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Newcastle United

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    U subotu, posle još jednog poraza u nizu, manager sunderland-a Martin O'Neill je dobio otkaz. Da ih spasi od ispadanja, pokušaće niko drugi do Italijanski fašista Paolo Di Canio, sa kojim je vlasnik sunderland-a Ellis Short potpisao ugovor na dve i po godine.
    Last edited by Mags Serbia; 31-03-13, 21:40.
    "What is a club in any case? Not the buildings or the directors or the people who are paid to represent it. It’s not the television contracts, get-out clauses, marketing departments or executive boxes. It’s the noise, the passion, the feeling of belonging, the pride in your city. It’s a small boy clambering up stadium steps for the very first time, gripping his father’s hand, gawping at that hallowed stretch of turf beneath him and, without being able to do a thing about it, falling in love." - Sir Bobby Robson




      Pravi fudbalski (dvo)čas fudbala igrači Manchester City-a su održali igračima Newcastle United-a. Lako, gotovo sa pola snage, izabranici Roberto Mancini-a su dali četiri gola igračima Newcastle-a.

      Newcastle United se dobro držao do 41. minuta, ali tada Carlos Tevez sa dva metra postiže gol, za 1:0.

      Da se na odmor otišlo minimalnim vođstvom građana, možda bi Newcastle United nešto više i učinio u drugom delu igre, ali tako nije hteo David Silva koji povećava vođstvo svog tima na 2:0 u drugoj minuti sudijske nadoknade.

      U nastavku igre Newcastle United je imao dve prilike preko kapitena Yohan Cabaye-a, ali to je bilo sve što su crno-beli učinili na ovom meču.

      U 56. minutu kapiten domaćih Vincent Kompany efektno petom povećava rezultat na 3:0.

      Konačan rezultat 4:0 postavlja autogolom James Paerch u 69. minutu, posle lepog udarca Yaya Toure-a.

      Konačan rezultat: 4 : 0

      NUFC: Elliot, Simpson, Yanga-Mbiwa, S.Taylor, Gutierrez, Anita, Cabaye (Bigirimana 74), Gouffran (Gosling 63), Sissoko, Obertan (Perch 46), Cisse.
      Subs n/u: Harper, Good, Marveaux, Campbell.

      MCFC: Hart, Zabaleta, Kompany (Garcia 74), Lescott, Clichy, Barry, Yaya Toure, Silva (Sinclair 83), Nasri (Aguero 71), Tevez, Dzeko.
      Subs n/u: Pantilmon, Kolo Toure, Kolarov, Milner.

      Sudija: Neil Swarbrick

      Gledalaca: 47,201 (oko 1900 Toon Army)

      Posle 31. kola Premier League nalazimo se na 15. mestu sa sakupljenih 33 boda i sa samo tri boda više od mesta koje vodi u niži rang takmičenja. Sledeće dva meča u Premier League su od vitalnog značaja za opstanak. Dočekujemo Fulham i sunderland. Međutim, već u četvrtak igramo meč sa Benfica-om u Lisabonu u okviru Europa League.

      "What is a club in any case? Not the buildings or the directors or the people who are paid to represent it. It’s not the television contracts, get-out clauses, marketing departments or executive boxes. It’s the noise, the passion, the feeling of belonging, the pride in your city. It’s a small boy clambering up stadium steps for the very first time, gripping his father’s hand, gawping at that hallowed stretch of turf beneath him and, without being able to do a thing about it, falling in love." - Sir Bobby Robson




        Benfica je kao domaćin u prvom meču četvrtfinala Europa League na Estadio da Luz savladala Newcastle United rezultatom 3:1

        Sve je počelo kako treba za Newcastle United, jer su svrake već u 12. minutu preko Papiss Cisse-a došli u vođstvo od 0:1. Bila je to lepa akcija crno belih, kada je Sissoko sa pozicije desnog krila poslao upotrebljivu loptu na peterac, gde je najbolje reagovao Papiss Cisse, koji je mirno poslao loptu u mrežu domaćih, za veliko slavlje čak 3800 gostujućih navijača

        Papiss Cisse je mogao da duplira prednost svraka, nekoliko minuta posle vodeće gola, ali u tome ga je sprečila stativa.

        Tada je Benfica počela da igra i već u 25. minutu posle veoma jakog udarca Cardozo-a, Krul odbija loptu na desetak metara, gde je brži od odbrambenih igrača crno belih bio Moreno, koji preciznim udarcem izjednačava rezultat na 1:1.

        Do kraja poluvremena Tim Krul je u nekoliko navrata odlično reagovao, odbranivši udarce igrača u crvenim dresovima.

        Posle samo dva minuta u drugom poluvremenu, Marveaux prelepom loptom pronalazi Cisse-a, koji je sa dvadesetak metara prebacio golmana Benfica-e Artur-a, ali lopta umesto da se nađe u mreži, pogađa stativu i odbija se polje.

        U 65. minutu Davide Santon je pokušao da sa pozicije levog beka vrati loptu Krul-u, ali je to osujetio Lima, stigao pre Krul-a do lopte i gotovo iz mrtvog ugla sa desne strane poslao loptu u praznu mrežu za 2:1.

        Još veća tragedija za Newcastle United desila se u 71. minutu kada je posle jednog kornera lopta u ruku pogodila Steven Taylor-a, koji se nalazio u svom šesnaestercu a sudija Antony Gautier pokazao na belu tačku. Oscara Cardozo je bio precizan sa bele tačke i tako doveo svoj tim u vođstvo od 3:1. Cardozo je penal morao da izvodi dva puta, jer je pre njegovog prvog udarca sa bele tačke nekoliko igrača uletelo u šesnaesterac.

        Do kraja utakmice igrači Newcastle United-a su pokušali da smanje prednost domaćih, ali u tome nisu uspeli, pre svega zahvaljujući očajnom pomoćnom sudiji koji je mahao smešne ofsajde.

        Benfica je želela i četvrti gol, ali to joj nije pošlo za nogom

        Konačan rezultat: 3 : 1

        NUFC: Krul, Simpson (Gosling 83), Santon, S.Taylor, Yanga-Mbiwa, Cabaye, Perch (Anita 62), Sissoko, Gutierrez, Marveaux (S.Ameobi 80), Cisse.
        Subs n/u: Elliot, Williamson, Obertan, Campbell.

        Benfica: Artur, Luisao, Garay, Melgarejo, Ola John, Gaitan, Matic, Almeida, Gomes (Perez 61), Cardozo (Pereira 77), Moreno (Lima 61).
        Subs n/u: Paulo Lopes, Roderick Miranda, Aimar, Urretaviscaya.

        Sudija: Antony Gautier (France)

        Gledalaca: 44,133 (3.800 Toon Army)

        Očekuje nas vrlo vrlo težak revanš, međutim, ako Newcastle odigra kao što zna i ume, možemo i do prolaska u polufinale Europa League.

        "What is a club in any case? Not the buildings or the directors or the people who are paid to represent it. It’s not the television contracts, get-out clauses, marketing departments or executive boxes. It’s the noise, the passion, the feeling of belonging, the pride in your city. It’s a small boy clambering up stadium steps for the very first time, gripping his father’s hand, gawping at that hallowed stretch of turf beneath him and, without being able to do a thing about it, falling in love." - Sir Bobby Robson




          Posle rovovske borbe, Newcastle United je pobedio Fulham rezultatom 1:0 golom Papiss Cisse-a u 93. minutu utakmice.

          Prvo poluvreme nije bilo toliko sadržajno kao drugo, ali ipak pun St James' Park je video dosta dobru igru i sa jedne i sa druge strane.

          Prvu priliku za goste imao je Berbatov koji je udarcem sa distance pripretio Krul-u ali je lopta otišla visoko preko prečke. Brian Ruiz je imao jedan vrlo dobar solo prodor ali je njegovu povratnu loptu u korner izbacio stameni Yanga-Mbiwa. Upravo posle tog kornera Fulham stvara odličnu priliku, kada je Stanislav Manolev šutirao sa tri metra a njegov udarac odbranio Tim Krul.

          Sa druge strane Papiss Cisse je imao tri prilike. Dva puta je uputio udarac preko prečke, dok je u trećoj prilici njegov udarac bio izblokiran.

          U nastavku igre igrao se mnogo bolji fudbal nego u prvom delu igre.

          Već u 53. minutu posle udarca Vurnon Anita-e, lopta pogađa jednog igrača Fulham-a i u čudnom luku udara u prečku i odbija se u korner.

          Posle jednog kornera Gouffran je odlično skočio na petercu gostiju, uputio udarac glavom, ali umesto u mrežu, lopta udara u ruku igrača gostiju Riether-a. U nastavku akcije Cisse sa tri metra pogađa stativu. Igrači Newcastle United-a i publika je vrištala za penalom, ali sudija Friend se oglušio o njihove molbe.

          Najbolju priliku za goste imao je Berbatov koji je glavom uputio udarac ka Krul-ovim rašljama, ali je golman Newcastle-a maestralno reagovao i izbacio loptu u kroner.

          Minut pre kraja devedesetog minuta Papiss Cisse sa desetak metara glavom upućuje udarac ka golu gostiju ali se Mark Schwarzer ponovo istakao odbivši loptu u kroner.

          Igrao se 93. minut, kada je Yohan Cabaye uputio udarac ka golu gostiju i ko zna gde bi ta lopta završila da je nije prihvatio Papiss Cisse, koji je sa prvim dodirom stvorio sebi odličnu poziciju za udarac. Usledio je poluvolej i lopta se zakoprcala u donjem desnom uglu Schwarcer-ovog gola, što je bilo dovoljno za 1:0. Totalna erupcija oduševljenja na St James' Park-u gde su Cisse i Sissoko završili duboku na tribinama, dok je Pardew takođe slavio sa navijačima.

          Konačan rezultat: 1 : 0

          NUFC: Krul, Simpson (Campbell 81), Santon (Anita 17), S.Taylor, Yanga-Mbiwa, Gutierrez, Cabaye, Marveaux, Gouffran (Sh.Ameobi, 69), Sissoko Cisse.
          Subs n/u: Bigirimana, Obertan, Williamson, Elliot.

          FFC: Schwarzer, Hangeland, Senderos, Riether, Riise, Duff, Manolev (Rodallega 81), Enoh (Frimpong 51), Karagounis, Ruiz, Berbatov.
          Subs n/u: Richardson, Frei, Etheridge, Hughes, Emanuelson.

          Sudija: Kevin Friend

          Gledalaca: 51,847

          Mnogo nam znače ova tri boda. Posle 32 kola imamo 36 bodova i nalazimo se na 14. mestu Premier League. Sledeći meč je u četvrtak kada na rasprodatom St James' Park-u dočekujemo Benfica-u, dok je u nedelju utakmica nad utakmica kada na takođe rasprodatom St James' Park-u dočekujemo sunderland.

          "What is a club in any case? Not the buildings or the directors or the people who are paid to represent it. It’s not the television contracts, get-out clauses, marketing departments or executive boxes. It’s the noise, the passion, the feeling of belonging, the pride in your city. It’s a small boy clambering up stadium steps for the very first time, gripping his father’s hand, gawping at that hallowed stretch of turf beneath him and, without being able to do a thing about it, falling in love." - Sir Bobby Robson



            NEWCASTLE UNITED - BENFICA 1 : 1

            Newcastle United i Benfica remizirali su rezultatom 1:1 na dupke punom St James' Park-u. U polufinale Europa League dalje je prošla Benfica zbog pobede u prvoj utakmici rezultatom 1:3.

            Prvo poluvreme nije bilo baš zanimljivo. Uprkos tome što se očekivalo da će Newcastle United napasti goste od prve minute, to se nije dogodilo. Naprotiv, Benfica je imala prvu priliku u situaciji kada je Tim Krul ispustio loptu na ivici kaznenog prostora, iskosa na desnom boku, gde je jedan igrač gostiju uputio povratnu loptu do Gaitan-a, koji je šutirao ka golu, ali je na dva metra od svog gola loptu u polje izbio povratnik u tim Haidara.

            Najzanimljiviji momenat sa crno-bele dogodio se u poslednjim sekundama prvog poluvremena kada je Papiss Cisse postigao gol sa dva metra ali je on poništen zbog minimalnog ofsajda.

            U nastavku igre ulaskom Ameobi-a, činilo se da će Newcastle United krenuti dosta odličnije. Međutim, opet je izostala agresivnost i gosti su svaki iole ozbiljniji napad još u startu osujećivali i sprečavali.

            Sa tribina prepunog St James' Park-a počelo je da odzvanja "Hatem Ben Arfa, Hatem Ben Arfa". Pardew je uslišio molbe svojih navijača i u 63. minutu u igru ubacio Ben Arfa-u umesto slabog Anita-e.

            Već u 71. minutu izmena je urodila plodom jer je Ben Arfa nekako prošao po desnom boku, gurnuo loptu do Ameobi-a, koji ju je uz malo sreće sa gol-aut linije poslao pravo na glavu Papiss Cisse-u, koji se na petercu samo poklonio i loptu glavom poslao u praznu mrežu, za 1:0 i za nadu u prolaz dalje.

            Do kraja meča Newcastle United je vrlo dobro pritisnuo Orlove i još jednom je Cisse-u poništen gol zbog ofsajda.

            Najbolju priliku za gol do kraja meča imao je Hatem Ben Arfa posle solo prodora u 89. minutu utakmice, ali je njegov udarac sa dvanaest metara završio preko prečke gola gostiju.

            Kada su napadi Svraka utihnuli, Orlovi prave kontru po levom boku. Usledilo je odlično proigravanje paralelno sa gol linijom, gde je Salvio umakao pažnji Sissoko-u i sa desetak metara nepogrešivo poslao loptu u mrežu Newcastle-a za konačnih 1:1, minut 92. Ovim golom Benfica je otišla u polufinale Europa League

            Konačan rezultat: 1 : 1

            NUFC: Krul, Simpson, Haidara (Marveaux 67), Yanga -Mbiwa, Williamson, Cabaye, Bigirimana (Sh.Ameobi 46), Anita (Ben Arfa 63), Cisse, Sissoko, Gutierrez.
            Subs n/u: Elliot, Perch, Gosling, Campbell.

            Benfica: Artur, Luisao, Garay, Melgarejo, Ola John (Moreno 76), Gaitan, Matic, Almeida, Perez, Lima (Cardozo 72), Salvio (Jardel 90+3).
            Subs n/u: Paulo Lopes, Pereira, Aimar, Gomes.

            Sudija: Ivan Bebek (Croatia)

            Gledalaca: 52,157 (oko 1,500 gostujućih navijača)

            Ruku na srce, bolji tim je prošao dalje. Igrači su imalo vrlo dobru kampanju u Evropi i uzdignute glave napustili takmičenje Europa League. U nedelju nam dolazi sunderland...

            "What is a club in any case? Not the buildings or the directors or the people who are paid to represent it. It’s not the television contracts, get-out clauses, marketing departments or executive boxes. It’s the noise, the passion, the feeling of belonging, the pride in your city. It’s a small boy clambering up stadium steps for the very first time, gripping his father’s hand, gawping at that hallowed stretch of turf beneath him and, without being able to do a thing about it, falling in love." - Sir Bobby Robson


            • NEWCASTLE UNITED - sunderland

              U okviru 33. kola Premier League, Newcastle United dočekuje sunderland. Meč se igra u nedelju na St James' Park-u sa počekom u 13h (CET).

              NUFC: Povređeni su Fabricio Coloccini, Davide Santon, Ryan Taylor i Haris Vučkić.

              Sudija: Howard Webb

              smb @ SJP od 1996. godine:

              2011/12: Drew 1-1 Ameobi
              2010/11: Won 5-1 Nolan 3, Ameobi 2 (1pen)
              2008/09: Drew 1-1 Ameobi (pen)
              2007/08: Won 2-0 Owen 2 (1pen)
              2005/06: Won 3-2 Ameobi 2, Emre
              2002/03: Won 2-0 Bellamy, Shearer
              2001/02: Drew 1-1 Bellamy
              2000/01: Lost 1-2 Speed
              1999/00: Lost 1-2 Dyer
              1996/97: Drew 1-1 Shearer

              Meč DIREKTNO na SPORTKLUBU sa početkom u 13h (CET).
              "What is a club in any case? Not the buildings or the directors or the people who are paid to represent it. It’s not the television contracts, get-out clauses, marketing departments or executive boxes. It’s the noise, the passion, the feeling of belonging, the pride in your city. It’s a small boy clambering up stadium steps for the very first time, gripping his father’s hand, gawping at that hallowed stretch of turf beneath him and, without being able to do a thing about it, falling in love." - Sir Bobby Robson


              • sunderland DEKLASIRAO NEWCASTLE UNITED

                NEWCASTLE UNITED - sunderland 0 : 3

                Newcastle United je pretrpeo jedan od najtežih poraza na St James' Park-u od sunderland-a u svojoj istoriji. Letargična i bezidejna igra se obila o glavu igračima u crno-belim dresovima, tako da su gosti vrlo lako izašli na kraj sa Svrakama, pobedivši rezultatom 0:3.

                Prvu priliku na meču imao je špic gostiju Danny Graham, kojeg je povukao za dres Steven Taylor, ali danas slabi sudija Howard Webb to nije video i samim tim nije dosudio jedanesterac za goste.

                Poveo je sunderland u 27. minutu u situaciji kada je Jonas poklonio loptu gostima. Usledila je kontra, gde je lopta stigla do Stephane Sessegnon-a, koji je preciznim udarcem sa dvadesetak metara, pogodio desnu stativu Krul-ovog gola i lopta se od nje odbila u mrežu za 0:1. Muk na St James' Park-u.

                Dve odlične prilike za gol imao je Papiss Cisse ali je u obe kao pobednik izašao gostujući čuvar mreže Simon Mignolet, koji je fantastično odbranio Senegalčeve udarce.

                Samo dva minuta pre kraja prvog poluvremena Cuellar je sa tri metra glavom šutirao, ali je njegov udarac čudesno odbranio Krul.

                Na poluvremenu je u svlačionici ostao Yoan Gouffran dok je u igru ušao Shola Ameobi. Alan Pardew je već u 57. minutu morao da napravi i drugu izmenu jer je Tim Krul povredio rame i za njega je sezona gotova. Između stativa je stao Rob Elliot.

                Samo pet minuta kasnije sudijska greška koja je možda i odlučila meč Naime, Papiss Cisse je postigao potpuno regularan gol sa tri metra ali je pomoćni sudija podigao zastavicu signalizirajući ofsajd. TV snimak je pokazao da nije bilo govora o ofsajdu.

                Minut kasnije u igru je umesto totalno indisponiranog Cabaye-a ušao još gori Hatem Ben Arfa. Naime, Ben Arfa je pokušao driblinzima i muljanjem nešto da uradi ali svaki put je izgubio loptu. Imao je Ben Arfa i jednu priliku ali je glavom prebacio prečku gostujućeg gola.

                Igrao se 74. minut kada se Adam Johnson sa pozicije desnog krila namestio na udarac levom nogom. Usledio je vrlo precizan udarac i lopta se našla iza leđa Elliot-a u njegovom desnom uglu, što je bilo dovoljno za 0:2. Neki navijači su već tada počeli da izlaze sa stadiona.

                Sunderland je nešto kasnije oštećen za penal jer je lopta u ruku u svom šesnaestercu pogodila Yanga-Mbiwa-u, za kojeg se čini se, pare uzaludno bačene a doveden je za 6.7 miliona funti.

                Tačku na i stavio je rezervista gostiju David Vaughan u 82. minutu, udarcem sa petnaestak metara, iskosa sa leve strane iz šesnaesterca domaćih, pogodivši leve rašlje Elliot-ovog gola, za konačnih 0:3. TV snimak je pokazao da je u momentu upućivanja lopte ka Vaughan-u on bio u ofsajd poziciji.

                Konačan rezultat: 0 : 3

                NUFC: Krul (Elliot 57), Debuchy, Steven Taylor, Yanga-Mbiwa, Gutierrez, Marveaux, Tiote, Cabaye (Ben Arfa 62), Gouffran (Sh.Ameobi 46), Sissoko, Cisse.
                Subs n/u: Anita, Perch, Haidara, Campbell.

                safc: Mignolet, Bardsley (Colback 54), O'Shea, Cuellar (Mangane 72), Rose, Johnson, N'Diaye, Larsson, McClean (Vaughan 65), Sessegnon, Graham.
                Subs n/u: Westwood, Kilgallon, Mandron, Laidler.

                Sudija: Howard Webb (kao i uvek očajan, baš kao i njegovi jebeni pomoćnici)

                Gledalaca: 52,355 (oko 2000 gostujućih).

                Posle nepotpunog 33. kola nalazimo se na 13. mestu sa sakupljenih 36 bodova i sa pet bodova više od mesta koje vodi u drugi rang takmičenja. Međutim, Wigan koji je na tom mestu ima čak dva meča manje od nas. Alan Pardew je poraz pokušao da opravda umorom od meča sa Benfica-om. Nema opravdanja! Kakav umor? Protiv sunderlnd-a se igra i sa jednom nogom, ako treba. Setimo se Shearer-a koji je protiv njih igrao sa bandažerom na glavi. Još pet ovakvih očajnih partija i ponovo ćemo ispasti u drugu ligu. Imamo težak raspored. U gostima igramo sa WBA, West Ham-om i QPR-om, dok kući dočekujemo Liverpool i Arsenal. Pobeda i dva remija iz pet mečeva bi trebalo da nam obezbede opstanak.

                "What is a club in any case? Not the buildings or the directors or the people who are paid to represent it. It’s not the television contracts, get-out clauses, marketing departments or executive boxes. It’s the noise, the passion, the feeling of belonging, the pride in your city. It’s a small boy clambering up stadium steps for the very first time, gripping his father’s hand, gawping at that hallowed stretch of turf beneath him and, without being able to do a thing about it, falling in love." - Sir Bobby Robson




                  Newcastle United are sad to announce that Ryan Taylor has suffered a further cruciate knee injury.

                  Taylor, aged 28, and with 91 United appearances under his belt, injured his knee in the early stages of the home Europa League qualifier against Atromitos last August, undergoing surgery shortly after to repair the ligament damage.

                  After making good progress over the past eight months and having just returned to training, this latest news is a massive blow to the popular player.

                  Manager Alan Pardew said: "Ryan has worked so hard and diligently since his injury.

                  "He has been a model patient and has given his all to ensure he could return to full training in the best condition possible. Clearly everyone at the Club is deeply saddened by this news.

                  "Ryan has, and will continue to, receive the full support of everyone at Newcastle United during this difficult time for him."

                  It is likely that Taylor will miss the majority, if not all, of next season.

                  "What is a club in any case? Not the buildings or the directors or the people who are paid to represent it. It’s not the television contracts, get-out clauses, marketing departments or executive boxes. It’s the noise, the passion, the feeling of belonging, the pride in your city. It’s a small boy clambering up stadium steps for the very first time, gripping his father’s hand, gawping at that hallowed stretch of turf beneath him and, without being able to do a thing about it, falling in love." - Sir Bobby Robson



                    U okviru 34. kola Premier League, Newcastle United putuje u Birmingham gde će snage odmeriti sa West Bromwich Albion-om. Meč se igra u subotu na The Hawthorns Stadium sa početkom u 3pm (GMT), odnosno 16h (CET).

                    NUFC: Povređeni su Cheick Tiote, Sylvain Marveaux, Fabricio Coloccini, Tim Krul, Davide Santon i Ryan Taylor.

                    Sudija: Mike Jones

                    Magpies @ Throstles - poslednjih devet mečeva:

                    2011/12 Won 3-1 Cisse 2, Ben Arfa
                    2010/11 Lost 1-3 Lovenkrands
                    2009/10 Lost 2-4 Carroll 2 (FAC)
                    2009/10 Drew 1-1 Duff
                    2008/09 Won 3-2 Duff, Lovenkrands, S.Taylor
                    2005/06 Won 3-0 Owen 2, Shearer
                    2004/05 Drew 0-0
                    2002/03 Drew 2-2 Jenas, Viana

                    Nema TV prenosa na kanalima Sportkluba.
                    "What is a club in any case? Not the buildings or the directors or the people who are paid to represent it. It’s not the television contracts, get-out clauses, marketing departments or executive boxes. It’s the noise, the passion, the feeling of belonging, the pride in your city. It’s a small boy clambering up stadium steps for the very first time, gripping his father’s hand, gawping at that hallowed stretch of turf beneath him and, without being able to do a thing about it, falling in love." - Sir Bobby Robson



                      WEST BROMWICH ALBION - NEWCASTLE UNITED 1 : 1

                      Na sunčanom The Hawthorns Stadium West Bromwich Albion i Newcastle United igrali su nerešeno. Posle devedeset minuta rezultat je glasio 1:1.

                      Poveo je Newcastle United već u 8. minutu utakmice kada je Yoan Gouffran na odlično proigravanje Cisse-a, glavom smestio loptu iza leđa Foster-a za 0:1.

                      U prvom poluvremenu viđena je totalna dominacija Newcastle United-a, gde su šanse za šansom propuštali Papiss Cisse, Steven Taylor, i Yohan Cabaye (imao dve prilike). Međutim, igrači Newcastle United-a su se propisno ispromašivali i naravno da je usledila kazna u drugom poluvremenu.

                      U nastavku igre totalno drugačija slika. WBA je napadao a Newcastle United se branio.

                      Prvu priliku za izjednačenje imao je Romelu Lukaku, koji je glavom drmao prečku Elliot-ovog gola.

                      Baš kada se činilo da će Newcastle United odeleti napadima domaćih, Billy Jones preciznim udarcem izjednačava rezultat na 1:1 u 64. minutu.

                      Do kraja utakmice James Morrison je imao vrlo izglednu priliku da svom timu donese pobedu, ali je posle njegovog udarca glavom Elliot odlično reagovao izbacivši loptu u korner.

                      Konačan rezultat: 1 : 1

                      NUFC: Elliot, Debuchy, S.Taylor, Yanga-Mbiwa, Haidara (Ben Arfa 77), Perch, Sissoko, Cabaye (Gosling 90+4), Gutierrez, Gouffran (Sh.Ameobi 69), Cisse.
                      Subs n/u: Harper, Williamson, Anita, Campbell.

                      WBA: Foster, Jones, McAuley, Olsson, Popov, Dorrans, Yacob (Long 46), Morrison, Brunt, Fortune (Rosenberg 90), Lukaku (Thomas 90).
                      Subs n/u: Myhill, Reid, Ridgewell, Roofe.

                      Sudija: Mike Jones

                      Gledalaca: 25,671

                      "What is a club in any case? Not the buildings or the directors or the people who are paid to represent it. It’s not the television contracts, get-out clauses, marketing departments or executive boxes. It’s the noise, the passion, the feeling of belonging, the pride in your city. It’s a small boy clambering up stadium steps for the very first time, gripping his father’s hand, gawping at that hallowed stretch of turf beneath him and, without being able to do a thing about it, falling in love." - Sir Bobby Robson


                      • I Will Give Everything I Have For Newcastle United

                        Kako započeti ovu priču, kako započeti ovaj tekst? Koliko puta smo bili predmet ismejavanja zbog poraza našeg voljenog Newcastle United-a i koliko smo samo puta bili neshvaćeni čak i od najbližih? Koliko puta su samo trpele naše devojke i supruge zbog našeg kluba i koliko puta su se veze razbijale zbog istog tog kluba? Koliko puta smo bili ponosni na naš Newcastle United i koliko puta smo samo šetali ponosno gradom u crno-belom dresu, posle neke pobede našeg kluba? Nije lako navijati i nije lako voleti Newcastle United, to svi znamo.

                        Otkud baš Newcastle United? Boje, grad, igrači, St. James' Park, atmosfera, regija, akcenat, treneri, Angel of the North, veliki u pobedi, veliki u porazu, pritajeni lav, svrake, borba za titulu, borba za opstanak, nikada nije dosadno sa ovim klubom? Verovatno od svega po malo...

                        Koliko nas je spremno da baš sve da za svoj Newcastle United? Koliko nas može da kaže da će bodriti i pratiti klub sa ovolikim žarom, ako on ispadne iz Premier League? Koliko nas je stavilo sve na drugo mestu, naravno iza Newcastle United-a?

                        Sezona je 2012/13, možda i najvažnija u modernoj istoriji Newcastle United-a. Ostalo je još četiri kola do njenog završetka i predstoji nam grčevita borba za opstanak. Svaki atom snage, svaki deo energije, svako raspoloživo sredstvo moramo usresrediti na jedan jedini cilj. Cilj je opstanak u Premier League. Znamo svi, nismo u zavidnoj poziciji, debelo smo na pogrešnoj strani tabele, ali mi nismo ni Manchester United, ni Leeds United.

                        Mi smo Newcastle United, Jedan i Jedini !!!

                        Keep the faith !!!

                        "What is a club in any case? Not the buildings or the directors or the people who are paid to represent it. It’s not the television contracts, get-out clauses, marketing departments or executive boxes. It’s the noise, the passion, the feeling of belonging, the pride in your city. It’s a small boy clambering up stadium steps for the very first time, gripping his father’s hand, gawping at that hallowed stretch of turf beneath him and, without being able to do a thing about it, falling in love." - Sir Bobby Robson


                        • NEWCASTLE UNITED - LIVERPOOL

                          U okviru 35. kola Premier League, Newcastle United na svom St James' Park-u dočekuje Liverpool. Meč se igra u subotu sa početkom u 5.30pm (GMT), odnosno 18.30h (CET).

                          NUFC: Povređeni su Tim Krul, Davide Santon, Sylvain Marveaux, Fabricio Coloccini, Ryan Taylor i Haris Vučkić.

                          Sudija: Andre Marriner

                          Reds @ SJP - Premier League godine:

                          2011/12: Won 2-0 Cisse 2
                          2010/11: Won 3-1 Nolan, Barton, Carroll
                          2008/09: Lost 1-5 Edgar
                          2007/08: Lost 0-3
                          2006/07: Won 2-1 Martins, Solano (pen)
                          2005/06: Lost 1-3 Ameobi
                          2004/05: Won 1-0 Robert
                          2003/04: Drew 1-1 Shearer (pen)
                          2002/03: Won 1-0 Robert
                          2001/02: Lost 0-2
                          2000/01: Won 2-1 Solano, Dyer
                          1999/00: Drew 2-2 Shearer, Ferguson
                          1998/99: Lost 1-4 Guivarc'h
                          1997/98: Lost 0-2 (LC)
                          1997/98: Lost 1-2 Watson
                          1996/97: Drew 1-1 Shearer
                          1995/96: Won 2-1 Ferdinand, Watson
                          1994/95: Drew 1-1 Lee
                          1993/94: Won 3-0 Cole 3

                          Meč DIREKTNO na SPORTKLUB-u sa početkom u 18.30h (CET).

                          Na ovom meču Toon Army Serbia će imati tri predstavnika...

                          NUFC: Elliot; Debuchy, S Taylor, Yanga-Mbiwa, Haidara; Perch, Tiote, Cabaye (c); Sissoko, Cisse, Gutierrez
                          Subs: Harper, Williamson, Gosling, Anita, Ben Arfa, Gouffran, Shola Ameobi

                          Liverpool: Reina, Johnson, Enrique, Carragher, Agger, Lucas, Gerrard, Henderson, Downing, Coutinho, Sturridge.
                          Subs Jones, Coates, Skrtel, Wisdom, Suso, Shelvey, Borini.
                          Last edited by Mags Serbia; 27-04-13, 17:00.
                          "What is a club in any case? Not the buildings or the directors or the people who are paid to represent it. It’s not the television contracts, get-out clauses, marketing departments or executive boxes. It’s the noise, the passion, the feeling of belonging, the pride in your city. It’s a small boy clambering up stadium steps for the very first time, gripping his father’s hand, gawping at that hallowed stretch of turf beneath him and, without being able to do a thing about it, falling in love." - Sir Bobby Robson


                          • SRAMAN PORAZ NEWCASTLE UNITED-a

                            NEWCASTLE UNITED - LIVERPOOL 0 : 6

                            Newcastle United je na St James' Park-u doživeo najteži poraz još od 1925. godine. Ekipa Liverpool-a je prosto pregazila totalno nezainteresovane igrače u crno-belim dresovima rezultatom 0:6.

                            Golove za Liverpool postigli su Daniel Agger (2'), Jordan Henderson (17', 76'), Daniel Sturridge (54', 60'), Fabio Borini (74').

                            Dva žuta, odnosno crveni karton dobio je Debuchy.

                            Teško da ćemo sledeće godine igrati u Premier League.

                            Konačan rezultat: 0 : 6

                            NUFC: Elliot, Debuchy, S.Taylor, Yanga-Mbiwa, Haidara, Perch (Ben Arfa 46), Tiote (Anita 65), Cabaye, Sissoko, Cisse, Gutierrez (Gouffran 46).
                            Subs n/u: Harper, Williamson, Gosling, Sh.Ameobi.

                            LFC: Reina, Johnson, Enrique, Carragher, Agger, Lucas, Gerrard (Borini 72), Henderson, Downing, Coutinho (Shelvey 84), Sturridge (Suso 84).
                            Subs n/u: Jones, Coates, Skrtel, Wisdom.

                            Sudija: Andre Marriner

                            Gledalaca: 52,351

                            "What is a club in any case? Not the buildings or the directors or the people who are paid to represent it. It’s not the television contracts, get-out clauses, marketing departments or executive boxes. It’s the noise, the passion, the feeling of belonging, the pride in your city. It’s a small boy clambering up stadium steps for the very first time, gripping his father’s hand, gawping at that hallowed stretch of turf beneath him and, without being able to do a thing about it, falling in love." - Sir Bobby Robson


                            • UNITED WE STAND

                              Newcastle's players today said they are 100 per cent united in their bid to ensure Premier League survival - and reacted angrily to false rumours of disharmony within the squad.

                              Senior players admitted they are hurting over recent results but strongly dismissed any suggestion of a rift within the dressing room.

                              Papiss Cisse said: "Every player is together. We are totally focussed on Saturday's game at West Ham and the two games after that. We have a strong bond and we want the best for our Club, our manager and our wonderful fans.

                              "We are not happy about recent results. Nobody is happy when they lose, but this has only made us stronger as a group and we will come through this together. There is no divide in the team."

                              The players insist that all members of the squad - including recent signings who arrived in January - are determined to turn things around.

                              "We want to let the fans know that all of the players are committed and we are in this together," said midfielder Cheick Tiote.

                              "We will fight to get out of this problem and we know our fans will help us to do that. They are incredible."

                              Newcastle United managing director Derek Llambias said: "The Club is determined to turn things around and everyone is working together to secure that goal. It is not helpful when people try and distract the team and the manager with false rumours."

                              "What is a club in any case? Not the buildings or the directors or the people who are paid to represent it. It’s not the television contracts, get-out clauses, marketing departments or executive boxes. It’s the noise, the passion, the feeling of belonging, the pride in your city. It’s a small boy clambering up stadium steps for the very first time, gripping his father’s hand, gawping at that hallowed stretch of turf beneath him and, without being able to do a thing about it, falling in love." - Sir Bobby Robson


                              • CLUB STATEMENT: HATEM BEN ARFA

                                Newcastle United are hugely disappointed by the article that appeared in The Sun on Wednesday, 1st May, concerning Hatem Ben Arfa, on the basis that their assertion was totally without foundation and completely untrue.

                                The Club is 100 per cent supportive of Hatem.

                                Articles such as this are an attempt to destabilise the Club and the team at a crucial period in the season.

                                Supporters should be aware that the Club and Hatem are taking the strongest possible action against this flagrant false reporting.

                                The Sun did not have the courtesy to check the facts with the Club or the player before publishing the piece. Had they done so they would have been told there was no truth in it whatsoever.

                                Hatem said: "I was shocked when my attention was drawn to the article in The Sun newspaper on Wednesday morning.

                                "It is totally inaccurate, misleading and has caused me great personal upset and frustration."

                                The Sun:

                                Hatem Ben Arfa has riled suffering Newcastle fans by wearing a Paris Saint-Germain kit in a local gym.

                                The French winger was kitted out in a PSG training top and shorts at a Tyneside health club on Monday night — two days after their humiliating 6-0 defeat by Liverpool.

                                An onlooker told SunSport: “Ben Arfa was laughing and joking with two French pals in the weights room — he didn’t seem to have a care in the world.”

                                Ben Arfa is a lifelong fan of the French giants and in January admitted it would be a dream to play for his home-town team.

                                Gym-goers were furious to see one of their heroes swanning around paying no attention to relegation rivals Aston Villa and Sunderland slugging it out on the TV screens around him.

                                Ben Arfa, 26, has not started a league game since December after hamstring troubles. He came on as a second-half sub against Liverpool — one of seven French players on the pitch for Newcastle.

                                Fans have turned on Toon’s under-performing foreign flops, as well as boss Alan Pardew.

                                The supporter added: “Ben Arfa did not look at the TV, even though Villa beating Sunderland could have a huge impact on our chances of staying up.”

                                "What is a club in any case? Not the buildings or the directors or the people who are paid to represent it. It’s not the television contracts, get-out clauses, marketing departments or executive boxes. It’s the noise, the passion, the feeling of belonging, the pride in your city. It’s a small boy clambering up stadium steps for the very first time, gripping his father’s hand, gawping at that hallowed stretch of turf beneath him and, without being able to do a thing about it, falling in love." - Sir Bobby Robson

