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  • Mnogo jaka glava ovaj Fabio Kvaljarela, šmeker


    • Mnogo jeza Vidica toliko para,opet ne znam koliko bi se dobro uklopio u prvu postavu plus bi morali da se otarasimo nekog stopera posto bi ih imali i previse plus,ko bi leteo iz prve?Barzalji ili Bonuci?Sta je sa Ogbonom,decko doveden za velike pare da sedi na klupi(mada smatram da igra veoma lose i nije opravdao ocekivanja,bar moja),pa Kaseres decko koji ima dobar kvalitet ali igra sam ou LS,videcemo smatram da nam ne treba stoper,jer vidi se da su nasi podigli nivo igre u odbrani nismo primili gol u ligi jos od onih 4 od Fiorentine znaci jedno 4-5 kola tako da sam trenutno dosta zadovoljniji nego pocetkom sezone.
      Dreams are coming true.

      Marcello Lippi: „Usporeni snimci akcija nisu realan fudbal. Svi mi želimo da vidimo Moniku Beluči golu, ali ne želimo da je gledamo kroz rendgen“.


      • Pa i ja sam baš danas tako nešto rekao, ne znam šta će nam štoper a novine nas povezuju i sa Vidićem i sa Terijem, mada cenim da su to dobrim delom samo nagađanja jer njima izlaze ugovori na leto.

        Mada ima i ova računica, dovedemo Vidaru za dž, prodamo Kaseresa jer njega vidim kao čoveka koji bi u tom slučau bio prvi ispred izlaznih vrata i tu uzmemo jedno 8 miliona i iste uložimo u neki od sledećih transfera, npr. dodamo još oko 5, 6 i dovedemo Ćerćija i automatski Kaseresova plata se prespaja na Ćerćija, samo nagađam, meni ima logiku.

        Ogbona meni sasvim ok, protiv Napolija odigrao odličnu tekmu. Još je u fazi navikavanja na ekipu i sistem, ali sasvim se pristojno snalazi.

        EDIT: Brat moj Ljorente

        Last edited by Brajkula; 18-11-13, 00:03.


        • Kad Peluso zakotrlja dulek


          • Potpisuj Vidal, potpisuj

            Reports in the Italian Press have claimed this evening that Arturo Vidal has agreed a contract extension at Juventus.

            The Chile international has been one of the leading lights for the Bianconeri under Antonio Conte, guiding them to consecutive Scudetti since arriving from Bayer Leverkusen.

            As such, the Old Lady hierarchy have been keen to tie the 26-year-old to a long-term deal.

            Vidal’s current contract expires in 2016, but Andrea Agnelli and the management staff have insisted that the all-action midfielder stay for at least another two years.

            And Calcio News have reported today that Vidal and his representatives have agreed a new deal, that will be confirmed by the club within the next few days.
            Ovo je kataklizma, onako lagan pad, katastrofa

            Juventus are seen to be interested in a move for Ignazio Abate next summer, but will have to negotiate with Milan around the €12m mark.

            The Gazzetta dello Sport reiterate today that the Bianconeri are strongly interested in the Rossoneri’s converted wing-back and are budgeting for a move come the summer.

            The 27-year-old would be into the final year of his contract come next June, with his current deal expiring at the end of the 2014-15 season.

            It is believed, though, that Milan have a particular price of €12m in mind for the Italy international and that they are unwilling to move from this.

            Zenit St Petersburg were strongly linked with interest last summer and reportedly offered as much as €10m for Abate, only to prove unsuccessful.

            It is understood that for Juve to have any success, a similar starting point in negotiations must be taken.
            I jedna vest za kladioničare, mada rival je Livrono, kvota smehotres, skoro cela odbrana out

            Antonio Conte’s defensive headache with Juventus has not eased, as he is unable to count on Stephan Lichtsteiner for the weekend.

            The Bianconeri head out to Livorno on Sunday afternoon with the motivation that a win could put them top of the table before Roma play the next day.

            However, it is a match the Old Lady will have to face without half her squad’s defenders available.

            Alongside the suspended duo of Leonardo Bonucci and Angelo Ogbonna, Juve head into Week 13 with doubts over Andrea Barzagli’s availability, with a thigh complaint picked up whilst on international duty.

            The situation is now worsened with the news that Swiss full-back Lichtsteiner is not yet ready to return to the field.

            Continuing to work separate from the main group in training, Juventus have reported through their official website this week that the 29-year-old will not make this weekend’s trip to the Armando Picchi.

            Lichtsteiner has been out since picking up a suspected thigh injury whilst in action against Galatasaray at the start of October.

            Speculation for the weekend is that Juve will run with a back three of Martin Caceres, Giorgio Chiellini and Federico Peluso, with Kwadwo Asamoah and Paolo De Ceglie on the wings.


            • Hhahahah jbt bice smehotres ali ozbiljno
              Peluzo levo,Djordjo sredina,Martin desno au pa ja ne znam na sta ce ovo liciti,plus Padoin verovanto desno jer De Celje ne ume ni levom centarsut a kamoli desnom,znaci Padoin mozda i Isla,a Kwado normalno desno.
              Videcemo sta ce biti od svega ovoga
              Dreams are coming true.

              Marcello Lippi: „Usporeni snimci akcija nisu realan fudbal. Svi mi želimo da vidimo Moniku Beluči golu, ali ne želimo da je gledamo kroz rendgen“.


              • Asamoa valjda levo

                Ma sreća u nesreći je što igramo protiv raspalog Livorna


                • Ma levo sma mislio nego sam se zeznuo
                  Ma ocekujem ja tu 0-1 ili 0-2 ne bi trebalo da primimo gol,mada sve je moguce sa ovakvim sastavom,ali Tevez i Vidal moraju resiti mec
                  Dreams are coming true.

                  Marcello Lippi: „Usporeni snimci akcija nisu realan fudbal. Svi mi želimo da vidimo Moniku Beluči golu, ali ne želimo da je gledamo kroz rendgen“.


                  • Msm da će i Vidala sutra da odmara, "5 days rules", Pirlo će unutra, Pogba i nzm ko bi bio treći jer se i Markizio žalio na neku povredu, kao i Vidal. Možda Asamoa, a levo da gurne De Ćeljea majstora.


                    • Zapevaj brate moj legendo i majstorčino ove igre


                      • Meni je Abate skroz bezveze igrac,prikladan izraz za njega je trci kao muha bez glave

                        To bi bio neki vid nadoknade za Matixa mocnog...
                        Zeljko Malnar-Nocna mora <3

                        #the return


                        • I ja sam tako razmišljao u fazonu "koji lopovi" ispade na kraju samo trampa.

                          Nije Abate kalibar za evropski Juventus, ne znam šta hoće da urade ovim transferom i nadam se iksreno da je to samo glupiranje nekog novinara, mada je i sam Abate izjavio danas kako mu godi interesovanje ali da ne ide nigde do kraja sezone.


                          • nisam upucen u status tog igraca ali ako ne napusta Juve onda je Abate back up za Lihtstajnera, doduse prilicno skup back up ali bio je i Matri skup
                            VALENTINO ROSSI #46


                            • Obrati pažnju koliko nas je samo Isla kao back-up za Forest Gampa koštao


                              • Isla povredjen i on propusta mec sa Livornom,sta ej ovo jbt kakav nas maler uhvatio?
                                Ja ocekujem ipak Markizia u igri,Vidal mozda ne bude igrao ali onda bi trebalo Kwado,Pogba,Pirlo,Markizio,Padoin da bude vezni red ili eventualno umesto Markizia da uleti Djovinko pa da probamo sa 3-4-3
                                Mada to je nerealno cak i za Conte-a
                                Dreams are coming true.

                                Marcello Lippi: „Usporeni snimci akcija nisu realan fudbal. Svi mi želimo da vidimo Moniku Beluči golu, ali ne želimo da je gledamo kroz rendgen“.

