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US Open 2015.

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  • Originally posted by bojanaBG View Post
    Kako nemaju?
    Mnogo teze padaju porazi kad je igrac u najboljim godinama, nego kad je realno udaljen 1-2 godine od penzije i kad je anomalija i sto uspeva da ulazi u finala slema. A on uspeva da veze 2 finala, to stvarno nije standard i jednostavno nije normalno...

    Videcemo Djokovica za 5,6 godina i pitacu tebe kako se osecas, ako ovaj forum bude postojao
    Bogme ja sam sve Novakove poraze u njegovom najvecem prajmu prebrodio. Mislim da imam na svakom GS-u poneki

    Par zar ne bi onda trebao jos tezi da je poraz jer se blizi kraju karijere i ovakve sanse su bukvalno zlatne sanse do kojih je teskim radom dosao uprkos svemu? I jos je pritom mogao da pobedi ubedljivo najboljeg tenisera danasnjice?
    It's not who you are underneath, it's what you do that defines you


    • Fakat je da od Melburna 2009. Federeru nije teze pao neki poraz od ovog jutros.


      • Ne bi ga Rodzer dobio ni da je poveo 2:1
        Dayman (a-a-ah...)
        Fighter of the Nightman (a-a-ah...)
        Champion of the sun (a-a-ah...)
        You're a master of karate and friendship
        For everyone


        • Ako se posmatraju ova tri poraza u slem finalima u zadnje dvije godine, daleko najbliži pobjedi je bio prošle godine na Wimbledonu


          • Rezultatski, ne i igracki. On je prosle godine na Vimbldonu zivio od servisa uglavnom, razbijen je sa osnovne, dok je ovdje bio blizu, bas blizu. Nisam vjerovao da to i dalje ima u sebi.


            • Samo sa velikim odobravanjem da prokomentarišem, odnosno pozdravim Rudolfovo aktiviranje

              Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
              But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.


              • Originally posted by bojanaBG View Post
                Meni jeste pao tesko poraz na W, ali ja mislim samo zato sto je taj turnir u pitanju.
                Inace, poraz Feda koji ima pune 34 godine ne moze biti jedan od najtezih kad protiv sebe ima Djokovica na vrhuncu karijere.
                Naravno da može. Današnji Federer silno više želi titulu nego što ju je želio onaj iz 2008. I mnogo više radi na tome da ju dobije. A nikako da to ostvari. Nastranu emocije, meni i jest najviše krivo što ga neće GS upravo zbog tog silnog truda koji ulaže, a ne isplaćuje se. Na njegovu žalost, i drugi mnogo rade na sebi.



                  Dvije stvari iz teksta:

                  And as always when these two play, it was tense and toe-to-toe. Much of the time, the pace was so quick that Federer and Djokovic seemed to be half-volleying the ball from the baseline. Unfortunately for Federer, it was also a pace that, over the course of three hours against Djokovic, he was going to struggle to keep up. By the start of the third set, Federer appeared to be a step slower; by the end of that set, he had already covered twice as much ground as he had in the entirety of any of his previous six matches at the Open.
                  Svaki komentar je suvisan.


                  “I think it was the right game plan,” Federer said of his attack mode. “Just execution was missing in some crucial moments. But other than that, I think I played a good match. Maybe I haven’t played this offensive for a very long time, and that’s maybe the reason I was slightly shaky when it came to the crunch on the break points. Who knows?"
                  Federer je dao najbolju dijagnozu.


                  • Jel istina i da li je moguce da su pitali Federera moze li Djokovic da osvoji jos neki GS?
                    sloboda ili ništa


                    • Originally posted by prskaj View Post
                      Bogme ja sam sve Novakove poraze u njegovom najvecem prajmu prebrodio. Mislim da imam na svakom GS-u poneki

                      Par zar ne bi onda trebao jos tezi da je poraz jer se blizi kraju karijere i ovakve sanse su bukvalno zlatne sanse do kojih je teskim radom dosao uprkos svemu? I jos je pritom mogao da pobedi ubedljivo najboljeg tenisera danasnjice?
                      Meni nije, shvatis da je ovaj bolji, da je na svom maksimumu i teras dalje.
                      Jedino priznajem da mi W tesko pada, ali to je zbog samog turnira, oduvek mi je bio omiljen i moji omiljeni igraci su tamo najbolje igrali

                      A i dalje verujem da ce mu se sve ovo vratiti, kao sto sam napisala u fan temi, ne zbog rekorda i ostalih gluposti, nego zato sto smatram da je zasluzio, jer je neverovatno sta je sve uradio od 2013. pa do sada.

                      Here's the most remarkable thing to me about Federer: Seems to me that the more you know about tennis, the more amazed you are by the guy. If you know nothing at all about tennis, he's amazing. If you know a little something about tennis—maybe you have played a few times in your life—he's more amazing. If you know a little more about tennis—maybe you played in high school and once had illusions of becoming a pro—he's even MORE amazing. And if you were a great player—if you are a McEnroe or a Connors or a Jim Courier—then Federer is preposterously amazing


                      Don't argue with idiots. They'll drag you down to their level and beat you...
                      with experience.


                      • Originally posted by Rudolf View Post
                        Naravno da može. Današnji Federer silno više želi titulu nego što ju je želio onaj iz 2008. I mnogo više radi na tome da ju dobije. A nikako da to ostvari. Nastranu emocije, meni i jest najviše krivo što ga neće GS upravo zbog tog silnog truda koji ulaže, a ne isplaćuje se. Na njegovu žalost, i drugi mnogo rade na sebi.
                        Desavale su se i ludje stvari, mozda mu neko izbaci Djokovica

                        Here's the most remarkable thing to me about Federer: Seems to me that the more you know about tennis, the more amazed you are by the guy. If you know nothing at all about tennis, he's amazing. If you know a little something about tennis—maybe you have played a few times in your life—he's more amazing. If you know a little more about tennis—maybe you played in high school and once had illusions of becoming a pro—he's even MORE amazing. And if you were a great player—if you are a McEnroe or a Connors or a Jim Courier—then Federer is preposterously amazing


                        Don't argue with idiots. They'll drag you down to their level and beat you...
                        with experience.


                        • Originally posted by mark it zero View Post
                          Jel istina i da li je moguce da su pitali Federera moze li Djokovic da osvoji jos neki GS?
                          Q. How many major titles do you think he can win? He has 10 now.

                          ROGER FEDERER: I think he's playing very well. Are you kidding me? I think he's doing really well. He's having a wonderful season, like in 2011. He's just really consistent. Seems like there are not many guys that can hang with him, don't have the tools or dare to go forward, or they aren't dare to serve and volley against him because he's so good on the return. Which he is. He's perfected his game on the hard courts, no doubt about it.

                          He was always a great clay-court player, and because he moves as well as he does, he's solid and consistent now on the grass.

                          To say the least, it's very impressive. He's having unbelievable career. You know, I think everybody knows that he knows that, as well. Tonight is another example of that.

                          Clearly he can win many of them. He already has a ton, so obviously he's got to stay healthy and all that stuff and hungry, but obviously you would think he will win more after tonight.


                          • Originally posted by shminka View Post
                            Q. How many major titles do you think he can win? He has 10 now.

                            ROGER FEDERER: I think he's playing very well. Are you kidding me? I think he's doing really well. He's having a wonderful season, like in 2011. He's just really consistent. Seems like there are not many guys that can hang with him, don't have the tools or dare to go forward, or they aren't dare to serve and volley against him because he's so good on the return. Which he is. He's perfected his game on the hard courts, no doubt about it.

                            He was always a great clay-court player, and because he moves as well as he does, he's solid and consistent now on the grass.

                            To say the least, it's very impressive. He's having unbelievable career. You know, I think everybody knows that he knows that, as well. Tonight is another example of that.

                            Clearly he can win many of them. He already has a ton, so obviously he's got to stay healthy and all that stuff and hungry, but obviously you would think he will win more after tonight.
                            Hvala, kapirao sam da nasi novnari naravno to prenesu kako oni hoce
                            sloboda ili ništa


                            • Sudeci po izgledu Federera, delovalo je da mu je jako tesko pao poraz. E sada to je relativna stvar.
                              Mislim da je igracki bio blizi sada, nego prosle godine na Wimbledonu, za ove svakako. Ali, mentalno nazalost je sve dalje.
                              Videcemo, sa Federorom je tesko prognozirati.


                              • Originally posted by miloolja View Post
                                Samo sa velikim odobravanjem da prokomentarišem, odnosno pozdravim Rudolfovo aktiviranje

                                Pratim ja forum već par godina, al nikako da se upletem u razmjenu mišljenja. To mi dođe na mahove, USO je slučajno prvi put, tako da... Vidit ćemo.

                                A propos Grungeovog posta, koji je Navras iskopa, govorilo se tu na forumu da su nekad diskusije bile kvalitetnije i da je forum danas slabiji od nekadašnjeg. Jel to istina - ima li ko iz tih vrimena prije 2010. da posvjedoči? - ili je nostalgiju za prohujalim na djelu?

                                Inače, da nije ovog foruma, u tenisu bi manje uživao.

