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Manchester United
Originally posted by DekinjoŠta mislite da su Livepulu poništili dva čista gola, a Sitiju nisu. Koliki bi bio rezultat? Pa 3:3Originally posted by La JugoslaviaCrvena zvezda je naša, iako je oteta, ona je naša, iako je okupirana. A da je oteta i okupirana, to stoji i to jeste, apsolutno se slažem.
Jose Mourinho tells #MUTVHD: "Luke Shaw is training without any problem, but I don't think he's ready to start. Rooney is still injured."Jose Mourinho says he won't rotate #MUFC players due to fatigue for tomorrow's game v Boro. If they're fit, they're eligible for selection.#MUFC manager Jose Mourinho says he'll allow goalkeeper Sam Johnstone to go out on loan because he's not had enough game time.Mourinho on Karanka, "My emotions? He is my friend, he's a real friend. I always want him to win, he always wants me to win."Mourinho on Karanka, "Tomorrow is a unique time, the first time we want each other to lose."Mourinho on title race, "That's not my problem. I don't care about it. I am in the race to win the match tomorrow and we have a good chance"Mourinho, "If a player is not having minutes and he really wants to leave then we have no right to keep him."Mourinho, "Until this moment we have not received a single offer for a player that we are willing to accept."Mourinho, "Against Middlesbrough we will choose a team that gives us guarantees at chances to win the match."Mourinho on Chinese PL, "My opinions is that everyone is free to choose his life, I am nobody to criticise anyone."Mourinho, "It is difficult for me to remember the last match where we didn't play well, even when we weren't getting results."Mourinho, "In the last 4 PL matches we managed to win and we need points so let's try to do it tomorrow at Old Trafford in front of our fansMourinho, "Joel Pereira has played 6 months of first-team football, 6 months in Portuguese PL,now its time for Sam to do something similar."sigpic
Rekao je da ne da nikome da ide na pozajmicu osim Sema. Samo transferi.Originally posted by DekinjoŠta mislite da su Livepulu poništili dva čista gola, a Sitiju nisu. Koliki bi bio rezultat? Pa 3:3Originally posted by La JugoslaviaCrvena zvezda je naša, iako je oteta, ona je naša, iako je okupirana. A da je oteta i okupirana, to stoji i to jeste, apsolutno se slažem.
Erera-Pogba, nemoj mi Felainija ni u kakvim situacijamaispred Marsijal-Mata-Miki i napad Ibra, najbolje. Mora se Marsijal vratiti u formu, strašno je šta je radio prošle sezone još u ekipi koja je igrala onako mrtav fudbal.
Ako Bog da da vodimo pa da uđe Švajni zadnjih 20tak minuta, ekstra bi bilo.