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  • Dobar dan drugari i prijatelji, dugo me nije bilo.Nedostajali ste mi.

    Na zalost moj otac je preminuo pa zbog toga nisam tu od 10.marta...
    Danima sam u tuznim mislima zbog toga, nemam svoj mir niti neki fokus
    za mnoge zivotne stvari...
    Posle visednevnog odbijanja da se ukljucim u "spoljni" svet,
    sinoc ipak smognem snage da odgledam finale.
    "Nemate pojma koliko mi znaci" ova i ovakva pobeda Novaka, ne zelim nikome ovakvu (zivotnu)
    situaciju ali razumece me samo neko ko je ovo prosao.
    Toliko imam Novakovim meceva u mozgu i srcu ali ovaj ce zauzeti posebno mesto u mojoj dusi.

    Sjajan,maestralan si Novace sinoc bio, ne da si samo pobedio i nadigrao velikog rivala nego si i najavio
    da ova godina moze biti jedna od ONIH - TVOJIH i nicija vise. Jeste da si na kratko
    ugostio Vavrinku u svoju australijsku tvrdjavu ali nema veze, zna se ko je tamo Bog i batina.
    Finale iz Miamia samo prenesi na nastavak sezone i nema zime.

    Eto tolio za sada,cujemo se drugari tatatirci.
    Vraticu se i ja vremenom i polako u svoju formu,SVE JE TO ZIVOT.

    PS. Ne morate mi pisati poruke i postove saucesca, dovoljan je "like".
    Neka bude dostojanstveno i upravo onako kakav je moj otac zapravo dostojanstven bio.

    Vidimo se i hvala sto ste tu, razliciti i svako unikatan jer nema vece lepote od razlicitosti koja ujedinjuje.
    >>> Brojim Izbrojao sam sate, minute, sekunde do pogleda na Mourinja u dresu MANCHESTER UNITED-a ! <<<


    • Krece repriza, za one koji zele da opet ili po prvi put uzivaju
      It's not who you are underneath, it's what you do that defines you


      • Originally posted by NI View Post
        Milslim da sam jedini koji cijelo vrijeme tvrdi da je danas Novak bolji nego 2011, dakle popuno sam svjestan sto Novak moze, koji je njegov potencijal. Taj potencijal je jucer potvrdjen na jedan fantastican nacin. A najvise je bola u oci Nadalova nemoc. Nije imao ideju sto da radi. A Nadal je bez sumnje bio najbolji igrac svijeta prosle godine.

        Ali ne valja zaboraviti poraze od Vavrinke i Federera, to su bili izjednaceni mecevi, oba je trebao Novak da dobije i u oba je puknuo. Hoce li se to ponoviti kada bude ponovo imao gusti mec? Kako ce kondiciiono Novak izgledati u mecu od 5 setova na sljaci? Da ti budem iskren, mene vise ohrabruje ona pobjeda u IW protiv Federera. Prvo se vratio u mec i dosao u dobijenu poziciju, potom je prokockao tu poziciju i na kraju ipak dobio. Jucerasnji mec je pokazo da kad Novak igra 100% nema premca na hardu, sve izgleda tako lako. To smo znamo vec neko vrijeme. Mec protiv Federera je pokazao da Novak moze da pobijedi u cupavom mecu, u to smo sumnjali, barem ja, u zadnjih godinu dana.

        I ja sam Ni,misljenja da je Nole kompletniji nego tada..Naprosto,kad pogledas njegovu selekciju udaraca od sinoc,ono je bilo toliko neodbranjivo,skroz mocno,super-dominananto.Zato kazem da je konacno legla stara osnova I ta smirenost i samopouzdanje,auu brate,da ne povjerujes koliko mocno moze da izgleda jedan teniser.Pogled,izgled i ona demonstrirana moc,moze samo da obecava najbolje. MADA,pazi ovo NI, sa Borisom Bekerom 0 od 2 ...a sa Vajdom svetim, 2 od 2....hehhehe da li ti to malo govori,da li mozemo i to da stavimo u paket

        Bjezmo Grumfe,njih je dvojica a mi smo sami!


        • Originally posted by prskaj View Post
          Krece repriza, za one koji zele da opet ili po prvi put uzivaju
          dosta sam ova 2 mastersa gledao repriza pa stim mogu i finale da odgledam 2x


          • Šta reći, prespavala sam ali i dalje sam pod utiskom, čekam dok mi se sve malo slegne pa ću da pogledam snimak!
            Nakon prva dva gema imala sam utisak da meč neći biti nimalo lak (ne kažem da je bio, ali bilo je lakše nego što sam očekivala) ovo finale me malo podsjetilo na finale MC prošle godine, i tada je Novak u meč ušao sa jasnim ciljem šta treba da radi i po šta je došao, nije dozvolio da mu bilo šta ometa koncentraciju (čak ni kada mu je Lajani uputio opomenu uopšte nije odreagovao) svi udarci su funkcionisali kako treba (osim smeča koji je stara boljka, ali valjda će i to da se popravi) na BH ne bi trošila riječi, ritern odličan, u pojedinim trenutcima Rafa je baš djelovao nemoćno, kao da nije pronalazio rešenje, što je još jedan od dokaza da kada Novak igra najbolje što može onda se tu pobjednik zna! Pitanje je da li Novak može bolje od ovoga? I koliko dugo može ovako da igra?
            Boris možda nije bio tu, i možda ima 0-2 ove godine, ali ipak se u pojedinim trenutcima vidjelo njegovo prisustvo u timu!
            I na kraju kad se sve sabere i oduzme, protekle dvije nedjelje bile su odlične i za Novaka a samim tim i za nas, sada sve ovo što dolazi izgleda svjetlije
            * Victory makes you happy, failure makes you stronger!
            * Smeš da izgubiš, ali ne smeš da se predaš!
            NOVAK ĐOKOVIĆ #TrueChampion


            • Huh, ajde po cenu da se nađem na udaru ekipice koja hejtuje Dona, lično mislim da se u Novakovoj igri i pojavi itekako vidi BB-ov pečat.
              Milion posto sam siguran da i ova izjava za Nadala posle meča ("Of course I did" ) i ono grbavljenje za čuveni poen na mreži ("Jesam udario al nisam znao da ne sme") da stiže iz njegove kuhinje.
              Takođe, treba vremena da stvari legnu na svoje mesto.
              Uopšte nije sporno koliko je Vajda bitan za Novaka i koliko mu znači u boksu.
              Lično bih volio da obojica budu u MC i mislim da je to dobitna kombinacija.

              Idemo breeeeee.


              • Press...


                Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
                But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.


                • IMPRESIVAN Novak. Razbio je Rafu u svim segmentima igre.


                  • Koliko mi je drago zbog ove pobede, dugo smo svi čekali ovakvu jednu partiju od Novaka. On nam je to priredio konačno i dotukao svoj najvećeg rivala, msm svaka čast Rogeru ali trenutno je Rafael najveći protivnik. Uživajmo u ovom veličanstvenoj pobedi i nadati se da ovaj nivo može da zadrži još dugo.

                    Jedva čekam da počne šljakasti deo sezone i da se nastavi dominacija našeg šampiona. Znam da Novak može da dobije Rafu i na šljaci, mnogo puta je to dokazao da nije nepobediv, samo treba dobra igra i koncentracija u što većem delu i rezultat ne sme izostati. Napred Novače, ispuni svoj san na šljaci.


                    • Mršavko jedan, spašće mu pantalone

                      Mnogo su dobre ove slike na plaži.. koliko je srećan


                      Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
                      But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.


                      • Originally posted by miloolja View Post
                        I.. kako smo danas?
                        Odlicno dan mi je zahvaljujuci jucerasnjem Noletu ljepsi
                        Originally posted by miloolja View Post
                        Da li ste primetili, onu koncetraciju za vreme pauza (ako ih reklame nisu pokrile)? One duge meditacije Bio je izuzetno staložen i koncentrisan i ovo je po meni novi napredak u njihovim duelima.
                        I ja sam to primetila Cak je i mene uspeo malo da smiri

                        Originally posted by AIRBORNE View Post
                        Vidimo se i hvala sto ste tu, razliciti i svako unikatan jer nema vece lepote od razlicitosti koja ujedinjuje.
                        Prelepo napisano.
                        Vidimo se...)


                        • Originally posted by miloolja View Post
                          Mnogo su dobre ove slike na plaži.. koliko je srećan

                          Savršene su mi ove slike, i posle IW se vidjelo da je srećan, ali nekako kao da to nije bilo potpuno, ovo sad je posebno, ima onaj osmijeh koji baš govori sve
                          * Victory makes you happy, failure makes you stronger!
                          * Smeš da izgubiš, ali ne smeš da se predaš!
                          NOVAK ĐOKOVIĆ #TrueChampion


                          • SONY OPEN TENNIS

                            March 30, 2014

                            Novak Djokovic

                            MIAMI, FLORIDA

                            N. DJOKOVIC/R. Nadal
                            6‑3, 6‑3

                            THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

                            Q. Congratulations on your win. Even though you won Indian Wells, it seemed like your form today, at least from what I could tell, was much more confident and much more secure than your win over Roger a couple weeks ago. Was it the court, your confidence, the opponent, all of the above? What would you say to that?
                            NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, you're right. Indian Wells was a very special win for me because of the fact that I struggled throughout the whole tournament to kind of play consistently well throughout the whole match.
                            Coming back in more than few matches from set down, played four‑out‑of‑six three‑setters, but, you know, still managed to win the title against Roger in the final.
                            That was a great confidence boost for me that I carried on in this week, and this tournament has been perfect from the beginning to the end. The matches that I have played I played really well, and I elevated my game as the tournament progressed. The best performance of the tournament came in the right moment on Sunday against the biggest rival.

                            Q. Was it the conditions or the opponent?
                            NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, just the fact that I'm playing against Nadal and playing in the finals, fighting for trophy is already a huge motivation and responsibility to try to perform my best and to kind of be at the right intensity and right focus.
                            I didn't have any letdowns throughout the whole match. I was in a very high level: serve, backhand, crosscourt, forehand. I mean, I have done everything right, and I'm thrilled with my performance.

                            Q. From upstairs I was watching and said, This guy cannot lose today. You were playing almost perfect. What was going through your mind when you were playing Nadal and playing so good? Do you also feel like, Today is my day? This guy is not going to beat me?
                            NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, I enjoyed very much the performance and the whole match. With the way I played, I had to enjoy, had to feel good about myself, and I was very confident on the court.
                            But I did not want to lose focus for a second, because I knew that Rafa is a kind of a player that if you allow him, if you give him a chance, he's going to capitalize, he's going to get that chance, and he's going to come back to the match and you're going to lose the momentum.
                            So I didn't want to lose that momentum, and I kept it all the way till the end. I didn't want to play ‑‑ even when I was a break up in the second, I didn't want to have easier return games and kind of save the energy for the serve. I wanted to play each point 100%, because I knew that, you know, I am in the control of the rallies at the moment and I needed that to stay that way.
                            So it was a great match overall.

                            Q. But tell us the truth: You feel invincible? You were playing great, man.
                            NOVAK DJOKOVIC: I think I explain to you enough how I felt on the court (smiling).

                            Q. Today was the 40th match against Nadal. Can you elaborate a little bit about your rivalry with him?
                            NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Yes, definitely biggest rivalry I have in my tennis career. It's a great challenge always when I play Rafa on any surface, of course, especially on clay. That is his most preferred surface, his most dominant there.
                            I have had some thrilling matches in last three or four years, and they were decided by few points. It was very few matches that were one‑sided, so I knew what to expect from Rafa today.
                            When he fights for trophy, he comes out with a great intensity from the first point, and he wants to make sure he sends the message across the net to his opponent.
                            That's why at the start I faced the break point, it was quite even, and then making a break obviously gave me huge sign of relief and I could swing freely and more confidently.
                            So that rivalry that we have is obviously great for the sport. It's great for us. I'm enjoying every single match. Hopefully we can have many more.

                            Q. You have won every Masters title since Shanghai, the ATP Tour Championships. Should we be in for another 2011 from you?
                            NOVAK DJOKOVIC: I hope so (smiling). I can't predict what future brings. I can only focus my attention and energy to the present moment and do what I do best, and that is to, you know, try to prepare myself, recover now after. I have couple weeks till my first clay court match in Monte‑Carlo, a place where I live for last six, seven years.
                            I won that tournament last year. I love playing in Monte‑Carlo. I couldn't ask for a better March of this season. Hopefully I can carry that confidence on clay.

                            Q. Can you talk about how you were able to sort of take his movement out of the match? That usually works to his advantage.
                            NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, I know if I have the best chance to win against Rafa, that would be hard court. That's my most successful surface.
                            I knew what to expect from him, as I said before. I know that he's going to come out with a great intensity and focus and high level of performance.
                            Now it was a question if I can realize and achieve what I have planned tactically before the match, and if I can, if I can get free points on the first serve, if I can move him around the court, not give him this comfort zone, I have done everything really well from the start to the end.
                            It's easier said than done. Obviously he always makes you play an extra shot. He's a great competitor. He has champion's mentality.
                            Today everything went perfectly for me.

                            Q. Rafa mentioned that he felt a little bit disconcerted by your game. What changed? I mean, because you guys have played each other for, you know, many times. Did you vary something?
                            NOVAK DJOKOVIC: I just prepared myself very well for this match, and I felt great on the court. As simple as that.
                            As I said, there are no secrets between us. We know each other's game really well. We played 40 times. In general, our game will be more or less the same. Nothing mainly is going to change. He's not gonna serve and volley, or myself.
                            So I knew what kind of game plan is ahead of me, and I have realized that in a perfect manner.

                            Q. Today was so exciting and challenging. Would it be more challenging for you if you had the possibility to play all others from Big 4 in this tournament?
                            NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, I played Andy and I played Rafa today. I haven't played Roger this week, but I have had tournaments where I played the top guys. But I cannot choose my opponents, you know. I play whoever I get to play.

                            Q. We asked Rafa thathe likes challenges, was he glad that you existed.
                            NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Excuse me?

                            Q. We asked Rafa, he likes challenges, was he glad that you exist because he like challenges.
                            NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Okay.

                            Q. I'm going to ask you the same question.
                            NOVAK DJOKOVIC: What did he answer (laughter)?

                            Q. You answer first (laughter). He said, No. I'm not stupid.
                            NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, I'm going to answer differently. I think challenges, big challenges that I had in my career changed me in a positive way as a player.
                            Because of Rafa and because of Roger I am what I am today, you know, in a way, because when I reached the No. 3 in the world and won the first Grand Slam title in 2008, the years after that I struggled a lot mentally to overcome the doubts that I had.
                            And all the big matches I lost to these guys was consistent but not winning the big matches, and then they made me understand what I need to do on the court.
                            I worked hard, and, you know, it's paying dividends, I guess, in the last couple of years. You know, obviously it's not easy when you're playing a top rival at the finals of any tournament, but if you want to be the best, you have to beat the best, you know. You have to win against the best players in the world. That's the biggest challenge you can have.

                            Q. You won both titles with Marian with you. Is there a comfort level, the familiarity of his having been there for so long and everything that maybe presents a better or a more comfortable situation for you?
                            NOVAK DJOKOVIC: The situation is still the same. I mean, I don't know if you are referring to Boris or...

                            Q. Just that he wasn't there earlier.
                            NOVAK DJOKOVIC: No, I mean, Marian is there. There was a specific situation because of the surgery of the hip of Boris, and he couldn't come to Miami, so Marian stayed.
                            I'm really glad. I'm very grateful that Marian accepted to stay and he was here with me and we won the title again.
                            I mean, many times before I said that he's not just a coach to me. He's truly a friend, somebody I can rely on in the tough moments, shared good and bad situations and things in life that I experience.
                            So he knows me very well. He knows me of course better than Boris, but Boris just started working with us, and we have a great communication. I look forward to seeing Boris in Monte‑Carlo.

                            FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports

                            ************************************************** ************************************************** ************************************************** **
                            Najviše volim da slušam šta ima da kaže, ali retko imamo cele izveštaje i nekako se na ovim konferencijama novinarska pitanja skoro pa ne čuju, mada možemo da zaključimo koja su na osnovu Novakovih odgovora, ipak kako je i šta tačno pitano uvek imamo iz transkripta, koji po pravilu kasne bar pola dana, a često i duže.
                            Najbolje je ovako slušati Novaka i čitati transkript. Izvolte


                            Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
                            But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.


                            • Brain Game: Djokovic Breaks Down Nadal Forehand


                              Sixteen of the 18 forehand errors from Nadal occurred standing in the Ad court, where Djokovic attacked with his backhand cross court and forehand down the line. Of the 16, 10 occurred very wide around the Ad court alley and sometimes outside it as Djokovic kept yanking Nadal out of his comfort zone.
                              In the first set, Djokovic averaged landing his return 11.4 feet from the baseline against first serves and that improved to only 5.8 feet from the baseline against second serves to really push Nadal back on his heels.
                              Last edited by Zzz; 31-03-14, 15:37.


                              • I didn't want to play ‑‑ even when I was a break up in the second, I didn't want to have easier return games and kind of save the energy for the serve. I wanted to play each point 100%, because I knew that, you know, I am in the control of the rallies at the moment and I needed that to stay that way
                                To ja tebe pitam!

