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  • Originally posted by dante1976 View Post
    Manite se ego tripa aman...
    Niko ne zeli da vas unisti jer je tamo "neki" Novak Djokovic Srbin ;)

    Druga stvar, ako nisi nista lose radio nemas zasto ni da se sekiras zar ne???
    Pa taj pomenuti Nadal se "po dopingu" provlaci vec 10 godina pa ipak uze 14 gs-ova/ostade, za sada, sve samo na prici!?

    Uostalom naravno da ce ga pitati x puta o tome kada se "nicim izazvan" nasao da palamudi "kako je neko hteo da pridje njemu sa "nepristojnom ponudom" preko nekoga iz njegovog tadasnjeg tima ali da on ipak nije znao i da nije uopste stiglo do njega" ali na kraju krajeva ipak zna da je bilo nudjeno 200.000$/evra/cega god!!!??? Koji k je uopste tako nesto mumlao ako "nista nije stiglo do njega"!!!??? Nego sta nego ce ga pitati jos xxx puta o tome...
    Priča o tome jer je kada se to desilo(2007e) prijavio slučaj ATP-u,pa je na volšeban način 2008 u medijima počela priča o nameštanjima u ATP-u...A ono što je rečeno ne može da se povuče.
    Šta bi bilo da nije prijavio i da je recimosamo recimo to bio neko ko je možda za račun ATP-a proveravao integritet mlađih igrača i su na crnu listu i dospeli oni koji takve situacije nisu prijavljivali zvaničnicima?
    Lupam sada,ali sve je moguće...

    EDIT:Izlistajte broj 603-nije poenta u članku već datumu izlaska istog.
    Last edited by Marija81; 21-01-16, 13:10.
    Šampioni se ne stvaraju u teretanama. Šampioni se stvaraju od nečega što imaju duboko u sebi- želju, viziju i san. M.Ali
    Ko sme taj može.Ko ne zna za strah taj ide napred.
    "When the crowd is chanting Roger I hear Novak."


    • A šta će, oglasio se i Fabris...

      Santoro: Dobio sam Novaka jer nije igrao dobro

      Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
      But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.


      • Ključna rečenica...

        "Ne možete da me lišite jedne od najvažnijih pobeda u životu. Istina je da nikada nisam bio najbolji igrač sveta, ali sam pobedio 19 od 23 tenisera sa vrha".
        Šampioni se ne stvaraju u teretanama. Šampioni se stvaraju od nečega što imaju duboko u sebi- želju, viziju i san. M.Ali
        Ko sme taj može.Ko ne zna za strah taj ide napred.
        "When the crowd is chanting Roger I hear Novak."


        • A kada već pričamo o nameštanju ovaj tekst je zanimljiv... sa BBCa, od 19. januara

          Tennis match-fixing 'a secret on the tour everybody knows'

          An ex-tennis player from South America has told the BBC that match-fixing is commonplace and even some elite players are "a little bit dirty in some way".

          He also claimed fixing is not just limited to lower-ranked professionals and is "a secret that everybody knows".

          The player, who requested anonymity, said tennis authorities "know who is doing it" but are unwilling to stop it.

          The Tennis Integrity Unit (TIU) said it rejects "any suggestion that evidence of match-fixing has been suppressed".

          "We invite the player behind the allegations to make contact with the TIU and to share the information he claims to have," the TIU added in a statement.

          The allegations come after a BBC and BuzzFeed News investigation revealed suspected illegal betting in tennis over the past decade.

          In an exclusive interview with the BBC's World Have Your Say team, the player, who featured in several tour matches last year and is now a coach, detailed how the fixers operate and the lengths they go to in order to remain undetected.

          "This is like a secret on the tour that everybody knows, but we don't talk about it," said the player, whose identity is known by the BBC. "We just see it and keep working."

          The player claimed "three big groups" control betting in tennis and that any payments to players are made using cash, with no bank-to-bank transfers allowed.

          "Each group has many guys who go to talk to players," he said. "They have many guys inside the circuit.

          "Also, they have many accounts. They have 50-60 accounts where they place small money. At the end, it's huge money. It's really big."

          The BBC subsequently attempted to contact the player again to ask for clarification on exactly how much a player could earn from match-fixing in a year, but he was unavailable.

          How do you know who is involved?

          "You know who is doing it and who is not," he continued. "As a player, I know who is missing on purpose or returning a shot in the middle on purpose... who is trying, and who is not. So we work on this. We know."

          He also claimed players exchange knowing smiles and make comments that indicate they have fixed a match.

          "I started to believe [top players were involved] a few years ago, when a guy told me the result of the next two tournaments" he said.

          "He told me exactly who was going to win and how it was going to happen.

          "In the beginning, I thought he was just bragging about it to make me fall for his game. But then I was laughing that every match was happening the way he had been telling me it was going to happen... and I'm talking about a Masters series, where there are just big names."

          So you were told who was going to win?

          Not just that, added the player, but "exactly" how they would win.

          "When I was watching it myself," he said, "I couldn't believe it. It's not easy knowing that you have to lose. You start hitting it and, trust me, everything goes in… it can make you panic.

          "So when I see the guy winning so easily and then he's missing absolutely on purpose, every ball, and the other guy wins... I just couldn't believe it."

          Why not go to the authorities?

          "We could co-operate with Tennis Integrity if we wanted to, but they don't want it to be stopped," he said.

          He claimed fewer players would be tempted to fix if they were getting paid more, insisting a player ranked 400 in the world cannot make a living out of tennis.

          "They [the authorities] know exactly who is doing it and, if they wanted to stop it, they could stop it today. It's super-easy. They just don't want to do it."

          In response, the TIU said it has a "zero-tolerance approach which is enforced with the full powers of the Tennis Anti-Corruption Program that includes lifetime bans and punitive financial penalties".

          It added: "The TIU works closely with players to prevent corruption through education programmes and confidential reporting systems.

          "The great majority of the 21,000 active professional players are good people of high integrity who abhor the suggestion that the sport they love is tainted with allegations of corruption."

          What do professional players earn?

          A study conducted on behalf of the International Tennis Federation in 2013 showed that 45% of the 13,736 players at all professional levels of the sport earned nothing from it and only about 10% covered their costs.

          Of 8,874 male and 4,862 female respondents to the survey, 3,896 male and 2,212 female earned no prize money.

          Other findings in the study, conducted by Kingston University and calculated here at the 2016 exchange rate, showed:
          • The 2013 'break-even' world ranking for women - where the cost of competing was matched by earnings - was 253. For men, the ranking was 336.
          • The top 1% of ranked male players - the top 50 - earned 60% of the £113m total prize money pool.
          • In the women's game, the top 50 earned 51% of the total prize money pool of £84m.
          • Players ranked in the top 50 earned on average more than £700,000 a year on both the men's and women's tours.
          • Those from 51 to 100 earned in excess of £140,000, while 101 to 250 average around £59,500.
          • For players ranked from 251 to 500, the earnings were just £11,200 a year.
          • The average cost of playing tennis in 2013 - travel, food, accommodation - was £27,100 for men and £28,100 for women.

          What are the elite players saying?

          British number one Andy Murray said he has never been approached to fix a match and called on the tennis authorities to be "proactive".

          "As a player, you just want to be made aware of everything that's going on. I think we deserve to know everything that's out there," he said.

          World number one Novak Djokovic says he rejected £110,000 to lose a match early in his career but said there is "no real proof" of fixing among the elite.

          "From my knowledge and information about match-fixing, there is nothing happening at the top level, as far as I know," he said.

          Seventeen-time Grand Slam champion Roger Federer said he wanted more information about who might be guilty, saying: "I would love to hear names. Then at least it's concrete stuff and you can actually debate about it."

          Women's world number one Serena Williams said that if match-fixing was taking place she "didn't know about it", adding: "When I'm playing, I can only answer for me. I play very hard, and every player I play seems to play hard."

          Full TIU response to the claims

          In a statement released to the BBC, the TIU said: "The TIU and the tennis authorities absolutely reject any suggestion that evidence of match-fixing has been suppressed for any reason.

          "The sport has a zero-tolerance approach which is enforced with the full powers of the Tennis Anti-Corruption Program, which includes lifetime bans and punitive financial penalties.

          "Since 2009 all professional players, support staff and officials have been subject to this stringent code, which makes it compulsory to report any corrupt approaches or knowledge of suspected corrupt practices to the TIU. Failure to do so is a breach of the Program which can be subject to disciplinary action.

          "The TIU works closely with players to prevent corruption through education programmes and confidential reporting systems. The great majority of the 21,000 active professional players are good people of high integrity who abhor the suggestion that the sport they love is tainted with allegations of corruption.

          "We invite the player behind the allegations to make contact with the TIU and to share the information he claims to have."

          The Association Of Tennis Professionals (ATP) was also contacted for comment but did not respond.

          Listen to the full BBC World Have Your Say interview.


          Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
          But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.


          • Originally posted by NI View Post
            Osim toga, izlaze se pitanju: "Zasto nisi prijavio." Nije pemetno postupio, ali opet, ko zna sto sve moze da bude iza toga.
            Jednostavno je lose savjetovan od nekoga iz svog tima.Iako je vjerovatno imao najbolje namjere trebao je da iskulira kao i ostali teniseru, a na onome ko nešto tvrdi je da to i dokaze.


            • Meni samo nije jasno sto se sad digla frka, Novak i Vajda su jos 2008. rekli da im je neko prisao ali da oni nisu sceli ni da cuju da namjeste mec. Osam godina kasnije to je ponovljeno i sad krece frka, kao da je to nesto novo

              Svakako je trebao da cuti, ali jos tada, ne sad. Kad nije tada bolje sto je onda to sad ponovio, sigurnije.


              • Originally posted by NI View Post
                Osim toga, izlaze se pitanju: "Zasto nisi prijavio." Nije pemetno postupio, ali opet, ko zna sto sve moze da bude iza toga.

                Izjava od 25.09.2007., mesec dana pre famoznog Pariza.

                Pomenuo je ovo i 2009. i opet 2012.

                Mari je recimo pred WTF rekao kako ce ga namerno preskociti, kada su rekli da ne pomislja jer ce ga kazniti. Naravno nije prosao grupu. Tomic u Sidneju pre nedelju dana. Samo 2 najnovija primera koja nikome nisu sumnjiva. Problem je Pariz od pre vise od 8 godina!
                "But Pascal what are you saying?"


                • Skroz su ti losi primeri.
                  Tomic je u Sidneju trebao da popije kaznu jer je javno rekao da predaje mec da bi se skoncentrisao na Melburn, ali to sa kladionicom nema veze.

                  Here's the most remarkable thing to me about Federer: Seems to me that the more you know about tennis, the more amazed you are by the guy. If you know nothing at all about tennis, he's amazing. If you know a little something about tennis—maybe you have played a few times in your life—he's more amazing. If you know a little more about tennis—maybe you played in high school and once had illusions of becoming a pro—he's even MORE amazing. And if you were a great player—if you are a McEnroe or a Connors or a Jim Courier—then Federer is preposterously amazing


                  Don't argue with idiots. They'll drag you down to their level and beat you...
                  with experience.


                  • Jel'? Samo sto poceo mec on prica o predaji, kako to sprecava kladionicare da u tom momentu krenu da se klade na njega. Ili da je prodao mec pre samog pocetka a ovo mu samo sluzi kao alibi?
                    "But Pascal what are you saying?"




                      In this article, I have looked at seven matches, using a combination of the Betfair data and the leaked documents provided by Buzzfeed. In each of the matches, it might almost be possible to write each one off as simply an unusual market. Certainly without the information that has come from the 2008 investigation, this would be much easier.

                      However, the presence of many of the same players and the involvement of many of the same accounts, all based in either Northern Italy or Sicily makes it far more difficult to believe that this is simply one big series of coincidences. It shows the value of a proper and thorough investigation - the form that the TIU should be carrying out.

                      In fact, there was not a single investigation into any of these matches opened by the newly-formed TIU, despite being provided with five folders worth of paper documentation and full electronic reports on at least six of these matches as well as at least 21 other matches.

                      Ultimately, maybe there would not have been enough evidence to conclude that these matches were fixed. My personal opinion is that there appears to be ample evidence to suggest that there is something very suspicious going on with these matches. The author of the report himself said that "it was really as strong as any evidence we've had." However, the fact that not one of these matches was even investigated is frankly ridiculous and suggests major problems with the TIU.


                      1. The Betfair data is available from
                      2. The extracts from the leaked documents are from that were published as part of the Buzzfeed/BBC investigation

                      Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
                      But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.


                      • Ironija je to sto Italijani optuzuju nekog da je namjestio mec. Italijani.


                        • Ovo je sve normalno i očekivano. Teško je njima da trpe dominaciju koju ne mogu da unovče, jer to je zapad, sve se vrtelo i sve će se uvek vrteti oko novca. Sve jasno kada se pogleda koje brendove Đoković popularizuje i kome donosi prihod i kada se zna odakle dolazi.
                          Prvi teniser sveta, iz nepoznate zemlje opterećene ratovima, nemaštinom, lopovima, zemlju koju često mešaju sa Sibirom i nemaju pojma gde se nalazi, sve to sa sobom vuče teret jer ako se pogledaju ulaganja dolaze do neproporcionalnog odnosa ulaganja/uspeh.

                          Amerikanci tokom godine recimo organizuju 3-4 velika turnira na kojem uglavnom dominiraju igrači van Amerike. Ulaganja su velika a rezultati koji su očekuju nisu ostvarivi iz razloga što nijedan Amerikanac nije u top 10.
                          Sve je to jedan neprestan ciklus koji je se godinama konstantno pospešuje uz pomoć najboljeg katalizatora zvanog novac. Da imaju normalnog igrača koji bi osvajao velike turnire, ulaganja bi bila opravdana a novčani saldo bi se samo uvećavao na osnovu naplate uspeha Američkog igrača.

                          Djoković je neplanski tu gde jeste iz države za koju niko nikada nije očekivao da će imati prvog igrača sveta u ovako finansijski jakom individualnom sportu. Samim tim Djoković nikada neće imati fan base kao što imaju Federer, Agasi, Rodik, Nadal. Manji fan base znači manje novca, manja posećenost, manja zainteresovanost, manji otkup tv prava. Što se tiče razloga zašto je to tako, zašto Novak nije marketniški pogodan od zapadnjačkih atleta je lako objašnjivo, veći bi se novac vrteo da dominira neki Britanac ili Amerikanac, to su nepobitne činjenice.

                          Federer im je odgovarao zbog stava, zbog lica, zbog vaspitanja, arogancije. Perfekcionista koji je donosio novac. Zatim se pojavio Nadal a za njim i usporavanje podloga, borbenost, krv, suze i znoj i eto prilike za novu zaradu. Novak se pojavio neočekivano niko to nije mogao predvideti. koliko njih je predviđalo bolju karijeru Mareju?

                          Ovo je sada period destabilizacije, jer moraju ga nekako skrenuti sa puta. Ne sme neki Balkanac ugroziti priliku za zaradu. Da je potpisao za Nike drugačija bi se pesma pevala.
                          There's something wrong with me chemically
                          Something wrong with me inherently
                          The wrong mix in the wrong genes
                          I reached the wrong ends by the wrong means
                          It was the wrong plan
                          In the wrong hands
                          With the wrong theory for the wrong man
                          The wrong lies, on the wrong vibes
                          The wrong questions with the wrong replies


                          • Originally posted by thrillseeker View Post

                            Izjava od 25.09.2007., mesec dana pre famoznog Pariza.

                            Pomenuo je ovo i 2009. i opet 2012.

                            Mari je recimo pred WTF rekao kako ce ga namerno preskociti, kada su rekli da ne pomislja jer ce ga kazniti. Naravno nije prosao grupu. Tomic u Sidneju pre nedelju dana. Samo 2 najnovija primera koja nikome nisu sumnjiva. Problem je Pariz od pre vise od 8 godina!

                            Nisam znao. Samim tim Novakova greska je manja, bitno manja.

                            Ovo je vrlo zanimljivo. Pricamo o hiljadama funti igranih da ce Juzni dobiti 3:0. Ali betfer je berza. Ne placa kuca nego drugi igrac na berzi. Ko bi to placao? Po kvoti 1.19?
                            Last edited by NI; 21-01-16, 17:52.


                            • Youzhny i Starace u svakom slučaju ne mogu odigrati regularan meč

                              Možda naposlijetku izbace i podatak koliko je Miša zaista zaradio u karijeri
                              Last edited by shminka; 21-01-16, 17:12.


                              • Kao što već napisah,Novak je javno pričao o tome,što znači da je slučaj prijavio,ALI...Nakon toga odustaje od učešća u Peterburgu i menja menadžera,Marej osvaja Sankt Perburg...Ostalo je istorija.
                                E,sad' neko reče da je trebao da prećuti kao ostali koji su imali takve ponude(ako ih je bilo).Medjutim mišljenja sam da bi to napravilo mnogo veći haos još tada.
                                Očigledno je da neki igrači tankuju,ali ni to ne može da se dokaže.
                                Kao što je očigledno i da Atp zna mnogo više nego što govori.
                                I ponoviću se-Kome je u interesu da pravi ovakve afere?
                                I koji je to izvor iz Južne Amerike koji je za BBC potvrdio njihova saznanja?
                                Nemamo imena "osumnjičenih",nemamo ime izvora,ali imamo jednu jako prljavu kampanju protiv top 50 tenisera,od kojih 8 igra AO,a najviše se provlači Novakovo ime.
                                Da li je ovo prljava kampanja novinara ili možda ipak kladionica?Razmislimo malo i u tom pravcu.
                                A ipak najironičnije od svega je to što je kladionica sponzor AO
                                I,zašto je uopšte moguće ili bolje reći dozvoljeno da kladionica bude sponzor bilo kog takmičenja?!
                                Last edited by Marija81; 21-01-16, 18:26.
                                Šampioni se ne stvaraju u teretanama. Šampioni se stvaraju od nečega što imaju duboko u sebi- želju, viziju i san. M.Ali
                                Ko sme taj može.Ko ne zna za strah taj ide napred.
                                "When the crowd is chanting Roger I hear Novak."

