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  • Ni meni nije jasno zasto forsirati igrace koji ne igraju dobro kao sto je Arsavin.Treba da se napravi velika ciscenje u timu od golmana pa do napadaca.Tek kada se to napravi treba da se da sansima mladim igracima koji su poniklu u Arsenalovoj akademiji da vise igraju ako smo izgubili od Mancestera sta cemo tek da uradimo protiv Aston Vile,Boltona , Blekburna itd.Wenger bi trebalo da rizikuje pa da daje mladjim igracima da igraju a nepotrebne da proda.Posto od titule nema nista od Lige sampiona takodje,jedino ostaje FA kup ali pitanje je dokle cemo i tu da stignemo.Znaci jos jedna sezona bez trofeja.


    • Originally posted by Arsenal View Post
      .... ako smo izgubili od Mancestera sta cemo tek da uradimo protiv Aston Vile,Boltona , Blekburna... ..
      Ja ipak mislim da je protiv pomenutih lakše igrati _?=)

      Originally posted by Arsenal View Post
      ...Posto od titule nema nista od Lige sampiona takodje...
      Zašto si LŠ otpisao ?
      " I really like Arsenal. But you, do you like Arsenal? Or just Arsenal with trophies? "


      • Originally posted by Ves View Post
        Pa jeste. Ja , budala, polazim od toga da svaki fudbaler zeli igrati. A, u sustini, boli mulce k!t# za fudbal, lade testise i dobijaju kintu. S druge strane, ti si i sebi dao odgovor na nedoumice vezane za Arsavina. Ne moze ga prodati za dobru lovu, a nikako nece da dobije jos jednog pasivnog mulca, pa ga forsira ne bi li ovaj proradio. Istina, predugo. Sad je samo pitanje da li je Mijaci dovoljno dobra rezerva da ovaj moze pakovati kofere. Cinjenica je da Venger ne dobija lovu koja se spominje u medijima, tako da mora da crpi iz svakog pojedinca maksimum. A, mozes zamisliti kakva je frustracija kad ti je najveca investicija u trenerskoj karijeri Arsavin. Tim vise sto je broj fudbalskih velikana koje je Profa doveo u Arsenal za dz! prilican.
        Ja vise gledam da je Ox savrsena zamena Arsavinu i najradije bi gledao Zervinja,Ox-a i Persija kao napadacku trojku a Mijacija,Volkota i Samaka kao eventualne zamene... mada ko ce ga znati sta ce se sve izdesavati ....



        • Protiv Milana ako budemo igrali nereseno u gostima pa na neku foru da prodjemo u sledecu rundu gde nas ceka Barselona.


          • Originally posted by Gangrena View Post
            Ja vise gledam da je Ox savrsena zamena Arsavinu i najradije bi gledao Zervinja,Ox-a i Persija kao napadacku trojku a Mijacija,Volkota i Samaka kao eventualne zamene... mada ko ce ga znati sta ce se sve izdesavati ....
            Neće Volkot više na klupu. U to budi siguran. On ili ostaje prvotimac ili odlazi iz Arsenala. A, slažem se. Žera, Rvp, Ox . Ali, trebamo kreativca. Tu ja vidim Hazarda. Ako je već neostvario, može Podolski. Pa nek Rvp igra SS, a on CF. I da. Vertongen. Savršen za nas. Igra CB, DM, pa i LB po potrebi. Brz je.
            " I really like Arsenal. But you, do you like Arsenal? Or just Arsenal with trophies? "


            • QPR turn their transfer attentions to Arsenal striker Marouane Chamakh


              QPR have allegedly turned their transfer attentions to Arsenal striker Marouane Chamakh after failing to attain a work-permit for wonderkid Henrique.

              The Brazilian had spoken to new QPR manager Mark Hughes about joining on a reported 18-month loan deal, with a permanent transfer option but the club’s bid was turned down by the authorities as the player did not satisfy the required criteria for a permit.

              This has turned Hughes’s eye to look further down his most wanted list and move for the Moroccan international, who is currently on African Nations cup duty but could fly back for talks sometime this week in-between games for his country.

              The new QPR boss has been surprisingly pleased with the current squad he inherited from former manager Neil Warnock but his lack of striking options are a cause for concern for the former Blackburn and Fulham boss.

              And he is rumoured to be a keen admirer of the talents of the Arsenal hit-man.

              Chamakh joined Arsenal from Bordeaux in 2010 and became an instant hit with the locals, scoring seven league goals by November and looked the ideal foil for Robin Van Persie. But when the Dutchman returned from injury the 28-year-old’s form dipped and failed to notch for the remainder of the season.

              Things haven’t really improved this season, but in fairness his chances of first-team football have been limited due to the incredible form of his Dutch teammate.

              Chamakh himself isn’t in a rush to leave the Emirates as he wants to fight for his place but would find the opportunity to team up with Morocco teammate Adel Taarabt and Armand Traoré at QPR as a reason to leave the club.

              The three are good friends and often spend time together in London.

              Hughes will probably need to bid somewhere near the £6m mark to get his man but that wouldn’t be a problem for the big-spending club from W12.

              Burak Yilmaz Open To Gunners Move


              Morning Gooners. We’ve got a week left for Arsene Wenger to potentially save our season but the transfer gossip is thin on the ground today.

              But one interesting piece comes from the Mirror, who claim Trabzonspor goal-machine Burak Yilmaz would accept a move to Arsenal should he be given the opportunity.

              I must admit, I know little about Yilmaz and haven’t heard of any interest from Arsenal regarding the player until now, but the Mirror say that both AC Milan and Borussia Dortmund are also tracking him as well as several other top European clubs.

              Yilmaz is quoted as saying he’s not looking to leave current club Trabzonspor this month, but when he does leave he “would accept a transfer to Arsenal”. Here’s the quote from the Mirror:

              “I am a Trabzonspor player until the end of the season; if I were to move abroad I would want to move to a big club. I would accept a transfer to Arsenal,” he told Turkish State Television channel TRT1 .
              hat’s great mate, but do Arsenal even want you?! To be fair, his goal scoring record is incredible this season. 22 goals in just 17 games, and he bagged 19 goals in 30 games last season, so he certainly knows where the net is.

              At 26-years-old he’s a good age as well, so perhaps he’s worth a look Arsene. Coming from the Turkish league, he won’t cost a fortune either, so he sounds right up your street. Only drawback is it seems we’d have to wait until the summer. We need striker now.


              #PRAVDA ZA BRAĆU


              • Prodano! Vise odgovara arsenalovoj igri ovaj turcin. + vidi se koliki je emotivac. Takvi nam trebaju.
                " I really like Arsenal. But you, do you like Arsenal? Or just Arsenal with trophies? "



                  Izgleda da nam Rosicki ode u Fulam. Desi li se to, a ne mi ne dovedemo ofanzivnog veznog u januaru, stvarno cu poceti da psujem na ovom forumu !
                  " I really like Arsenal. But you, do you like Arsenal? Or just Arsenal with trophies? "


                  • Pocni ti odma da psujes
                    Salu na stranu negde sam procitao da Rosicki tek treba da porazgovara sa Wengerom oko daljeg razvoja njegove situacije , ja bi iskreno voleo da ostane fuck me if i know why -.-

                    #PRAVDA ZA BRAĆU


                    • Meni je samo zao navijaca koji vole Arsenal koji dodju na utakmicu i gledaju kako njihov tim gubi ili igra nereseno.A pre nekoliko godina smo vazili za ekipu koja je sposobna da osvaja trofeje a sad u kojoj se situaciji Arsenal nalazi pa to je stvarno sramota.Ne kupuju se kvalitetni igraci vec neki otpadak a za kvalitetne klub nema para a niko od takvih fudbalera nece da dodje vise vole da odu u Siti,Junajted,Real,Barsu ili u timove koji osvajaju trofeje.Sto se mene tice moze i u paketu sa njim Wenger,Samak,Kosjelni itd.


                      • Spominjali smo pre neki dan koliko debitanata je bilo ove godine evo oficijalni sajt je izbacio par dobrih podataka

                        Arsenal league season with most players used


                        Arsenal league season with fewest players used


                        Players used in PL winning seasons


                        Arsenal season with fewest overall players used


                        Arsenal season with most overall players used


                        Numbers of players Arsenal have used in each Champions League campaign


                        Arsenal PL debut makers


                        Full text

                        #PRAVDA ZA BRAĆU


                        • Originally posted by Gangrena View Post
                          ...ja bi iskreno voleo da ostane fuck me if i know why -.-
                          Boljeg plejmejkera nemamo. Remzi ce jos dobre 2 sezone biti zelen, Benajun... :\, Wilseru treba vremena da dodje sebi, Arteta nije taj tip. Jasno je da ima defanzivniju ulogu.... so I don't need to fuck you

                          Originally posted by Arsenal View Post
                          Sto se mene tice moze i u paketu sa njim Wenger,Samak,Kosjelni itd.
                          Ne znam da li redovno pratis utakmice arsenala, jer drzim da bi se 50% navijaca slozilo sa mnom kad kazem da je Kosilni uz Songa i Rvpa najkorisniji nas igrac ove sezone. O Vengeru necu vise da pisem. Apsolutno stojim iza njega.
                          " I really like Arsenal. But you, do you like Arsenal? Or just Arsenal with trophies? "


                          • Dobar nam je Koscati prosle sezone jeste kiksao ali se ove znatno popravio samo da nam se vrate jebeni bekovi i Wilshere pa da gledamo normalan fudbal \o/
                            Last edited by Lord Gangarić; 24-01-12, 23:26.

                            #PRAVDA ZA BRAĆU


                            • Mene je Koscijelni i prosle sezone odusevio, u nekim utakmicama je pokazao kako moze da odigra, posebno ona protiv Barse, Mesija u dzep ubacio. Samo je problem u glavi, tj konstantnost


                              • Mislim da vise nije.
                                " I really like Arsenal. But you, do you like Arsenal? Or just Arsenal with trophies? "

