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Arsenal London

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  • Otisao Arshavin..

    Potvrdili i Zenit i Arsenal i on sam..

    Sever celi sada se veseli, crveno-beli, 'ajmo u napad zajedno! Sa severa nek zapeva svako, nek grmi jako, Zvezda šampion!

    "Nema velike ljubavi bez velike radosti, ali i bez velike patnje. E, to vam je Crvena zvezda. Ima da se raduješ do neba, ali sekiracija ti ne gine." Gospodin Ljuba Tadic

    Batica Wilshere je gospodin covek...

    All hail the Chan-Chan man!


    • znaci 1 matorac manje who next


      • I Samba je presao u Zenit... Nije igrac Arsenala, ali je mogao biti!


        • Do svidaniya Arshavine

          @Sir Giggsy Samba je presao u Anzhi ne Zenit i to za samo 12 miliona
          Last edited by Lord Gangarić; 25-02-12, 08:00.

          #PRAVDA ZA BRAĆU


          • Kakva smo mi sprdnja od kluba.Saljemo igraca kome ugovor uskoro istice na pozajmicu,ne bi li tako ustedeli njegovu tromesecnu platu.Ne kazem je da je Arsavin nas najbitniji igrac,ali je za pola nase ekipe i dalje klasa.


            • Arsenal defender Bacary Sagna has urged sought-after Lille star Eden Hazard to snub a move to Tottenham and join the Gunners.
              Tako je Sanja kad nece Zervinjo ti uzmi stvari u svoje ruke ovo je dokaz kako se voli klub a ne da se bezi u plasticne klubove kao sto je Na$ri uradio .

              @dart nema njemu leba kod nas kad su poceli nasi navijaci da mu zvizde zna se dokle je stiglo ,covek mora da vodi racuna o svojim interesima treba da igra ako hoce da vidi EP a kod nas igrati nece ...

              #PRAVDA ZA BRAĆU


              • Ne kazem ja nista o njegovoj odluci,svako pametan bi isto uradio.Govorim o odluci uprave i Wengera da ga puste.Osim toga,sigurno bi se naslo za njega mesta na EP,ipak je on kapiten.


                • Wenger happy with spending plans
                  Frenchman insists he won't be forced into going 'crazy'

                  Arsene Wenger admits that he has no qualms about being regarded as 'crazy' for not spending huge money at Arsenal.

                  Wenger has again come under criticism from a section of his own fans for not spending in the last 12-months, despite big-money sales of the likes of Cesc Fabregas and Samir Nasri.

                  Arsenal again look set to go another season with a trophy, last picking up silverware in 2005.

                  Arsenal remain committed to their self-sustaining business model, driven by revenues from their 60,000-seater Emirates Stadium, on which they have a long-term debt repayment plan at a low, fixed interest rate.

                  The Gunners are again expected to report an operating profit when their latest set of financial figures are published next week.

                  Wenger, though, cannot fathom why Arsenal continue to be lambasted for spending within their means.

                  "What is unbelievable is that we run the model that should be absolutely normal and we look crazy. That is crazy," said Wenger.

                  "People will do anything stupid, but we are not crazy, we are all right. We spend 1 if we make 1 and [then people say] 'what are they doing?' That is what is absolutely mad in our world, but the whole world is bankrupt because of that."

                  Wenger accepts Arsenal cannot compete with the wages which other teams pay, a case proven in point over recent seasons with the departures of the likes of Nasri and Gael Clichy to rivals Manchester City.

                  "Last year we were very close to the top and there was a rupture in the building of our team with losing [captain Cesc] Fabregas [to Barcelona], Nasri and [Jack] Wilshere [to injury]," he said.

                  "We could compete with anybody in Europe with our midfield."

                  Wenger added: "When we play a young team you have to understand as well that we have chosen that policy.

                  "What is difficult to take once you get close is that the players move, and that is where we are in trouble.

                  "It is not the policy, it is not keeping our players once they arrive in a mature way."

                  Al imam neki gadan osecaj da ce i ove godine da ceka do poslednjeg dana i da ce da dovede par anonimusa ili istrosenih igraca od kojih su cak i rezervisti bolji ....

                  #PRAVDA ZA BRAĆU


                  • Danas moramo pobediti da bi se izjednacili sa Celsijem na 4. mestu. Plus se moramo osvetiti za poraz u prvom delu sezone od 2:1.
                    Originally posted by maliajnstajn
                    Arsenal ako uzme narednih 5 tekmi, uzima i titulu, nema previse tu filozofije.


                    • Ian Wright: 'I was once fined £5,000 for calling Tottenham fans wankers, best £5,000 I ever spent'

                      Koscelni i Gibs treba da se vrate sa pregleda ali verovatno ce igrati,Persi nece da razgovara o ugovoru do leta (pametno)

                      North London is red !

                      Emirati pred derbi

                      Last edited by Lord Gangarić; 26-02-12, 11:55.

                      #PRAVDA ZA BRAĆU


                      • Cesc (Twitter): "Sretno svim mojim prijateljima u Arsenalu. Ne mogu dočekati da pogledam utakmicu u hotelu. To je onaj meč u kojem sam uvijek najviše uživao. Idemo Arsenal!"

                        pridružujem se željama cesca......ovo je prilika da se iskupe navijačima za sve neprlike koje su im priredili zadnjih mjeseci

                        nadam se da će te završiti 4 na tabeli.... ispred šugavog chelsea ;)


                        • NORTH LONDON IS RED !
                          Originally posted by maliajnstajn
                          Arsenal ako uzme narednih 5 tekmi, uzima i titulu, nema previse tu filozofije.


                          • Arsenal: Szczesny, Sagna, Koscielny, Vermaelen, Gibbs, Rosicky, Song, Arteta, Walcott, Benayoun, Van Persie.

                            Subs: Park, Oxlade-Chamberlain, Fabianski, Jenkinson, Gervinho, Chamakh, Miquel.

                            Zervinjo i Ox na klupi koji kurac bre jel ovaj covek skroz poludeo

                            #PRAVDA ZA BRAĆU


                            • covek je prsnaja al ko zna sta je sad smislio wenger


                              • ledeni ajde prognoza da ne ureknemo

                                #PRAVDA ZA BRAĆU

