was different and you know, it’s a professional tournament and you learn something new and try to get better and better and stronger mentally for what is coming up and I want now to direct my attention to this tournament and not to the Roland Garros and find my right form as in Montecarlo and I believe I can do it. In this tournament there are many great players in great shape….. not easy but it's not the first time in my career and hopefully this tournament will be the lucky one for me then there is the Roland Garros.

                          Q: A lot of support but not the same in Madrid. You were not too happy about what happened in Madrid.
                          N. Djokovic: I am a professional and so I go to play tournaments and try to enjoy them and take the best. I won in 2011 and had nice support and I have lots of friend and my brother live in Spain. I never had problems and I forget about what happens and its behind me and I respect the choice of the audience and who they support and what happened there was unusual and to experience being treated that way for no reason but as I say I move on and I'm comfortable here.

                          Q: Are you as mentally fresh as when you were on the winning streak.
                          N. Djokovic: I feel good this year so far and three titles so far and unexpected defeats but you win and you lose and I don't expect to win all the matches and don’t underestimate the opponents and there are many players outside of the top 4 or 5 who are dangerous …… like Wawrinka and while they have nothing to lose and then they win and then they get a confidence boost and I am working harder day by day with a great team and everything is going in the right direction

                          Q: Do you learn a lot from defeats
                          N. Djokovic: Every match and tournament brings some thing new and new sensations and it is important to add high value to every match and this does not mean just to win or lose. Obviously in defeats you are very disappointed but you actually learn form your losses and try to analyse what to do to get better. Its as simple as that.

                          Q: You have an ankle problem and in Madrid you turned it a little. Does this prey on your mind?
                          N. Djokovic: I try not to think about it as I know that I did not have any big injury in my career …….. perhaps 2011 with stomach and now the ankle injury but injury is part of the sport and other colleagues in tennis have told me how their experience is in the recover process and it takes time and then it’s a mental thing too and trying not to make it become something mental and I am already slowly starting to release the protection for my ankle and its more stable and there is no pain and I'm confident in the next few weeks to play well.

                          Q: What do you think about the attribution of the seeding by ATP which does not consider the classification but only the performance……. I mean, just in general taking into consideration the performance.
                          N. Djokovic: The ranking is clear to everyone – ranking is what shows who is the best and its not for me to say what is fair. Raffa has not played for 6 or 7 months but now with 7 finals its amazing and he's not the first player to do this….


                          • Evo ga novi klip,pogledajte ako mozete


                            • Dobar početak Novaka iako je na startu bilo nešto više grešaka i nesigurnosti kako je meč odmicao hvatao je ritam i sve je polako dolazilo na svoje. Treba mu još mečeva da bi bio onaj pravi, da se najpre vrati sigurnost u bh i da se razigra. Znači mu ova pobeda, videlo se na kraju koliko voli da igra u Rimu

                              Danas na istezanju mi pravi drustvo Pjer, opasan mali, nemojte da vas njegov izgled prevari

