Prvo Fabragas 
Onda Pipita
Sve zavisi od toga da li ce Arsene ponuditi onih svojih 18m funti plus 2m bonusa.. Naravno arsenal ide cistim kesom da plati 
Gundo se spominje u novinama zbog velikog Geoffa koji je sasvim slucajno na jednom podcastu spomenuo da se Arsenal raspitivao za njega..

Aaron @Aaronsenal 6h
Okay, so yesterday I had a very interesting conversation with a friend of mine who is a close relative of Cesc Fàbregas' agent...
Okay, so yesterday I had a very interesting conversation with a friend of mine who is a close relative of Cesc Fàbregas' agent...
Aaron @Aaronsenal 6h
He said Cesc Fàbregas met with Tito Vilanova last week and declared his ambition to leave Barcelona and move back to Arsenal.
He said Cesc Fàbregas met with Tito Vilanova last week and declared his ambition to leave Barcelona and move back to Arsenal.
Tancredi Palmeri @tancredipalmeri 4h
Still have no confirmation of the supposed Arsenal's offer for Higuain. If confirmed, no way Juventus would beat that. IF confirmed
Still have no confirmation of the supposed Arsenal's offer for Higuain. If confirmed, no way Juventus would beat that. IF confirmed
Tancredi Palmeri @tancredipalmeri 1h
Real Madrid accepted a payment by installments from Juventus for Higuain, but has asked to raise the bid. Juventus entered with a 22m € bid
Real Madrid accepted a payment by installments from Juventus for Higuain, but has asked to raise the bid. Juventus entered with a 22m € bid

Gundo se spominje u novinama zbog velikog Geoffa koji je sasvim slucajno na jednom podcastu spomenuo da se Arsenal raspitivao za njega..