Gael pokazuje da bi na ovoj podlozi morao mnogo vise posto moze sve zivo da vrati ali kad je dovoljno agresivan kao sto je bio juce i ovo do sad onda je tesko naci rjesenje protiv njega
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ATP World Tour Series 250 - 2012. godina
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Ma bolji si majstore , samo nastavi ovako i to je to
Tsonga daje sve u ovom gemu sto ima...dobro pocinje za njega
2 break lopte neeeeee
Fantastican gem Tsonge...jako slab gem Monfilsa... ccc:S
Last edited by Alem; 07-01-12, 17:36.He may not be one of the best, he certenaly is not the best that ever played this game, he is a great tennis player though, he is a showman capable of smiling when he is losing..He is Gael Monfils..
Evo ga...ono sto se nije smijelo desiti, desilo se...Tsonga se razmahao...He may not be one of the best, he certenaly is not the best that ever played this game, he is a great tennis player though, he is a showman capable of smiling when he is losing..He is Gael Monfils..
Originally posted by Vladan View PostTrenutno na terenu postoji samo jedan igrac
Sjeo bi plakat sad
E moj Monfils...trebao bi znati sta ti ja mogu...tvoja krivica..Last edited by Alem; 07-01-12, 17:42.He may not be one of the best, he certenaly is not the best that ever played this game, he is a great tennis player though, he is a showman capable of smiling when he is losing..He is Gael Monfils..
Potpuno je pao,jos bez prvog nema nikakve sanse jer Jo bije sa osnovne samo tako.Kakav preokret,nevjerovatno!
Zrijebovi su izasli
Viktora zrijeb bas pomazio
Delpo i David ce do novih titula cini sesigpic
Kasnis Vladane
Jo potpuno preokrenuo,sacekao je svoju sansu i sad mu ne treba predstavljati problem da zavrsi ovo
Nista...ako uspije zaboraviti prvi set...smiri se...nastavi igrati kao sto je igrao na pocetku meca...ima sansu...
Nadam se da ce uspjeti...ako nista da gledamo 3 seta
Tsonga igra laganini, opustio ruku sve mu polazi za rukom..
Monfils je poceo da forsirati bombe sa osnovne linije...a to ga nigdje ne vodi, ako se ne smiri ubrzo moze se pakovati za Kooyong egzibiciju...stetaLast edited by Alem; 07-01-12, 17:53.He may not be one of the best, he certenaly is not the best that ever played this game, he is a great tennis player though, he is a showman capable of smiling when he is losing..He is Gael Monfils..
uuuuuuuuuuu ovo je moglo biti jako lose...ali po gestikulacijama ne vjerujem da je Tsonga prosao najbolje...cini se da je nesto zeznuo...valjda nije nista ozbiljno...
EDIT: Ne znam...orginazatori stvarno forsiraju...nije o glavu..ima sutra dan.. :SHe may not be one of the best, he certenaly is not the best that ever played this game, he is a great tennis player though, he is a showman capable of smiling when he is losing..He is Gael Monfils..