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Pancho Gonzalez ; Ivan Lendl ; Andre Agassi ; Rafael Nadal
Originally posted by Seoski Terminator View PostKada skines sa torrenta tipa odredjeni mec, samo ga ne brises sa liste, vec ostavis. I onda seedujes ti. Je l' jasno ili da pokusam da bolje objasnim?
Apa druže, nije samo u pitanju jedan meč, već generalno mečevi iz teniske historije, iz 70-tih ili 80-tih godina prošlog vijeka. Treba se nekad podsjetiti tih mečeva, već dugo imam u planu neke, ali tehnička limitiranost sa moje strane me spriječava u tome. Dok je Elrincondel bio "živ" ja sam ga malo ili nimalo posjećivao, sada nakon one frke sa megauploadom, plaćem za njim.
I ovdje ću se zahvaliti Bojani na Invite codu za t3nnis.tv, meč se več počeo skidati. U pitanju je finale Australije iz 1988 godine.“It's no accident, I think, that tennis uses the language of life. Advantage, service, fault, break, love, the basic elements of tennis are those of everyday existence, because every match is a life in miniature. Points become games become sets become tournaments, and it's all so tightly connected that any point can become the turning point. It reminds me of the way seconds become minutes become hours, and any hour can be our finest. Or darkest. It's our choice.”
Originally posted by Prle! View PostZnači seedovanje je kada ostavim torrent na listi i ne brišem ga ?! Nadam se da je to, uopšte nije komplikovano.
Apa druže, nije samo u pitanju jedan meč, već generalno mečevi iz teniske historije, iz 70-tih ili 80-tih godina prošlog vijeka. Treba se nekad podsjetiti tih mečeva, već dugo imam u planu neke, ali tehnička limitiranost sa moje strane me spriječava u tome. Dok je Elrincondel bio "živ" ja sam ga malo ili nimalo posjećivao, sada nakon one frke sa megauploadom, plaćem za njim.
I ovdje ću se zahvaliti Bojani na Invite codu za t3nnis.tv, meč se več počeo skidati. U pitanju je finale Australije iz 1988 godine.
Posto sam rekao Bojani da mi cuva jednu pozivnicu dok ne budem imao bolji upload, baci ovde kad nadjes vremena spisak starih meceva koje imaju, nadam se da im je pretraga jednostavna. Znas vec koji me igraci zanimajuPancho Gonzalez ; Ivan Lendl ; Andre Agassi ; Rafael Nadal
Originally posted by Prle! View PostI ovdje ću se zahvaliti Bojani na Invite codu za t3nnis.tv, meč se več počeo skidati. U pitanju je finale Australije iz 1988 godine.
Ostavis torent na listi i to sto si skinuo ostavis u tom folderu, ne sklanjas ga, i to je to, cekas da ratio bude veci od 1http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RfzsyKXSs-Y
Here's the most remarkable thing to me about Federer: Seems to me that the more you know about tennis, the more amazed you are by the guy. If you know nothing at all about tennis, he's amazing. If you know a little something about tennis—maybe you have played a few times in your life—he's more amazing. If you know a little more about tennis—maybe you played in high school and once had illusions of becoming a pro—he's even MORE amazing. And if you were a great player—if you are a McEnroe or a Connors or a Jim Courier—then Federer is preposterously amazing
Don't argue with idiots. They'll drag you down to their level and beat you...
with experience.
Kapiram. Meni ne bi bilo problem da skinem mec sa torrenta,
i stavim ga na moj server http:// (primvremeno) kako bi mogli
skidati sa maksimalnim brzinama.
Pored toga, na vecini torrent servera se ratio moze "prevariti",
samo trebam znati koji je sever u pitanju. jeste da ima malo
vise podesavanja, ali je izvodjivo.
Uglavnom, ako negde zapne javite.It is not the violence that sets a man apart.
It's the distance he's prepared to go.
Originally posted by Prle! View PostZnači seedovanje je kada ostavim torrent na listi i ne brišem ga ?! Nadam se da je to, uopšte nije komplikovano.
Apa druže, nije samo u pitanju jedan meč, već generalno mečevi iz teniske historije, iz 70-tih ili 80-tih godina prošlog vijeka. Treba se nekad podsjetiti tih mečeva, već dugo imam u planu neke, ali tehnička limitiranost sa moje strane me spriječava u tome. Dok je Elrincondel bio "živ" ja sam ga malo ili nimalo posjećivao, sada nakon one frke sa megauploadom, plaćem za njim.
I ovdje ću se zahvaliti Bojani na Invite codu za t3nnis.tv, meč se več počeo skidati. U pitanju je finale Australije iz 1988 godine.
Evo već je problem sa torrentom, uopšte neće da skida. Taman što sam našao meč, skinuo torrent, ušao i onda ništa. Ne može da počne. Nevjerovatno, uvijek negdje mora zapeti.“It's no accident, I think, that tennis uses the language of life. Advantage, service, fault, break, love, the basic elements of tennis are those of everyday existence, because every match is a life in miniature. Points become games become sets become tournaments, and it's all so tightly connected that any point can become the turning point. It reminds me of the way seconds become minutes become hours, and any hour can be our finest. Or darkest. It's our choice.”
Originally posted by Prle! View PostEvo već je problem sa torrentom, uopšte neće da skida. Taman što sam našao meč, skinuo torrent, ušao i onda ništa. Ne može da počne. Nevjerovatno, uvijek negdje mora zapeti.
To je problem, pitanje je ko od tih ljudi jos uvek drzi taj mec na hardu i uploaduje gaPancho Gonzalez ; Ivan Lendl ; Andre Agassi ; Rafael Nadal
Originally posted by Prle! View PostEvo već je problem sa torrentom, uopšte neće da skida. Taman što sam našao meč, skinuo torrent, ušao i onda ništa. Ne može da počne. Nevjerovatno, uvijek negdje mora zapeti.
Pogledaj da li ga neko seeduje, ako nema nikog, onda mozes ili da trazis request da ga neko ponovo stavi ili da nadjes neki drugi torenthttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RfzsyKXSs-Y
Here's the most remarkable thing to me about Federer: Seems to me that the more you know about tennis, the more amazed you are by the guy. If you know nothing at all about tennis, he's amazing. If you know a little something about tennis—maybe you have played a few times in your life—he's more amazing. If you know a little more about tennis—maybe you played in high school and once had illusions of becoming a pro—he's even MORE amazing. And if you were a great player—if you are a McEnroe or a Connors or a Jim Courier—then Federer is preposterously amazing
Don't argue with idiots. They'll drag you down to their level and beat you...
with experience.
Čitavih mjesec dana guglam, tražim, regam se na forume, pitam po youtube klipovima i onda konačno nađem, ponadam se i opet belaj.
Opet kažem, najgore mi je što sam imao taj meč na laptopu, ali od onog Wimbledonskog finala kada je HDD otišao, sa njim je otišlo u historiju i sve što je bilo na njemu.
CW, do mene je, nisam se fino izrazio.
Bojana, Cash vs Wilander iz Melbourna 1988.“It's no accident, I think, that tennis uses the language of life. Advantage, service, fault, break, love, the basic elements of tennis are those of everyday existence, because every match is a life in miniature. Points become games become sets become tournaments, and it's all so tightly connected that any point can become the turning point. It reminds me of the way seconds become minutes become hours, and any hour can be our finest. Or darkest. It's our choice.”
Niko ne seeduje taj mec, moras da kliknes na ono Click here to Ask for a reseed!, kliknucu i ja, mozda neko bude fin, pa ga ponovo stavihttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RfzsyKXSs-Y
Here's the most remarkable thing to me about Federer: Seems to me that the more you know about tennis, the more amazed you are by the guy. If you know nothing at all about tennis, he's amazing. If you know a little something about tennis—maybe you have played a few times in your life—he's more amazing. If you know a little more about tennis—maybe you played in high school and once had illusions of becoming a pro—he's even MORE amazing. And if you were a great player—if you are a McEnroe or a Connors or a Jim Courier—then Federer is preposterously amazing
Don't argue with idiots. They'll drag you down to their level and beat you...
with experience.