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ATP - Rafael Nadal

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  • Ja prvi put cujem da je neko "omasio" sa simptomima upale slijepog crijeva. To ce prije biti da je razlog nedostatak znanja i strucnosti (a takvih je i previse na prostorima ex-Yu), jer u tom predijelu i nema mnogo toga za "upaljivanje".

    Meni je svojevremeno upala prosla, tj. nisam ga operisao prvi put. Kasnije se opet upalilo, krajem 2000.godine...i tada sam ga operisao.

    U svakom slucaju je sve ovo nebitno, jer on sa upalom i bolovima koje ta upala stvara, ne bi imao sansu da trci i igra tenis. Terapija i antibiotici znace da on mora mirovati, a ne letati za lopticom. Nije to upala misica ili neki bol u ramenu, nozi, samo krknes sebi injekciju i ne osjecas bol. Ovo su ipak daleko kompleksnije stvari. Ja jos nisam cuo da je neki sportista igrao pod upalom slijepog crijeva.

    Nadam se i ja ce on to brzo rijesiti, ukoliko je to zaista istina...Mada, ne bi me iznenadilo i da su novinari sve pogresno prenijeli, jer stvarno nema mnogo smisla u cijeloj ovoj prici.
    Last edited by Alemannia Aachen; 07-10-14, 18:20.


    • [QUOTE=Alemannia Aachen;1296188]Ja prvi put cujem da je neko "omasio" sa simptomima upale slijepog crijeva. To ce prije biti da je razlog nedostatak znanja i strucnosti (a takvih je i previse na prostorima ex-Yu), jer u tom predijelu i nema mnogo toga za "upaljivanje".

      Veruj mi na rec... raspitaj se.

      Послато са SM-N9005 уз помоћ Тапатока


      • Predlazem da se ova tema prekrsti u "Medicina i Anatomija".

        Nije mi logicno da se Rafa folira ovoga puta. Nije morao putovati u Kinu, mogo je ostati doma.

        Jednom kad su se problemi pojavili, ne sumnjam da su ga pregledali vrhunski specijalisti. U svakom slucaju mu zelim brzi i potpuni oporavak.


        • Originally posted by Mrkela View Post
          Speaking to the press on Tuesday, Nadal explained that after arriving in Shanghai on Saturday, he began to feel a lot of stomach pain overnight and went to the hospital on Sunday morning. There, he was diagnosed with the beginnings of appendicitis and offered a course of aggressive antibiotics in an attempt to avoid surgery.

          The medication does appear to have helped Nadal, whose pain has reduced significantly, to the point he will walk onto court on Wednesday. After two days resting in his hotel room, the 28-year-old Nadal practised at the Qizhong Tennis Center on Tuesday for 45 minutes.

          Da nadodam još nešto, ljudi moji kod nas su uobičajene obične kirurške operacije slijepog crijeva(uklanjanje). Postoji i tako zvani delayed appendicits koji odgađa operaciju 8-12 tjedana, uz pravilno lječenje i antibiotike.
          Zar vi mislite da ne postoji drugo lječenje te bolesti, osim rezanja, pogotovo za vrhunske sportaše, naravno vi ste se svi nakon operacije oporavljali 2-3 tjedna, postoje i drugi zahvati kod kojeg je oporavak znatno brži, guglajte malo, besplatno je.(Laparoscopy).

          Iako, tenis na vrhunskoj razini se ne može igrati, mora bit boli.

          Ako je uopće upala u pitanju
          Radio sam laparoskopiju Prosto uvodjenje malog noza sa kamerom i svetlom na dve rupe, operacija ne traje druze od 20 minuta, verovatno kod njih anprednijih i krace Oziljci su minimalni, ali niej to sad bitno, oporavak je brzi posle laparoskopije..


          • Originally posted by Alemannia Aachen View Post
            Zasto bih izlazio!? I pocinjes zaista da smaras, jer bukvalno svaki put kada je misljenje suprotno od tvog, ti pocnes da solis pamet drugima.

            Tema je otvorena za sve, a ove izjave Nadala da ce igrati i trenirati pod upalom slijepog crijeva su obicno vrijedjanje inteligencije.

            U odredjenim slucajevima, ta upala slijepog crijeva moze proci i bez operacije(meni je prvi put prosla, ali drugi put sam "isao pod noz" ), ali nema sanse da bi on mogao drzati reket, trenirati i igrati pod upalom.

            A, lijepo ti je i skeptik objasnio, u komentaru iznad. E, sad, druga je stvar sto ti imas neka drugacija uvjerenja, pa dozivljavas sve ovo previse licno.
            Upotrebujes izraz kao folirant, tako da nemoj se praviti sad nevin. Ako mislis da smaras oko laziranje povrede Nadala i oko dopinga izvolte, eno ti jedan kup teme na ovom PDF-u pa do sutra pisuj o tome. Ovde ne, ovo je fan klub Nadala i ne moras nas da smaras sa takvim stvarima, a zaprvo i ne zanima ne sta ti mislis o Nadala. Prijatno.


            • Rafa nikad nije bio folirant. Ma kakvo laziranje povrede. Rafa radi čuda, da bi odigrao Shangai. Rafa je pravi heroj, čovjek sa velikim srcem i uzor za sve nas njegove navijače.


              • Nadalovo zdravstveno stanje nije samo ovde glavna tema vec i na Po pisanju El Paisa Nadal ce najverovatnije morati na operaciju sto ce ga odvojiti od terena minimum mesec dana:

                "According to El Pais, Nadal would be sidelined for a month by the procedure. The publication cited sources with Nadal's team, saying he could not sleep on Saturday because of his painful condition. He cancelled training on Monday and consulted with his doctor in Spain, Dr. Angel Ruiz Cotorro, eventually deciding to play Shanghai and then return to Spain."


                • Originally posted by skeptik View Post
                  Nadalovo zdravstveno stanje nije samo ovde glavna tema vec i na Po pisanju El Paisa Nadal ce najverovatnije morati na operaciju sto ce ga odvojiti od terena minimum mesec dana:

                  "According to El Pais, Nadal would be sidelined for a month by the procedure. The publication cited sources with Nadal's team, saying he could not sleep on Saturday because of his painful condition. He cancelled training on Monday and consulted with his doctor in Spain, Dr. Angel Ruiz Cotorro, eventually deciding to play Shanghai and then return to Spain."
                  Dobro, mesec nije strasno, imao je i mnogo duze pauze Sve ce biti ok Ja jesam Novakov fan, pa cak i Rogerov, ali tenis bez Rafe je sranje, bez njega je obican dosadni proliv


                  • Rafa revealed that he hopes to have the surgery to remove his appendix at the conclusion of the year : My thoughts is continue with Basel , Paris and London , is true that the past few months I did not have the best of luck , I didn’t have the best of luck since Wimbledon , I was playing a good year , very positive year , after that I was unlucky with the wrist , what’s going on now , now there remains three more tournaments for me.!.! ”


                    • Nisam sigurna da je pametno da igra. Sta ce time postici, porazi na startu turnira umesto operacija, oporavak i priprema za sledecu sezonu.


                      • Nadal left open the possibility that he could change his mind and have the surgery sooner. “My feeling today, and my answer today honestly is I going to do it after the World Tour Finals,” he said. “You never know. Depends how the things improve. I want to do it at the end of the year, not now.”
                        “I am a little bit more dizzy and feel with not much power than pain. Pain, I think, is under control. That’s important. I think I was lucky for that. Unlucky for another things, but for this thing I was lucky.”


                        • Why Rafael Nadal wants to win Australian Open at least one more time?
                          World number two Rafael Nadal has said that the loss he suffered in the final of this year’s Australian Open left him heart broken and he aims to win the title in Down Under at least once more in his career to make up for the loss.
                          Nadal said in a recent interview, “It was a very emotional tournament for me this year. For me, it is important to win the Australian Open again and to achieve that, I need to continue to work hard, stay healthy and be able to compete.”
                          The Spaniard’s coach and uncle Toni Nadal was also asked in an interview couple of months ago that if Nadal was to win only one more tournament in the rest of his career so which one they would want it to be and he straightaway named Australian Open and gave the same reason behind his answer.
                          What happened with Nadal in the final of 2014 Australian Open final was pretty bad undoubtedly. Most of the tennis fans and experts had already announced the Spaniard as sure shot winner even before the start of match because he was facing Stanislas Wawrinka, a player who had not won even a single set in their 12 previous meetings and then Nadal was coming to the final in top form, after beating Roger Federer in straight sets in the semi-final.
                          However, Nadal became helpless in the match as he could barely move due to a back injury he sustained while warming up for the match. Though, the Spanish star was in severe pain but didn’t retire and kept fighting, being able to win a set while he was unable to move more than a meter. He tried his best and fought well in the fourth set as well but in the end it was too much for even him as he is still a human.
                          Nadal was clearly heart broken and could not control his emotions after the match. If he would have won, he would have become the first player in history to win each Grand Slam at least twice. He would not have felt so bad had he got beaten by Wawrinka while playing at his full strength but the thing is that he was handicapped in most part of the match.
                          The 14-time Grand Slam has also been chosen by Australian Open to promote the event in Asia. He will also be part of an exhibition match which will be played to officially launch the refurbished Margaret Court Arena few days before the start of Australian Open


                          • Why do some people hate Rafa Nadal ?

                            I know the reason : You will never find Federer fans hating any other player as much as they hate Rafa because Federer has a better tally against everyone else , they hate Rafa because he beats Federer ..

                            Roger Federer burst on to the scene in 2003 and he was beating all the big players consistently , he was the most dominant player on all surfaces except clay , and he was getting better , he is winning a high percentage of matches he was playing ..

                            And then Rafa came to the French Open in 2005 , he won it in his first attempt , people hated him for being the odd-ball with the pirate pants and the short sleeved shirts and the grunting and the superstitions ..

                            And Federer was losing consistently to him , he lost the '06, '07 French finals to Rafa , and this seemed unfair to the Federer supporters , plainly because Federer possessed possibly the most flawless game ever , and if it was flawless , he should have won the French Open long before 2009 ..

                            And then in 2008 the unthinkable happened , the Apprentice bested the Master on his turf , in a match lasting 4 hours and 48 minutes , Rafa Nadal took the crown , no one could stand the fact that someone who was supposedly good only on clay was beating the specialist on grass ..

                            Rafa was getting into Federer's mind , he was dwelling there , and he dwells there still , Federer has always had a mental block against Rafa , there are patches of play where Federer doesn't look like he is the best player the world has ever seen , he seems ordinary , but Rafa is doing nothing different , he is just chasing the ball down everywhere like the mutt who likes to play fetch , and this fact enrages everyone , Federer fans in particular , where a seemingly perfect player just seems to crumble at the sight of the King of clay ..

                            And no one can stand the fact that their favourite player is losing , and this is true in Federer's case , and only because Rafa beats him in so many matches , the majority of the hate is reserved for him ..You will never find Federer fans hating any other player as much as they hate Rafa because Federer has a better tally against everyone else , they hate Rafa because he beats Federer ..


                            • The pain left him bedridden and unable to eat or to move , but antibiotics killed the pain , reduced inflammation, and encouraged him to practice and play , he said in Shanghai that he hoped to put off surgery until after the ATP Finals from Nov 9 to 16 in London ( Australian Open Jan 19 to Feb 1, 2015) but a statement by Rafa Nadal's spokesman said Rafa will stay on antibiotics for appendicitis for at least five more days after seeing a Spanish tennis federation doctor on Thursday in Barcelona on his way home to Mallorca ..

                              This is so suspect , a foolish decision , I have never heard of a doctor letting a patient with appendicitis leave the hospital without it being resolved or having surgery , let alone playing a physical sport with the ailment , strong antibióticos are prescripted when nothing else can help , something isn't right here , yess something doesn't seem quite right here , I find it hard to believe that any doctor would still let him play unless it is just a grumbling appendix , that would be a different matter .. I think , for my opinion Rafa won't play this remaining of season , it's just for sponsors and all these things he doesn't withdraw right now ..


                              • Je**** tenis
                                I slipped on the green I'll let you know more in a while ‪#‎theduel‬

