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  • Tottenham v Arsenal: Arsene Wenger is a wounded warrior determined to come out fighting for the team

    “If you eat caviar every day it’s difficult to return to sausages.” – Arsène Wenger, speaking in 1998.

    At just before 4pm tomorrow, the distinctive figure of Arsene Wenger will take his place in the White Hart Lane dugout for what will be a record 40th north London derby.

    Depending on how his increasingly erratic team performs in the 90 minutes that follow,
    Wenger’s body language will then oscillate between the professorial demeanour of his
    early Arsenal years to the angry, frustrated and even tortured expressions that have
    characterised more recent times.

    Wenger has only actually lost five of those previous 39 derbies but he knows that his
    team’s ascendancy over Tottenham – and with it their cherished place among English
    football’s top four – has never been more seriously threatened. His once revered methods
    have also never faced more scrutiny. And, with his contract expiring next year,
    Wenger’s own position has never been the subject of more fervent debate. The sensitivity
    on that subject was evident in the now infamous press conference prior to the recent Bayern
    Munich match.

    Wenger felt aggrieved that an inaccurate story had been published but his reaction also pointed
    towards a more deep-seated hurt at recent criticism. So, as he approaches a match that could
    define Arsenal’s season and conceivably even his future, is he really still relishing the challenge?
    Those with a detailed personal knowledge of Wenger’s working methods and current state of
    mind paint a consistent picture.

    Wounded? Yes. But unwavering in his desire and belief? Absolutely. “Arsene is as focused and
    determined as he has ever been,” says Jacques Crevoisier, a friend of 40 years, who provides
    psychological profiles of Arsenal’s young players. “He is a big fighter and one of the greatest
    warriors I ever met in football in the most difficult situations. He is the first leader and able to
    cope with such pressure.”

    Those familiar with Wenger’s working patterns say that, away from the cameras, nothing has
    changed in almost 17 years at the club. He is generally still the first to arrive at Arsenal’s London
    Colney training base and the last to leave. At 63, he continues to follow the same diet as the
    players and the highlight of his day remains the hour or so he spends, stopwatch in hand and
    whistle in mouth, overseeing training. Stories of him watching ludicrous amounts of matches
    from around the world continue.

    “I consider myself a football nut but h lives, eats and sleeps it,” says Bob Wilson, his former
    goalkeeping coach. “That has never ever changed. There is absolutely no change when we talk.
    If I throw up any topic, his enthusiasm and his interpretation on something still always makes
    me think. He is a one-off – totally different. He is an academic who is in love with football.
    “He has total belief in himself and he feels this responsibility to the people who have paid to
    go to matches. He believes that win, lose or draw, the person going away should say that it
    was an amazing game to watch.”

    There is no disguising the current hurt, however. Wenger was named ‘sport’s sorest loser’
    in one magazine poll in 2008 and the added practice of the past five years appears to have
    taken a physical toll.

    He seems to look just a little slimmer, greyer and more stressed every season. “He wants to
    win more than anyone I have ever met in football,” says Damien Comolli, Arsenal’s former scout.
    “In the third season at Nancy, he lost the last match before the mid-winter break. He shut himself
    away on his own for the fortnight, and didn’t even have his family around for Christmas. He’d make
    himself physically ill after a defeat.”

    Wilson believes that defeats – and there have already been 10 this season - do visibly age Wenger.
    “Agony is the only word I can use to describe it,” he says. “He cares so much and has such a love
    for the club. He talks about it like a marriage. He believes that Arsenal has been his destiny. When
    I see his face, if we have won, there is a relaxation in every muscle. I see that same face after we
    have lost or not played particularly well and it is a man 10 years older.”

    Among friends of Wenger, there is a shared frustration that Arsenal’s recent decline is generally
    measured in the narrow context of his extraordinary past success. After all, if you go back before
    Wenger arrived, Arsenal had achieved just 23 top four finishes in 92 seasons.

    They are now going for their 17th in a row under his management. David Dein, when speaking last
    month on Sky Sports’ Footballers’ Football Show, put it like this: “It is very simple, under Arsene
    Wenger’s stewardship, Arsenal have had good times and very good times. He is the most driven
    and focused person I have ever met in football.”

    Comolli can still recall the day that Roman Abramovich arrived at Chelsea in 2003 and Wenger
    predicted a profound alteration of what he called “the scenery”. Add in Manchester City,
    as well as the constraints of paying for a new stadium, and an eight year trophy drought
    becomes more understandable if no easier to accept.

    “The issue is not Arsene, but simply the fact that they have been fighting against teams with
    more money and with enormous debts,” says Crevoisier. “If the Financial Fair Play is implemented,
    the most healthy club in Europe is Bayern Munich and the second is Arsenal.”

    The question of what happens beyond next season now lingers. A potentially momentous decision
    awaits over the next year. Wenger’s friends all suggest that nothing has been decided beyond his
    contract in 2014 and that it will be the last thing on his mind just now.

    “He is intelligent enough to know when enough’s enough if people really wanted him to go,” says Wilson.
    “There will come a time but I really don’t think it is that time yet. We want it to finish in the way it
    should finish: under his terms and with a bit of silverware to show that his belief in the way the game
    should be played works.”

    Health will also be a huge factor. Wenger has previously told friend that he would look carefully at
    his position when he was into his 60s and has admitted to concern at the untold damage he
    might be doing to himself. Against that, football has been an obsession since he was old enough
    to listen to the stories of players from his local village team in Duttlenheim, where his parents
    ran La Croix D’Or pub.

    “I don’t think he could live without it,” says Wilson. “I expect Arsene to still be a manager, here
    or somewhere else, at Alex Ferguson’s age.
    Football can give him incredible pain when things don’t go right but seeing people perform just
    gives him so much joy.” And could he really go elsewhere? For all the recent difficulties at Arsenal,
    his standing in Europe remains considerable. “In his recent press conference,
    Arsene said, ‘one day I will tell you all the offers I have had’ but we know them,” says Crevoisier.
    “It is France. It is England. It is Real Madrid. It is Bayern Munich. It is Inter Milan. It is Barcelona.
    They were all desperate to get him. He never accepted to talk to them and it is something people
    should never forget.

    “At the end of the season, Jose Mourinho will leave Real Madrid. If Madrid feel that Arsene is
    not happy, Arsene will be the first choice. I don’t say he will go there but it as simple as that.
    “His reputation across Europe is as one of the top six coaches in the world. Some fans say, ‘maybe
    it is the time for Arsene to leave’ but he would find himself immediately in a big club and the question
    is who will come in to replace him at Arsenal?

    “I think he will respect his contract until 2014. Then, if he feels people don’t like him, maybe he will not
    extend his contract. He sets the highest standards of himself and I don’t think he would stay if he did
    not feel people were satisfied with him.”

    Wenger has himself described his future as “short-term” but, if results do turn back in Arsenal’s
    favour, the most telling insight can perhaps be found in an interview he gave back in 2011.
    “The time goes by at the speed of light,” he said. “All of these years haven’t at all changed the
    fact that I’m always looking ahead to the next match, hoping it will be a perfect match but knowing
    it won’t be. I remain addicted to the next match, like a drug.”

    That search for perfection could yet extend at Arsenal into a third decade.

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      Evo i celog teksta. Katar, tj. seici, naravno. E sve sam mogao da zamislim, ali nekog Mansoura u Arsenalu...
      Last edited by Wilshere_10; 02-03-13, 23:49.
      "Once you leave Arsenal, you can only go down, really." - Jack Wilshere

      Dakle, ti si portir!


      • Daj Boze da bude nesto od toga. Nema danasnji fudbal je novac, nema tu ljubavi nazalost(ima izuzetaka, ali ih je vrlo malo).
        Originally posted by maliajnstajn
        Arsenal ako uzme narednih 5 tekmi, uzima i titulu, nema previse tu filozofije.


        • "Once you leave Arsenal, you can only go down, really." - Jack Wilshere

          Dakle, ti si portir!


          • Dajte pare da se igramo...


            • Sto se mene tice, neka zadrze sve te pare. Nisam za njihov dolazak, mada je moje misljenje apslutno nebitno.
              Zasto? Meni su ti nafta-gas klubovi (autorksa prava na izraz idu Brajkulici) odvratni. Jednostavno, nemaju dusu. Ok, imamo mi istoriju i sve, ali ne bi mogao da svarim da dovodimo Adebawhora za 25m, Santa Cruza za 20m, Rodwella za 15m, i definitivno #1 James Milner-30m+Ireland. Dalje, Arsenal bi tad postao igracka nekog seika za zajebanciju, tek da potrosi pare, kao kad bi otis'o u kladionicu i stavio 100e da Giroud sutra daje hat-trick. U jednom trenutku, seik ce da se smori i povuce kintu iz kluba, a onda Arsenalu i novom vlasniku ostaje necija plata od 200k i slicno, kao Malaga sad, iako je Arsenal finansijski daleko stabilniji. A kad povuce kintu iz kluba, mozemo odmah da se spremimo za derbi Lige 2 sa Rotherhamom. Opet, ako se nista ne promeni, za 2-3 sezone cemo da se borimo za sredinu tabele, mozda LE.
              Sta uraditi? Trositi pare pametno i strpljivo. Oterati raznu bagru (Djourou, Chamakh, Park, Diabyja i njegov medicinski tim, Gervinho) i osloboditi prostor za plate. Dovesti par kvalitetnih igraca tamo gde skripi, vise oslanjanja na omladinsku skolu (Jack je jedini projekat u skorijem periodu a da je tu od malena, tj. da je stvarno vezan za Arsenal, ne spominjite Cesca), i uci u TOP 4. Posle dolaze revizije sponzorskih ugovora, vise love i bice lakse. Nije da para sad nema, ali se ne trose. Seici imaju ono sto Arsenal vec poseduje, samo sto sadasnja uprava nema nameru (korist) da trosi pare, pa je tako kako je. Kad se to promeni, mogu i ja na mesto chairmana, sve ce ici k'o podmazano.
              "Once you leave Arsenal, you can only go down, really." - Jack Wilshere

              Dakle, ti si portir!


              • Zaglavim vani duze nakon dugo vremena i bomba iz Arabije. Imam ja kednu poruku za te seike i njihove sargarepe:"Mars u picku materinu"

                Necu tudje pare i kraj. Sta ce Arsenalu od nekoga ako ih vec mogu dosta dobro zaraditi?

                Inace cudna mi je prica ova. Izbacena je dan prije derbia sezone ccc

                E da wishereica nemoj zajebavat sutra Giroud ce da se isprasuje i ja cu da nosim freshov avater po zelji do kraja melenija


                • Ima i toga, previse smrdi sto se ovo bas nocas (danas) objavljuje, i nadam se da nije tacno.
                  "Once you leave Arsenal, you can only go down, really." - Jack Wilshere

                  Dakle, ti si portir!


                  • Neka Usmanov preuzme klub. Protiv njega nemam nista protiv. Covjek je na svakoj utakmici na Emiratima i sigurno ne bi ulagao silne sume ako to se od njega ne bi trazilo. Covjek voli klub taki da ne vjerukem da bi ga upropastio...


                    • Koliko je uopste pouzdan Telegraph? Koliko ja znam, jedan je od pouzdanijih u Engleskoj...
                      "Once you leave Arsenal, you can only go down, really." - Jack Wilshere

                      Dakle, ti si portir!


                      • Ja bio kod devojke ceo dan i dodjem kad ovo postajemo i mi dizelasi Sinoc sam samo naslov procitao i otisao da spavam sada sam detalno sve video Sve u svemu Telegraph i nije nesto pouzdan,iskreno bi voleo da Kroenke ode , zasto zato sto je jebena skrtica , ne bi voleo da nas Arapi uzmu vise bi voleo da Usmanov preuzme klub ali i sami znate da debil Kroenke nece da proda jebene akcije.Mozda je tacno da nude pare ovi ali opet Kroenke se tu jedini pita trenutno

                        #PRAVDA ZA BRAĆU


                        • Istu vest preneo i Guardian, ali se pozivaju na Telegraph.
                          Sta ocekujete od tekme danas? Moze li se zaustaviti Bale? Da li nam je vezni red sposoban da se izbori s Moussom? Ko moze da donese prevagu od nasih igraca?
                          "Once you leave Arsenal, you can only go down, really." - Jack Wilshere

                          Dakle, ti si portir!


                          • Iskreno najvise se brinem za Bejla morace Volkot da igra desno klilo kako bi udvajao njegove kontre i igrao flaster ne moze Jenkinson sam da ga cuva :/ Sto se ovoga tice mislim da moze vezni red da se izbori sa njim nekako mislim da je Jack da se na***e mame danas <3

                            I da slucajno sam naleteo na ovo nije neki izvor ali sta mislite ?

                            Arsenal circle as Real Madrid defender on the move!
                            There has been some very interesting rumours emerge which could interest Arsenal boss Arsene Wenger as Fichajes. Net have suggested Real Madrid defender Raul Albiol is leaving the Bernabeu in the summer so he has the chance to go to the 2014 World Cup.

                            The player knows his stay at Real Madrid comes to an end and you will have to find a new destination where you have minutes, if you do not want to miss the next World Cup in Brazil 2014. (, in Spanish)

                            The defender has not been part of Jose Mourinho’s plans for a while now and is dropping further and further down the pecking order. So although he has failed to make the impact at the Bernabeu, he is still a top player and the Gunners could land him for as little as £8 million at the end of the season.

                            #PRAVDA ZA BRAĆU


                            • Pf, ne znam, nisam odusevljen. Za te pare moze i Aurier da se dovede...
                              "Once you leave Arsenal, you can only go down, really." - Jack Wilshere

                              Dakle, ti si portir!


                              • Originally posted by Wilshere_10 View Post
                                Pf, ne znam, nisam odusevljen. Za te pare moze i Aurier da se dovede...
                                Nije mnogo 8 milki za Albiola jbt , ja sam nesto skontao Marcelo ce gotovo sigurno da ide jos malo , da smo njega sacekali bili bi mirni na levom beku brat bratu 5 godina

                                #PRAVDA ZA BRAĆU

