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US open 2018

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  • Da AO samo za nijansu sporiji od Shangaia.

    Mada dosta sada čini se igraju ulogu i vremenski uslovi. Prošle godine Washington bio najbrži od svega što sam gledala,ove ni blizu
    Similis simili gaudet


    • e moj Novace, sta god mislio, cuti

      Novak: Sudija nije trebalo da gura Serenu do granice

      Here's the most remarkable thing to me about Federer: Seems to me that the more you know about tennis, the more amazed you are by the guy. If you know nothing at all about tennis, he's amazing. If you know a little something about tennis—maybe you have played a few times in your life—he's more amazing. If you know a little more about tennis—maybe you played in high school and once had illusions of becoming a pro—he's even MORE amazing. And if you were a great player—if you are a McEnroe or a Connors or a Jim Courier—then Federer is preposterously amazing


      Don't argue with idiots. They'll drag you down to their level and beat you...
      with experience.


      • Inače taktički po meni Novak je odigrao perfektan meč. Izvlazio na mrežu, menjao ritam u poenu, dobro se branio , napadao kad treba.
        Jedino servis je mogao biti bolji.
        Similis simili gaudet


        • "I have a controversial theory -- I believe the turning point of the match was when Djokovic was talking to the umpire that new balls shouldnt be introduced and called over Delpo to take his opinion. This discussion was very friendly, and it defused the strong competitive energy that Delpo had built up at that time. The score was deuce in the 4-3 20-min long game where Novak was serving. Delpo seemed all set to win the game and the set. However, the friendly discussion distracted him, and he lost the next 2 points quickly in two simple unforced errors. And then couldnt bring that competitive energy back again."

          Interesantnih teorija očajnika po netu, a u svakoj po mrvica istine, ali opet..


          • Originally posted by bojanaBG View Post
            e moj Novace, sta god mislio, cuti

            Novak: Sudija nije trebalo da gura Serenu do granice
            A jel si procitala do kraja,ipak je na strani sudije


            • Originally posted by gagana View Post
              A jel si procitala do kraja,ipak je na strani sudije
              Ne, tu misli da nije bilo seksizma i da se zato ne slaze sa izjavom.

              Here's the most remarkable thing to me about Federer: Seems to me that the more you know about tennis, the more amazed you are by the guy. If you know nothing at all about tennis, he's amazing. If you know a little something about tennis—maybe you have played a few times in your life—he's more amazing. If you know a little more about tennis—maybe you played in high school and once had illusions of becoming a pro—he's even MORE amazing. And if you were a great player—if you are a McEnroe or a Connors or a Jim Courier—then Federer is preposterously amazing


              Don't argue with idiots. They'll drag you down to their level and beat you...
              with experience.


              • Originally posted by Joker View Post
                "I have a controversial theory -- I believe the turning point of the match was when Djokovic was talking to the umpire that new balls shouldnt be introduced and called over Delpo to take his opinion. This discussion was very friendly, and it defused the strong competitive energy that Delpo had built up at that time. The score was deuce in the 4-3 20-min long game where Novak was serving. Delpo seemed all set to win the game and the set. However, the friendly discussion distracted him, and he lost the next 2 points quickly in two simple unforced errors. And then couldnt bring that competitive energy back again."

                Interesantnih teorija očajnika po netu, a u svakoj po mrvica istine, ali opet..
                To je naučio od Delpa


                • udario folirant na foliranta

                  Here's the most remarkable thing to me about Federer: Seems to me that the more you know about tennis, the more amazed you are by the guy. If you know nothing at all about tennis, he's amazing. If you know a little something about tennis—maybe you have played a few times in your life—he's more amazing. If you know a little more about tennis—maybe you played in high school and once had illusions of becoming a pro—he's even MORE amazing. And if you were a great player—if you are a McEnroe or a Connors or a Jim Courier—then Federer is preposterously amazing


                  Don't argue with idiots. They'll drag you down to their level and beat you...
                  with experience.


                  • Ovakve teorije se samo na MTF-u milim da mogu naći
                    Similis simili gaudet


                    • Originally posted by Joker View Post
                      "I have a controversial theory -- I believe the turning point of the match was when Djokovic was talking to the umpire that new balls shouldnt be introduced and called over Delpo to take his opinion. This discussion was very friendly, and it defused the strong competitive energy that Delpo had built up at that time. The score was deuce in the 4-3 20-min long game where Novak was serving. Delpo seemed all set to win the game and the set. However, the friendly discussion distracted him, and he lost the next 2 points quickly in two simple unforced errors. And then couldnt bring that competitive energy back again."

                      Interesantnih teorija očajnika po netu, a u svakoj po mrvica istine, ali opet..
                      Ja se slažem sa “očajnikom”, upravo mi se učinilo da želi da spusti tenziju, “omekša” publiku koja je mu je glasno zviždala, navijala za Delpa i aplaudirala Noltove greške. Videlo se da mu je vraški teško da se nosi sa time, mora da je teško, Nole je trenutno izgubio fokus zbog toga i morao je da proba da preseče.
                      I upalilo je.

                      Slična situacija, čini mi se u trećem, posle jedne naporne razmene, Delpo se oslanja na sudjsku stolicu i kao nešto komentariše sa Alison. A ustvari “krade” malo vremena da se povrati i dodje do daha.

                      Svi oni koriste neke male trikove, ne vidim ništa čudno u tome, sve je to deo teniske igre, kao i peškir, sokolovo oko kad na izgled nije primenjeno, reket o zemlju, gestikulacija... itd itd
                      "My body feels great. I mean, it´s only five hours"


                      • Originally posted by shminka View Post
                        To je naučio od Delpa

                        Ma kakav Delpo, znaju oni te cake od malena ali možda ih ne primene uvek na najlepši način.
                        "My body feels great. I mean, it´s only five hours"


                        • Ljudi, normalne su teorije. Kada skočiš sa 12 na 14 brzo, kako se budeš bližio broju 20 biće sve više teorija, biće i da je najslabija era u istoriji tenisa i slično, ali treba bespoštedno gaziti.

                          Samo slemove treba da se zaleće, ovo ostalo za tempiranje forme. Ne mora biti prvi nikada više, čovek ima sve masterse i ima Djoker slem, ima pozitivan skor sa oba glavna rivala, samo mu treba još GS, i posle može da se diskutuje samo iz šupljeg u prazno, znaće se ko je GOAT.

                          Inače nemerljivo zadovoljstvo će mi biti da obojica stignu i prestignu Federera što je jako realno. Nadal samo RG da osvaja narednih godina, a Djoker će malo da dominira.
                          Last edited by Cassius Clay; 10-09-18, 10:52.


                          • Originally posted by Larisa View Post
                            Ja se slažem sa “očajnikom”, upravo mi se učinilo da želi da spusti tenziju, “omekša” publiku koja je mu je glasno zviždala, navijala za Delpa i aplaudirala Noltove greške. Videlo se da mu je vraški teško da se nosi sa time, mora da je teško, Nole je trenutno izgubio fokus zbog toga i morao je da proba da preseče.
                            I upalilo je.

                            Slična situacija, čini mi se u trećem, posle jedne naporne razmene, Delpo se oslanja na sudjsku stolicu i kao nešto komentariše sa Alison. A ustvari “krade” malo vremena da se povrati i dodje do daha.

                            Svi oni koriste neke male trikove, ne vidim ništa čudno u tome, sve je to deo teniske igre, kao i peškir, sokolovo oko kad na izgled nije primenjeno, reket o zemlju, gestikulacija... itd itd
                            Kada kazes 'reket o zemlju" ako mislis na ono kuckanje pred servis - to samo pajsercini Rosolu moze da padne na pamet - ajde sto ce da mu padne na pamet, nego sto ce mrtav ladan da sprovede tako nesto u delo....
                            A ako si mislila na nesto drugo - nema veze bitno je da sam pajsercinu pomenuo.

                            Always somewhere Miss you where I've been I'll be back to love you again

                            U crnim rupama možeš ludo da se zezaš. Da lebdiš iznad zemlje. Da slušaš rock ´n´ roll.Dozivaš kišu.
                            Ili da mazneš neku lepu ribu. Samo je bezveze kada se probudiš….


                            • Originally posted by Joker View Post
                              "I have a controversial theory -- I believe the turning point of the match was when Djokovic was talking to the umpire that new balls shouldnt be introduced and called over Delpo to take his opinion. This discussion was very friendly, and it defused the strong competitive energy that Delpo had built up at that time. The score was deuce in the 4-3 20-min long game where Novak was serving. Delpo seemed all set to win the game and the set. However, the friendly discussion distracted him, and he lost the next 2 points quickly in two simple unforced errors. And then couldnt bring that competitive energy back again."

                              Interesantnih teorija očajnika po netu, a u svakoj po mrvica istine, ali opet..
                              Svesti 20-minutni gem na samo taj incident je pretjerivanje. Ali je nesumnjivo da je u tom gemu Novak usporavao igru na svaki moguci nacin. Izmedju ostalog i maksimalno zatezuci sa servisom. Srecom, sudija ga nije opomenula a trebala je.

                              Osim toga, najveci znacaj tog gema nije u tome sto je Delpo izgubio energiju, nego sto je Novak zaustavio paniku kod sebe. Cak i sa izgubljenim gemom, Novak bi bio favorit da dobije mec, Delpo se jako umarao, a Novak je pokazao da ima igru za njega, u prvom redu returne. Stvarna opasnost je dolazila od Novakove nesabranosti. Nesabranost je mogla dovesti do gubitka 5 gemova za redo, 1:1 u setovima. Sto je najgore, mogla se prenijeti u 3. set. Nju je trebalo prekinuti!
                              Last edited by NI; 10-09-18, 11:15.


                              • Zato ga je opomenula u gemu u kome je izgubio servis , na izjednačenju ako se ne varam
                                Taj gem od 20 min je podsetio na onaj sa Waw u polufinalu 2013
                                Similis simili gaudet

