Jednom recju - idiotizam.
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Nole, idi u peršun!
Samo je jedan čekanja vrijedan - Roger Federer!
Novak definitivno obezbedio prvu poziciju na kraju sezone
Evo i Jelena Genčić rece nesto o tom cuvenom udarcu...
Federerov „šamar“ Nole vežbao tri i po godine...
Rodžer Federer je nakon polufinala USO rekao da ga je Novak Đoković pobedio zahvaljujući slučajnom „šamar“ udarcu. Ali nema tu nikakve slučajnosti, Novak i ja smo taj udarac vežbali tri i po godine, taj trud se kad-tad morao isplatiti. On sve radi smišljeno, inteligentno, nema ništa bez plana, a tome sam ga učila još kad je bio dečak - naglašava Jelena Genčić.
Hahaha Big Nole ne stizu me godine nego imam neke obaveze(ubacivao sam Pes 2012)evo:"Aaaanddd we r back to good old DJOKING stylejust finished dinner with my team, brother, Jelena and Xarly" "Thanx for your comments,guys.I have been doing therapy's in last 3 weeks every day,and since 7 days lot of work on fitness and strengthening.Happy to say all is going well and in 2 days i should be starting with tennis. Cant wait,it has been a while ;-) Will update you with some more photos soon.."
Nole nam poručuje:I have been doing therapy's in last 3 weeks every day,and since 7 days lot of work on fitness and strengthening. Happy to say all is going well and in 2 days i should be starting with tennis. Cant wait,it has been a whilesigpic
Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.