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  • Jbt 'ladno Kol pocinje veceras valjda mora da se proda pa ga Brendan forsira, ne vidim drugo objasnjenje. Nadam se da ce bar Suso igrati u sredini a Kol desno.

    James Pearce iz Liverpool Echo-a (webchat):

    Hi James, Is it possible Downing goes to EFC?
    - I don't know if Everton want him but if the offer is decent enough Downing will be sold in January. He's starting tonight's game against Young Boys so he certainly won't be going out on loan to Middlesbrough as suggested before the Football League deadline today.

    What does the future hold for Joe Cole? A return loan to Lille, or perhaps West Ham or QPR? Sitting out his contract? I've heard they showed him highlight videos of his old self, and even that hasn't lifted his confidence levels. . . What be done to turn this situation around?
    - I can't see Cole forcing his way into Rodgers' plans. By playing him tonight against Young Boys it's a case of putting him in the shop window. Liverpool will look to get him off the wage bill in January. They tried to do that in the summer but Cole wanted to stay put. The fact is Cole hasn't been the same player since he did his cruciate back in 2009. Signing him on a free transfer on such a huge salary has been a very expensive mistake for Liverpool.

    Is Sturridge really the top target in Jan? I was hoping for some foreign strikers. More value for money.
    - I wouldn't say Sturridge is the top target but there is interest. Liverpool are still considering their options - the window doesn't open for another 6 weeks. Obviously the change of manager at Chelsea may have a impact on Sturridge's future. He hardly featured under Di Matteo but Benitez may decide to play him. Rodgers likes Sturridge and was keen to get him on a season-long loan back in August but the player was only interested in a permanent move. The owners would have paid £15m but Rodgers thought at that price he was too much of a risk.

    Any truth to rumours LFC will try to re-sign Tom Ince in Jan?
    - In terms of Tom Ince, contrary to some reports Liverpool haven't submitted a bid for him but they have been monitoring his progress closely. It will be interesting to see if that develops into firm interest in January.

    What do we need more? A st or a rw?
    - Rodgers has made it clear he wants 2 or 3 attacking players in January. He wants strikers who are versatile and can play either through the middle or out wide in his 4-3-3 formation.

    How serious is the clubs interest in Theo Walcott?
    - Yes, the interest in Walcott is very serious. He would certainly fit into Rodgers' system with his ability to play wide in the 4-3-3 or through the centre. It's good news for Liverpool that Walcott's contract dispute is still rumbling on. I knew Wenger has said he won't be sold in January, even if he doesn't sign a new deal, but I can't believe that's true. If Arsenal were offered £6m-£8m for a player who could walk for free in June then I'm sure they would take it. Walcott is a boyhood Liverpool fan but one possible stumbling block could be wages. Reports suggest he has turned down £75k a week at Arsenal and I can't see Liverpool improving on that. It all depends what Walcott is motivated by.

    Is LFC interested in Mertens?
    - Not that I know of.

    Is the scouting team complete in place?
    - Yes, Dave Fallows and Barry Hunter have been working since September and have been assessing targets across the globe. They know what Rodgers is after and their task is to give the manager a range of suitable options.

    With Lucas's recent injuries, should we be looking at bringing in another defensive midfielder?
    - It's great news that Lucas is back fit again and I don't think we need another defensive midfielder. Rodgers has Lucas and Allen, plus Gerrard can play in that role. The real priority is getting players in Jan who can stick the ball in the net.
    Last edited by The Admiral; 22-11-12, 15:31.
    When I die, don't bring me to hospital. Bring me to Anfield. I was born there and will die there! S.G.8


    • Liverpool have approached German side Hamburg over their South Korean forward Son Heung-Min, according to reports on Thursday and quotes from Hamburg player Rafael van der Vaart.

      Van der Vaart is quoted saying: “He [Heung-Min] must stay here [Hamburg]. Of course it is tempting when Liverpool approaches you and offers twenty million [Euros].

      “Yet here he has confidence, he plays regularly and can get better. He is a very important player for us.”

      Heung-Min, 20, has six goals in 12 games in the Bundesliga this season. But his current deal expires in 2014 and has stalled on signing a new contract with Hamburg – so van der Vaart’s claim of a £16m bid seems rather unlikely. Previous reports had suggested a fee of less than £10m would be more likely.

      "There are only two sides in Liverpool. Liverpool and Liverpool reserves." - Bill Shankly



      • The Reds team in full: Reina, Wisdom, Downing, Carragher, Skrtel, Suso, Sahin, Henderson, Assaidi, Cole, Shelvey.

        Subs: Jones, Enrique, Gerrard, Coates, Sterling, Allen, Suarez.
        Jonjo false 9
        When I die, don't bring me to hospital. Bring me to Anfield. I was born there and will die there! S.G.8


        • Ne znam mnogo o igracu zaista, pa ne mogu nista vise reci, slabo pratim Bundes... Nek' se javi neki fan Bundesa da nam kaze o kakvom se igracu radi, ricMa, javi se...

          Originally posted by C-Bosh View Post
          Jonjo false 9
          Ma pusti to jadan, Cole u prvoj...
          Last edited by Freshman; 22-11-12, 18:57.

          “We have to change, from doubters, to believers, now.”
          -Jürgen Klopp


          • Shelvey napadac?
            Originally posted by Casiraghi
            Al bar nauci me drugoj da se dam da tebi nevernoj budem Emre Can
            Originally posted by Casiraghi
            Ti nikad neces biti kao Joel Matip.

            Originally posted by Casiraghi
            Srecan Mane svima koji slave.


            • Cole je dobio priliku da bi dosla neka ponuda za njega, pa da napusti klub u Januaru, daj Boze.

              Heung Min je mnogo talentovan igrac, ali nije za nas.

              Assaidi najbolji za sada...
              Last edited by bjelaksson[YNWA]; 22-11-12, 20:31.


              • Smor sto ne dobismo ovo

                Ako nista Kol je odigrao dobro, lakse cemo ga prodati u januaru

                Standardna prica, igramo fino, stvaramo sanse i na kraju protivnik iz nicega daje golove. Ocajnicki cekam povratak Lucasa, ne mogu vise da gledam ovu bezmudost na sredini.
                When I die, don't bring me to hospital. Bring me to Anfield. I was born there and will die there! S.G.8


                • Tako je to kad se ne iskoriste sanse i onda protivnik kazni mada nismo ni odigrali nesto specijalno s obzirom o kakvom se protivniku radilo.Ne treba nista reci vise kad je Joe Cole bio najbolji igrac veceras,uz njega jos pozitivnu ocjenu mogu dobiti Shelvey i Suso i nije mi jasno zasto je njega Rodgers izvodio.Vidjelo se veceras koliko tu igraca ima koji ne zasluzuju igrati u klubu.Treba cekati januar i nadati se da ce doci makar 1-2 kvalitetna pojacanja.

                  "There are only two sides in Liverpool. Liverpool and Liverpool reserves." - Bill Shankly

                  LFC:18+5=THE GREATEST


                  • Opet remi i to vec postaje specialnost Liverpool-a... U zadnje vrijeme su se pojavile price oko toga da bi Kavani mogao preci kod nas pa me interesuje ima li istine u tome da li nasi mogu da izdvoje novac za njega vec u januaru???


                    • Originally posted by SOMI View Post
                      Opet remi i to vec postaje specialnost Liverpool-a... U zadnje vrijeme su se pojavile price oko toga da bi Kavani mogao preci kod nas pa me interesuje ima li istine u tome da li nasi mogu da izdvoje novac za njega vec u januaru???
                      Tony Barett, pouzdan novinar iz Times-a i navijac L'poola je rekao da budzet nije preciziran za januar, pa se moze desiti boom, ali sanse da se to desi su, pa kako da kazem, 0,00000001%...;) Dakle u sustini, Brendan ce imati novac da dovede igrace koje on zeli, ali u dozi realnosti. Ovog Bonija kad bi doveli, to bi bio odlican potez jer mi se cini da je momak stvarno dobar igrac i pravi golgeter, dosta me podseca na Drogbu moram priznati. Zao mi je sto samo ne postoji nikakav interes za Mertensa, stvarno ne razumem zasto.

                      Isto tako, bili su skauti na Amsterdam areni prekjuce, naravno, gledali su Eriksena, tako da tu postoji interes.

                      “We have to change, from doubters, to believers, now.”
                      -Jürgen Klopp


                      • @freshman Iz Ajaxa su porucili da ce prihvatiti ponudu od 20m za Eriksena- po meni je to previse...
                        Liverpool have reportedly been informed by Ajax that it will take £20 million for them to lure Christian Eriksen away from the Amsterdam Arena ...
                        Slazem se za Bonya, postigao je 14 golova ove sezone i odlican je, fino se postavlja ima odlican udarac , a dobar je i u skok igri. Sta ja znam, po meni je on realniji od Eriksena..

                        @SOMI - Kavani je trazio od agenta da zapocne pregovore sa Liverpoolom, znaci ocigledno je da postoji zelja. Pitanje je da li cemo mi imati kinte da ga platimo jer ima jak ugovor sa Napolijem a oni ga nece pustiti ispod nekih 35-40m :/

                        NAPOLI star striker, and one of the hottest properties in World football, Edinson Cavani wants to have talks with Liverpool FC, according to the player’s agent.
                        “It is no secret that Cavani wants to play in England; it is one of his biggest dreams.”
                        Last edited by bjelaksson[YNWA]; 23-11-12, 10:27.


                          Originally posted by Casiraghi
                          Al bar nauci me drugoj da se dam da tebi nevernoj budem Emre Can
                          Originally posted by Casiraghi
                          Ti nikad neces biti kao Joel Matip.

                          Originally posted by Casiraghi
                          Srecan Mane svima koji slave.


                          • Prodajom Colea, Dawninga, Hendersona i Carrella bi mogli dobiti bar 25 m i dodavanjem oko 15 m mogli b dovesti Cavania i jos bi ustedili na platama pomenutih balvana. Uz dovodjenje i Eriksena to bi bila potpuno druga prica.


                            • Rekao mi je da želi ići u Liverpool i igrati sa Luisom Suarezom. - izjavio je agent Edinsona Cavania.
                              Ovo se baš zahuktava... Kavanijev agent navodno trazi platu od 120 hiljada za svog klijenta.



                              • Ljudi to su fake citati njegovog agenta, ne mogu da vjerujem sta pisete Koji crni Kavani, nemojte da se zajebavamo. Pa predsednik Napolija je rekao da ispod 50 miliona nece ni da razmislja, a i ne znam zasto bi dolazio u tim koji ne igra LS.

                                U21 ekipa pobjedila 'Boro sa 1-0, Lucas je odigrao 60 minuta, i djelovao je dosta dobro, nije ulazio jako u duele, ali je osvajao dosta lopti, poslao nekoliko odlicnih pasova, sve u svemu zadovoljan sam kako je odigrao. Rodgers je rekao da ocekuje da bude spreman sledeceg vikenda, to ce biti mec protiv Southemptona na Anfieldu.

                                Prilicno dosadno prvo poluvrijeme, Morgan je promasio 100 % sansu i to je otprilike sve sto smo u uradili u prvom pol. Drugo je bilo dosta bolje, redjale su se prilike ali se Morgan ispromasivao, na kraju je on uspio da postigne gol nakon greske odbrane. Joao Teixeira je jako talentovan decko, usao je tamo oko 60. minuta i vrlo dobro odigrao, vidi se da zna fudbala, vratio se posle povrede od 6 mjeseci i nadam se da ce nastaviti da kida. Polazem velike nade u njega.

                                U srijedu klinci igraju protiv Dortmunda u Next Genu, mislim da ce biti prenos na Eurosportu.
                                When I die, don't bring me to hospital. Bring me to Anfield. I was born there and will die there! S.G.8

