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Kompjuteri, igrice, sve vezano za tehnologiju...

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  • Aooo vas dvojica... pa nisam bas toliko neuka..podrazumeva se koji kabl... ..a rekoh monitor dobar (Samsung )..

    tt sa A5 u inat Mi6

    Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
    But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.


    • Comment

      • Papi, Ljubo stigao novi update, fp prebrz


        • Sad sam ga stavio da se restartuje pa cu vidim. Ali verujem ti, jer si ipak radnik Tjomija
          Last edited by Ljuba90; 23-09-17, 13:33.


          • Odradih ga sinoć ja. Najsmešnije mi što su kao fix naveli "fingerprint wasn't fast enough" ili tako nešto. Mislim se može li bolje od onoga jbt.. i izgleda da može


            • Placebo [emoji12]

              Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro



                Valja li ovaj za tu cenu? Oko 620 eura?

                Dali ce da sljaka novu FIFU/PES?

                Znam da je lakse uzeti PC i bolji, ali meni treba laptop, ako ima neko preporuku bicu zahvalan


                • Laptop nikad za igrice.
                  UEFA Champions League (13) - RECORD, La Liga (34) – RECORD, Copa del Rey (19), Supercopa de España (11).


                  • Originally posted by Tarantula View Post
                    Laptop nikad za igrice.
                    Ne znam zasto mislis tako, ali pre neki dan je drug uzeo laptop sa mislim slabijem procesorom i5-7 generacija, a ovaj je kao sto vidim i7 sto je valjda bolji ne znam...

                    Lagano sa TVom povezes i rokali smo 2-3 sata


                    • Ovo ti je i7 šeste generacije i laptop je bomba tu nema šta.

                      Možeš rokati i 2-3 mjeseca, ništa mu neće biti. Sve do jednom. Laptop se dosta brže grije od desktopa.
                      UEFA Champions League (13) - RECORD, La Liga (34) – RECORD, Copa del Rey (19), Supercopa de España (11).


                      • Pa naravno kad je sve spakovano u malu kutijicu. Čestit pc kuler je 3x deblji od svakog laptopa. Ipak, usavršili su oni to, ima dosta dobrih rješenja za hlađenje, tako da radna temperatura ne prelazi kritičnu tačku. Osim toga, nisu svi laptopi pravljeni od plastike. Imaš ove alu varijante i tu nema mnogo problema sa pregrijavanjem.
                        " I really like Arsenal. But you, do you like Arsenal? Or just Arsenal with trophies? "


                        • Bill Gates has finally switched from the Windows Phone to an Android


                          Here's the most remarkable thing to me about Federer: Seems to me that the more you know about tennis, the more amazed you are by the guy. If you know nothing at all about tennis, he's amazing. If you know a little something about tennis—maybe you have played a few times in your life—he's more amazing. If you know a little more about tennis—maybe you played in high school and once had illusions of becoming a pro—he's even MORE amazing. And if you were a great player—if you are a McEnroe or a Connors or a Jim Courier—then Federer is preposterously amazing


                          Don't argue with idiots. They'll drag you down to their level and beat you...
                          with experience.


                          • ^ Normalna stvar... Ma verujem da je on odustao od Windows-a odavno, nego mu je samo bilo trulo da kaže


                            • Dje si krenuo Samsunze

                              Ha, lol

                              Da li Epl koristi cisti safir? Naravno da ne

                              Stizemo Samsung

                              Xiaomi Fast Closing in on Samsung Electronics in India

                              Xiaomi of China is flexing and showing off its muscles in the rapidly growing Indian smartphone market.

                              According to industry sources on September 27, Xiaomi sold 1 million smartphones in two days during big sales events at Flipkart, India's largest shopping mall and Amazon. The sales volume can translate into selling about 300 units per minute. Xiaomi needed 18 days to sell one million units at the same events last year.

                              The best-selling model was the Redmi Note 4 of Xiaomi. The Redmi Note launched in the second half of last year belongs to a mid- to low-priced smartphone group and rose to the top of the market standings as the best-selling model with a market share of 7.2% in the second quarter. The Samsung Galaxy J2 ranked third (4.3%), the Oppo A37 took fourth place (3.5%) and the Galaxy J7 came in fifth (3.3%).

                              According to market researcher Counterpoint Research, Samsung Electronics accounted for 24.1% of the market in the second quarter. Xiaomi which recorded a market share of 6.6% last year recorded 14.2% in the first quarter and 15.5% in the second quarter.

                              In particular, Xiaomi is under contracts to support offline ads with retailers to cooperate with retail outlets in order to strengthen offline sales. In the process, Samsung and Xiaomi are having a desperate struggle.

                              Since July, Samsung has stopped supplying products to more than 200 retail outlets dealing in Xiaomi's smartphones. At the same time, Samsung is supporting stores friendly with Samsung with marketing fees as part of its 'carrot and stick' strategy. However, competition is expected to intensify as Xiaomi aims to secure more than 1,000 retail partners.

                              The smartphone penetration rate in the Indian market which grew 18% last year is only 39% as of the end of last year. With a population of 1.3 billion, India is an attractive market in terms of size even compared to China. Furthermore, the Indian market has great growth potential now that people in India are still switching from feature phones to smartphones.

                              In particular, smartphone shipments hit less than 200 million units in India last year. The figure is not high compared to China which has a similar population size and shipped more than 500 million smartphones. This year, smartphone sales are expected to reach 170 million units in India.
                              Prestizemo Epl

                              Samsung tops Spain phone sales as Xiaomi overtakes Apple

                              Samsung has consolidated its position as the top-selling smartphone brand in Spain in the three months to July, accounting for 25.2 percent of all devices sold, up 0.7 percent year on year. The latest smartphone sales data from Kantar Worldpanel ComTech revealed that Huawei remained in second place with 17.0 percent of the market, down 2.7 percent, followed by local brand BQ with 11.9 percent. Chinese brand Xiaomi overtook Apple to jump up to fourth place with an 8.0 percent market share, up 2.7 percent year on year, with Apple accounting for 7.5 percent of sales and pushing LG out of the top 5.


                              • Vlajko, šta bi mogao da mi kažeš za MI 6?

                                SD 835, odlična baterija s obzirom na veličinu telefona, 6gb rama, deluje savršeno.

                                Xperia XZ1 compact deluje kao odličan telefon. Veličina kao iPhone, 4gb rama, isto SD 835, 2700 baterija. Ko voli te manje telefone, verujem da bi ovaj bio savršen.

