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Manchester United
Dopao mi se prvi deo, deluje bas onako kao sto govori... Dobro, za te` opet kao da mu je dusa nasla neki mir.
Vidi se ta konekcija sa Jesse, vidi se da su uzivali u akademiji i svi ostali... Jesse jos u nedelju proslavljajuci gol plesao kao Pogba u spotu...
Ajde dobo dosao kuci i sada polako da napadamo i naravno da jos nekog prodamo / kupimo...>>>BrojimIzbrojao sam sate, minute, sekunde do pogleda na Mourinja u dresu MANCHESTER UNITED-a ! <<<
Ja bih gledao sad nekako da se resimo sto vise mozemo. Znaci Dzonsa i Roha prodas, dovedes jednog stopera. Matu ako mozes za neku cenu da prodas, jer sledece godine nece vredeti nista vise nego sad. Runi ce preziveti ovu sezonu i to je to. Dovedes Matuidia. Sledece sezone se dovodi Grizman, Runi odlazi. Imas francuski trio iza Rashe, Marsijal Pogba Grizman, a iza njih francuski duo Matuidi Snajderlin joj majko daj vinjak :vinjaksmajli:
Mora se za majstora postaviti poseban post!
Welcome To Manchester (ZLATAN United) 😎
Od uzbudjenja nisam video da to nije official...
Oh well... Daj jos vinjakaLast edited by Ser Deni ®; 09-08-16, 03:27.
Juventus press release on Paul Pogba
Fee €105M payable over two financial years, with a further €5M dependent on certain conditions #manutd #mufc #pogback
The money Juventus gets after "auxiliary expenses" (Raiola) is €72.6M #manutd #mufc #pogback
105 miliona u dve godine. Rajola uzeo od Juvea 32.4 miliona. HEJ! Mag.Last edited by Ser Deni ®; 09-08-16, 03:36.
Brajko 'de si?
Jel Raiola uzeo ovo od Juvea + od nas ili ? Miislim taj deo je i Pogbin od Juvea.
Stvarno nerealan posao odradio drveni. U dve finansijke godine, a plan je ove da se zaradi koliko 46?! Tako neka brojka. Bas sulud marketing odradio drveni sa Adidasom. Najbolje od svega ako proda dva igraca isplatio je pola Pogbe za ovu godinu.
E. zamisli jos ode Runi a dodje Marez?!
Ajmo stoper sada ako Mata ne ide, a sledece godine Grizman ili Bejl i lagano.Originally posted by VladanSAFa niko nije mogao ni jednom da prezivi, Runi je to uradio dva puta. Masivan. Monumentalan. Bivsi. Pozdrav legendo, donesi Evertonu nemoguci san.
What thoughts come into your head when you think back to the Under 18s here, winning the Youth Cup and breaking into the first team?
When I first came, I remember when I was at school at the academy. They used to come and drop us. I had this picture of my training. I saw Warren Joyce, I always remember the training I had with him, the changing room, the canteen where we eat, just the same and I was thinking about it before. It’s like a picture, I had my picture… it’s just something I cannot explain, it’s crazy. I just feel happy. There’s no words, to be honest, there’s no words. Just happiness. And I just can’t wait to start playing with my new team. It doesn’t look like it’s my new team, it’s just like I left this team and now I’ve come back. It’s just a great feeling to be honest.
We’ve missed you here on MUTV – we enjoyed having you here the first time. How did your experiences of being on MUTV regularly set up you?
I started on MUTV. My first interview was here at United. So now I come back and feel like I’m doing my old interview – I’m just taller, bigger, older. And I’m just enjoying it.
You’re signing for a very successful manager with a big personality, so how important was he in your decision to come here?
First of all, I spoke with a lot of players [who played under him] when he was at Madrid – I spoke with [Alvaro] Morata, [Raphael] Varane – and they all told me he’s the coach for me; he will make me improve a lot and make me work harder. I feel this. I spoke with him a few times and he gave me energy, he gave me positivity. So I was thinking ‘why not?’ I’m sure he can make me improve and make me a better player and a better person.
It’s been a big journey for you over the last six or seven years but you’re still very young in a footballing sense, so what do you feel you can you achieve in your career?
First of all, win the league for the first time with United, because I hadn’t won the league when I left. The Champions League, of course, and personally, one of my dreams is to win the Ballon d’Or. That will come with time hopefully but first the Premier League – I’ve never done it.
This move means you’re reunited with people like Jesse Lingard, who you played with in the FA Youth Cup-winning team. Have you kept in touch with those guys?
Always we kept talking – I’ve just kept in touch with him. I’m very happy for him and what he’s doing, very proud of him, because he just keeps it up. I know he went on loan, he came back, he went on loan again, but it was just Jesse Lingard scoring goals, as always. So I’m very happy for him. I see Sam Johnstone too, and Will Keane and some other players who went away. We just keep in touch and I’m very happy for them.
The fans are excited to have you here, so do you have a message for them?
I’m back and I can’t wait to make them happy, to show them that I’m still Paul Pogba but in a different way, and that I came here not to joke but to make them happy and feel like we can win the league. That’s why I came here.
Last edited by srdjan_sl; 09-08-16, 10:47.sigpic
Iako nisam bio preterano srecan zbog cene koju placamo, iako sam znao da cemo to lako povratiti kroz godinu dana plus transfer Pipite za ogromne pare je ublazio i ovaj transfer.
Nekako mi toplo oko srca sada kada ga vidim u crvenom dresu i jedva cekam da pocne sezona! Plus uz ceo ovaj hajp sam dobio zelju da uskoro kupim novi dres, i to oridji koji nije nimalo jeftin! 😁 I kada razmislis da tako imas milione ljudi koju slicno razmisljaju kao ja, zaradice se mnogo!
Ovim transferom se i pokazuje kakva je sila Junajted uprkos losim rezultatima u prethodne tri godine!
A i cini mi se da je polako vreme da menjam avatar, pocinje definitivno nova era...
Evo ja kao jedan od najvecih protivnika njegovog dolaksa (Vladan je ipak No1) i dalje mislim da ne vredi toliko, ali samo kapa dole drvenom, kako je izveo realizaciju transfera. Ima prostora da se dovede jos neko i ako se niko ne proda. Plus sledece godine klub ima da se usere od para ponovo.Stvarno ga je prekucao.
Bas sam odusevljen kako je izveo transfer. Bolje nego MarsijalaOriginally posted by VladanSAFa niko nije mogao ni jednom da prezivi, Runi je to uradio dva puta. Masivan. Monumentalan. Bivsi. Pozdrav legendo, donesi Evertonu nemoguci san.