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Here's the most remarkable thing to me about Federer: Seems to me that the more you know about tennis, the more amazed you are by the guy. If you know nothing at all about tennis, he's amazing. If you know a little something about tennis—maybe you have played a few times in your life—he's more amazing. If you know a little more about tennis—maybe you played in high school and once had illusions of becoming a pro—he's even MORE amazing. And if you were a great player—if you are a McEnroe or a Connors or a Jim Courier—then Federer is preposterously amazing
Don't argue with idiots. They'll drag you down to their level and beat you...
with experience.
Koliko vidim, glavni razlog je taj sto je ITF odbio da pomogne turnire koji se igraju u isto vreme kad i OI, pa pretpostavljam da je ovo neki kompromis, nece dati pare drugim turnirima ali ni nema poena za OI.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RfzsyKXSs-Y
Here's the most remarkable thing to me about Federer: Seems to me that the more you know about tennis, the more amazed you are by the guy. If you know nothing at all about tennis, he's amazing. If you know a little something about tennis—maybe you have played a few times in your life—he's more amazing. If you know a little more about tennis—maybe you played in high school and once had illusions of becoming a pro—he's even MORE amazing. And if you were a great player—if you are a McEnroe or a Connors or a Jim Courier—then Federer is preposterously amazing
Don't argue with idiots. They'll drag you down to their level and beat you...
with experience.
MercedesCup @MercedesCup
Tennis sensation in #Stuttgart! Tennis giant Roger Federer will headline the field for the #MercedesCup2016 AND 2017
celu nedelju mogu da ostanemhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RfzsyKXSs-Y
Here's the most remarkable thing to me about Federer: Seems to me that the more you know about tennis, the more amazed you are by the guy. If you know nothing at all about tennis, he's amazing. If you know a little something about tennis—maybe you have played a few times in your life—he's more amazing. If you know a little more about tennis—maybe you played in high school and once had illusions of becoming a pro—he's even MORE amazing. And if you were a great player—if you are a McEnroe or a Connors or a Jim Courier—then Federer is preposterously amazing
Don't argue with idiots. They'll drag you down to their level and beat you...
with experience.
Here's the most remarkable thing to me about Federer: Seems to me that the more you know about tennis, the more amazed you are by the guy. If you know nothing at all about tennis, he's amazing. If you know a little something about tennis—maybe you have played a few times in your life—he's more amazing. If you know a little more about tennis—maybe you played in high school and once had illusions of becoming a pro—he's even MORE amazing. And if you were a great player—if you are a McEnroe or a Connors or a Jim Courier—then Federer is preposterously amazing
Don't argue with idiots. They'll drag you down to their level and beat you...
with experience.
Najbolje sezone (omjer pobjeda i poraza)
Doslo je vrijeme procjene koliko je dobra Novakova sezona. Jedna od mjera je omjer pobjeda u poraza. U open je bilo 23 takve sezone. Novakova 2015. je sesta.
Code:1 McEnroe 1984 82 3 96.47% 2 Federer 2005 81 4 95.29% 3 Connors 1974 99 5 95.19% Idem sa 5 Konorsovih poraza, iako ima onih koji kazu da su bila samo 4. 4 Federer 2006 92 5 94.85% 5 Borg 1979 84 6 93.33% 6 Novak 2015 82 6 93.18% 7 Federer 2004 74 6 92.50% 8 Lendl 1986 74 6 92.50% 9 Lendl 1985 84 7 92.31% 10 Lendl 1982 106 9 92.17% 11 Borg 1980 70 6 92.11% 12 Novak 2011 70 6 92.11% 13 Connors 1976 91 8 91.92% 14 Lendl 1989 79 7 91.86% 15 Connors 1975 78 7 91.76% 16 Connors 1978 66 6 91.67% 17 Borg 1977 76 7 91.57% 18 Borg 1978 76 7 91.57% 19 Nadal 2013 75 7 91.46% 20 Lendl 1987 74 7 91.36% 21 Vilas 1977 140 14 90.91% 22 McEnroe 1985 74 8 90.24% 23 Laver 1969 45 5 90.00%
Code:Lendl 5 Connors 4 Borg 4 Federer 3 McEnroe 2 Novak 2 Nadal 1 Laver 1 Vilas 1
U ovoj konkurencije je Mekinroova 1984. najbolja!
Last edited by NI; 23-11-15, 09:49.
Najbolje sezone (GS rezultati)
Code:W F SF QF 16 32 1 Laver 1969 4 2 Federer 2006 3 1 2 Federer 2007 3 1 2 Novak 2015 3 1 5 Novak 2011 3 1 6 Wiland. 1988 3 1 6 Nadal 2010 3 1 8 Federer 2004 3 1 9 Connors 1974 3 10 Federer 2009 2 2 11 Lendl 1987 2 1 1 12 Lendl 1986 2 1 Igrala su se 3 slema 13 Agassi 1999 2 1 1 14 Villas 1977 2 1 1 Igralo se 5 slemova 15 Borg 1978 2 1 15 Borg 1980 2 1 15 McEnroe 1984 2 1 15 Sampras 1995 2 1 19 Federer 2005 2 2 19 Nadal 2008 2 2 20 Sampras 1993 2 1 1 21 Becker 1989 2 1 1 22 Borg 1979 2 1 23 Nadal 2013 2
Kao i u svemu drugom, Lendl nije imao srece. Kad je bio na vrhuncu, igrala su se samo 3 slema.
NI, kralju statistike kad vec izbacujes ove tabele napravi jednu po pobedama nad TOP 5 i TOP10 igarcima u sezoni. Bas me zanima kako se kotira Novakova 2015 po procentima u odnosu na druge.
EDIT:Nasao sam nesto sam i uporedio sezone Novaka, Nadala i Federera.
Novak 2015 ima omer 31:5 protiv TOP 10 i 16:4 protiv TOP 5.
Novak 2011 ima omer 21:4 protiv TOP 10 i 13:3 protiv TOP 5.
Novakova sveukupno gledano 2015 je bolja od 2011 ali to je posledice povrede dobijene na mecu DC protiv Argentnine sto je imalo za posledicu slabiji zavrsetak sezone.
Nadal 2013 ima omer 24:5 protiv TOP 10 i 12:5 protiv TOP 5.
Nadal 2010 ima omer 11:5 protiv TOP 10 i 5:3 protiv TOP 5.
Po ovome nesumnjivo Nadalova 2013 je bolja od 2010, igracki gledano.
Federer 2006 ima omer 19:5 protiv TOP 10 i 8:4 protiv TOP 5.
Federer 2007 ima omer 17:4 protiv TOP 10 i 9:3 protiv TOP 5.
Priblizno dve izjednacene sezone.Last edited by skeptik; 23-11-15, 12:43.
Najbolje sezone (broj bodova)
Ovo moze izgledati kao najmanje bitan faktor, a on je zaparavo najbitnijer otkriva pravu snagu igraca. Da to ilustrujem a i da odgovorim na skeptikov pitanje dajem donju tabelu. Ona pokazuje postotak meceva odigranih protiv prvih 10 u odnosu na totani broj meceva. Uzeo sam samo igarace u sezonama koje su pobrojane gore:
Code:1 Novak 2015 88 36 40.9% 2 Nadal 2013 82 29 35.4% 3 Nadal 2013 82 29 35.4% 4 Federer 2009 73 25 34.2% 5 Novak 2011 76 25 32.9% 6 Borg 1980 76 21 27.6% 7 Federer 2007 77 21 27.3% 8 McEnroe 1984 85 23 27.1% 9 Nadal 2008 93 23 24.7% 10 Sampras 1995 88 21 23.9% 11 Lendl 1986 84 20 23.8% 12 Federer 2006 97 23 23.7% 13 Lendl 1987 76 18 23.7% 14 Agassi 1999 77 18 23.4% 15 Federer 2004 80 18 22.5% 16 Borg 1978 90 19 21.1% 17 Becker 1989 72 15 20.8% 18 Federer 2005 85 17 20.0% 19 Borg 1979 85 17 20.0% 20 Nadal 2010 81 16 19.8% 21 Sampras 1993 101 19 18.8% 22 Wiland. 1988 64 10 15.6% 23 Villas 1977 140 18 12.9% 24 Connors 1974 96 8 8.3% 25 Laver 1969 50 N/V
Ovo samo za skeptika. Postotak dobijenih meceva protiv top 10:
Code:1 Federer 2004 18 0 100.0% 2 McEnroe 1984 22 1 95.7% 3 Borg 1980 19 2 90.5% 4 Federer 2007 19 2 90.5% 5 Borg 1978 17 2 89.5% 6 Lendl 1987 16 2 88.9% 7 Federer 2005 15 2 88.2% 8 Borg 1979 15 2 88.2% 9 Novak 2015 31 5 86.1% 10 Novak 2011 21 4 84.0% 11 Nadal 2013 24 5 82.8% 12 Nadal 2013 24 5 82.8% 13 Federer 2006 19 4 82.6% 14 Becker 1989 12 3 80.0% 15 Lendl 1986 15 5 75.0% 16 Connors 1974 6 2 75.0% 17 Nadal 2008 17 6 73.9% 18 Villas 1977 13 5 72.2% 19 Wiland. 1988 7 3 70.0% 20 Nadal 2010 11 5 68.8% 21 Sampras 1993 13 6 68.4% 22 Sampras 1995 14 7 66.7% 23 Agassi 1999 12 6 66.7% 24 Federer 2009 15 10 60.0% 25 Laver 1969
No da se vratim broju bodova. Tu dvije sezone odskacu. Federerova 2006. i Novakova 2015. Tesko je mjeriti ranije sezone. Ipak adjuci manje vise za svaki turnir 500, osim ekvivalent mastera (1000 poena), WTF-a (1500) i GS (2000), malo koja od ostalih sezona ne moze preci 15000. Vilasova, Konorsova i narocito Mekinroova su ispred ostalih.
Ova Novakova i Federerova 2006. lako prelaze 15000. Novakova je 16585. Za Federerovu cu dati posebni poste, ali ne moze se navuci preko 16000.Last edited by NI; 23-11-15, 13:31.
NI, nije ti dobra statistika. Novak 2015 ima omer 31:5, a Federer 2007 17:4 sto mozes i ovde da vidis http://www.tennisabstract.com/cgi-bi...007qqITop_10qq
EDIT. Tek sad vidim da je Federer 2004 imao 18:0 protiv TOP 10 i 11:0 protiv TOP 5. Respect. Sta znaci pojava Nadala.Last edited by skeptik; 23-11-15, 13:37.