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  • Da vratimo AdM . Evo malopre opet otrovne strelice, kako je uvek davao 100% i da to nije bilo dovoljno za VG-a i da je u krajnjoj liniji otisao da bi osvajao trofeje. "Napustio sam ekipu koja nije bila u LS i koja je bila daleko od PL".

    Eto, dokle smo dosli, da nas Di Marija proziva. Naravno, nismo mi u toku sezone volsebno nestali iz LS, vec je on pre transfera znao odlicno u kojoj smo poziciji. Naravno, to mu nije smetalo tada. Kupio je vrhunsku platu a igrao vrhunski mesec-dva mozda.

    Inace to je sve posledica odluke da Mojes nasledi Fergusona. Kako li bi tek bilo sa Gigsom... pu-pu.


    • Neka igra po Francuskoj, ima lijep grad, strasnu tradiciju i pita se nesto pored Ibre ta velicina, iako Ibra ima 34 godine

      Koliko jer davao odlicno smo vidjeli, ne bih se vracao na tu gnjidicu. Inace je znao da se vracamo u LS, ali nema taj mozga pa dzaba sve.

      Bilo, ne ponovilo se. Nije se mnogo izgubilo jer mu je dres bio najprodavaniji u PL, dobra prodaja i mozda par miliona minusa na kraju.

      Zato nisam sto posto siguran oko Dzejmsa iako je bas madjionicar, ali on je jos u Portu koketirao sa Junajtedom, isto kao Di Marija dok je bio u Benfici. Pa covjek ode u Monako, pa odma posle toga san i ljubljenje Realovog dresa, bas ne znam sta da mislim. Falkao je propao fizicki ali je car, crkao bi za klub za koji igra. Vidal je cudo, ni malo nalik Juznoamerikancima, ali vecina Juznoamerikanaca je bas posebna prica, prelos mentalitet.


      • Danas Indi i San preneli vest da nam je Poketino I izbor. Mada nisu novinari koji su inace bliski Junajtedu, tako da vrv to treba zanemariti.

        For the record ne bih imao nista protiv te solucije. Cak kapiram da se on uklapa u profil Glejzera savrseno.


        • Ne zelim, samo Murinjo. Meni je nenormalno da neko zeli Pokletina prije jednog od najboljih menadzera svih vremena. Covjeka koji nista osvojio nije sa covjekom koji osvaja trofeje kao lud, koji je promijenio fudbal. Imao je finu pauzu, obozava klub i uopste ne sumnjam u njegovu motivaciju i spremnost da vrati Junajted tamo dje treba da bude.

          A i prvi je april, bice danas svega.


            Van Gaal has given an injury update to MUTV, starting with Bastian Schweinsteiger. "It is a big blow," the boss said. "He is starting his rehabilitation. He has more or less the same injury as Wayne. We have to see how it heals."

            VAN GAAL ON ROONEY
            "He's doing great. He trained today at a lower level with the ball and will probably play an Under-21s match before he comes back."

            "Luke Shaw will be back on the training pitch on Monday with the physio.Ander Herrera and Ashley Young are coming back. Young and Adnan Januzaj played with the Reserves in a match on the friday of the international break."

            BOSS ON DERBY WIN
            Van Gaal was asked at the start of his press conference how he spent the international break. "It was the first time that I have gone away with a win!" he said. "And what kind of win! It was a must-win against our enemy in town, so I think the fans are very happy and I was also very happy."

            The manager says it's a "compliment" to his players' quality that Guillermo Varela was the only Red who didn't get any game time on international duty. He also jokes that having only one injury to contend with after an international break - Schweinsteiger - is a "new record" for him.

            A big day awaits Sir Bobby Charlton on Sunday, when the South Stand is renamed after him, and van Gaal paid tribute to the Reds legend, saying: "He is on the board and is always backing me. He was my idol when I was young and, now I have met him personally, he is such a kind, friendly man. I am very proud that he should get such an honour and I am very pleased for him."

            "Still we are capable of being in the top three in the league at this moment and we believe in that, the players believe in that. We can also win the FA Cup, so we have a lot to fight for. I hope that we show it already in the first match because that is the most important match as you have to continue what you have done against City.

            MORE ON BASTIAN
            Van Gaal later admitted in his press conference that Schweinsteiger may not return this season for United and is battling to be fit for Euro 2016. "It is a tragic injury because the expectation is not so good for him in respect of of the European Championships, but you never know," he said. "I hope that he can reach that, but it shall be difficult."

            "Everton have a good away record, better than their home record - it is very strange. When you also see the history of the last matches against them - not my history, but other recent games - it is not so good. Everton are, as an opponent, very difficult for Manchester United, but I hope my record shall continue."


            • Originally posted by Vladan View Post
              Meni je nenormalno da neko zeli Pokletina prije jednog od najboljih menadzera svih vremena. Covjeka koji nista osvojio nije
              Sacekaj kraj sezone, da bi ovo i potvrdio.

              Renato Sanches za blizu 50m funti, this is madness.

              “We have to change, from doubters, to believers, now.”
              -Jürgen Klopp


              • Originally posted by Vladan View Post
                Ne zelim, samo Murinjo. Meni je nenormalno da neko zeli Pokletina prije jednog od najboljih menadzera svih vremena. Covjeka koji nista osvojio nije sa covjekom koji osvaja trofeje kao lud, koji je promijenio fudbal. Imao je finu pauzu, obozava klub i uopste ne sumnjam u njegovu motivaciju i spremnost da vrati Junajted tamo dje treba da bude.

                A i prvi je april, bice danas svega.
                Ne kazem da bih birao Poketina da mi se, hipoteticki, ponudi direktan izbor izmedju dvojca. Ali ako Ferguson uspe da sabotira dolazak Portugalca, otprilike opcije koje bi mi bila iznad Poketina su Simeone i...? Tusel? Zezus? Alegri? On je najbolja realna opcija. Ima iskustva u ligi, cinjenica da igraci igraju odlicno pod njim (pogledaj Soton i sada Sparse), daje sansu mladima, igra napadacki fudbal itd... Cinjenica da nema pedigre velikog menadzera, da nema trofeja ali sa minimalnim iskustvom koje se sastoji drzi Espanjol da ne ispadne, odlicno guli u PL. Pitanje je samo kakve bi igrace mogao da privuce. Nisam siguran kakav mu je skor u derbijima ove sezone, mrzi me da guglam.

                Ali bi napravio sigurno super kompaktnu ekipu i radio sa klincima koji bi sigurno napredovali kod njega. To su kod mene dovoljni razlozi da budem za (opet ponavljam ako je Murinjo iz ovog ili onog razloga no go).


                • Originally posted by Freshman View Post
                  Sacekaj kraj sezone, da bi ovo i potvrdio.

                  Renato Sanches za blizu 50m funti, this is madness.
                  Mili bi mi bilo da osvoji ako Lisice posustanu, a nadam se da posustati nece, ali to opet ne mijenja da bih uvijek, prije izabrao Murinja nego Poketina

                  47 miliona funti mu je klauzula, ispod toga ne ide.
                  Originally posted by Erik Artur Bler View Post
                  Ne kazem da bih birao Poketina da mi se, hipoteticki, ponudi direktan izbor izmedju dvojca. Ali ako Ferguson uspe da sabotira dolazak Portugalca, otprilike opcije koje bi mi bila iznad Poketina su Simeone i...? Tusel? Zezus? Alegri? On je najbolja realna opcija. Ima iskustva u ligi, cinjenica da igraci igraju odlicno pod njim (pogledaj Soton i sada Sparse), daje sansu mladima, igra napadacki fudbal itd... Cinjenica da nema pedigre velikog menadzera, da nema trofeja ali sa minimalnim iskustvom koje se sastoji drzi Espanjol da ne ispadne, odlicno guli u PL. Pitanje je samo kakve bi igrace mogao da privuce. Nisam siguran kakav mu je skor u derbijima ove sezone, mrzi me da guglam.

                  Ali bi napravio sigurno super kompaktnu ekipu i radio sa klincima koji bi sigurno napredovali kod njega. To su kod mene dovoljni razlozi da budem za (opet ponavljam ako je Murinjo iz ovog ili onog razloga no go).
                  Ma ne kazem ja za tebe, generalno pricam, jer vidim da ima onih koji su posle Pepa najvise zeljeli Poketina. E ja nisam ni Pepa zelio prije Murinja kao sto znas. A SAF je rekao Poketino je najbolji menadzer u ligi, on ih super bira

                  Ma sve je jasno, Murinjo dolazi, ako SAF uspije da nekako to promijeni ostaje Van Gal i to je to. Poketino ce biti sledeci trener Reala kapiram, ali iz Totenhema nece nidje na kraju sezone kad je vec obezbijedio LS.


                  • Ako ne ide ispod 47 sto bi išao za iznad?

                    Dobar je Pok. Ali je on trebao da ide umesto Mojesa i da se čeka. Sada je kasno njemu davati 3 god. U prvoj godini on ne može doneti instant rezultat. Ne može podići ovu ekipu za 50% u prvoj sezoni. Ubeđen sam u to. Mo ako dodje i ako se on bude
                    Pitao oko izbora igrača može to da uradi lagano.
                    Last edited by l1m4r; 01-04-16, 20:51.
                    Originally posted by Vladan
                    SAFa niko nije mogao ni jednom da prezivi, Runi je to uradio dva puta. Masivan. Monumentalan. Bivsi. Pozdrav legendo, donesi Evertonu nemoguci san.


                    • Moze, moze



                      • Originally posted by Vladan View Post
                        47 miliona funti mu je klauzula, ispod toga ne ide.
                        Pa zato rekoh blizu 50m (da zaokruzimo ), jer nisam znao tacnu cenu, ali sto je mnogo, mnogo je brate.

                        Sto se tice Mourinha, ja iskreno ne vidim nijedan scenario u kome on nije trener Utd sledece sezone. Isto tako sumnjam da postoji iole bolja druga opcija, ma koliko Poche delovao mozda dostupno, ja mislim da se njemu jos ne ide iz Londona i da zeli da se oproba i u LS. Jednostavno ne vidim sto bi zurio.

                        “We have to change, from doubters, to believers, now.”
                        -Jürgen Klopp


                        • Dok neko ne objavi fotku Fergija i Murinja na zajednickoj kafi, necemo biti mirni.
                          >>> Brojim Izbrojao sam sate, minute, sekunde do pogleda na Mourinja u dresu MANCHESTER UNITED-a ! <<<


                          • Originally posted by Vladan View Post
                            Valjda je i Mo bidovao za njega par puta dok je bio u Celziju. Mada nisam fan iskreno.


                            • Zasto, mlad je, moze da igra i beka, ima odlicnu tehniku i brzinu, a Murinjo je pokusao ljetos da ga dovede.

                              Samo je meni logicno da se odreknu Silve, a da grade odbranu oko Markinjosa. Nece ga pustiti svakako, cisto sumjam.

                              Inace procitajte ovo

                              Andrea Berta. If there's one football director Jose Mourinho would be willing to work with at Manchester United, it would be the Italian.

                              After the meltdown of his relationship with Michael Emenalo, its understandable doubts have been raised over whether Mourinho would ever accept working with a football director again. The situation became so toxic at Stamford Bridge that in the end the pair were not on speaking terms. Emenalo even refused to acknowledge Mourinho by name when discussing his departure in December.

                              But Berta, currently overseeing his 'second' Atletico Madrid team built in partnership with sports director Jose Luis Caminero, is a very much different prospect.

                              The Italian, who has spent five years with Atletico, can count on the support of Portuguese super agent Jorge Mendes, who also, of course, represents Mourinho. Indeed, when (not if) the Special One is confirmed by Ed Woodward, United's executive vice-chairman, as Louis van Gaal's successor, has learned the offer to Berta to join the new-look team at Carrington will be relayed through Mendes. The Portuguese doesn't represent Berta, but the pair have become close with so many of Mendes' clients moving through Atletico over these past five years.

                              But the Mourinho link doesn't end there.

                              It was actually on the recommendation of Peter Kenyon, the former United and Chelsea chief exec, that Atletico president Enrique Cerezo took on Berta back in 2010. Kenyon and Mourinho worked together during the latter's first spell at Chelsea and they're still in touch.

                              Mourinho has been briefed on Berta and has welcomed Woodward's plan to buy him out of his Atletico contract.

                              In Madrid, Cerezo remains hopeful of keeping his technical team together. Having secured coach Diego Simeone to a new five-year deal in March, Cerezo is now quietly urging Berta to do the same. His current contract runs to June 2017.

                              A banker in his former life, Berta received his break in football through a cousin of former Italy coach Cesare Prandelli, with his first job as a sporting director at AC Carpenedolo. From there, Berta was taken on by former Parma president Tommaso Ghirardi before a personality clash led him to Bologna ahead of Kenyon's intervention in 2010.

                              Berta arrived in Madrid primarily as an international scout, to work under Caminero. But such has been his influence on two outstanding teams during his time with Atleti, that they're now regarded as equals. Indeed, some Madrid sources rate Berta as the more significant director, with Atleti powerbroker Miguel Angel Gil Marin now taking the Italian with him on their regular scouting trips to South America.

                              In Spain, Berta remains a mystery. The Italian has never given an interview to the local media. And though he is a lot friendlier with the Italian press, like David Gill, the former United exec, Berta isn't one for courting publicity.

                              Indeed, he's perhaps the best football director the game has never known. For while there's barely a footprint in the media, for the past 12 months, Berta has been courted by some of Europe's biggest clubs.

                              Kenyon, having helped Peter Lim complete his takeover of Valencia, recommended Berta to the Singaporean billionaire. But Cerezo refused to do business. Last year, Erick Thohir, Inter Milan's Indonesian owner, made an approach, hoping to tempt Berta back home. But again, Cerezo was steadfast and Berta lukewarm on the prospect of leaving Madrid.

                              The closest Berta came from being tempted away was last January when AC Milan came calling. With Barbara Berlusconi, the daughter of Milan president Silvio Berlusconi, championing him inside the boardroom, there was a genuine feeling that Berta could replace the high-regarded Adriano Galliani as the Rossoneri's football chief going into this season. But Cerezo was having none of it.

                              "He is a great sporting director," said the president, "working with Caminero and Simeone, they form a fantastic trio for my Atletico Madrid.

                              "As for the future, he is happy: he remains with us.

                              "We have a good relationship with the Rossoneri. But Berta is our leader and we will hold him tight."

                              But with less than 18 months to run on Berta's current deal, that grip is loosening. And with Mourinho and Mendes in his ear, plus the prospect of working with the biggest transfer budget in football, the odds are stacked against Cerezo staging another successful resistance.


                              • Neke sale su nam promakle


