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After single intravenously administration of 250, 500 and 1000 mg mildronate, the elimination half-life (t(1/2)) were (5.56+/-1.55), (6.46+/-1.07) and (6.55+/-1.17) h, respectively. The Student-Newman-Keuls test results showed that peak plasma concentration (C(max)) and the area under the plasma concentration versus time curve from time 0 to 24h (AUC(0-24)) were both linearly related to dose. The pharmacokinetics of mildronate fitted the linear dynamic feature over the dose range studied. The essential pharmacokinetic parameters of multidoses administration intravenously (500 mg, b.i.d) were as follows: t(1/2) was (15.34+/-3.14) h; C(max) was (25.50+/-3.63) microg/mL; AUC(0-24) was (58.56+/-5.57) mgh/L. The t(1/2) and AUC of multidoses administration intravenously were different from those of single-dose administration significantly. These findings suggested that accumulation of mildronate in plasma occurred.
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Halflife, kako sama rec kaze, je vreme koje je potrebno da koncentracija supstance spadne na pola njegove pocetne koncentracije. Ako si mu ubrizgao 100mg: vreme koje je potrebno da njegov plazmaticni nivo(u krvi) spadne na 50mg. Ovde je recimo halflife 500mg mildronata 6,46h plus minus 1,55. Ako se pak doda i doza nekog drugog leka koji se ponasa kao antagonista u procesu eliminacije taj halflife raste na 15,34h plus minus 3 sata. Mislim da je jasno
After single intravenously administration of 250, 500 and 1000 mg mildronate, the elimination half-life (t(1/2)) were (5.56+/-1.55), (6.46+/-1.07) and (6.55+/-1.17) h, respectively. The Student-Newman-Keuls test results showed that peak plasma concentration (C(max)) and the area under the plasma concentration versus time curve from time 0 to 24h (AUC(0-24)) were both linearly related to dose. The pharmacokinetics of mildronate fitted the linear dynamic feature over the dose range studied. The essential pharmacokinetic parameters of multidoses administration intravenously (500 mg, b.i.d) were as follows: t(1/2) was (15.34+/-3.14) h; C(max) was (25.50+/-3.63) microg/mL; AUC(0-24) was (58.56+/-5.57) mgh/L. The t(1/2) and AUC of multidoses administration intravenously were different from those of single-dose administration significantly. These findings suggested that accumulation of mildronate in plasma occurred.
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Halflife, kako sama rec kaze, je vreme koje je potrebno da koncentracija supstance spadne na pola njegove pocetne koncentracije. Ako si mu ubrizgao 100mg: vreme koje je potrebno da njegov plazmaticni nivo(u krvi) spadne na 50mg. Ovde je recimo halflife 500mg mildronata 6,46h plus minus 1,55. Ako se pak doda i doza nekog drugog leka koji se ponasa kao antagonista u procesu eliminacije taj halflife raste na 15,34h plus minus 3 sata. Mislim da je jasno