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Barclays Premier League & SkyBet Championship 2015/16

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  • Blind ce igrati stopera dok je tu Van Gal, ja sam se sa tim pomirio odavno. Imao je bas dobar period, danas je preko njega primljen prvi gol i nastao je pravi raspad sistema, potom je primljen jos jedan zbog njega, ali Van Gal ga je tu postavio, on siroma nije kriv sto igra na poziciji stopera, jer stoper nije. Ja bih ga odma prodao i da ne trepnem, ali Van Gal izmislja igracima pozicije, Jang nikad nije mislio da ce biti spic, pa je to danas igrao. Isti Van Gal koji je donio ovu dobru formu do danas je izgubio bodove. Dok se matematicki ne izgubi sansa za TOP 4 bice tu, a nece se izgubiti skoro, jer em su ostali nekonstantni, em sad idu dvije na papiru najlakse utakmice u ligi, vrlo vjerovatno ce uzeti sest bodova. To je sto je, kad nije dobio otkaz u decembru i januaru nece ni sad.


    • Originally posted by Vladan View Post
      Da to nije izgubljena sredina danas zbog Kerika? Apsolutno je sredina radila posao fizicki, Snajderlin je fizikalac danas bio ali je ispao x puta, ko ga pokrivao, Fosu Mensa. Isto tako je Mata odlican posao radio u odbrani, masu puta ispratio i izblokirao igraca, pa eno bunt na rcu zbog Snajderlina, krivca treba traziti u Van Galu, jer je Snajderlin ili maestralan ili se raspada, izmedju nema. Kad se raspada ne treba da igra, ali imao je dobar period u poslednje vrijeme i neka je igrao danas. Zasto Lingard i Rho igraju je vec pravo pitanje.

      Ok je sto je isao po bod, bod nam je odgovarao, jbg desila se ta glupost Blinda i tu je utakmica izgubljena, ajde sto je izveo napadaca i uveo Janga nije problem, problem je sto je Janga poslao u napad, a ima napadaca vec na krilu. E to ne vec neka opasna psihoza, to nema logike, zbog toga treba da ide.
      A koliko takvih psihoza do sada bilo? Jel brojao neko?
      Da mi je bilo ko rekao da ću ovakav debilizam, amaterizam i da... eksperimnetizam da gledam od nekog nazovi imena u svetu fudbala, rekla bih mu da je budala.
      Al očigledno da sam ja ta, kada me posle svega nervira...iako sam očekivala poraz, ovo ipak prevazilazi moj intelekt.

      Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
      But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.


      • Van Gal je uvijek eksperimentisao, ja ne znam sta ste ocekivali. Kod njega Filip Koku samo golmana nije igrao u Barsi, sve ostale pozicije je pokrivao. Svajni je bio krilo pa je postao centralni vezni, on to stalno radi, nekad uspije, nekad ne. Evo sad niko ne zna poziciju Timotiju, ali to ce biti dobro i za njega i za nas na duze staze.


        • A sa kim nije uspeo, pre nas? Mislim na igrača.

          Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
          But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.


          • Nije ni Junajted vise ozbiljni klub, ne naginje ka tome, ocigledno. Pa koji bi to ozbilniji klub dopustio ovakvu sezonu jednom treneru? Ovo je katastrofa, WBA sa Pullisom igra bolji fudbal od Junajteda.


            • Nije uspjelo sa Rikelmeom i Rivaldom, Rikelmeu i nije davao neku sansu, ali kad bi mu je dao igrao bi mu krilo, sto znamo da Huan Roman nikad nije bio. Od Rivalda je pokusao da napravi Litmanena, pritom ga isto drzao zakucanog na krilu, naravno da nije islo. Jari zaigrao u Barsi nije kad je Van Gal otisao npr.

              Pa forsiranje Kristanvala npr. potpuno bespotrebno i nevjerovatno.


              • A vi mislili da ce da zakuca Runija za klupu...
                Originally posted by Vladan
                SAFa niko nije mogao ni jednom da prezivi, Runi je to uradio dva puta. Masivan. Monumentalan. Bivsi. Pozdrav legendo, donesi Evertonu nemoguci san.


                • Originally posted by gokara View Post
                  Lester i Totenhem će osvojiti više bodova od Junajteda do kraja sezone od današnjeg dana.
                  Ovo sam napisao 17.1. posle Junajtedove pobede na Enfildu.

                  Od 18.1. do danas, Lester uzima 28, Totenhem 27, a Utd 16 bodova.


                  • Originally posted by bice View Post
                    Alderweireled je najbolji stoper lige ponavljam opet.
                    Ne znas ti nista,pogledaj Mikela protiv AV u drugom poluvremenu.Covek je izmislio novu poziciju box to box stoper
                    "When people get hurt, they learn to hate… when people hurt others, they become hated and racked with guilt. But knowing that pain allows people to be kind. Pain allows people to grow… and how you grow is up to you"


                    • Piše telegraf da Svonsi želi Rodzersa nazad od leta


                      It is understood that Rodgers has already been discussed in opening talks with the new investors and Jenkins is ready to make an approach before the summer. The Americans are poised to become the majority shareholders and will become the latest foreign owners to the Premier League after recent takeovers at Everton and Crystal Palace.
                      na drugu stranu,mediji u Argentini guraju drugu priču

                      Last edited by saburo sakai; 10-04-16, 22:04.
                      "When people get hurt, they learn to hate… when people hurt others, they become hated and racked with guilt. But knowing that pain allows people to be kind. Pain allows people to grow… and how you grow is up to you"


                      • Originally posted by bice View Post
                        Alderweireled je najbolji stoper lige ponavljam opet.
                        Ja ovo davno izjavio.

                        Totenhem se poigra sa Djavolcicima, a nas rastave Varela,Rashod i ostali klinci...
                        Originally posted by maliajnstajn
                        Arsenal ako uzme narednih 5 tekmi, uzima i titulu, nema previse tu filozofije.


                        • Meni Adervild nije najbolji,jest dobar ali Smoling mi je individualno bolji,kod Totija jednostavno ceo tim igra,od napadača kreće presing,nezahvalno mi je izdvajati jednog igrača samo

                          baš u razgovoru sa nekim starijim navijačima totenhema,rekoše mi da im je odbrana do nedavno bila najslabija karika,što i jeste istina,ova zadnja linija je digla formu nedavno dok ostatak tima ubija duže vreme

                          pa samo Eriksen kolko trči,to nije normalno a on je uvek bio mlitav,sad gine svaku tekmu,svaka čast Pochu šta je napravio od tima,kako ih je posredio i posložio

                          čovek dao najviše igrača za repku u poslednje vreme

                          što se tiče štopera konkretno,stanje u premu mi je katastrofa,iako su se sad pojavila neka nova lica,Van Dijk izgleda pogodak,Ader je tu još od ranije ali ne može to da se uporedi sa onom generacijom Ferdinanda,Hipije,Terija,Kembela,ma kakvi,klasa iznad bez problema,pa samo Teri je u 34 prošle sezone bio bolji od većine

                          Kad Tejlor igra u Njukaslu onda ne znam šta da kažem,užaš,kao da se utrkuju ko će gore štopere dofurati,Kabul..

                          Da me ne shvati neko pogrešno,nemam ništa protiv Belgijanca,jednostavno proper štoper kome odgovara dati sistem,kao što je Kejhil to kod nas bio svojevremeno,nikad nije bio top,ali uz Terija i ostatak jakog tima,izgledao je extra,iako individualno daleko ispod nekih drugih igrača
                          Last edited by saburo sakai; 11-04-16, 00:02.
                          "When people get hurt, they learn to hate… when people hurt others, they become hated and racked with guilt. But knowing that pain allows people to be kind. Pain allows people to grow… and how you grow is up to you"


                          • Meni se svidja kod Tobya sto ima dosta dobru tehniku, brz je, jak, zna dati gol kad treba i elegantno resava situacije, dobro desi se kiks ponekad, to je normalno. Ja sam njega prizeljkivao u Arsenalu jos dok je u Ajaxu bio, no ispalio me Wenger(a povezivao se Toby sa nama).

                            Kad smo vec kod ocajnih stopera ja svrstavam i Johna O'Shea trenutno uz pomenute Kaboula,Taylora, a vala bih svrstao i Demichelisa,Lescotta pa i Mertesackera.
                            Originally posted by maliajnstajn
                            Arsenal ako uzme narednih 5 tekmi, uzima i titulu, nema previse tu filozofije.


                            • Nema greške,kakvi Kos je pristojan štoper al ne može sve sam,ti maltene imaš situaciju u premu da samo par ekipa ima dobar tandem štopera(ne pričam o kvalitetu na oko,nego o funkcionisanju ekipe skupa) a pazi sad to ti je baš kod Totenhema i Lestera koji imaju mašineriju u sredini terena,Lester kantea,popivodu...ovi Daera i ekipu

                              svaki štoper mora imati nekog da ga štiti,vi recimo imati dobrog Kosa al dzabe kad igra pored Merta,Flaminija i šta ti ja znam,Smoling isto predobar al večito negde curi
                              Last edited by saburo sakai; 11-04-16, 00:16.
                              "When people get hurt, they learn to hate… when people hurt others, they become hated and racked with guilt. But knowing that pain allows people to be kind. Pain allows people to grow… and how you grow is up to you"


                              • Arsenal to introduce amplified chanting next season

                                Concerns about the atmosphere at home games have prompted Arsenal to take some radical steps to rectify that ahead of next season.

                                Arseblog News can report that since early December of 2015, a hi-tech audio company has been employed throughout the ground to record the singing and chanting that occurs during games.

                                The plan for next season is to use the recently upgraded sound system in the stadium (installed last summer at the same time as the new floodlights) to play back some of the most famous songs to help generate and sustain an atmosphere that will help lift the team.

                                The issue was first mooted at board level in September after the 3-2 defeat to Olympiacos. One particular board member robustly complained about how fans failed to get behind Arsene Wenger’s men and how ‘you could hear a pin drop … when they stopped booing’.

                                A plan was put in place and over the international break in November, after the 1-1 draw with Tottenham, a series of dual-capsule multi-pattern mics were installed at key locations inside the stadium – in particular around the Block 6 ‘singing section’.

                                The audio captured over the last few months will undergo processing to eliminate unwanted background noise, and when things are quiet next season, this will be played back. Our source has seen internal documents which say that this is to ‘enhance the matchday experience’ and ‘provide the team with the support it deserves’.

                                “The club are genuinely concerned that people aren’t enjoying themselves as much as they should,” he or she told us.

                                “There are fantastic views, food and drink, merchandise to buy, but for some reason it can feel a bit grim during the games. This idea came directly from KSE who have vast experience of creating a good-time environment for their sports franchises. That’s where that £3m went, no question about it.”

                                As for what’s on the soon to be released Arsenal stadium playlist, he continued, “All the big ones are in there. ‘Good Old Arsenal’. ‘We love you Arsenal’. ‘Stand up if you hate Tottenham’. The new Mesut Ozil one. The lot.

                                “The best part is that they’ve reached out to some Arsenal fans who are singers to do some overdubs too. They’ve been in touch with Dido, the Spandau Ballet lads, and Roger Daltrey to see if they’ll get involved. They asked John Lydon but he told them where to stick it!”

                                With empty seats more prevalent than ever, and those in the stadium unwilling to sing at key moments for reasons that are beyond us, those quiet times will now be filled with the rich, stereophonic Dolby sound of Arsenal fans belting out the best Gooner songs, and atmospheric cheering.

                                It’s also understood that the club are not limiting themselves to just the audio, and it’s believed other measures are under consideration to try and improve matters.

                                KSE had suggested cheerleaders, going so far as to name a potential brigade, The Arse-ettes, but that was shot down as ‘too American’. However, half-time entertainment in the shape of musical acts, magicians, and even an ‘open mic’ slot for fans to do impressions of people from the football world, is very much on the cards.

                                Indeed, those who sing that they want their Arsenal back will remember the good old days when in 1992 top rave act The Shamen performed at half-time during a 1-0 win over Man City at Highbury. They did their song ‘Ebeneezer Goode’, which was number one in the hit parade at the time, before being booed off the pitch because their front-man was a Sp*rs fan.

                                Also, fans who travelled to Goodison Park for the Everton game before the international break were treated to a half-time routine from classic band The Drifters, and it’s not inconceivable that similar acts, and the likes of Transvision Vamp, Mr. Mister, and Seal could be entertaining the Emirates crowd next season.

