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  • Mozda bi bilo zanimljivo da prokomentarisemo stavove Federera i Nadala o slucaju Troicki

    Roger Federer, Rafael Nadal weigh in on Viktor Troicki’s doping ban

    “I want it as tough as possible, as many tests as possible,” he said Wednesday after beating Andreas Seppi in his opening match at the Shanghai Masters. “You’re not allowed to skip tests. I don’t care what the circumstances are, except if they’re super extreme, like you’re in the hospital already. But I just think when you get tested, you show up, you do it, you move on. It doesn’t matter what time of the day or where it is.”
    “I just know it needs to be extremely tough and the punishments need to be severe,” Federer said, “because you want the athletes not to think about, ‘Is it worth it because I’ll get away with it and the punishment will not be so big.’ So I’m just all for anything it takes to catch the bad people.”
    “I think that if the person who is there doing the control said, ‘Yes, Viktor, you can to do it tomorrow,’ he did it the next day and everything was fine, I don’t see a case here,” Nadal said after beating Alexandr Dolgopolov in his first match in Shanghai.
    “If Viktor said, ‘I don’t want to do it today,’ the [doping control officer] had to say, ‘OK, if you don’t do it today, you will be penalized and you will not do it tomorrow,’” Nadal said.
    Moram reci da je ovo mozda prvi put da se apsolutno slazem sa Nadalom( ili bolje reci daleko mi je bizi njegov nacin razmisljanja) koji je pokazao dosta vise razumevanja za detalje dok je Federer po ovom pitanju prilicno iskljuciv, uopste ga ne zanima pozadina vec bi on to sve po kratkom postupku, onako staljinisticki, sto mi se ic ne dopada.
    Tom, your music is the best drinking partner I've ever had.


    • Pa meni se svidjaju oba razmisljanja. Upravu je Nadal u vezi Troickog, Fed je prilicno strog sto se tice Viktorovog slucaja, ali generalno gledano i treba da bude sto strozije.


      • Da, generalno i meni je Federerov stav prihvatljiv u smislu da doping kontrole treba da budu rigorozne, ali ipak se mora povesti racuna o svakom konkretno slucaju jer nisu sve situacije iste. Po tom pitanju je Federer iskljuciv jer je za njega sve to isto, nema izgovora, dok je Nadal dosta fleksibilniji.
        Tom, your music is the best drinking partner I've ever had.


        • Ovo je specifican slucaj, ako su mu dozvolili da to odradi sjutra dan, a on to odradio ili se oni nisu pojavili, to je samo i iskljucivo njihova greska. Ako je pak odbio njegova je. Bas cudan slucaj.


          • Nacekacemo se, tj. Viktor ce se nacekati presude... Za dobrih mjesec dana, tj. negdje uoci finala DC...


            • Ono cemu smo i sami svedoci:


              • Nadal objasnio razlog poraza od Del Potra na USOu 2009. godine, povreda je ponovo bila jaca.

                Q. We all know the last time Del Potro beat you was 2009 US Open semifinal. How different has he become as a player since then, in your opinion?

                RAFAEL NADAL: In that match I had 26 millimeters abdominal break. So we cannot count about that match. I lost 6 2, 6 2, 6 2. For me it was miracle to be in that semifinals, because I started the US Open with six millimeters tear, the abdominal. When I arrived after the semifinals I had 26. Being in the semifinal was one of the greatest results I had because of my conditions and no possibility to play with my condition to play against a player like Juan Martin in those moments.

                In my opinion, he played much better tonight than he did in that match.


                • Vidim posjecujes MTF redovno Ali si me bar nasmijao sa tim povreda je bila jaca


                  • Kao sto citam, tako citam i MTF, nema boljeg izvora informacija


                    • Mada ima dosta budala na onom MTF i ne svidja mi se onaj princip da se za svaki mec otvara nova tema


                      • To cemo ovdje da uvedemo
                        Pa kad derbi odigraju Berlocq i Giraldo odma ide tema, bice preko 10 sttrana za pola sata.


                        • Gdje ces kvariti ovu ljepotu od pdf,sve perfektno izgleda.

                          Da neko na svaku vijest otvara temu


                          • Jbte Tommy Haas nikada nije igrao na zavrsnom turniru. Koji los trip

                            Jedno pitanje: kako je uspeo 2002. da za jednu nedelju padne sa 3. na 9. pozicuju? Ok vidim da je osvojio bio Stutgart i godinu dana kasnije ispao u prvom kolu Madrida( tad su valjda promenili raspored) ali nemoguce da zbog jednog turnira toliko padne
                            It's not who you are underneath, it's what you do that defines you


                            • Izasle su nominacije i za ostale nagrade:

                              Stefan Edberg Sportsmanship Award

                              Juan Martin del Potro
                              Roger Federer
                              David Ferrer
                              Rafael Nadal

                              Most Improved Player of the Year

                              Pablo Carreno Busta (715-66)
                              Ivan Dodig (73-29)
                              Fabio Fognini (45-17)
                              Stanislas Wawrinka (17-9)

                              Comeback Player of the Year

                              Somdev Devvarman (656-90)
                              Rafael Nadal (4-1)
                              Tommy Robredo (115-19)
                              Dmitry Tursunov (125-39)

                              Here's the most remarkable thing to me about Federer: Seems to me that the more you know about tennis, the more amazed you are by the guy. If you know nothing at all about tennis, he's amazing. If you know a little something about tennis—maybe you have played a few times in your life—he's more amazing. If you know a little more about tennis—maybe you played in high school and once had illusions of becoming a pro—he's even MORE amazing. And if you were a great player—if you are a McEnroe or a Connors or a Jim Courier—then Federer is preposterously amazing


                              Don't argue with idiots. They'll drag you down to their level and beat you...
                              with experience.


                              • Role nece ove godine ni Edberga osvojiti

