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  • Originally posted by tata Mumi View Post
    Mislis na Chelsea?

    Ne vjerujem, Chelsea je vise okrenut veznjacima, ali necemo ovdje o Chelsea-ju. ;)
    Ako ga ne zadrze, nemam komentar onda...
    Ma mislim na moje ove sabane bolesne, vec su neki mediji pisali krajem prelaznog roka kad je Nasri otisao da bi mogao i Robin u jednom od naredna 2 jer je navodno bio nezadovoljan i nas su pomenuli kao najrealnijeg kandidata, sledili su Totenhem i Inter. Ako bi do toga doslo, Liverpul je realna opcija jer nam definitivno treba spic i imamo para mada ne vidim sto bi iz tima koji ce u LE isao u tim koji ce u LE.


    • Originally posted by S-Nash View Post
      Ma mislim na moje ove sabane bolesne, vec su neki mediji pisali krajem prelaznog roka kad je Nasri otisao da bi mogao i Robin u jednom od naredna 2 jer je navodno bio nezadovoljan i nas su pomenuli kao najrealnijeg kandidata, sledili su Totenhem i Inter. Ako bi do toga doslo, Liverpul je realna opcija jer nam definitivno treba spic i imamo para mada ne vidim sto bi iz tima koji ce u LE isao u tim koji ce u LE.
      Aha, nisam skontao odmah...

      Ma Arsenal ne smije njega da se odrekne nikako. Vuce ih cijelu sezonu...
      Takođe, ovde se uvodi i jedan divan kriterijum pomoću koga prosuđujemo je li žurka prestižna, dakle ona je “obično prestižna ako se neko od poznatih pojavi bar na pet minuta”. Zahvaljujući upravo ovom genijalnom kriterijumu, ako na primer na žurku upadne Manda, uđe u klonju, iskenja se i ode kući (pod pretpostavkom da mu za to treba više od 5 minuta), može se zaključiti da je ta žurka prestižna. Lepo je znati.


      • Ja verujem da nece nigde otici(pogotovo ne u City).
        Originally posted by maliajnstajn
        Arsenal ako uzme narednih 5 tekmi, uzima i titulu, nema previse tu filozofije.


        • Ako ne dovedu nikog ( Hazard, M'Vila i tako te igrace ) mislim da ce i on otici


          • Originally posted by voja92 View Post
            Ako ne dovedu nikog ( Hazard, M'Vila i tako te igrace ) mislim da ce i on otici
            Izjavio je to pre neki mesec jbg neće valjda Wenger napraviti istu grešku dva puta

            #PRAVDA ZA BRAĆU


            • Ne pita se tu Wenger nista


              • Pljuju svi Wengera, a on ni kriv ni duzan sto je uprava retardirana i bez novca... Ma nisam ja siguran da ce uprava dati novac za Hazarda koji ce ako ne bude kupljen u januaru, sigurno kostati 30 milki na leto, a tolke pare Wenger nikad nije dao a i da oce nema odakle... I M'Vila je dosta skup... Bice katastrofa ako Van Persi ode, ali ja mislim da niko ni ne pomislja na takav razvoj situacije u ovom trenutku... LFC sigurno nece kupiti Persija u to sam siguran, ne uklapa se on u politiku kluba...
                Last edited by Freshman; 11-11-11, 17:37.

                “We have to change, from doubters, to believers, now.”
                -Jürgen Klopp


                • Imaju pare, al nece da daju


                  • Nije uprava bez novca nego je uprava pohlepna a to 30 miliona Hazard od toga nema leba Wenger je u zadnje vreme najviše dao za Aršavina oko 14 miliona ako se ne varam i to im je otplaćivao na godinu dana

                    #PRAVDA ZA BRAĆU


                    • Koja stipsa,zamisli koje sranje da ti Venger deda,dinar ti ne bi davao xD

                      Moramo da budemo prvi u grupi ove sezone u LS da se ne ponovi kao prosle sezone da zaseremo pa nam se padne Barsa.Na zimu jos jedan dobar napadac koji moze bar malo da zameni Persija i to je to,sasvim solidan tim.


                      • Kao neki izveštaj

                        Laurent Koscielny won his first cap for the French national side on Friday, keeping a clean sheet as France beat the USA 1-0 in Paris. Belgium make the short trip to the French capital on Tuesday.
                        Tomas Rosicky played the full 90 minutes and captained the Czech Republic as they made a significant stride towards Euro 2012 qualification with a 2-0 win over Montenegro in Prague on Friday. The Czechs travel to Podgorica on Tuesday for the second leg.
                        Andrey Arshavin played the full 90 minutes of Russia's 1-1 draw with Greece in Piraeus on Friday.
                        Robin van Persie played the full 90 minutes of the Netherlands' 0-0 home draw with Switzerland in Amsterdam on Friday. The Dutch head to Hamburg on Tuesday for a test against Germany.
                        Johan Djourou played the full 90 minutes of Switzerland's' 0-0 draw with the Netherlands in Amsterdam on Friday. The Swiss travel to Josy-Barthel for a friendly match against Luxembourg on Tuesday.
                        Wojciech Szczesny played the full 90 minutes of Poland's 2-0 defeat to Italy in Wroclaw on Friday. Lukasz Fabianski did not feature. Next up for the Poles is a friendly match against Hungary in Poznan on Tuesday.
                        Thomas Vermaelen did not feature in Belgium's 2-1 friendly win over Romania in Liege on Friday. The Belgians travel to Paris for another friendly match on Tuesday, this time against Laurent Koscielny's France.
                        Per Mertesacker did not feature in Germany's 3-3 draw with Ukraine in Kiev on Friday. Joachim Loew's side host the Netherlands in Hamburg on Tuesday.
                        Alex Song started as Cameroon brushed aside Sudan in the LG Friendly Cup in Morocco. Cameroon face hosts Morocco on Monday.
                        Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain played the full 90 minutes, putting in a man of the match performance as England Under-21s recorded a comprehensive 5-0 victory over Iceland in Colchester on Thursday night. The youngster was heavily involved in the fifth goal, creating the chance for Aston Villa's Gary Gardner to convert. The young Lions make the trip to Mons to face Belgium on Monday.
                        Ju Young Park's fine run of goalscoring form for South Korea continued as his nation took home all three points in Dubai on Friday. The striker struck in the dying moments of the game to secure victory for his side. Korea travel to Beirut to face Lebanon on Tuesday.
                        Last edited by Lord Gangarić; 12-11-11, 14:39.

                        #PRAVDA ZA BRAĆU


                        • Nicklas Bendtner has re-iterated he has no intention of going back to Arsenal at the end of the season.

                          The Danish striker - currently on loan to Sunderland - fell out of favour with Gunners boss Arsene Wenger following a lack of goals, injuries and the arrival of Moroccan striker Marouane Chamakh.

                          However, the marksman believes that his time at the Black Cats and international starts will help put him in the shop window and attract a club playing UEFA Champions League football.

                          "As I have said before, I will not return to Arsenal," said Bendtner.

                          "I never really got the chance and then I was unfortunate with injuries. But now I will hopefully have a good season at Sunderland and with a fantastic European Championship ahead, it looks positive.

                          "I want to play in the Champions League."
                          Ovaj se izgleda drogira

                          #PRAVDA ZA BRAĆU


                          • Ambiciozan decko, to mu se mora priznati.

                            Sever celi sada se veseli, crveno-beli, 'ajmo u napad zajedno! Sa severa nek zapeva svako, nek grmi jako, Zvezda šampion!

                            "Nema velike ljubavi bez velike radosti, ali i bez velike patnje. E, to vam je Crvena zvezda. Ima da se raduješ do neba, ali sekiracija ti ne gine." Gospodin Ljuba Tadic

                            Batica Wilshere je gospodin covek...

                            All hail the Chan-Chan man!


                            • 1 je NICKLAS BENDTNER !
                              Originally posted by maliajnstajn
                              Arsenal ako uzme narednih 5 tekmi, uzima i titulu, nema previse tu filozofije.


                              • Počeli su ozbiljno da se raspituju za Songa ponajviše Katalonska gamad

                                #PRAVDA ZA BRAĆU

