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Nole, idi u peršun!
Meni je sumnjiva ta Masha vise...
Kako se njih dvoje uvek gledaju, pa onako budalasto smeskaju, flertuju...On se duva smekerski, ona se kikoce ono jaoooooooo nisi normalan a bas si mi sladakMa dosta bre vise!
Pazte sta vam govorim, bice da je ona kriva za sveMasho leba ti, mani ga, samo si mu jos ti falila da mu pomutis ovo malo razuma
Kul reklamica"My body feels great. I mean, it´s only five hours"
Novak ce igrati DC naredne godine:
"Zadnje dvije godine nisam igrao za reprezentaciju zbog zahtjevnog rasporeda turnira. U toku olimpijskih igara u Londonu razgovarao sam sa selektorom Bogdanom Obradovićem i rekao da može računati na mene. Jedva čekam da se vratim u reprezentaciju i pokušam osvojiti novi trofej Davis Cupa"Last edited by shminka; 20-08-12, 22:05.
Hvala Bogu pa su se vratili. Prijace mu to.
Joking around is part of my personality, just who I am. Novak Djokovic
Yesterday i was clever, so i wanted to change the world. Today i`m wise, so i`m changing myself.
Without error there can be no brilliancy.
There's something wrong with me chemically
Something wrong with me inherently
The wrong mix in the wrong genes
I reached the wrong ends by the wrong means
It was the wrong plan
In the wrong hands
With the wrong theory for the wrong man
The wrong lies, on the wrong vibes
The wrong questions with the wrong replies