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  • Suarez odlicno asistirao za Forlana u remiju Urugvaja i Paragvaja.

    A strelac je bio ko drugi neko Dirk, u svom stilu pokupio odbitak za 2:1.

    Blekpul se interesuje za Vilsona, zele ga na pozajmicu, bilo bi to odlicno.

    Ovo nije novost ali nije ovde napisano. Igramo sledeceg utorka prijateljsku sa Rendzersom u Glazgovu. U losoj su finansijskoj situaciji, a ovaj mec ce im doneti pare i nasi su prihvatili pozivnicu, Adam i Vilson su insistirali a Keni i gazde dali zeleno svetlo. Ne bi trebalo da nam predstavlja neki problem to putovanje, cak mislim da je to plus zbog ritma za Evropu sledece godine, treba biti spreman na isti i vratiti se na to.


    • Jos par stvari iz Pepeove knjige:


      • Cudan covek ovaj Reina Mada dosta sportista ima odredjene ''rituale'' koje izvode pre utakmice. Izgleda da se tako nose sa pritiskom.

        Imam osecaj da dobijamo Mancestera za vikend!


        • Imam i ja dobar osecaj za ovaj mec i veliki sam optimista.

          Evo jos jedan deo iz knjige vezan za Rafu:



          • King Kenny:

            "People say this is the biggest game of the season, "I don't look at any game as being big or small. It's another game where you get three points for winning."
            Keni u svom stilu.

            Evo video od 15 min na sajtu, besplatan, najbolje od poslednjeg derbija.


            Keli izjavio kako je Karager pravi naslednik Kenija na klupi jednog dana. Izgleda da bi ovo stvarno mogla da mu bude poslednja sezona jer se sve vise pricaju price ovog tipa u poslednjih 10-ak dana. Moja zelja je da igra bar do 2014, mnogo znaci ovom timu. A jeste da nije onaj stari ali konacno nam krece na bolje i steta bi bilo da ode sad kad imamo sansu za trofeje.


            • Breaking news!


              Svi zdravi trenutno i spremni za derbi!

              Ostaje za pojedince videti da li ce biti na klupi ili startuju. Dzerard 99% pocinje, a Dzonson i Ager su znak pitanja. Ager mislim da ce ipak poceti jer nema dobru zamenu kao Dzonson.


              • Odlicne vijesti.

                Ocekujem mozda sastav u subotu:Reina,Johnson-Carragher-Agger-Enrique,Lucas-Adam-Gerrard,Downing-Carroll-Suarez,a na klupi bi imali tri odlicna igraca:Henderson,Bellamy i Kuyt.

                "There are only two sides in Liverpool. Liverpool and Liverpool reserves." - Bill Shankly

                LFC:18+5=THE GREATEST


                • Kenijeva konferencija:
                  KD: It's not me versus Ferguson

                  Kenny Dalglish today insisted that reducing the gap to the top of the table will be his only priority when Manchester United visit Anfield on Saturday - and dismissed any notion of a personal rivalry with Alex Ferguson.

                  Dozens of reporters turned up to Melwood on Thursday ahead of one of the tastiest encounters in any football calendar.

                  But Dalglish batted away questions about any rivalry between himself and the fellow Glaswegian who will be in the opposing dugout.

                  Instead he is focusing on narrowing the six-point deficit between ourselves and the Reds from Manchester.

                  The boss said: "We've got an opportunity to reduce the gap and it's up to us to take it.

                  "They are a fantastic team, a hugely successful football club, and we know it's going to be a very difficult game. But I think they'll look at it and think exactly the same thing.

                  "I don't have any individual contest with Fergie. It's the football clubs who play. We don't play anymore. We can't really influence it other than in the build-up and preparation for the games. The most important thing for us is how we compete as a team on the pitch.

                  "The head to head (between him and Ferguson) - I haven't got a clue what it is and it doesn't really matter to me anyway. I'm in competition with him because we're competing on Saturday, but over and above that, as I've always said, we're a unit, everyone's got a role to play.

                  "I'm not egotistical, I'm not in this to get one over anyone else. This football club is more important than me and always will be. The result on Saturday is more important because it's about how millions of other people feel, rather than how I feel. It's not a boxing match, it's a game of football.

                  "They are in a position that everyone wants to be in, and that's top position in the league. You cannot argue with that because you want to be there yourself. They've set a standard for everyone else to follow or surpass and it's up to us to take up the challenge."

                  One weakness displayed by Manchester United this term has been their inability to stop opposition sides creating chances.

                  Asked if that was encouraging heading into the lunchtime encounter, Dalglish replied: "Our encouragement comes from the quality of the players we have here.

                  "I don't think you're ever given anything - you have to earn it. That's why we're comfortable: because the players we have can earn chances for themselves. We just need to look after ourselves. If someone wants to present you with a chance, we've got to take it, but we've got to go on the pitch knowing that we'll have to create chances. "

                  One reporter suggested that Liverpool versus Manchester United was the defining game in the Barclays Premier League, but Dalglish was having none of that.

                  "It doesn't define the Premier League for me," he said. "The Premier League has got a lot of fantastic football clubs in it, some great games every week outside of Manchester United v Liverpool.

                  "I think you're undermining the Premier League and the importance of the Premier League to many millions of people. For us it's an important game. We want to go out and do our best but the Premier League as an entity has just as important teams as Manchester United and Liverpool."

                  Dalglish was also probed on the fact Manchester United's ticket allocation for Anfield has been reduced this season.

                  He said: "That's nothing to do with me. If we produce what we can produce on the pitch you won't hear them anyway. I don't know the number of people coming in or if it's been reduced or the reason why. That's not for us to be concerned about."

                  Meanwhile, the Scot was giving nothing away on whether Steven Gerrard would make his first start since March following several substitute appearances since leaving the treatment room.

                  "We'll continue to manage it as well as we have done up until now," said Dalglish. "We're not in any position to sit here and disclose our team for two days' time but we're delighted with the progress he's made and he's delighted with the way he's been looked after, in a very professional and considerate manner.

                  "We'll continue to do that and when we think he's ready to play or when we need him to play, he'll be the first to answer the call. We're not going to sit here just now and tell you what our team is."
                  Last edited by Casiraghi; 13-10-11, 17:15.


                  • Originally posted by Joe Cole 10 View Post
                    Odlicne vijesti.

                    Ocekujem mozda sastav u subotu:Reina,Johnson-Carragher-Agger-Enrique,Lucas-Adam-Gerrard,Downing-Carroll-Suarez,a na klupi bi imali tri odlicna igraca:Henderson,Bellamy i Kuyt.
                    To bi nam bio najbolji sastav koji imamo verovatno... Odlicne vesti, svim raspolozivim snagama na Man Utd....

                    “We have to change, from doubters, to believers, now.”
                    -Jürgen Klopp


                    • Ne verujem ja u 4-3-3, Keni voli i forsira 4-4-2, zeli sistem igre u toj formaciji.

                      Ja ocekujem ovo:

                      Reina - Keli, Karager, Ager, Enrike - Kujt, Lukas, Dzerard, Dauning - Suarez, Kerol.

                      Klupa: Doni, Dzonson, Skrtel, Henderson, Belami, Maksi, Adam.
                      Last edited by Casiraghi; 13-10-11, 21:23.


                      • vidim svi ocekuju kerola u prvih 11 slazem se da je u formi, al setite se kako smo rastavili MU u poslednjem mecu, bez kerola.. mene uopste ne bi cudilo da pocnemo sa sredinom Lukas-Dzerard,Adam-Dauning, Kajt Moda i belami uskoci umesto nekoga.. a u napadu macka, naravno


                        • Igrace Endi 100% sad kad je konacno krenuo.

                          Evo, ima godinu dana kako nas je uzeo FSG i to je svakako dobrih godinu dana. 10 kljucnih momenata opisani ovde:


                          Sa njima samo napredujemo i nadam se da ce jos dugo biti vlasnici. Nema boljeg gazde od Dzona Henrija.


                          • Podmladak je dobio svoj derbi 2:1, strelci Morgan (svaki put da gol jbt ) i Meti Regan. Momci posle losijeg starta polako ulaze u formu i nadam se da ce sad da gaze. Valjda ce proci grupu u LS.



                              Kelly spreman za utakmicu.


                              Kenny zeli produziti ugovor Gerrardu i Carragheru koji im istice 2013.


                              "There are only two sides in Liverpool. Liverpool and Liverpool reserves." - Bill Shankly

                              LFC:18+5=THE GREATEST


                              • Joe leba ti, gde nadje ovu sliku sa sivonjom, ne mogu da ga gledam u nasoj temi.

                                Stivi kontam da ce da produzi jos malo, a Karager bi mogao u penziju, sve se vise prica o tome. Ja licno ne bi voleo, moja je zelja da bude u timu sto duze, da igra 5 utakmica u sezoni ako treba i to onih lakih ali samo da je tu, bice tesko navici se na Liverpul bez njega. Otkad znam za sebe i otkad volim ovaj tim, on je tu.

