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  • Ne znam da li je neko postovao ovo, ali je smešan video...



    • Evo moji teniski prijatelji ovde mozete pogledati:

      ATP.2011.Indian.Wells.SF.Djokovic.vs.Federer.ENG.7 20p.mkv


      • Originally posted by koburtkain View Post
        Evo moji teniski prijatelji ovde mozete pogledati:

        ATP.2011.Indian.Wells.SF.Djokovic.vs.Federer.ENG.7 20p.mkv
        A sto si nam dao ovaj mec???


        • The Tennis Narrative About Novak Djokovic, Rafael Nadal and Roger Federer
          "I've created a monster," said Roger Federer at the conclusion of his 2007 season.

          What he meant of course was that fans and tennis pundits had come to expect the impossible from him day in and day out. As soon as he had an off day and lost a routine match, the commenting class began to discuss his decline, to emphasize his demise. It was not as if Roger had legitimate rivals and the sport was continuing to move forward. Roger was expected to dominate, nothing less.

          The situation was not helped by a worshipful article (a legend in the tennis world, and must-read for all tennis fans) called: Federer as Religious Experience, by the late (great) David Foster Wallace. If tennis commentators didn't write favorably of Roger, then they were a Roger-hater and an idiot (read Pete Bodo, over at and ESPN, who for the record labelled Rafael Nadal the derogative "Jet-boy" in his earliest pieces).

          And Roger did lose. In 2008, he experienced a bout of mono (how debilitating it was is open to question, but in general, mono does cut into a tennis player's stamina in a major way).

          He lost to his main rival, someone who was often dismissed as a fluke and not taken seriously.

          The new guy, of course, was Rafal Nadal. A tennis prodigy. An ambitious guy determined to master all the surfaces, though he earned the greatest success on clay. The narrative about Nadal became that he was a "clay-court specialist"—a single phrase attempt to pigeon-hole a player into some sort of market niche or another way to characterize a player.

          When he became No. 1 in the world, he was greeted in some corners with catcalls. Nobody predicted...Who would have ever thought...that this guy would ever become No. 1.

          When Rafa began to realize his dream of mastering all surfaces (at the expense of Roger Federer) fans began to scream that Nadal was the GOAT. The tennis world polarized into Kool-Aid Drinkers of either the Roger flavor or the Rafa flavor. And another monster was born. The Dominator. The Spanish Bull. Someone who could "never lose" on clay.

          Rivals like Novak Djokovic, Andy Murray and Juan Martin del Potro were brushed aside. Nobody predicted they would perform at the highest levels and do something special in spite of the fact that their skills are right there, and their creeping forward in maturation has been notable for some time.

          Now Novak Djokovic is on an historic run—a winning streak that has just been extended in a glorious way with a defeat of Rafael Nadal on his beloved clay in Rome, where he has enjoyed a great deal of success.

          Djokovic did it in domineering fashion! Defeating Rafa when he had exerted himself only the night before in a classic match with rival Andy Murray. He defeated Rafa in four sets out of two finals (Madrid and Rome).

          And the monster continues to be fed. Novak is the new GOAT to some people. If tennis commentators don't write uber-glowing reports of Novak they are seen as idiots and Rafa lovers (read: the very same Pete Bodo!)

          This tennis narrative is neither fair to the fans nor the players. Roger Federer is No. 3 in the world! He would beat (with one hand behind his back) 99 percent of the world's elite tennis players (those on the ATP tour).

          Rafael Nadal is the same guy who just a few months ago completed the career grand slam! He has played a similar clay season to the one he did last year, and except when facing Novak is otherwise playing awesome tennis. He is not a god of clay, though. But somehow we pigeon-hole them into a "winner" or "loser" box, disparaging them for not dominating the entire tour. As if they are required to be a GOAT.

          These are card-board cut-outs of who the champions really are.

          The tennis narrative ought to be that we are clearly in a golden age of men's tennis. Not since the days of Conners, McEnroe, Borg and Lendl have we seen such exciting competition. Novak is clearly taking the game of tennis to the next level. To meet the level of proficiency he's now demonstrating, players have to change their games, come up with something new. And that is just plain exciting.

          I predict that the other greats out there, Murray and del Potro included, will rise to the challenge. Murray, like Novak before him, will get his act together mentally and perhaps become Novak's greatest competition. Dolgopolov will continue to improve. We will see more good stuff from Raonic. Del Potro, if he comes back healthy has the potential to blow the tennis world away.

          So let's stop writing this stuff about how unlikely it is that Novak has suddenly gotten great. Hog wash! Let's not get carried away and 'type-cast' our tennis champions into GOATs and nobodies. Let's appreciate the men's game of today. And bring on Roland Garros!



          • dal neko zna u kojoj funkciji se vuk jeremic pojavljuje na mecevima novaka djokovica i ko placa te troskove? ako te troskove placamo mi iz svojih dzepova zasto onda nismo videli dacica na mecevima jelene jankovic ?
            Last edited by Mike Arch; 16-05-11, 18:16.


            • Originally posted by Mike Arch View Post
              dal neko zna u kojoj funkciji se vuk jeremic pojavljuje na mecevima novaka djokovica i ko placa te troskove? ako te troskove placamo mi iz svojih dzepova zasto onda nismo videli dacica na mecevima jelene jankovic ?
              Buduci predsednik UTPS(Unija teniskih profesionalaca Srbije). Osniva je Srdjan Djokovic.
              Ne placa drzava put.


              • Originally posted by Panchev9 View Post
                Buduci predsednik UTPS(Unija teniskih profesionalaca Srbije). Osniva je Srdjan Djokovic.
                Ne placa drzava put.
                e to je vec ok


                • Gospodin Vuk Jeremic je predsednik 'Unije teniskih profesionalaca Srbije...'
                  Pitanje o troshkovima je mozhda suvishno za forum...
                  “If it be now, ‘tis not to come; if it be not to come, it will be now; if it be not now, yet it will come. The readiness is all.”
                  Tennis belongs to the individualistic past - a hero, or at most a pair of friends or lovers, against the world~Jacques Barzun


                  • zasto bi bilo suvisno ? pitanje je bilo usmereno dal drzava ucestvuje ili ne? valjda je danas sve transparetno, tolike godine smo se borili za to?


                    • sa tvitera:

                      PR man Benito Perez-Barbadillo will no longer be working with Novak Djokovic, starting after Wimbledon. Perez-Barbadillo also reps Rafa
                      lepo smo mi konstatovali da su se njih dvojica posvadjali i sad ovaj ne moze da zastupa obojicu

                      Here's the most remarkable thing to me about Federer: Seems to me that the more you know about tennis, the more amazed you are by the guy. If you know nothing at all about tennis, he's amazing. If you know a little something about tennis—maybe you have played a few times in your life—he's more amazing. If you know a little more about tennis—maybe you played in high school and once had illusions of becoming a pro—he's even MORE amazing. And if you were a great player—if you are a McEnroe or a Connors or a Jim Courier—then Federer is preposterously amazing


                      Don't argue with idiots. They'll drag you down to their level and beat you...
                      with experience.


                      • Eto,sad i on izgubi jako atraktivnu mushteriju...
                        “If it be now, ‘tis not to come; if it be not to come, it will be now; if it be not now, yet it will come. The readiness is all.”
                        Tennis belongs to the individualistic past - a hero, or at most a pair of friends or lovers, against the world~Jacques Barzun


                        • Ako pogledate ponovo klip njihovog pozdrava na kraju meca,jasno se vidi da Djokovic nije htio da pridje mrezi.

                          Meni je uvijek odnos njih dvojice vise medijski napumpan.

                          Meni najbolji odnos imali i imaju Fed-Rafa nekako mi je taj vise prirodni.


                          • Naravno da nije kad ga ovaj ispljuva propisno jer se raduje zbog pobede pre toga...

                            Slazhem se da je prenapumpano.
                            “If it be now, ‘tis not to come; if it be not to come, it will be now; if it be not now, yet it will come. The readiness is all.”
                            Tennis belongs to the individualistic past - a hero, or at most a pair of friends or lovers, against the world~Jacques Barzun


                            • Originally posted by Nyman-Nemanja View Post
                              Naravno da nije kad ga ovaj ispljuva propisno jer se raduje zbog pobede pre toga...
                              Pa rekao mu ja mu se ne svidja kako se radovao i da se on ne bi tako nikad radovao.E jes ga ispljuvao svaka mu dala.Ne znam kako mu je Djole pruzio ruku na kraju meca


                              • Originally posted by FC Nadal View Post
                                Ako pogledate ponovo klip njihovog pozdrava na kraju meca,jasno se vidi da Djokovic nije htio da pridje mrezi.

                                Meni je uvijek odnos njih dvojice vise medijski napumpan.

                                Meni najbolji odnos imali i imaju Fed-Rafa nekako mi je taj vise prirodni.
                                Hm do skoro su ti mnogo bolji odnos imali Novak i Rafa nego Rafa i Roger

