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  • Katastrofa ,ne volim Meclaren ali ovo trenutno je bas zalosno....


    • Originally posted by Alen P View Post
      Meklaren izgubio jos jednog sponzora, pole tri decenije saradnje odlazi Tag Heuer.
      Tag Heuer, Johny Walker... Ko im je ostao?


      • Već su ih napustili Vodafone, Santander, Hugo Boss, povlačenje je najavio i Johnnie Walker i još gomila manjih sponzora...kako su krenuli nece imati ni pare za sledecu sezonu...bas tuzno
        Last edited by dzoni gp; 19-11-15, 07:38.


        • Sta mislite sta ce da radi Mclaren dal ce da raskida saradnju sa Hondom? i kako stoje sa finansijama ako ovako nastave ima da bankrotiraju ili izadju iz sampionata....


          • Snacice se Ron Denis nekako, ako ne gresim, za razliku od Vilijamsa ili Red Bula motore dobija besplatno a mozda ima i koji dinar pride od Honde.
            Jedino me plasi ako Denis ima nenke nerascicene racune sa matorim pa je on umesao prste.


            • F1 - Alfonso Celis joins Force India as development driver

              Force India announces the signing of Mexican racer, Alfonso Celis, as a development driver. The 19-year-old will get his first experience of Formula One power behind the wheel of the VJM08 at the season-ending Abu Dhabi test – sharing driving duties with Nico Hulkenberg.

              Alfonso is one of the most promising young Mexicans emerging from the junior formulas. Following karting success in Mexico, he moved to Europe in 2013 to compete in the Formula Renault NEC championship, and progressed to the GP3 Series last year. This year he raced for ART in GP3 in parallel to a World Series by Renault programme with AVF.

              In his development role with Sahara Force India, Alfonso will spend time on the simulator at the team’s Silverstone factory. He will also take part in seven official practice sessions at Grand Prix events during the 2016 season.

              Alfonso Celis: “Ever since I started racing I’ve been dreaming of Formula One, so it’s a huge honour to begin working with Sahara Force India. It’s an amazing opportunity for me to learn about Formula One and to work closely with the engineers and race drivers. Being on the track in Abu Dhabi will be an incredible feeling. It’s going to be the biggest moment in my career and I am fully focussed on doing a good job for the team.”

              Vijay Mallya, Team Principal and Managing Director: “I would like to welcome Alfonso to the team and wish him well ahead of his debut with us in Abu Dhabi. As our development driver we will work hard to prepare him for the demands of driving in Formula One and provide a good grounding in all aspects of the job. It’s a fantastic opportunity for Alfonso to learn from Sergio and Nico, and to get valuable mileage in the car.”



              • Cosworth rules out applying for F1 engine tender

                Cosworth Engineering has decided not to pursue the FIA's alternative engine route for 2017, because the costs involved would not justify a development programme.

                The key issue is that Cosworth would have to start from scratch, as it does not have an engine which could be used as a starting point for an F1 V6 project – in contrast to other known bidders Ilmor and AER, who respectively have IndyCar and LMP1 engines that could form a base.

                "We took a look at it and looked at who the potential customers would be," Cosworth co-owner Kevin Kalkhoven told

                "And the answer is essentially Red Bull, as they don't have a long-term engine contract.

                "Then we looked at the economics of developing an engine from scratch, which is what we would have to do.

                "The economics of it just don't work out. It would cost roughly £20m to develop from scratch, with everything else that goes with it. You've also got to pay for the on-track support, as well.

                "It's also too short a time to produce an engine unless you've already got a design.

                "We could do it, but the company is extremely busy at the moment, and to take on a speculative investment without the return that our other projects bring is not good business sense.

                "So we have politely declined the opportunity to lose money!"

                Kalkhoven acknowledges that it will be hard for the FIA to create parity with the hybrid V6s.

                "How they would manage to balance the performance of two sets of engines is completely baffling."


                • Sauber and Manor seek early F1 payouts from Bernie Ecclestone

                  Manor and Sauber have become the latest Formula 1 teams to approach Bernie Ecclestone for an advance on their championship payments for next year, Autosport has learned.

                  It follows an application from Force India last month, which is believed to have been accepted.

                  The requests require unanimous consent from the other teams before F1 boss Ecclestone can facilitate them.

                  Teams receive payouts from Formula One Management on a monthly basis based on their historic status and their position in the constructors' championship the previous season.

                  These are paid February through to November, leaving a cash shortfall for December and January.

                  Key production on new cars takes place during those two months, making it challenging for some of the smaller independent teams to pay bills and suppliers.

                  Ahead of this season, Force India, Sauber and Lotus made requests for advance payments to aid cash-flow, with some suppliers asking for money earlier than usual after Caterham and Marussia went into administration, and these requests were approved.


                  • Berni je, u svom stilu, sve te ugovore bazirao na šargarepi na štapu koju možeš da pokupiš tek posle nekog vremena. Na primer, tek će sad, nakon sezone 2015. Manor moći da dobije novac koji je zaradio svojim plasmanom u sezoni 2014. Možete zamisliti koliki je to problem za manje timove...


                    • Idi Berni idi,
                      nemoj suze liti!!

                      A problem je sto se tu Berni maltene malo sta pita. Kao i Pireli. Rade kako im se kaze. Bilo bi naaajlakse da je za ovakvo kakvo jest stanje u F1, kriv samo jedan pojedinac. U ovom slucaju Berni. Ali daleko je to od toga. Koliko god da krivimo Bernia, Toda to jest FIU, i TOP timovi iz F1 imaju sudjela u tome.
                      Ajde da ne budemo toliko negativni, sacekajmo tu 2017tu, pa da vidimo ima li spasa za F1.
                      Last edited by Dule Krtola; 23-11-15, 18:31.



                        Mika Hakkinen has hit out at Pastor Maldonado, as the Venezuelan continues to divide opinion in the F1 paddock.

                        The sheer number of incidents involving the Lotus driver has inspired the website Has Maldonado Crashed, his latest contact occurring last time out at Interlagos with Marcus Ericsson.

                        Maldonado hit back at his resulting penalty.

                        “There’s a saying that rubbing is racing,” he was quoted as saying in a Lotus preview ahead of the 2015 finale in Abu Dhabi, borrowing a phrase from the Nascar movie Days of Thunder. “In Formula 1 it sometimes feels like you get penalised for every bit of contact.”

                        But retired double world champion Hakkinen thinks Maldonado should actually be receiving something more harsh than mere time penalties.

                        “If a driver does not learn from his mistakes, then tougher sanctions should be introduced for him,” he told the Finnish newspaper Ilta Sanomat.

                        “Maldonado does not seem to learn anything from his mistakes,” Hakkinen added. “I think when the other drivers race him, they never really know what he’s going to do next.”

                        Hakkinen thinks Maldonado takes an overly aggressive style into every race and situation.

                        “I could understand if you’re racing on the last laps and race victory is at stake,” he said, “but generally he should be using more common sense, definitely.”

                        At the weekend, the incumbent Argentine government lost the general election to the now president-elect Mauricio Macri.

                        Macri is a Buenos Aires native, and until now has headed the city’s local government.

                        He declared: “Argentina’s big problem today is that for four years there has been no growth, for four years no jobs have been created and now we have to get the country moving.”

                        The sport has not raced at the ageing grand prix venue in Buenos Aires since 1998, but Bernie Ecclestone said last month: “We’re talking to them and it can happen.”

                        Interestingly, the last grand prix in Argentina was promoted by the Gastaldi family. Today, Argentine Federico Gastaldi is the deputy team bo ss at Lotus.

                        Now, it is not known if Gastaldi will continue at the Enstone team next year as it transitions to ownership by the French carmaker Renault.

                        Gastaldi’s brother Marcos, meanwhile, is definitely involved in the latest race talks with F1 supremo Ecclestone, according to Reuters news agency.

                        As for Argentina’s hopes of returning to F1, Federico said recently: “Bernie had this idea to wait and see what happens with the election which is in a couple of weeks. So we might have a good chance.”
                        Last edited by Dule Krtola; 24-11-15, 10:21.


                        • "If the fastest driver is handicapped to be the same speed as the slowest driver you take away all the unpredictability out of it and the sporting element and it becomes quite tedious."

                          But Smedley


                          • Talk about budget engine for F1 a "waste of time", says Sauber boss

                            Sauber team principal Monisha Kaltenborn believes the independent Formula 1 engine proposal is a "waste of time" because it is pointless having a discussion about something that will not happen.

                            Contenders to supply the cheaper F1 engine the FIA is advocating for F1 2017 had until 4pm on Monday to register their interest with motorsport's governing body.

                            Ilmor and Advanced Engine Research are among those to put themselves forward.

                            The independent engine proposal was also on the table at Tuesday's meeting of the F1 Strategy Group.

                            But Kaltenborn feels F1 bosses have rushed into the concept without fully thinking it through and are neglecting the question of how equivalency between the budget engine and the manufacturers' current turbocharged V6 hybrids can possibly be achieved.

                            "From the logic I have to say I want a cheaper engine," she told Autosport.

                            "You have to do something which at the end of day makes sense.

                            "We should not have a discussion, in this case independent engines, which later on we know is not going to come out this way.

                            "It's more sensible to have a mature discussion about it.

                            "I don't see how it is that you can get equivalency in there.

                            "If there is a way, which I currently don't know, then tell us.

                            "We should not have premature discussions. It's a waste of time because we don't have enough information to assess how they want to implement this.

                            "If it is serious to these people, I would request more information to understand it better.

                            "If it is not serious, then I think it is better to sit down and talk about the current engine supply price."

                            The cost of a customer supply has been a cause of concern since the new 1.6-litre V6 engines were introduced at the start of last season.

                            It is understood a supply costs in the region of 20million euros and Kaltenborn has been vocal in calling for that figure to be reduced.

                            After Ferrari vetoed plans last month to cut the price to 12million euros, the FIA and Bernie Ecclestone unveiled plans to offer an cheaper alternative specification.

                            Mercedes motorsport chief Toto Wolff has already argued the proposal "will not work" and shares Kaltenborn's scepticism over performance equivalence.


                            Lewis Hamilton has revealed the inspiration that led him to become a Formula 1 driver, but reckons his five-year-old self would have preferred to be a superhero.
                            Hamilton, who secured his third F1 title at the US Grand Prix earlier this season, became interested in motor racing after getting involved with radio-controlled model car contests as a child.

                            In a new video launched today (below) the three times champion said: “Where we lived in Hatfield, there was a guy [who lived] opposite and he would build models and he had a radio-controlled car.
                            “I must have been four and this thing was super fast. He came over and let me have a go at it and my Dad couldn’t believe I was so good at it. I was bombing up and down the driveway with this thing and that’s where my Dad first saw that I was pretty awesome at it. So he bought me one.”
                            “In the countryside there was a farm where they would do radio-controlled racing, I don’t know how [my Dad] found it, probably through the model shop. I went [along] and I must have been the youngest by at least ten years and that’s when racing started.”

                            Hamilton has often described his fellow three-time F1 champion Ayrton Senna as his F1 idol, but the Mercedes driver admitted he would have wanted to become Superman if given the choice as a child.
                            He said: “I think when I was around five years old I started watching Formula 1 and I wanted to be Superman or Ayrton Senna.
                            “I would have preferred to have been Superman because that would have been pretty cool, but that’s not possible. Of course I never knew that I was going to end up being a Formula 1 driver.”

                            Hamilton also explained that his self-belief has been the key to his success and urged anyone with ambitions to never to give up on their dreams.
                            He said: “If there is something you really, really want to do, don’t let anybody tell you [that] you can’t do it. Don’t let any grown up tell you that you can’t do it. I had schoolteachers and other kid’s parents tell me that I wasn’t ever going to amount to anything.
                            “Never lose that belief in yourself because, fortunately for me, I was able to hold that belief in myself for my whole life. That belief is what got me to where I am today.”



                            • Au Hamiltone, daj više sa Sennom...


                              • Mateschitz losing patience with Red Bull F1 engine saga

                                Daj ne peglajte više. Idite iz F1, ne pravite Špansku seriju. Odlazili su mnogo veći timovi, pa je F1 preživjela.

                                Ni prvi, ni posljednji.
                                Last edited by Dule Krtola; 24-11-15, 21:28.

