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Manchester United
Steven Gerrard could make way for Wayne Rooney with LA GalaxyWayne Rooney tipped for Everton return by Leon OsmanInter Milan interested in bringing out-of-favour Manchester United skipper Wayne Rooney to Italysigpic
Zašto pobogu postavljate ovde vesti sa Sun-aDejli mejl je najbolji nepouzdani list u Engleskoj. Nikad ne idu u ekstremne vode kao npr. San koji se može pohvaliti naslovima "Mesi potpisao za Žitorađe", "Ronaldo šmrkao kokain sa Maradonom". Momci iz DM-a uvek tvrde stvari koje bi mogle da se dese ali to pišu u nekom blagom tonu, a ni jedna od tih vesti koja se prvo pojavi kod njih nema neku insajdersku osnovu već bude čisto razumsko nagađanje.
Ne znam da li je neko uhvatio da pročita, ali evo vesti DM-a nakon utakmice Junajted-Siti, nivo neprofesionalnosti koji tamo vlada je zaprepašćujuć.
Mojne da ste transfer muppet-i, držite se engleskog Skaja i BBC-a za engleze, Di Marcia i Romana za italijane, Balaga za špance(mada nikad nije konkretan ali uvek zna šta se dešava) i Djellit-a i Buafsija za francuze. Većinu ostalih vesti vezanih za transfere treba uzeti sa velikom dozom sumnje. Houp iz DM-a je pouzdan za Njuku. Toni Benet za Liverpul. Viter iz tajmsa je odlican. Norvud za Junajted. Ostali uglavnom nagađaju pa likuju ako pogode. Palmieri je najbolji svež primer. Glavu i ruku i noge je davao da Pogba prelazi u Junajted. I konstantno je uz to pominjao cifru od 145 miliona. Likovao je dobra dva meseca i eto pre neki dan Marota javi da je Juve platio Rajoli naknadu, tako da Palmieri nije znao šta priča. Smeh od novinara.Originally posted by DekinjoŠta mislite da su Livepulu poništili dva čista gola, a Sitiju nisu. Koliki bi bio rezultat? Pa 3:3Originally posted by La JugoslaviaCrvena zvezda je naša, iako je oteta, ona je naša, iako je okupirana. A da je oteta i okupirana, to stoji i to jeste, apsolutno se slažem.
Svaki menadzer ima svoje novinare, tako da u Sanu ima jedan lik koji odlicno saradjuje sa Murinjom i jedan u Skaju, ostali su potpuno nebitni iz ta dva medija, iako je Dankan taj koji ima najvise informacija kad je Murinjo u nekom klubu. Ogden, Dzekson i Miten koji su sve znali kod Mojesa od kad je on otisao nista ne znaju, generalno San je smece, ali sad ne mogu da se sjetim kako se zove covjek, ima sasvim dobar track record sa Murinjom. Medjutim i Skaj je prilicno smece, DM cak ima ozbiljnije stvari u poslednje vrijeme.
BBC je nesto drugo, svi ostali su dobri i losi. I sad treba pohvatati ko je dobar s kojim menadzerom. Dankan se samo sprdao Manceteru, a sad ce biti najpouzdaniji sa ostrva sto se tice desavanja u klubu.sigpic
Slazemo se da generalno treba pratiti novinare a ne listove same po sebi. Mada su po meni bbc i skaj izuzetak. Ja sam jedno leto pre neke dve godine poceo da pratim koji novinari znaju, tako sto bih, cim bbc ili skaj izbaci neku vest i vidim da se to stvarno desava, skrolovao do besvesti na tviter search-u da vidim koji novinar je prvi postavio tu vest.Ali eto nikad nisam naleteo na novinara iz Sun-a.
Originally posted by DekinjoŠta mislite da su Livepulu poništili dva čista gola, a Sitiju nisu. Koliki bi bio rezultat? Pa 3:3Originally posted by La JugoslaviaCrvena zvezda je naša, iako je oteta, ona je naša, iako je okupirana. A da je oteta i okupirana, to stoji i to jeste, apsolutno se slažem.
Sve je okej Zoze. Ali sad mu daj neke minute da se navikni na Engleski fudbal, jer trening i utakmica nije isto
Koeman: "He is a great player and he still hasn’t finished his career.
I don’t know his situation, I need to respect that.
If there is a possibility of Rooney at Everton, I would be very pleased."Leon Osman: "It would not surprise me," he told The Fantasy Football Club. "I think he has been mending bridges for a couple of seasons now and you know he is an Evertonian at heart. I am pretty sure he would love to come back and I hope it happens."sigpic
Mou on Carrick: "He is phenomenal. I have to manage him. I cannot expect from him what I expect from Rashford and Herrera."
Jose on Carrick: "One thing is to be 25, another thing is 35. That is logic. The only thing I can say is he is phenomenal, no doubts."
Jose: "I cant expect from Michael what I can expect from Rashford or Herrera, playing 3,4,5 consecutive matches." #MUFC
Jose Mourinho: "For sure when he is on the pitch he gives us important things, he gives us freedom and mental stability." #MUFC
Jose: "He has a big understanding of the game, it is a pity that you can't stop the clock. It's a pity that they become older."
Jose Mourinho: "In 5 years time, Messi will be 34 and we will all be crying that he is 34. Michael is very difficult to replace." #MUFCsigpic
I uopšte nisam postavila vest iz Sana, već Skaja..a to što su oni preuzeli vest sa portala koji se pozvao na San, zapravo me odmah naterao i da obrišem.
Ne zaostaje Sky u poslednje verme po netačnim vestima za Sunom, nisu uopšte više ono što su bili. Jer nadam se da je ovo netačno.
SpoilerLast edited by miloolja; 28-10-16, 17:18.sigpic
Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.
Do kada treba da nosim avatar!?
Malo mi prirastao srcu...
Originally posted by VladanSAFa niko nije mogao ni jednom da prezivi, Runi je to uradio dva puta. Masivan. Monumentalan. Bivsi. Pozdrav legendo, donesi Evertonu nemoguci san.
No Scholes, Giggs, Keane or Robson but no problem says Manchester United boss Mourinho
Jose Mourinho has opened up about his Man Utd squad ahead of facing Burnley at Old Trafford on Saturday.
Jose Mourinho has lamented that he hasn't got a Ryan Giggs, Paul Scholes, Roy Keane or Bryan Robson in the Manchester United squad he inherited.
The Reds' boss says he hasn't got a pool of players yet who know how to win and consistency is suffering.
United have endured roller-coaster form since Mourinho took charge but he says the ride will get smoother and he can cope with the huge Old Trafford expectations.
“In three months it is not so easy to change the most difficult thing which are personalities," he said.
“The style of play, even with mistakes, you can change here and there but at the psychological level it takes more time especially if you go against the nature of some of the personalities.
“When you don't have a very experienced squad where everybody knows how to win, what is needed to win, that consistency level you must have to cope with the routine of victories because that is difficult to cope with although it is easier than the routine of defeat! That's the most difficult time of the process.
“We need time. It is always the same story. At some clubs and with some managers they have all the time they want. Some clubs get time but with others you demand immediate success of the clubs and the managers. That's Manchester United and Jose Mourinho. No problem.”
Mourinho says his United introduction is similar to all his career moves.
“I always went to clubs in a non-easy process. I never went to a winning club with recent success where you can just introduce a bit of your salt and pepper and change the direction and the road to success was there,” he added.
“I always had difficult moments but then I left Porto as European champions, I left Inter as European champions, I left Chelsea with two titles in three years and I left Real Madrid with three Champions League semi-finals and with a title and then I got this club in a hard situation.
“It's not the way I prefer, it's just the way it is. It's the way I arrived at the club without Paul Scholes, Ryan Giggs, Roy Keane or Bryan Robson.
“I arrived later with a very good group of players to work with but many of them are not the end product, they are not ready, ready, ready, and some of them like Michael Carrick are in a period where they are phenomenal but they are not in the group that is 24 or 25 years old.
“It is a process but I don't change a word from the first day – we want to win. At this club you must say that always and at this moment we still have four competitions to win. Let's see out of the four what we win – four, three, two, one or nothing.”sigpic