Poenta posta je da opise mrtvilo ekipe cele sezone, gde mi je motiv gledanja i iscekivanja meceva svake nedelje bio sve manji. E onda se pojave ova dvojica i sve se preokrene. Ne toliko u rez ili igri ekipe, koliko u tome da su vratili, makar kod mene, ono nesto sto me cini horny (kako kaze VG) svaki put kada gledam Junajted. Naravno da oni nisu objektivno za Poty ali u mojoj glavi, bas zbog tog X faktora, neocekivanog, kao da jesu.
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Manchester United
José Mourinho vai treinar o Manchester United a partir da próxima época depois de se ter comprometido com o clube inglês no final do último ano, quando rescindiu contrato com o Chelsea.
Translation here -
Jose Mourinho will coach Manchester United from next season after having committed to the English club at the end of last year, when parted company with Chelsea .
Jornal de Noticias is one of Portugal's biggest newspapers, and it's not restricted to sport. Therefore for them to have Jose Mourinho splashed across their front page on Saturday means they think they've got a big story.
With a headline reading 'Jose Mourinho has signed for Manchester (United)', Jornal de Noticias get straight to the point. The article isn't available online and it isn't in their e-paper edition, only in a supplement inside the newspaper.
A little digging and we've found out the claims are: Mourinho has signed, he's been watching Manchester United matches to get an idea of the current squad and deficiencies in it, and he'll have full power on transfers, with the newspaper also pointing out he may well recruit some players from the Portuguese league.
It's not anything that hasn't been claimed before, it would be impossible for anything new to be claimed at this stage... given everything which has been said. However, Manchester United fans who want Mourinho may take comfort in how big Jornal de Noticias have gone with this.
In January, Jornal de Noticias reported that Mourinho was holding meetings with his former Chelsea assistant Rui Faria, talking about their future plans and keeping up their knowledge of players.sigpic
‘Everyone else was asleep but Marcus was doing sit-ups and press-ups’
February 25, 2016. Marcus Rashford is at the Manchester United team hotel, dining with the first-team squad before their Europa League encounter with Midtjylland. He is told that he will be on the substitutes’ bench. He calls home to tell his mother. She asks if she should make her way down to Old Trafford. “No,” he tells her. “I won’t get on.”
To his shock — not to mention his mother’s — Rashford is drafted into the starting line-up after Anthony Martial is injured in the warm-up. The 18-year-old scores twice on his debut and, for what feels like the first time all season, the United crowd have something to cheer about.
His mother, Melanie, cannot believe she missed his biggest moment, but she is overjoyed when he comes home. He is all over the next day’s papers — “all over them like a Rash”, to borrow from a popular red-top headline. Louis van Gaal tells him to keep his feet on the ground.
Three days later he makes his Barclays Premier League debut at home to Arsenal. He scores twice again, this time with his mother in attendance. “It’s unbelievable,” says a delighted Van Gaal.
Rashford’s sudden, spectacular emergence feels like a throwback to another age — stuff out of Roy of the Rovers, you may call it, a refreshing break from the stifling reality faced by so many young English footballers trying to make the grade with their local team.
Some wondered if he might be a flash in the pan, but no, the Rashford bandwagon has kept going. He has scored seven goals, some of them crucial or spectacular or both, in 13 first-team appearances for United, been proposed as a possible wild-card pick for England at Euro 2016 and, before he commits to a new contract worth tens of thousands of pounds a week, he has several of the sport’s most powerful agents — including Jorge Mendes, who works with José Mourinho, among many others — scrambling for the right to represent him. This evening brings an FA Cup semi-final against Everton at Wembley and, yes, his mother will be there. Rashford and his family are living the dream.
When Wayne Rooney made his debut for Everton as a 16-year-old in 2002, he and his family were still living in a council house in Croxteth, one of Merseyside’s toughest districts. Times have changed. Long before Rashford made his breakthrough into the United team, the teenager and his family had moved from Wythenshawe — the sprawling district where Shameless was filmed — to a five-bedroom detached house on a quiet road in Ashton-on-Mersey, just around the corner from the school (with an “outstanding” Ofsted rating) where, as part of his United scholarship, he spends Monday mornings and Thursdays studying for BTEC diplomas in business studies and sport.
Button Lane, Wythenshawe, is only three miles away, but it feels like a different world. “They moved away a few years ago,” a former neighbour says. “They still own the house here, but they rent it out now. You still see Marcus back here from time to time, but the family are sensible. They didn’t want to be around all this.”
“All this” is not easy to identify on a sunny April afternoon. Button Lane, in Northern Moor, might not be as quaint as it sounds, but nor does it appear as it did in The Duchess On The Estate, in which the Duchess of York paid an extended visit and portrayed it as the epitome of Broken Britain — “very sinister”, “these guys come out with their mobiles and knives as an accessory”, “that chap with the gun, it’s terrifying, it looks like a movie”.
Terrifying or not, Wythenshawe was a step up for Rashford and his family. Initially he had been brought up on the border of Withington and Moss Side in the midst of some localised but very troubling gang crime. “His mum was very shrewd,” says Dave Horrocks, academy development manager at Fletcher Moss Rangers, the youth team where Rashford first caught United’s eye as a seven-year-old. “There were problems where they were living and she was able to see how things might pan out if they stayed. She got them moved away and out of the firing line, so to speak. Compared to where he had been before, Northern Moor was quite affluent.”
“His mum is a diamond,” a family friend says. “His parents split up when he was quite young, but his mum always looked after the kids and kept them on the straight and narrow.”
Another consequence of that move was to take him from Manchester City territory — close to Maine Road and what was then their school of excellence at Platt Lane — to United territory. “He was being courted by both of them,” Horrocks says. “And because he was football-mad, he would train with United one night and City the next. The family didn’t have a car and, whereas City was on his doorstep, it was difficult for him to get to United, which was on the other side of town, so I sometimes used to pick him up and take him there.”
What was he like as a kid? “I couldn’t get two words out of him,” Horrocks says. “He was very shy, very quiet, but very focused.”
Simon Pyne, a teacher at Button Lane Primary School, is casting his mind back to a school trip to the Lake District — abseiling, canoeing, that sort of thing. “Even at that age, ten or eleven, Marcus was just so dedicated,” he says. “He would be up before the staff in the mornings, doing press-ups and sit-ups, preparing for the big time. He was already signed up with United by then and you could tell he wanted it so much.”
Pyne feels that Rashford’s focus, as well as the influence of his mother and older siblings, helped him to avoid some familiar pitfalls. “There were other boys of his age who went down other paths, if I can put it like that,” the teacher says. “He did extremely well to remain as motivated and dedicated as he was, considering some of the peers he had. His mum made sure of that. She pushed him, school-wise as well as football-wise. He had things to aim for from a very early age and he has absolutely made the most of that. Children don’t always have that.”
“You don’t have a crystal ball, so you never know for sure,” Horrocks says, back at Fletcher Moss Rangers, “but Marcus is one of those whose talent shone through straightaway. He scored 12 goals in one game. He was greedy with the ball, always looking to dribble and shoot. That’s not a criticism. We encourage them to dribble and shoot at that age because that’s what they enjoy. You work on the passing later. He was always hungry for the ball. Even when he was walking here with his brothers, Dwaine and Dane, he would be dribbling a ball all the way here or balancing it on his head.”
He quickly came to United’s attention. “I had him from under-7s to under-10s,” Phil Brogan, a former academy coach at United, says. “He was a great mover. He scored goals, but at that age it was more about what he did on the ball — he was quick, great skills, great technique. He was like a Brazilian player, the way he dribbled. The way we coached them, particularly once René Meulensteen came in, was about taking risks, expressing themselves – no fear. That was Marcus. He was a happy kid, always with the ball at his feet.”
At that time, the player causing most excitement in United’s academy — among everyone, from Sir Alex Ferguson down — was another Fletcher Moss Rangers graduate from Wythenshawe. Ravel Morrison was four and a half years Rashford’s senior, but his talent was undermined by a complex personality and a perceived susceptibility to trouble and “the wrong crowd”. At 23 he is at Lazio, but his career has been unravelling for some time.
“Marcus’s family kept him away from the negative influences that Ravel couldn’t get away from,” Horrocks says. “The best listeners are the best learners. Of the many players from Fletcher Moss who have made it into professional football, Ravel was the only one who wasn’t a listener. He got where he got to through pure talent. Marcus had talent, but, like Danny Welbeck, he was a listener. He would take on board whatever was said to him.”
Morrison’s development was characterised by peaks and troughs in mood and performance. Rashford’s progress through United’s academy was serene. The only worry he caused United was when City came calling again around his 16th birthday. City were determined to sign the one who got away, but Rashford stayed put. He felt he was on course for where he wanted to be.
Last season Rashford scored 13 goals in 27 appearances for United’s under-18 team — a promising return, but not enough to see him fast-tracked to the under-21s, let alone the senior squad. He made his debut for the under-21s only in September, but within two months he had been given a first-team squad number and named as a substitute for a Premier League game away to Watford. Nicky Butt, now United’s head of academy, showed him clips of Ruud van Nistelrooy to teach him how to learn to be in the right place at the right time. Rashford took all the advice on board and started to score regularly for the under-21s. The big time was getting closer, even if the thought of regular first-team football for United still seemed distant.
That unscheduled debut against Midtjylland in February, brought about by a severe injury crisis, changed everything. Ferguson often said that you needed to test young players in the first team before you could be sure whether they would sink or swim. Rashford has done more than swim. He has quickly soared to heights that few, even at United, expected.
“I always thought he had the talent and the right attitude, but he has added different things to his game,” Brogan says. “He was a winger in those early days, but he has developed into a really good centre forward. He’s had a growth spurt, which helps, and he looks good in the air now. His finishing is so calm. One thing I would say is that people haven’t seen much of his skills and tricks yet. I’m sure that will change as his confidence grows. He’s a great talent. He can be anything he wants to be.”
Something that everybody says about Rashford is that he wants to optimise his talent. He does not want to be a flash in the pan, an eight-week wonder. Van Gaal has been consistent not only in selecting him but with a mantra about the need to stay humble, work hard and keep improving. Rashford’s family, particularly his older brothers, have rallied around to try to protect him from Manchester’s bright lights and the perennial problems of hangers-on. That includes the dilemma over whether to enlist the help of an agent to negotiate his first big contract or whether to continue to look after his affairs with help from Welbeck’s brothers.
Rashford is said to have remained gloriously unaffected. The morning after his two goals against Arsenal he could be found in the sixth-form common room at Ashton-on-Mersey School. A few weeks ago he could be seen back on Button Lane with friends. “He came in for a chicken patty or some fried chicken,” Hemen Farouq, at J’s Rhythm takeaway, says. “He’s a nice guy, a good guy, the same as he was when he was living over the road.”
Fascinantan clanak Olivera Keja u danasnjem Tajmsu o Markusu. Odrastanje, Ravel Morison i taj debi protiv Midtjyllanda.
Obavezno stivo pred polufinale.sigpic
Nikako Lingard. Raspada se već mesec ipo dana
Ali nema šanse Erice, previše će ziherasiti LVG za takvu formaciju.Originally posted by VladanSAFa niko nije mogao ni jednom da prezivi, Runi je to uradio dva puta. Masivan. Monumentalan. Bivsi. Pozdrav legendo, donesi Evertonu nemoguci san.
Originally posted by l1m4r View PostNikako Lingard. Raspada se već mesec ipo dana
Ali nema šanse Erice, previše će ziherasiti LVG za takvu formaciju.sigpic
Timi Kerik Runi u sredini.
Rasford Marsijal Memfis
Samo sto se to tek neće gledatiOriginally posted by VladanSAFa niko nije mogao ni jednom da prezivi, Runi je to uradio dva puta. Masivan. Monumentalan. Bivsi. Pozdrav legendo, donesi Evertonu nemoguci san.
Evo protiv Palasa, prodje dvojicu sa desne strane, isto kao Alena protiv Liverpula, udje u 16, sam je, moze da radi sta pozeli, uspori do maximuma, kao skenira 16erac, dodje igrac iza njega i uzme mu loptu.
Ogranicen levom nogom i mozgom. Neka, hvala.sigpic
Kod Valensija mi je najgore kada prodje sve uradi kako treba i onda počne da tapka nogama oko lopte.
Tu me najviše iznervira. Inace je ovako gotivac
. Krvavi radnik.Originally posted by VladanSAFa niko nije mogao ni jednom da prezivi, Runi je to uradio dva puta. Masivan. Monumentalan. Bivsi. Pozdrav legendo, donesi Evertonu nemoguci san.